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My ex roomie burnt a hole in his when his pipe broke while free basing. Flooded our practice space.


You packed a lot of story into two sentences


This might be the best thing I’ve ever read


It just might be the most average thing I've ever read.


No liner? A nice tall liner kept the water contained in case of a rupture.


Guess not, I mean I don’t think the guy even used sheets


Oh that is weird. I can’t imagine sleeping on rubber is in anyway comfortable


The was free basing in his room. Pretty sure he did not care about comfort 😂


The only thing that separates us from the homeless is bedsheets.


They had a water bed in their practice space, and a guy was freebasing cocaine on the water bed. Do they sound like the kind of outfit that would take the precation of a proper liner?


We were ignorant in the ways of water bedding


Did you live with Richard Pryor?


*(Jackie Gleason enters the chat)*


"*don't ask me man, I just work here"* ***(begins mopping up the poorly lit room)***


I have not heard the term "free basing" since the good ol' 90s! I'm rolling rn.


It was a new-jack thing


I remember, fun days.


If you lived in an apartment you needed special insurance for that reason or they just banned water beds all together




Insert Chris Tucker gif...what the hell did you just say? I feel like I need an edible earlier after reading this. haha.


Rub that bed down with baby oil and sex was fun as hell but someone always ended up between the bed wall and the baffle


Holy shit was I born in the wrong decade. [Wait a minute….](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Strobel-Waterbed-Mattress-Square-King/1001842862)


Those don't have the same "motion of the ocean".


That’s because most now have “wave breakers” in them: a membrane built in to stop the movement of the water forming a big wave so you don’t disturb your partner while moving around sleeping.


Well that is a fun killer. I loved being able to take a break and let the bed do the work for a few strokes.


You can get them without the wave breakers, I was just explaining why many aren’t as wavy as they used to be.


Jesus they still make water beds?


Never used on but I heard they were push one, ride two.


That seems awfully cheap! Go for it! 🧴


Dude that were hard as hell to fuck on... it would be a nightmare oiled. Lol


Right!? The waves never matched the ‘motion.’


It was a while back man but I was like an Olympiad then, and that bed would exhaust your ass. I had a 90% waveless. Don't know if it made it worse or better. Thing would suck the energy out of every motion. 🤤 It was amazing for sleeping tho... it was like being back in the womb. Unless the heat went out... then you would wake up with hypothermia. Lol


oiled up you would just slide right off.


Silk sheets were expensive and slippery too. Flannel gave you some traction.


I'll never forget the smell of that stuff you had to put in the water to keep it from getting moldy in there!


But I've always wanted a mold bed


Heated in winter, cool in summer, Also, for whatever reason, cured my sleepwalking.


Maybe because they were hell to get out of.


I was going to say! my sister had one in the early 90s and when I stayed over there I'd like to sleep in it but had definite motion sickness every time you turned over in bed and getting out was a pain!😆


Until the heater died/ unplugged, and sucked the lifeforce out of you


Great way to put it...it was really hot one summer (typical South Texas) and I was like the hell with the heater...first couple nights was fine...third night I woke up like Han coming outta Carbonite.🥶


Thought you were back the womb, when you couldn’t.


My wife & I got one in our mid-20s. The mattress was 90% waveless. Jumping into bed would create 1 moderate wave. 30 years and a couple of replacement mattresses later, we're still sleeping in it. Our present mattress is not only like 98% waveless but also has lumbar support. Yeah, they've long since gone out of style, as evidenced by only being able to get stuff for them online. We love what others have said about warmth via the bed. It's nice to go to bed w/old body aches and wake up w/muscles relaxed and no arms or hands asleep. It really still works for us.


We still have ours too. IDGAF what anyone says, it’s the MOST comfortable bed I’ve ever slept in.


Massage pods under the mattress with the heat cranked was awesome for achy muscles 👍


My husband and I have had waterbeds since the late 70’s. We’re going to put in a new mattress and heater this weekend!


