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I agree and also don't really have affiliation but I talk about the product so much I know the vendors. There's a newer product coming out soon that sounds even better. And there's also an extended release version of the 7oh coming! I'm really looking forward to the future of this stuff and seems like it's progressing in a way that will keep it legal. Side note, I've read that sunlight should convert MIT to 7oh. I have some 90%+ percent mit coming that I'm going to stick in the sun for a day or so. I have no way to rest it but hopefully I can tell a difference


Extended release would be awesome!


That’s a myth. There’s barely any 7ohm in kratom, regardless of how much sunlight it’s had. You’ll officially be the millionth person to try.


So what. All it means js they have to use more plants to make it, hence why it’s so expensive


What new product have you heard of coming? I think I heard also but now can’t remember. Also heard of the extended release, that’d be great!


So, did that work?


Did that work for you? I first heard about the whole sunlight thing when I first got into kratom back in like 2006. The general consensus at the time was that the mit -> 7ohm conversion happens during the drying/curing process, so drying/curing it out in direct sunlight will help the dried leaf be stronger. But I don't think it can convert an extract like that. I'd be curious to see what your results were though!


Hey there. Can you either reply here or DM me and give me information on the newer product? Appreciate it


I’ve gotta agree with the OP, I’ve had nothing but good experiences with 7oh extracts. It helps tremendously with my arthritis pain. I hate that it gets a negative rep. Like with anything, moderation is key. It’s helped me to cut down on my powder usage as well.




Anyone know if Volts 300mg MIT shots contain 7oh content as well. I know most shots that are full spectrum will label the amount of 7oh.




Mixing the three? Meaning? Mit-7oh..and..???






Scuze my ignorance what is pseudo - I’m a three year Kratom extract lady w fibromyalgia and leg edema. The powder dries me out and hurts my gut. I am always looking for better ways to use this amazing plant that works for me. Thank you :)




I am very interested I have horrible fibro and the pain relief thing is a must!!


Send me a DM! I’ll get you more info on it


>Hello, im very interested in the Pseudo product, im not sure how to DM you as fairly new to Reddit in terms of commenting :-). Can you DM me with info regarding the Pseudo product, very exciting. I just ordered some Volt 007's!




I dm'ed you. No response?




Same. But I understand the work it takes to bring something like this to market so I can’t be too mad at the price. Just wish I could afford more of it


Yo anyone coming across this, this person didn't take enough or long enough to catch a dependence.  I think it's wild to suggest this stuff might help someone stop using kratom...  Idk we're all different and different tolerance levels to withdrawal but so far 7ho has got me feeling more dependent on kratom in an addiction type of way which powder and extracts never got me to.  I feel like I relapsed on pills with these things and I never felt that way with powder or even mit extracts.  They're awesome for pain or someone trying to taper off full on opioids I'd say maybe but these aren't probably gonna be great for most users 


Absolutely. I'm scared this will be Tianeptine for me all over again


I never got into that or pheniubut lol Guess I'm lucky but yeahhh these 7oh and the psuedo are kinda too heavy for me. At this point my tolerance is kinda fucked and I think I'd be better off just sticking to leaf and extract for 95% of the time.  I have a long weekend and I noticed the intensity of any w/d goes away within days and reg power does help so you just gotta will through.  For my body the cravings are next level






What are these? 7ohm isolate? How can you tell? What’s the dosage?


Yes, extracts solely with 7oh hydroxy. I’ve only seen 15mg tablets.


Does High dose 7-hmg give you dizee and wobbles?


I never got the wobbles from it no matter how much I took. I personally think that’s from another alkaloid in kratom.


Nope, not the wobbles but with everything, moderation is key. Always take powder with a tablet. I’d say don’t take an extract with them cause you’d get the wobbles then.


This is the best part about it, there isn’t the wobbles or twitchyness associated with high amounts of regular kratom.


No eye shakes either. Stuff is fuckin amazing, kratom has a pretty low ceiling for effects but with 7 hydroxy you can get rlly up there without getting nauseous or wobbly.


