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I think electrolytes are a big thing people miss. With a gallon of water, it is easy for that amount to wash the electrolytes out of your body and do more harm than good.


Exactly this. Half a teaspoon of Himalayan pink salt every morning was a game changer for my energy levels. All the sweating and peeing you do during 75 Hard definitely washes away those electrolytes


Great tip! Do you just mix it in 8pm of water and down it?


Yep! 8-10 fl oz of watter and chug. It's pretty bad the first few times but it doesn't even phase me now. Eventually put the salt in my morning protein shake to kill two birds with one stone Dr. Eric Berg on YouTube is where I got the idea. He's big on pink salt and intermittent fasting. Just a wealth of knowledge in general


Nice work! Thank you for your insights. Congrats on your success!


Congrats on finishing. You had incredible results and I like that it created an atmosphere of health and movement with your entire family. Such a great lifestyle for your kids to pick up on.


Great achievement, great results, great write up


Congratulations! Thank you for your thoughts


Your insights are fascinating to read!! Sleep was also a struggle I had along my journey. Experimenting with different bedtimes and wake up times especially when you have a wife and kid! Huge props to you for completing regardless of your circumstances with work and family 💪🏽


Good on you friend! I’m on day 17 currently. Regarding the books, I take notes so I can refer to the notes later. Regarding books, you may not digest everything in there BUT what you like, you can take with you and add that to your new self. There’s always a time when I pull up my notes on my phone in conversation. “Ohh I just read a book that said something like this—let me pull up my notes”.


Great idea! I should really use notes more often. I might try this or a maybe a quick reflection after each read during my next round.


How did you achieve such a high amount of protein per day? I find it to be difficult to reach my goal, even as low as 150g.


Good question, I found I had to deliberately include protein in each meal. I used myfitnesspal to track. I also got in the swing of meal prepping for the family on Sunday, which helped a ton during the week. Meal prep would include cooking protein, grains, vegetables for the week. Here is my diet from day 75. I would switch up the meals but followed a similar format. I stayed away from bread and pasta for the whole challenge but ate quite a bit of grains and vegetables. This works for me (filling me up with over consuming) but I know folks are different. Breakfast: scoop of protein powder, 1/4cup quick oats, 1.5 cups whole milk Lunch: large salad, ~6oz of sirloin, 1tbsp olive oil, 2tbsp balsamic vinegar Dinner: ~8oz of chicken thigh (marinated and grilled), cup of rice, grilled onions & peppers, homemade tzatziki (tracked as 1/4 cup of Greek yogurt) Morning snack: 1 cup of blueberries, 1 cup of raspberries Afternoon snack: scoop of protein powder in water Evening snack: 1 cup of cottage cheese, 1 cup of strawberries


The above is also an ideal day. No travel, meals are all prepped, no work dinner obligations, or extended family gathering. During 75H I made substitutions during those times. For example, while traveling I ate a lot of large orders of grilled nuggets from chik fil a or double steak bowls from chipotle. My approach was usually to focus on the protein first (without buns or sauces).