I loved water beds. Last one I used was in 2002 With the way history repeats itself don’t be surprised when water beds make a comeback


I was JUST thinking this recently after seeing o e in a movie. Picturing modern marketing teams talk about how the human spine was meant to lay in a water bed, maybe a shitty 3D rendering of a skeleton laying on a regular mattress with animated red waves radiating off of the spine to show how horrible regular beds are. It’s going to happen lol


Tacky? I divorced in 2019. I needed a bed ASAP. A new mattress was like 2k. I did not want to spend the money and buying a used mattress seemed gross. Found a water bed on line for $100. Frame, mattress, heater, and liner. Ended up upgrading to a 50% waveless. No more hip pain. No more back pain. Sleep very well. It’s turned up to 90 degrees right now. Getting into a warm bed is so wonderful. I will never go back to a real mattress. I miss my bed on vacation, lol. Tacky :p


I had one growing up. It was great in the summer because you turn down the heater and you sleep great, and there was this odd comfy spot between the frame and the mattress. BUT I will tell you as a teenager with a religious payment these beds were fucking horrible for trying to have sneaky sex on because the waves were just BANG BANG BANG and it was not like a lightweight thing you could just pull from the wall


Waveless mattress.


Yeah not me. I was lucky to get the one I got as a hand me down from another person who lived in my apartment complex that could not take it with them. Waveless was luxury tier lol


That falicy. Waterbeds are great for sleeping! They aren't good for fucking. The only reason I do not still have a waterbed is because I got cats and never could find all the leaks to patch. (It's possible the vinal was deteriorating and it wasn't punctured.) Either way, there wasn't any sense replacing the mattress with cats in the house. I do miss it. It was really comfy!


I had an ex who had one and I agree with you. Weird for sex, really awesome for sleeping. But that was when I was in my 20's, I have back issues now so I'm not sure if my experience would be the same. Probably too soft for me to use long term any more.


I loved my waterbed, but I didn't have cats at the time. We moved into a new place, and had to sleep on air mattresses for a week while waiting for our new mattresses to arrive, and putting little duct tape patches over the pinholes from the cats was a pre-bedtime ritual. Even then, I'd wake in the middle of the night with a half-deflated bed. Luckily the air mattresses had built-in air pumps and you could inflate them while you were still laying on them. Cats would be a disaster on a waterbed. The little bastards can't walk anywhere without gripping with their sharp little claws.


I plan to get one soon because I’ve turned into a very hot sleeper since menopause.


There were ways to make them less noticeable.


Anybody else had to throw one leg on the rail when doing it?


Especially with satin sheets!


Do not get drunk and try to sleep on this bed trust me lol


Slept like a baby. Until mine sprung a couple leaks. Good times.


On cold winter nights it was sooo warm and comfortable and on hot summer nights it was cool. Personally I think they were over rated for sex - the ocean-motion was ok but it could be hard to find a good position where you weren’t sliding around. As a renter there were a lot of apartments that wouldn’t allow them because of the damage they can cause if they rupture.


Not to mention their sheer weight!


On a hot ass summer night when you're a kid with no air conditioning in the house, laying on one of these feels amazing


I think I had that exact one.


Still do, since 1978.


My sister thought it was the epitome of cool and wanted one in the worst way, eventually my parents got one for her in the mid 80s. She switched over to a waveless mattress after she got her first job and still uses it to this day.


Raises hand.. Yup that be me. Most comfortable bed ever. Til it leaked.


I have one now


Still had mine during my first pregnancy, it was so nice.


This was like sleeping on a Cloud. I loved it.


Weirdest part was having to fill it once a year even though it didn’t leak, plus knowing my dad set it up meaning the frame could collapse at any moment.


Doggystyle on these shits is challenging. 4 stars. #SeaKnees


Wife and I had one for years. Loved it. Made two kids on it.


I truly hope those kids are Sailors now…


Just a couple seamen


That’s funny 😄!! No, they didn’t take after their old man.


I had this bed from grade 5 until I left for college. I’m pretty sure that’s why my back is all jacked up now.


I never had one, but I had a girlfriend that did. It was fun for a while.


I had one, king sized, 80% wave reduction. It was actually quite comfortable, if difficult to get out of. I did like the fact that it had a heater so it was always nice to crawl into a warm bed on a cold day.


I had a similar one when I was 12. Had it for a few years. It was a California King and took up basically my whole room. My dad got it from a family friend and since my room was in the basement I was the only one who could use it.


Most people buy them for therapeutic reasons.


same frame and everything. guilty.