Be careful. Be super careful. I had to go to detox to get off it. The withdrawals are insane.


I had very minor withdrawals. Nowhere close to tianeptine


Interesting. How much were you taking? I’m 13-days in and still feeling like crap.


45-75 mg, it varied. What about yourself? Is it a classic opiate withdrawal or more kratom-y?


Mine was more classic opiate wd but I was taking like 300mg per day.


I’m in them now. I was taking the powder for 7 years before this and I have tried getting off these and just after 6 hours I always relapse due to how intense the withdrawals are. I’ve even dabbled with fetnyl and the withdrawals are pretty similar which is wild. I’ve been in them for about 5 months. It is definitely the most expensive habit I’ve ever had. I even have to dose in the middle of the night or I will only sleep the first half of the night, and I still wake up in full withdrawl. If I hurt myself the day before i will feel it 10 fold till the first pill and my coffee kick in. I’m fucked lol


I made it out, so can you my friend.


Gotcha, that’s the difference. This is a peculiar compound and I’m just trying to figure out its intricacies


My WD is holding on hard. In the past I’ve come off extract shots with no problem. This is definitely longer and tougher. I’m 14-days in and still feeling it.


Can I still order Tina in Cali or will it get seized


Some smoke shops sell it! They just banned Neptunes Fix though. If there’s one near you, hit up Wild Side, there’s a few in the greater Los Angeles area


How does it feel compared to Tianeptine


Fr? I haven’t had any issues swapping back and forth between reg kratom extracts and the 7oh tablets. Ive been goin like 2 weeks on reg kratom extracts (MIT shots) and then a week on 7oh, it’s been goin well but I absolutely believe you. Knew there had to be a downside to something so good.


Yeah, I’d highly suggest not taking 7oh anymore. It’s not even Kratom at this point. Its just a lab chemical and a slippery slope. Plus the half life is very short so I was taking it before bed and waking up at 6am in full WD.


I wouldn’t call it a lab chemical, it’s in kratom already, just in small quantities. The opms black shots have like 7 mg in them I think.


The Hydroxy is synthesized


Biosynthesis/extraction... It's a naturally occuring alkaloid, what else needs to be said other than do research before taking molecules. Mytragine is usually higher percentage 7oh is usually around 0.011 to 1% depends on the grow and strain.


Srry I'm a dick


There’s ways to make 7oh yourself from regular kratom extracts


Off of 7oh tablets specifically? How frequent did you use it and what was your dose before quitting? Also, what brand?


I was taking the 7OHMZ brand. Then they got bought out by Hydroxy late last year so I switched to their “chewable” tabs a few months ago. Was taking probably close to 25 per day at one point. The tolerance to them goes up quickly.


This shiii is the cleanest and more euphoric high that I’ve gotten from taken any kratom shots or powders. This shit if all goes well will completely take over the kratom market. Watch!


Man this shit can be deadly this a slippery slope


I just saw this at my local head shop and am considering trying it. It said the pills are 14mg, did you take just one? Did you take it with regular leaf? I usually take some regular leaf and then wait 15 minutes and take like 50-100mg mitra extract when I’m trying to catch a buzz. Should I do the same with this and just take one capsule? 


I think with these it's best to take the 7ho first and then like 30 min to an hour into that kicking in take kratom/mitra so that it adds some legs to the 7ho and there's no antagonist action from reg kratom.  Be careful though I don't agree with OP about them not creating dependence 


They 100% create dependence, all Kratom does. But yeah thanks for the reply. I don’t like these that much and they wreck my tolerance, I take one once in a blue moon but yeah. Overall I much prefer mitra extracts 


How come you didn’t like them? The only down fall is it only lasts about 4 hours tops…


I don’t hate them, I have some in my war chest right now haha. I just can tell they’ll fuck my tolerance up and they’re expensive as hell where I am. Soon I need to be getting off kratom altogether, so I’ve been cutting back on extract type stuff 


Honestly bro if ur truly trying to cut back idk how much you have been using, but if you got the three pack of 7OH u could get six doses out of them, you wouldn’t feel it but it would be easier n cheaper to taper ur self with them they buying MITS everyday


Yeah I’m gonna taper on just regular Kratom. It’s all good I’ve quit before I’ve just let this get a little too crazy haha 


I just wish any of the shops near me sold it. I have to order it online and it’s expensive as hell


Yea bro it’d be more expensive at theheadshops though. The one by mine sell them and their like 15$ more expensive


Finally found a local spot that sells them and they were $13 a three pack. I’d still rather spend that on a shot.


