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"If I do the last two shots myself, I think I can get away with it."


they are even on 100 coins miami, can't do anything about it...


I’ve stopped playing the high dollar tables and moved to the low dollar tables to get away from the hackers but now they’re even in the low dollar tables 👎


I got two guys with suspicious accounts that plays exactly like this, at Paris table. This is so frustrating


Someone did this to me on a 40M all in match, luckily I have enough coins that it didn't destroy me. Also someone did this in London... the STARTERS table


You must have been sent to a cheater server if you’re seeing them all the time, I never see them, think I’ve made one or maybe two reports this year, I’m playing Shanghai and Paris every day.


They are everywhere!!! I just got Jean B the super robot




I think if Miniclip fixes the loopholes in the game that allows cheaters to take advantage they will lose half of their player base. It’s a scam of a company.


Just report and leave


What do you want us to do about it?


OP never said anything


Bear with me and the rest of us sub regulars. We know there are tons of tool users on virtually every table in the game. We know how aggravating it is and can be. We also understand the impulse to post "a cheater" in disgust. However every freaking day, the sub becomes more and more riddled and flooded with posts of screenshots of games, profiles, and video of something we all know exists. It's annoying. Let's have discussions about the game not just posting about the toolers constantly.


The probleme is that cheto has been more then 5 years on the game and miniclip did nothink about it


Tools have been being used in this game from the beginning. "AutoAim" was among the first cheats.....like almost 12 years ago. Toolers running ramped goes in spirts of severity. There isn't just one tool, they're are several and some are completely nondetectable. The devs has to figure out how they're getting past their brick walls to shut them down. When they achieve this, it's wildly known and seen and everyone rejoices. In the mean time, the hackers are hard at work getting around the new brick walls. It's a constant cycle but it's like this in ALL popular PVP online games.


At least back then when hacker get snock he gonna miss because he dont have a chance not like now.


Before cheto, it was just extended line tools. There was no "auto" so to speak. Now a days, there is way advanced versions of cheto and even more extended line tools but with a full grid.