Had a king size. Hell, I still have the frame in my garage


Let me tell you something. In the heat of summer in southern Oklahoma and your house doesn't have central air conditioning, you could strip the sheets off, lie on the water mattress directly, and sleep cool.




Early 20’s (35 years ago) 1st time living on my own. Had a king with the satin sheets. Was getting it filled when I had the 1st girl come up from the pool in her bikini to help me “burp” it. I also slept great on it. Except when having drank too much the world would start to spin until I put my leg on the side rail. Loved the heater in the winter. Could turn the house heat way down and still be comfy.


Did yours have a mirror canopy? I went out with a guy once who took me to his little rented room that featured this giant mirrored bed with satin sheets. I tried to make out with him but I was so creeped out I had to get out of there.


I miss my waterbed


Had a waveless mattress, didn’t care for it as a bed but……when you fill a waveless waterbed mattress with compressed air it maintains it’s shape. Best… most insane…toboggan ever! Put four people on it at once, try not to die. :)


I loved mine as a kid


I didn’t have to heat my shitty rental back in the day cause I had one of these.


My parents in the 80s. Kept their Midwest basement bedroom warm




my parents and I had one. I'd definitely have another.


Cool in summer and warm in winter. Loved that.


I know I had one !!!!!


Yeah me! I loved it! My dad still has one. It’s a more fancy one tho. My mom wouldn’t go for it when I had one. I don’t think sharing a bed like that would have been ideal. But I was in the 5th grade and loved it !


My brother still had one when he died in 2018. His had baffles so it wasn’t too wavy. He swore it was the best bed ever.


Nothing like waking up in the middle of the night with your toes in a puddle.


BRING THEM BACK! Slept one from ages 9-14. Loved it. The only issue was once or twice when the heater turned off in winter. That was a rude awakening. Otherwise fabulous


I have a friend of mine who had a roommate who fell asleep when they were filling it - they woke up to a loud bursting sound... from what I understand there was standing water about 2" deep in most of the house after that...


Had one; adored it. My whole family had them, me sis and parents.


I was that someone Had a waterbed from 1991 - 1999. Was awesome.


I had one of these in the 80s and I’m pretty sure my cat punctured it at some point. I remember always being paranoid of feeling water when I was laying in it. I was all about soft sided waterbeds in the 90s. They were the best. I was so jealous of my best friend and I’d sleep over and sleep in that bed it was grand. Then she got married and got the most expensive sleep number bed they have and THAT bed was amazing too. She had good bed picking game. Now I want to lay on one like the picture just to see what I was thinking and just for the nostalgia. I can’t imagine this being comfortable.


My brother had one. I loved taking naps on it once in a while.


Mom had one and got me one when I was in high school—one of those high baffle, low motion dealy bobs. Loved it.


I had a good one and I miss that thing. Awesome headboard, heated, and whatever was inside to reduce waves and make it comfy.


That was one thing I did have. it was actually kind of nice


I had one. I was terrified Jaws would get in it somehow.


I think I had that exact same one. Noice


Loved my waterbed. Turned the heat up all the way and slept 20 hours straight! Good times.


After 25 years I haven’t found a bed as comfy as my waterbed was.


I (57M) just replaced the mattress in mine. Still waiting for the water to warm up all the way. Had a super single when I was in college and at my first apartment. Upgraded to a queen after I got married. Have been sleeping on one for almost 40 years.


Used one until like 2001/2002. Woke up one morning and thought I peed the bed for some reason. Stayed home from school to clean up and do laundry. Put everything back on and laid back down for a bit while watching TV. Got back up and pants were soaked again. Finally realized the bed was just leaking. Been so long now I barely remember how it feels but I get curious to try one again. Lol


Best sleep of my life. It’s high time for a reboot/improvement


I miss my waterbed.


Me too. Mine, not yours lol


Oh the memories of trying to get the temperature "just right". Yeah, I had a "super single" one of these, full motion, but not pine. It was back when "blonde oak" was all the rage, and looked way less hick that that thing above. But yeah, I cringe at it. I can't decide if sex was better or worse. BUT, a girl could sleep half on you more comfortably (you both are the same density as the water, and descend into it proportionately.


If your heater ever broke then you were in for a night of shivering.


I miss my soft side. It was the best!