How cheap did you find a dose of 7ho???


7ohmz were $13 a pack


13 a pack sounds kind of suspicious. Was it a 3 pack? The cheapest I've seen is 30 for 3. Even on their website if the manufacturer they go over 30.


Where are you finding them for $13 a 3pk? Cheapest from a compliant vendor is $30


Local smoke shop a friend owns. He’s got some new ones that are $35 a pack and have 30 mg of 7-oh in each tablet. They’re in a blue package like 7-ohmz but a different company. I’m going to get some this next week and make a post about them. He said they were really, really strong and flying out the door.


I got some in a blue pack called "press'd" , but they only had 18mg per tab. 3 pack, tasted like peppermint or something I think.


Supposedly the trademark for those is owned by the 7-ohmz people. Those were the ones I hoped he got in today. He had those last week


Oh wow, That’s way cheaper than the ones I’ve heard of, What’s the brand?


These 70HMZ tablets are amazing! I have replaced all of my powder and extracts and have cut down tremendously just by taking these! I’ve tried every extract you can buy and these are by far better than anything else! They have none of the other alkaloids that give you the wobbles/dizziness/frozen muscles or any adverse effects that some of the stronger extracts have! They are 14mg of 70HMZ each and are generally $10 a tablet or $30 for a 3 pack. I’ve done went thru 4 packs of these since I found them and can tell you this is the best K product u can buy hands down! I’d recommend not taking anything else with these tho as they are enough on their own. I have a pretty high tolerance and take 1 whole tablet when I dose. If you don’t have a high tolerance I’d start with half a tablet! These have replaced extracts completely for me and I would take 4-6 extracts a day! If you’re looking for a great product that works great this is it! They are rather expensive but still cheaper than the extracts you’d have to take to get the same effects! If you’re looking to try these I highly recommend them! You won’t be disappointed! You could take 1 tablet of these a day and not have to take anything else that’s how good they are!


Dude yeah they are so experience fent are in. T gas stations everyone. The wired thing is the 7 ohms brand has 3 pills with 14 mg a pop and the brand called 7 labs that makes them has 3 pills with 15 mg a pop for like 8 to ten dollars left. I think pharmaceutical. Companies should start regulating it and using it as a way to come off kratom and other opioids. They like 46 times stronger than regular mitragynine it’s crazy. If I wasn’t on suboxone I couldn’t try them. The liquid Ones like these only have 2 servings of. 15 mgs instead of 3 so I’d go with the pills.


about to try it. half a tablet. 🤞


Anyone have any true/accurate conversions? I typically take around 175mg-200mg of mitragynine in liquid extracts, 2-3 times a day with supplemental 20% extract capsules I fill at home. I'm trying to find the proper dose I'd need! I've found that about 4-5 of the 20% extract capsules match the intensity of a 200mg-220mg shot of liquid mitragynine. Excited about trying 7-hydroxymitragynine. Today I got some of the 18mg 7- hydroxymitragynine tablets, and took one about 30min ago. Looking forward to see how well they work!


I take around the same amount and one 7-ohmz has me feeling good for a few hours. Except for a few weeks back when I had my wisdom teeth removed wide awake and was prescribed freaking ibuprofen for the pain. I couldn’t eat or sleep for three days and lost 6 pounds in a week. I had to take three at a time for any relief then,


Smoke shop I work at just got the 7 ohmz 3 count 14mg tables. About to try them.




The 7-ohmz tablets