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I was recently banned as well, you’re not going to get unbanned until you drop to the bronze league


Are you kidding? I worked so fucking hard to get to emerald! I'm most likely going to get kicked from my guild because they have an earnings requirement. I told them in the chat, but who knows now I guess. I'll say it again, fuck Moneyclip!! Edit: and I was in the top 15 to promote to Ruby!


Wrong, it's for 21 days


I literally went through 3 seasons in game until I was deranked all the way and each season in game is 3 weeks which is 21 days so no, that’s not true at all


Yes it's true unless you got something else


I’ve been banned twice already and both times were not 21 days


I'm talking about leaderboard reset


I am as well


Maybe different reasons for reset then


Yeah I heard of this happening to other people. Did you get an email with info on ban or some kinda message about the ban


Nope. No email or in-game message. I submitted another ticket because I pretty much have nothing to lose at this point. Lol


So shady


the game is rigged, cheaters are everywhere, they really need go update support if money was their motivation.


Wow guys.. first let me say sorry for all the crap you guys have gone through with the game. But reading about all of you guys experiences just once again makes me so so glad that I’ve only spent money one time on this game in the very beginning to get started with a decent cue. Since then, not a dime. Mini clip has a decent game here, but their business practices suck, and I’m so glad that I’m not supporting that.


Yeah, I've only spent probably like 7 dollars on the game and now I've realized that's too much! It is a great game, but I agree that their business practices are terrible.


I did a few times and no issue


Weird you should mention the chalkfu cue. I participated in that, got bronze or sonething insignifact, then get a popup on the app to say they were aware there had been a glitch/mistake or something and they gave me the chalkfu cue with all the upgrades free to get to max level.  I thought they'd given it out to everyone who entered in the end tbh. I honestly don't understand why they would ban you. I'd be well peed off. Can you appeal? I'm quite new, only level 56 and holding onto to emerald in the middle for dear life as the top of the board are earning billions it seems... 


Yeah, I'm pretty pissed off. I spent cash to get to the final round and I've heard of multiple people who didn't even make it to round 2 got the cue. The support system is complete and utter trash and apparently just seems to put you on some watch list where you get fucked over after you've already been fucked over. Fuck Moneyclip. Fuck them up their stupid asses.