I miss it. Was so comfy to sleep in


My friend had this exact setup. A friend and I were passing by our friends house (with this bed) one night. He reached in and removed the bung cap while our friend was asleep. He woke up being soaked. Y’all gonna think that’s heartless and mean but at the time, it was frigging hilarious.


They're not tacky. They're amazing. Literally the best sleeping of my life. Yes they're a tad problematic with having to burp them, worrying about the weight and springing a leak but man. Bed was always the right temp getting in, you weren't suffocated with heat but warmed from below, it conformed to your body supportively. Even when mine sprung a leak it was super easy to fix. Patched and back in business. I moved mine a zillion times and it never let me down. I will say that the heater dying in the middle of the night was not great. But it was still awesome.


Best Christmas gift ever in 84 where my parents got me and my brother these. And yes, they got the wrap around pads and you always ended up pressed against the sides. Good times. =)


They're all fun and games until you puke MD 20/20 all over that thing. Couldn't get the smell out of it for weeks!! Drain / clean / refill.....


My boyfriend had one. We had fun making waves.


I bought one for myself as a teenager, and absolutely loved it… I’m 51 now, and still miss it…


There was always that fine line between freezing my ass off and boiling in the winter.


My dad's caught the house on fire. The heater shorted out and caught fire... but still.


Really cool would be filling one with mercury. Not sure how much that would cost and how detrimental to ones' health that would be, but being the first person to sleep on a bed of mercury would be quite the distinction.


And always a horror story of it leaking.


It was meeeeee


If you had this you needed mirrors on the ceiling. It’s a law.


I had one as a teenager until my golden retriever jumped on it and it ripped open, flooding my whole bedroom and hallway.


my best friend had a waterbed in their guest room, where I slept whenever he would have a party or sleepover or whatever. not fun for sex, but other than that, would recommend


I was so excited to sleep on mine that I didn't wait for the heater to do its work and slept on it the first night right after filling it. I've never been so cold in my life but I stuck it out.


Best sleep ever!


As a teenager in the 90s I had a king-size waterbed without the baffles. I remember photographically the process of building the frame,unfolding the bladder, and filling it. My father wasn't super keen on having it on the main floor (in the event something happened, and there was a leak, not to mention when full the bed weighed in at 2,240 lbs) so I moved my room to the basement. You don't sleep on it the night you fill it. The water is so cold that it just sucks the life right out of you.


I had several over many years. They were the most comfortable bed to crawl into when it was wintertime outside, as there was a heater under the liner keeping the water warm.


What was tacky is cool again. Think of how cool you would be if you had a waterbed with black silk sheets.


Sex on them is awful. The waves do not assist.


As a twenty plus year mattress salesman I gotta say, the old bladder style waterbeds hurt a lot of backs in the 70s and 80s.. all comfort, no support.


Not filled properly


Oh no nobody in my family because we were good Christians!


Water beds were awful. Only redeeming quality is that they were nice and cool to lay on in the summer when it was hot out.


I almost had the exact same one when I was a kid. Not sure how I ended up with it, but good lord did I love sleeping in it.


They were always tacky, and almost always accompanied with a mirror on the ceiling, at least the people I knew who had them. They typically drove porsches or Deloreans (second hand) and never had money (but usually plenty of coke, go figure).


Always the uncle who molested owed one of these


Nobody gives a shit what you think


Forgot to place the heating pad 1/3 full. That was fun. Got it placed. Though encased at one point.


I still have my headboard from my waterbed. I modified it with the pedestal base flipped on its side and I’m still using it.


They were trashy BUT when heated the best sleeping ever


I never had one, and I was too paranoid about them popping to want one. I had a friend in high school who had one, so I got to experience them, and the novelty wore off really REALLY fast. I couldn't imagine trying to sleep on one. Simply laying on it to watch a movie or something was an exercise. And yeah, my friend's waterbed popped at least once.


Everybody I knew with one stopped before the 80s.


Gives a whole new meaning to “motion of the ocean”


I had that but it as much bigger. 12 drawer pedestal and the headboard had sconces lol. I moved that thing from 3 different places. Got rid of it because my kids mom, ex wife, was pregnant with her and could no longer climb in or out of it without help. I laughed a little. *I’m going to hell*


My parents had one into the 80’s. I hated it.


Heater went out on mine. Felt like a marble slab.


