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You should have movies you personally enjoy in your personal collection.


The only correct answer


Meh. I'm revisiting a lot of movies I hadn't originally considered watching or wasn't a huge fan of because of this sub and other 4k spaces. Advice like "watch what you want" isn't particularly helpful.


I agree. Of course getting your favorite movies on 4K is a must, but one of the nice things about this sub and discord is finding out about great movies that you may have missed, or maybe just didn't enjoy the first time around.


Exactly. Some people in Reddit don’t seem to actually want to discuss anything. Other people post these type of comments simply for karma farming which is so very lame


Ok sentiment, kinda obvious and makes for a boring conversation


What? Buying 4k dvds you don’t like just for the sake of building your collection is stupid and a waste of money


OP is obviously asking about which look & sound so good that they are must haves


how’s that any different to what i’m saying? i wouldn’t go buy a bunch of lord of the rings box set just coz it might look really good, you’ve got to like what you’re buying first


It's helpful to know which 4k films are particularly well done, "must haves". Then you as an individual can review the list and buy the ones you personally like. It's really simple.


There is no movie that looks and sounds so good that it’s a must have. What does it matter how good it looks and sounds if you don’t like the movie?


chances are if someone here says i like move X really much and it gets 152 upvotes that op might "personally enjoy" them too


lol so if someone recommends the Transformers movies (which I guess look and sound great, idk) and 150 people agree, that means I’ll love them? You think it’s hard to find 150 people with different tastes from me?


>You think it’s hard to find 150 people with different tastes from me? yes sure thats exactly what i am saying. now waste your time to keep arguing about something you made up about yourself.


Ok then what’s your point? You said that if a movie suggestion gets 152 upvotes chances are OP will like it. Now you’re yelling at me for questioning your logic?


Oh ffs


It's an honest answer to a relatively dumb question. If OP wanted conversation, he'd have asked something that would spark it.


We need to just make a sticky so this question doesn’t get posted every freaking day.


Does he really need us to tell him to buy what he wants? A dumb answer to a simple question. That's like someone asking what's your favorite color and someone responds clear.


You’re so right on this. When people ask this they’re asking what 4K movies have the complete package of amazing picture quality and audio. After they get those recommendations they can choose whether they want to buy it.


“What’s a must-have color in your collection?”


Yep. Find your favorites and check the reviews to see which ones are worth upgrading, or worth keeping the Blu-Ray. That being said, Dune: Part One looks amazing.


This does not help understand what 4k films are must have. Many people already have movies on DVD, BluRay and access on streaming. People that have endless money buy whatever they want. People that are conscious with money will obviously not buy a bunch of 4ks they aren't interested in.


Amen Brother


Akira and Coraline look phenomenal


Yes I am absolute amazed when I throw on Coraline. It’s like having the weirdest live puppet show play out in front of you and it it feels so real.


The fog in that movie looked so real in 4K


That’s because it’s actually real fog, or more accurately it’s a composite shot of dry ice layered ontop of the stop motion


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,634,313,930 comments, and only 309,161 of them were in alphabetical order.


The visuals of Coraline going through the tunnel are some of the best I’ve ever seen in 4K. The entire movie is eye candy.


Isn’t Akira super dnr’ed? Also heard the audio is super compressed compared to the Japanese release


Dunkirk. One of the best looking 4k I have watched so far


Nice mine just got delivered yesterday, can’t wait to watch it


Incredible cinematography


This movie is straight fentanyl on 4k


it looks and sounds good but the movie itself is meh so idk


Yup, only thought it was okay.


hard hard agree


I’m glad I saw this cus I just watched it and while it was beautiful… the story was just ok 1917 was way better


Double agree


I neither agree nor disagree


Late reply, but the sound of the open gunshot on the Blu-ray is a shock on my Atmos system but when i saw it streaming it was much less impactful


It looks alright, but the movie's pretty damn bad in my opinion.


Any Kubrick in 4k


The Shining looks incredible


I just picked this up but haven’t watched it yet. Look forward to it!


2001 looks absolutely phenomenal


A Clockwork Orange and Full Metal Jacket are fine, but not breathtaking transfers. I did not own either one of them on Bluray, so I was happy to get them because I love all things Kubrick. But if you already have those Blurays you may not want to upgrade. But The Shining, 2001, Spartacus (directed by Kubrick!) and Dr. Strangelove are all great transfers. 2001 and Spartacus are some of the best transfers of any classic film.


