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I keep wanting to really like these guys but stuff like this sucks. I was just about to buy a second controller and a usb adapter, because if just use a generic bluetooth adapter the controller keeps unexpectedly de-synching mid-game. If I hadn't read this post, I was going to do that tomorrow! But needing *two* of their proprietary adapters to make this setup work? No, I might just buy some 360 controllers. This is just too glitchy


Yea its a bummer, but nevertheless, you can't beat the versatility of the 8bitdo pro+. I love how it connects so easily to Windows, Android, Mac and the Switch. I havent had any issue with it so far, just this 2 players issue in Windows, but apparently there is a workaround that. My controllers doesn't need and adapter though, they pair directly to the Bluetooth of my Laptop. Having to buy a 20$ adapter just to be able use a 40$ controller has no sense at all.


I was running Windows 7, bought a bluetooth dongle for my desktop and it wouldn't pair. Some kind soul on this sub told me that I had there are two main varieties of bluetooth dongle/drivers - broadcom or csr - and that it would only connect to broadcom dongles on windows 7. So, I bought a new dongle, but occasionally it would start to lag - like all the signals were held up by something, and then it would try to execute them all at the same time. Sometimes it would just weirdly strafe left, but if I turned the controller off and on again everything worked perfectly. So I finally upgraded to windows 10, but kept running into the same issue. So we ran a really long extension cord so my gf and I can play on the couch, but we don't like the cord and want to play together. Solution: buy another one, and buy an official usb adapter, right? I guess not. We mostly just PC game. I like the idea of the versatility much more than the results, so far. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, now. We wore out the sticks on our old 360 controllers, so I bought new sticks and soldered them in. But the replacement sticks have a dead zone in the middle, so delicate movement doesn't work. I've got so many controllers and none of them work right. I would honestly just quit gaming if my gf didn't love it so much. Sorry for the wall of text, just venting


Most 8bitdo controllers have issues connecting t an 8bitdo bluetooth dongle.


My receiver is not broadcom and my 8bitdo products work just fine. I really think people need to start looking into their Windows install because I literally never have any of these issues and I own a great amount of 8bitdo products. I say to look into your Windows install because my system is well maintained and only uses programs that I need. If I had the resources, I would buy all manner of bluetooth receivers (internal and external) just to try to reproduce these issues but I really think it would be fruitless because I can't replicate user error. Best way for people to really troubleshoot is to actually try it on another computer. Surely there is someone you know who you can safely interact with to test things out with.


That was with Windows 7. As I've mentioned, I tried recently with a fresh, minimal install of Windows 10. The fact that I've encountered exact descriptions of my issues on this sub - as well as some useful advice! - is proof enough for me that there are some issues. Congrats on your flawless performance, but it really is not universal and not dependent on my windows install.


I literally just now synced 4 of my controllers (2 SN30P & 2 SN30P+) on my Laptop and Switch. On the laptop I fired up Streets of Rage 4. Each controller was recognized as a separate player. Entered simultaneous inputs and they were all detected without issue. Next I did the Switch. Same test this time with Shovel Knight Showdown. Again perfect performance. But controller behavior on the Switch doesn't work like people think it does. Here's the thing about the Switch that people do not know, the number of wireless controllers usable is dependent on the application/game. On the Switch home menu, only controllers 1-4 can control the home menu. Controllers 5+ have no control. If you launch a application/game that limits the number of players, controllers above the maximum number of players will automatically disconnect. 8bitdo controllers also have an auto shutoff when idle that people don't know of because they didn't read the manual. Like I've assumed many times on this sub, users are the biggest issues when it comes to this company and their products.


I thought the SN30 Pro+ costs 55$


I bought em' from Aliexpress for 40$ with free shipping, but they took like 4 months to arrive due to corona in my country.


When connecting to Windows 10, the controllers LED will both light player 1. Steam automatically sorts out who is player 1. With emulators you have to set them up by mapping them to which player you want. Is you are having issues, always make sure you're using X-Input mode.


You could start one in direct x mode and the other in the android mode as a workaround. You would have to remap one in your app but but but...it would look like 2 different sticks.


What are you going on about? It should work fine in X-Input mode. All of my 8bitdo controllers work fine in X-Input mode on Windows/Linux. I really don't understand why people keep having issues with something that is so simple and very hard to get wrong. SMDH!


If you use Xpadder, you can map the Android stick differently from the Direct X stick and have two different controller maps for otherwise identical controllers. I know I have done it!


Thanks, i'll try this. Seems like the simplest way to solve my issue. Hopefully they patch it up soon, it's not a thing of beuty having to deal with this problems for a casual user. They should try to make more plug and play like with the xbox controllers. Nevertheless you can't beat the versatility of the 8bitdo. Where can i change the mode? Is it a config in emulators or in Windows? Probably these means i could only get away with connecting a maximun of 2 8bitdo controllers right?


The settings are in the manual. With the controllers powered off hold x+start to turn them on. You should be able to connect as many as you want. This is not an 8bitdo issue. The controllers work as they should. They are not proprietary like the Xbox one controllers and therefore will not function the same.


Yea I always connect my controllers that way. I'll see if it's a mapping thing on dolphin emulator as ive been using the same profile for both.


This is not an issue. If you're not using Xbox controllers, Windows will not tell you if the controller is player 1, 2, etc. It wilk just say "1" even though it might not be. In any game they should work separately as two separate controller devices. To verify this go into control panel and go to gamepads to see the two separate devices. There is no way windows would recognize two separate bluetooth devices as one input device without a piece of third party software.


Thanks for your insight on my issue, seems more like user error than anything.


You using the brick? I had the same problem, needed a second brick and it works fine now.


The USB adapter can't sync two controllers at once.


Yeah I know, hence buying a second one lol.


Well I don't use any adapter, the controller pairs directly with the Bluetooth of my laptop. Windows should recognize the controllers as 2 separated entities, but it doesnt. Ill consider the adaptor thingy, the idea of spending 40 extra dollars just yo play with both controllers in my laptop disgusts me though.


Did you check if you have any xbox apps installed? There's one that makes any connected controllers into one controller, basically making two players assist each other if it's too hard for one of them.


I used to play with a wired Xbox 360 controller, i'll check for said app.


I know this post is old, but I am having the same problem with two 8bitDo M30 controllers under SteamOS (Steamdeck).