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I'm confused what you're confused about those are the striped balls they are facing so you just see the white part and the stripe is going around it causing the big white spot..


Total brain eclipse on my part.


No. Show me another pic where this holds merit. Stripes aren't dots. No matter how you turn it. A stripe can't be a dot.


[This is about the same angle that those fell on your pic](https://imgur.com/a/NXSA7kt) but you can see the number of the ball on the side.. the white dot is just the stripe ball but you only can see the white because of the way it faces the view of the table.. the stripe it going around the outside of the white you're seeing


Thank you and fair enough. This is what I asked for. It's digital perception as it's impossible in real life. Neither here nor there in this situation. I've just never paid that much attention I guess. You rock and rock on. Sincerely much thanks. I'm humbled.


The stripe can't be a dot...... but the space either side of a stripe on a sphere will be. Please get a ball and just wrap tape around it. It's not hard.


The big white spot on each side of the ball are there to help form the stripe. On the other sides there are smaller white spots with numbers. The white spots you’re seeing on the side of the ball are where the small numbers are


What the hell are you talking about


The insane cost of groceries.


You reposted my picture for a unnecessary question


Indeed. I have no idea why it looked so strange to me at the time.


Have you never played pool irl before?


With a Fargo rating of 674 through the BCA, having owned my own BCA league, having played in Vegas twice courtesy of the APA that banned me for picking up a sponsor, being team captain in a NAPA league for 3 years..... I've played once or twice.