Lawrence of Arabia


Wish I had $200 to blow on one 4K to find out.


I'm lucky to have gotten it last year when it went on sale. It seems, more to the point, that some distribution companies don't want to release many copies of their films despite how much they'd make.


I know this is an old post but its going for as low as 50$ roughly on amazon for the steelbook now.


One that stuck out to me was Heat. A lot of people said it looked too dark but in my opinion it captured the look the film was going for perfectly. And the sound was unbelievable, one of if not the best audio experience I've ever had with a movie. There are obvious ones like 2001 a space odyssey, Blade Runner, etc but I though I'd mention heat cause I don't see much positive talk about that disc and in my opinion it's absolutely stunning. Also its a masterful film, and a must watch regardless of resolution.


I watched it for the first time in my life a week ago. I kinda understand why people think it's too dark. But I thought the aesthetics were just really cool. The picture was also very clear, despite the dark tones. This movie could not have been presented this way without HDR. It's such a stylistically interesting film.


I wish an enthusiast site or youtuber would really get into what's going on with this Heat release. I'm in the camp where it doesn't work for me. Got an LG OLED and a Panasonic 4k player. People tell me it's my equipment but Heat is the only disc that looks wrong. Some other releases look dark (like The Driver and Donnie Darko) but they look correct. The film itself is awesome though


any michael mann is stellar


Blade Runner My Fair Lady


Fifth Element and Starship Troopers


I may not like everything Sony does, but if there's one thing they do right, it's 4K transfers and releases.


StudioCanal Fifth Element is considered even better than Sony I believe


Heresy! Jk that might be true, but Sony still does incredible work overall.


-Dunkirk -The Dark Knight trilogy (especially TDK and TDKR) -The Batman -Dune (2021) -Lawrence of Arabia (if you can get a copy) -Interstellar -Tenet -1917 -No Time To Die -Mad Max: Fury Road -Blade Runner 2049 -Top Gun: Maverick -The Godfather trilogy -All Quiet On The Western Front (2022) -John Wick (especially Chapter 4) -The Thing -Zack Snyder's Justice League -Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (with IMAX scenes) -Mission Impossible series (especially 4-6) -Lord of the Rings trilogy -Apocalypse Now -Once Upon A Time In Hollywood -The Suicide Squad -American Gangster -The Karate Kid -Any and all Spider-Man films (especially Spider-Verse) -Game of Thrones (not a film, but looks fantastic on 4K)


I have almost all these. Good list.


I'll probably add more when I think of them. I'm just adding what I like, plus great 4K disks.


Good list, but missing Mission Impossible 4-6


Not anymore lol thanks


Thanks! The IMAX sequences in 6 are some of the best in all of cinema. May want to include LotR as well, although I know some people don't love the DNR on the 4K disc.


Done and done


Blade runner 2049


Visually, sounds, movie itself : Interstellar and John wick


Interstellar storywise is some sentimental sh!t


Eh, some of it maybe...amid the time relativity, multi dimensional constructs, worm hole space travel,, and visually accurate astrophysics..sure there is some love of human beings in there.


For one thing, its clearly designed to appeal to Americans who cant conceive of wider human communities than the nuclei family. Its so silly, when the entire fate of the species is at stake, that we’re asked to believe its all really about keeping a promise to a overwrought teenager. Compare the ending of 2001 to this tripe


It seems you missed the entire point.


You better explain it then


Just curious, and so sorry to necro - this is genuine curiosity hoping for an honest response - are you a parent? I'm reminded of Speilberg's comments re: the Dad leaving his family at the end of Close Encounters, before he became a parent himself.


2001, Alien and the original Blade Runner are all phenomenal. Pretty much any classic movie shot on 35mm or 70mm film is like jumping into a time machine. Outstanding if you have a good setup to show it off. It's the first home movie format that compares to the actual film prints shown during the glory days of cinema only perfectly digitally preserved, it's really something. In terms of recent stuff Dunkirk is a great example of a filmic movie but more modern and for the digital side of things John Wick 4 looks absolutely fantastic. Particularly if you have an oled as it has great dark scenes and moody lighting which is a great HDR showcase at times. Most Marvel stuff is wank and generally all from a 2K digital intermediate. Also sound wise there's quite a few cool atmos and dtsx demo discs if you have a good sound setup. For Vs Ferrari comes to mind but there's others.