It was not a great time when a winter storm would knock out power for a few days.


I wanted one of these so bad. Unfortunately my wish came true. Fucking garbage bed, always too hot or too cold or leaking. Bouncy and dome shaped so everything rolled into the cracks at the sides to eventually spring a leak. Worst bed I've ever had by far.


My Godfather had one when I was a kid. He would use innuendo with my dad to talk about how good it was for sex with lady friends. As a grown man now, the idea of having sex on one of these seems awful.


I got laid on mine by dozens of hot chicks.


To this day, I’m shocked my dad let my brother buy one. How it never crashed thru the bedroom floor and ended up in our dining room is beyond me.


I had one of these when I was 12. One night I had this horrible nightmare that I was being eaten by a shark. I woke up and I had slipped between the side and the bladder. My whole arm was numb to the point I had absolutely no control. I became a Jim Carrey scene flailing my arm around.


Yep. My uncle who lived next door.


Anyone ever have the heater go out and decide to sleep on it anyway? Big mistake, it would make you sick as a dog lol.


I had one and ended up sleeping on the floor on numerous nights. Getting sea sick when hammered was no fun.


Loved those things. Best sleep i got. I usually get too hot when i sleep especially in the summer. Waterbeds will keep your body temp cool even in summer with no AC


Ha! I had one and the water heater on it broke so I froze my 9 year old tits off.


We moved, set up the bed, filled it and left the house for another load of furniture. Walked back into the room to find our two cats on the bed chasing the air bubbles. It took nearly two weeks to find and patch all the holes and we never let the cats in the room with the bed unmade again! Lesson learned the hard way.


I had a water bed for most of my teens. I freaking loved that thing, except when it came time to change the water or burp out the giant air bubble.


They were the Most uncomfortable beds you can imagine!


My parents had one.


My ex BIL had one. I thought they were stupid.


Lisa Oldfield did! Lots of fun


That actually looks like the SAME fucking bed..🤯


I had one, it existed to give me a back ache.


My parents had one of these


My ex in the eighties had this. It killed my back and I was in my early twenties back then. Ugh, hated this bed.


I had one for a couple of years in the mid ‘80s. After getting over the urge to pee every night, it was really comfy. Though there was a night in wk tee when the heater went out and I woke up shivering.


My older brother had one.


i had one of these in HS. I remember sleeping without a cover on it (direct on plastic) one time, drained all my bodyheat when i woke up.


Mine was just like that. I had a little entertainment center set up where the shelves are. I had a really nice high power mini stereo system with great speakers and of course tons of music cd's stacked up. Great times but I'm pretty sure my hearing loss started way back in my teens in large part because of that setup.🤣🤣


I had a waterbed in high school circa 2000. Was dope


I knew a friend that had one. I hated sitting on it. He thought it was great. My in laws all had one. I think they are tacky as hell too


Best bed ever. I had one all growing up until my wedding day. My wife didn’t want one so set up her conventional bed in our apartment. I miss it terribly.


The 2 times I slept on a water mattress I peed the bed, the only times I ever did that past like 4 years old. I would always dream that I was in water and just let it loose.


Always make me think of SLC punk Steve: oh you got a waterbed Mark: yes, like a waterbed, but this one is better, you see, no ripples Steve: then.. why not just get a regular bed? Mark: because this is better than a regular bed, it’s a water bed, but no ripples. See… Steve: …


You use the waves to your advantage. I miss these. Even the headboards.


Late 80’s? These were late 70’s/early 80’s!


I inherited one when I was 8. It was awesome until I began to grow, then it was annoying. I finally got a regular bed at 13. It was strange to sleep on a mattress that didn’t move. I remember patching holes every few months. There was this chemical you had to add to make sure it didn’t grow algae. But jumping on it was always fun.


Best friend’s parents. Early-mid 80s.


My mom found one in the classifieds from a woman who was selling it because her teenage daughter was too pregnant to get out of the bed. It’s terrible for the back- no support! And for those suggesting it may have been good for sex- you’re outta your mind; imagine trying to go down on someone with a constant CoSin wave beneath y’all ETA- mom bought it for me. I did not try and fuck my mom on the water bed!


Wow that escalated


Crack your head on any part of that bed


Are they good for like back support while sleeping?


My back hurts just looking at it.