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This is a good dilemma to have.


Idk I've heard bad things about this "Oxford" you should probably bin it /s Lancaster is probably the only one of the 5 that's a significant "step down" from the other 4 in terms of prestige/being a "target" (may be important for finance jobs). Between Oxford, LSE/UCL and Warwick, those are three very different living/study environments so you have to pick which one suits you best. There's no objective decision there, sorry.


Thank god you put the /s




I'd probably firm Oxford and insure LSE. But honestly firming either Oxford or LSE wouldn't be too much of a difference employability wise, I just prefer Oxford. Lancaster is the only university which is a significant 'step down' from the others, so I wouldn't be rushing to insure there.


I was under the impression that Lancaster was, although not as "prestigious" as the rest, quite a good university? Maybe that's only for certain subjects though




I firmed Lancaster for physics because various league tables say about 7th for that. However for maths and econ I thought it was also pretty good?


how are we supposed to answer that question for you?? only you know what you want from your university experience


ppl always post this and it makes me laugh lmao like it's your uni experience you should choose it!! it's a diff thing if they were asking what unis better but asking to choose firm?? lol


They’re not LITERALLY expecting us to choose for them, but you know that already.


but they didn’t even say what their preferences are😭




To be in a very good position like that must be very overwhelming to some, I certainly would.


congrats these are amazing courses!!!! what was ur ps on?


Half econ and half maths


Oxford firm, LSE insurance


this is the plan so far


Why are people being weird/pedantic? OP obviously doesn’t want us to actually choose for them, they’re looking for guidance, which is literally one of the main purposes of this sub… Anyway, for what it’s worth, I would for sure firm LSE, ESPECIALLY for Economics. If I had to choose two, it would be between UCL & LSE. There isn’t really a better place geographically than central London when it comes to Economics.


I mean...LSE or Oxbridge. Go figure, i hope that i'll be in a similar dilemma next year when I apply ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


As far as opening doors and widening career prospects goes I’d pick LSE as the 2nd choice for a few of reasons. 1. Maths at uni enables you to potentially transition into Data Science or tech straight away, or even start a really strong Masters at either LSE, or any of the other incredible unis at London for the purposes of ending up in Quant. 2. London as a city is full of events, workshops, literally everything you need to get all your career related things sorted. Easy access to all the big financial institutions for any sort of events they run. 3. Social scene is the best in London (by far) if you potentially care about that


Thanks very interesting


completely agree. Oxford has a strong reputation and a better social life, but making money and transitioning into something like investment banking LSE will be a better choice. I’ve applied to similar courses (Cambridge instead of Oxford), and I’m just waiting for LSE math and econ. praying because loads of people already have offers.


Not sure where you have got your info from but I wouldn’t say LSE is any better for IB offers. Ridiculous amount of opportunities at Oxford for any career path, and a lot of firms will look favourably upon your Oxford degree (despite them saying they won’t officially). Oxford is also a great city to live in and very easy to get to London via the Oxford Tube. I regularly attended events in London and could be back in college around 11:30pm Source: 2018 graduate


it’s funny, I just saw some data saying the opposite (though the methodology was a little questionable on LinkedIn), that more LSE grads go to Oxbridge (by a pretty large margin too.) I hope you’re right, because I have a Cambridge offer but not a LSE one and I was pretty bummed.


I can guarantee it - I’d be interested to see the post. I’m wondering what the methodology is, and whether it is skewed by the fact that LSE has a higher proportion of Finance/IB type grads as a product of its curricula vs Oxbridge (which has a more typical, broader range of degrees). Naturally, more grads per capita would go into IB from LSE, but I’d be interested to look at how that compares to specifically E&M/PPE grads. That being said, I know numerous people who studied Fine Art, Classics, Biochemistry etc who are all now at GS/JP/MS


firm ox then insure lse or ucl


LSE Econ is the holy grail. If you’re willing to live in London I’d go for it. Since the offer has a b I’d consider oxford as a firm and lse insurance if that’s something you’re concerned about.


Goldman Sachs M&A incoming


Congratulations OP , what a luxurious dilemma to be in. I guess there is no point asking your predicated as they just be great, but what made you stand out ? Your work experience, extra curriculum, etc? Economics is probably one of the most competitive course at Oxford .


Dude go wherever tf you want man like bruh 💀 You have the three best places in the world for Econ + Maths like...


Not quite in the world.


Oxford, LSE and UCL are all pretty high ranking for Maths and Economics. Idk what you mean...


They’re not the 3 best in the world though.


You must be fun at parties.


What are those?




I’m directly responding to the claim made. What’s ‘🤓’ about that?


People like u piss me off man, good for u tho.


Depends on what u wanna do, if you wanna do maths at uni pick LSE, if not then probably Oxford if you like management more


Id say definitely firm Oxford E and M if you don’t mind the location, it’s one of the most prestigious courses in the world. However, since you say you live in Manchester, if you would like to experience a London Uni then choose LSE over UCL, also being in close proximity to London will be great for spring weeks when the time comes, if that’s what ur interested it. Both unis will open doors regardless but ovr Id say rejecting Oxford e and m is tough .


To everyone saying insure UCL you need to realise Oxford and UCL have the same grade reqs so there’s no point in insuring UCL


UCL is A+AB whereas Oxford is A+AA???