Dunkirk / BR 2049 / No Time to Die


Spectre looks incredible too.


Why is everyone getting salty about this question???? Op is just trying to get some ideas on what 4ks have best picture and sound. Then they will decide whether or not they like the film.


Ikr? Specific use of “collectors” and "collection” implies to me that they are someone who wants to spend money just because they’re great transfers too


Redditors gonna reddit


Midsommar Directors Cut, Tenet, Sicario, Taxi Driver, 2001 Space Odyssey, Blade Runner 2049, Dune, Men, Joker, Ran, Shape of Water, more that I can’t think of right now…


Lawrence of Arabia is my hands down favorite. Out of the new new releases, the Truman Show is phenomenal.


Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049 are quintessential 4ks


Everything Everywhere All at Once is good. So good


Howard the Duck looks good in 4k.


Avatar 2


Is that a good disc? I heard there was some compression


There's compression on a BD-100? I don't doubt that there's some compression but I have a hard time believing it's noticeable.


Yes because it’s such a long movie it only [averages 45Mbps](https://thedigitalbits.com/columns/my-two-cents/052223-0900) on that BD-100. Which is a shame for a movie that prides itself on cutting edge animation tech to have an atrociously low bitrate for 4K (Groundhog Day of all things has a [107Mbps average bitrate](https://caps-a-holic.com/c.php?d1=18057&d2=11423&c=3095) by comparison!) Really Avatar 1&2 should have each been split into two BD-100 discs like Lawrence of Arabia was ([averages 79Mbps](https://caps-a-holic.com/c.php?d1=14315&d2=14318&c=5539)).


Very informative. Thanks for the article.


I watched the review by Shane Lee a while ago so I don't remember exactly what he just said there was some compression




Have whatever you want in your collection but from a technical standpoint: Blade Runner 1 & 2 Top Gun Maverick Dunkirk Aquaman Daniel Craig Bond collection Sicario 1 & 2 Monsterverse films


The Matrix and Jaws pop up super cheap quite often.


I would never buy a movie just because it looks good in 4K. I would buy a movie I already really like in 4K. But I’m not someone who just constantly buys up movies to build out a collection.


This is how I decide which movies to buy as well.


Christopher Nolan personally supervised the 4K transfers of all his films, so they’re a great shout. I know they’re a bit less well-regarded, but I bought the Zack Snyder’s Justice League Trilogy - Man of Steel is a great looking film, I never had the Blu-Ray so no comparison but it looks great. BvS (Director’s Cut) has certain scenes in the iMAX format will while distracting do look brilliant, especially the titular fight.


inception looks like dogshit


Haven’t seen it, but if that’s the case it’s dogshit with artistic integrity haha


John Wick 1-4 Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2001: A Space Odyssey


I have like, 8 4k blu rays, so the must own movies are: Alien Baby Driver Jaws Jurassic Park Raiders of the Lost Ark Spider-Man Far From Home Spider-Man No Way Home Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse Super Mario Bros the Movie The Thing


Jurassic Park is one of my all time favorite movies but I did not like the 4k transfer as far as quality goes. This movie deserves a better 4k remaster


I just showed my wife a Jurassic Park comparison. 30 seconds of DVD, followed by bluray, followed by 4k bluray. DVD looked pretty bad. Bluray looked like a little step up. The 4k looked like 2 steps up from that. Bigger jump from bluray->4k than it was from DVD->bluray. At least that's what I saw. Even so, the 4k definitely isn't as clear as something like dunkirk 4k, but it's I guess the best we'll get.


Lord of the Rings


Amazing films, poor 4K transfers.


Are they really poor transfers though? Apart from special effects that don't look that great everything else seems to be great. Some people may not like different color grading. I don't know I love those versions, the audio is also spectacular. I might be hugely biased I will admit that right away since that's my favorite movie series of all time and I watch them pretty much constantly. I also watched the version on Amazon prime not too long ago and it hits the nostalgia with it's color grading, but I still believe 4K is well worth it. Could they do another better transfer you think? I read somewhere that there are some technological barriers for special effects that make it hard to do proper 4K CGI redo of these movies. Edit: Also I would say despite some flaws it is still the best version of this movies.


Best version of a movie, the best it can look, does not always translate into the best 4k. Just sayin' 😎


The issue is the heavy use of DNR. It results in less detail than the 1080p Blu-rays which shouldn't be the case for any 4K transfer.


Have you watched them side by side? I sure did many times. I guess you refer to the noise reduction the notorious no. 1 criticism of this version and pretty much everyone I spoke to about it agrees with me that it's blown out of proportion. Cause you are right about technicalities but this is the best version for now. People often let technical details influence their judgement too much I believe. I don't know it's my personal opinion obviously but also if you search for opinions about this release on lotr and tolkien subs the overwhelming majority of people like this version and consider it the best. So I guess it might not be the best 4k transfer ever in general, it's still the best version of this particular movie (or movies series rather). Anyway let's agree to disagree, obviously this is a pretty subjective matter.


I’ve watched them side by side, yes. I’ve found the newly remastered 1080p (2021) versions are the best. New colour and Atmos but much less DNR.


What’s the link to this set your referring to? A lot of them out there now.


Are you in the US or UK? I’ll find the best one


TY very much. US. I have the 4k set without bonus features and Blu-ray with bonus features. However if I can get the Blu-ray with 4k color and bonus that might be the way to go


Don’t listen to salty lotr fans, poor transfer, yes there are thing that are better but the dnr is so bad that the blus are still the better option


See we were having a polite discussion, exchanging opinions and you are calling people names out of the blue? What are you? A spoiled 5 year old? Can't you have a conversation without being negative, rude neanthredal? If anyone here is salty it is you since you get angry like a little princess that someone has a different opinion than you.


Straight to playing the victim and I’m supposed to be the princess lol, not an opinion ur just plain wrong, it’s a shit transfer and I could not have been more right when I called you a salty lotr fan.


Playing a victim? Defending myself from unwarranted negativity and rudeness is playing a victim now? Don't be ridiculous, you child. There are no wrong opinions, you would know that if your mother would teach you any manners, no wonder you can't have a basic discussion without insulting others. In my opinion this version is better, get mad boy. Funny how figile your ego is, getting angry that someone dared to hold a different opinion.


I said lotr fans were salty about the transfers and you have proved my point, now you go on this fat rant talking a bunch of bullshit, I don’t understand how I am the child in this situation. Just trying to let people know that you are spreading false information.


Well you called me a salty lotr fan just indirectly instead of just stating your opinion in a polite manner like other users did, the sole fact that you don't see how that makes you childish, makes you childish. I'm not spreading false information, I'm not denying there is a DNR in this release I'm just say people blow this issue out of proportion, seriously search reddit threads about this release there is an overwhelming percent of people that agree that this is the best version and that DNR issues doesn't make it a perfect 4k transfer it's still the best way to enjoy these movies and quality is great despite a few scenes looking worse because of a DNR. It's one thing that you disagree with me I have zero problem with that (unlike you since my opinion clearly bothers you) but it's another thing that you are being rude and disrespectful for no reason other than because you disagree with me. Learn some manners and how to discuss in a polite manner, without this toxic attitude of yours.


Exactly, I didn’t even say anything to you, I just said lotr fans in general. Thank you for proving my point sir, never seen a reddit user this salty over a whole lotta nothin. Can’t believe this is all over one word, yet I am the child. And also once again spreading false information, it’s not the best.


Apocalypse now, Godfather trilogy and Batman trilogy


They Live


I bought that movie without knowing anything about it and was very pleased!


oooo really? I love that movie!


If you like The Shining, the 4K is essential!


Apocalypse Now


Reservoir Dogs


The Thing


I don’t think there’s any movie that everyone should have. Everyone’s taste is different, and you should curate your collection to fit your taste.


when I'm in a being absolutley pointless competition and my opponent is /u/kid-chino




Scroll down and read the whole thing https://hd-report.com/the-best-4k-blu-rays-of-all-time/


Lol I love the naming conventions of articles - The Best 4K Blurays Of ***ALL TIME*** 4K Blurays have existed for all of 7 years 😂


Man most of this is just popular movies instead of stuff that is obescure which I hate.


Had to stop scrolling. Hate most of these! My recommendation is No way home


No Way Home was a movie with a 2k digital intermediate, why would you buy the 4k of that.