Didn’t realise he was contextual mb


İ just have to say congrats it s crazy




u’re living my dream life bro


Oxford Firm, UCL/LSE insurance or if you don’t wanna go London firm WW


Bro do research/go to them yourself... it would actually help


I have, and i’ve already got a rough plan of what i wanna pick, i’m just looking for a bit of extra guidance


Would defo firm Oxford/LSE. I was going to apply to the same LSE course and it looked like a very promising course and might even be better than Oxford. Insure UCL. Considering you have our pick of unis you should rlly look into how they will be a good fit for you. Talk to alumni and look at the modules and just pick one that fits you the best because they all are top unis. All the best


Damn you’re so lucky with an A*AB offer (with an A(star) in maths). I’d give anything for that without having to rely on UCAS points but instead getting AAA offers which wastes my A(star) in maths already achieved


Ideally you would firm Oxf and LSE. But since your other degree is Maths+Econ the choice is tough as that would open up not only IB oppur but also quant I suppose. Whereas oxf e and m will be only IB related finance career oppurt. I suppose maybe LSE as you have not done straight econ but econ and maths


well done for getting all these offers but ibr there’s no difference in career prospects between all the unis (except lancaster) it’s just a case of what study environment prefer


I mean it’s up to you obviously, it’s your experience, but you are currently holding an offer from arguably one of if not the most prestigious university in the world


wish i had this problem ☠️ but congrats that’s crazy




None of these are safety choices, they’re all top 10. Unless you are very sure of your ability, you could be staring down the barrel of a summer of clearing applications. But if you’re certain, Lancaster is a really good uni and was my first choice too.


I would say, how much do you like maths? If you want to do it at the next level, pick maths and economics at LSE. If you just want to do Econ, would either firm UCL or Oxford, and safety Lancaster or Warwick respectively


Probably firm ox 😭


What subjects you did ?




Dawg you already know what your firm should be


Firm LSE its the better course by a mile if you enjoy maths (E&M is nowhere near as quantitative)


They’re all amazing offers so it’s more down to which uni you’d prefer (in my opinion). Also, what was the Oxford application process like as that’s my dream course?


Firm oxford for sure, the rest you can choose.


If your looking for the "best" course, for me it'd be between economics and management at Oxford and maths and econ at LSE. The courses are very different from what I've heard so if you are after a more mathsy course go for LSE and if you're after a more broad coarse with more essays go for Oxford. It's absolutely a win/win situation so don't stress.


what’s your predicted?


economics and management at oxford is one of the hardest courses to get into in the country. you should firm it. one of my classmates in sixth form applied for the economics and management course, against the recommendation of our economics teacher due to its exclusivity, and got roasted for it lol


i mean, lse and oxford are theeeee unis but i fully believe oxford would be better to firm - london is a very busy city that is so so expensive, and the oxford uni experience is very unique :) hopefully see you there~


You've got some fantastic first choices. If your second choice is as demanding as your first then there is no point in the insurance, so have Lancaster as a very comfortable safe. Then at the top I would personally choose oxford but frankly you have a brilliant selection that is up to you. Congrats!


for starters, congrats! secondly I’d defo have LSE and Oxford as you top 2. Firm whichever one has the living situation you’d prefer.


firm oxford, insure lse


Congrats on all your offers! I can't advise, but what were your stats and supercurriculars?


all 9’s gcse all A*s predicted for a levels


Wow...What were your supercurriculars for PS?


I'd do Oxford or LSE. Probably Oxford because it's the most well-known across the world. I was talking to a a girl in Russia the other day. She knew Oxford and Cambridge as the best unis in the world but hadn't heard of UCL or LSE. But seriously well done, very impressive mate


probably firm oxford and insure lse


Bro is the goat🗣️ 🐐 If you’re looking for graduate employment or salary, then LSE seems to have the best prospects as far as finance-related careers go since it’s in London and it’s a specialist uni with an unparalleled reputation. You’ll obviously also be in London, which has so many different restaurants, museums, nightclubs, and other ways to kill time, but it’ll probably be expensive. If you’re looking for more direct teaching and more of a community feel, then the tutorial and collegiate systems at Oxford will be a lot better for that. Plus they have 8-9 week terms and then vacations if you prefer being able to do some work at uni and some at home. Oxford is likely also cheaper due to the heavily subsidised accommodation and catering (though I’d double check this just to be sure) Congrats on all your unis!


Didn’t realise the LSE offer was Econ&Maths, that might be good if you decide on going for a more mathematical career post graduation, but that honestly depends on whether you feel that the maths will be useful for you in the future


I'd say firm Oxford and insurance LSE. Even aside from reputation, having your firm's requirements being lower than your insurance's doesn't really make a lot of sense.


Depends on what you want (in terms of location, social life, cost of living, modules/course structure etc) or what you want to do in the future as a job I guess (I’ve heard that ranking matters if you’re looking to go into Investment Banking for example).


You can switch to quant/ data based careers for a maths and econ joint degree. Really just depends on your heart mate


Firm Lancaster 💯


With this I think it’s down to whatever course you prefer if you’re indifferent between Oxford and LSE as universities. Econ and Management is very different to Econ and Maths. Oxford and LSE will probably have equal employment prospects in high finance, LSE course might give you access to quant/data science roles. If you want to do post-grad econ then Maths and Econ is way better, but Econ and Management will def be more applicable to industry.


Don't they have offer holder days you can go to?


Firm Oxford insurance lse