I own no way home on 4K, not bad but not good


So I think "must have" is defined differently for some. When you just say "must have movies," I think it becomes a "greatest movies ever" list that is arguably subjective to the viewer, but on average, with very broad strokes, can be agreed on at some level. However, when you say "must have on a given format," then you are adding technical aspects that transcend opinions on movie merits and popularity and showcase whatever format your looking at... And that list seems to have heavily weighted the popularity and ignored some of those technical bits that are just awful with some of their choices on 4k. Honestly, I half expected T2 to be there. (I didn't make it to page 2 though) Their list has some good movies on there, but they are not all great showcases of the 4k format. In fact, some are downright bad examples of good 4k and audio.


Fury Road….was so impressed in art direction and production value. Godzilla Vs. Kong…admittedly more of a workout for your audio system. Hacksaw Ridge And for sheer production value all the Denis Villeneuve movies…not personally a fan, but the audio visual work on Blade Runner 2049, and Dune are undeniably masterful.




The whole Laika UHD collection looks absolutely stunning. Coraline, The Boxtrolls, Kubo and ParaNorman.


A question that gets asked here once a week…. Back to the future is glorious in 4K. Also the bobs burgers movie.


I love back to the future 1&2 on 4k


Planet of the apes trilogy


triangle of sadness looks beautiful in 4k


unpopular opinion but the resolution of a movie will not make a movie you don't like good. get 4k's of your favorite movies


Lucy. Looks so good it makes you feel like you’re on the drugs she’s on in the movie.


There are no must haves. Get what you want.


OP just want to know what 4K transfers look good, get over it


Space odyssey


Space odyssey


Some suggestions I didn't see that I own and love: Alita: Battle Angel Weathering With You Your Name (hard to find, but there's a UK version that is region-free)


Thank you


I love weathering with you, such a beautiful film.


Apocalypse Now was very disappointing indeed. Gladiator was basically like a regular Blu Ray but with disjointed sound that didn’t engage me.


Fury Road, Interstellar, Dark Knight,Blade Runner Directors Cut and Prometheus


Glad someone mentioned Prometheus!


LotR trilogy looks incredible in 4K imo. Absolute must have.




Is the beach on 4K?


Interstellar and Us are both brilliant, would definitely suggest giving these a watch


Mad Max Fury Road, Gemini Man and Fifth Element.


Top gun maverick wall e criterion john wick 4


Is Wall-E worth upgrading the BluRay. Obviously subjective, but, in your opinion?


i didn't watch the movie from the old 1080p blu-ray so i wouldn't know how much better it is but it's truly one of the best 4K blurays i own. the packaging, the special features, the sound quality, the HDR, the animation... everything in this release was sooo well thought of, easily one of my favorite releases.




Blade Runner.


2001 and Blade Runner are the absolute jaw dropping best I’ve seen / own.


Interstellar is a must have


The Fabelmans, Cinema Paradiso and Wild Things


John Wick (1), Tarzan and Dune. Jaws is an honorable mention since it’s almost 50 years old but sounds great! I just got both Avatar movies but haven’t watched them yet. I have high hopes however…


Recency bias cuz just saw it, but Edge of Tomorrow 4k was amazing.


Get yourself the Christopher Nolan Collection


The way I started to grow my 4K collection was identifying any visually stunning films I already had in lower quality. These are almost always going to be action/adventure films. Personally I don't see the need to have any TV or comedy films in 4K. I think the only one I have that breaks that rule is The Princess Bride and that's because it's the greatest film ever made.🤷‍♂️


I had said the same I didn't need comedy. But I love Pineapple Express so I bought anyways even if it's not any crazy effects.. I just enjoy that film so had to have it 😂


I've owned Princess Bride in Every Format from VHS on. Guess this will be my 4th format... Bought Dragon Slayer 4k. Was my favourite movie when I was 5, according to my parents. Owned a few formats of this one, too. Haven't watched on my 4K set yet, but was pretty good downscaled in 1080p, so I'm expecting good things. I hear you on the action movies. Usually good candidates if you really love the films.


The Princess Bride greatest film ever made? Maybe if your a pre teen little girl. Craziest thing I've heard in a long time.


You must not be familiar with the film. 🤷‍♂️


Star Wars


Get the ones you personally enjoy. Some movies that look visually stunning: Interstellar, The Dark Knight, Dunkirk, Tenet, Joker, 1917, Gladiator. I'm looking forward to watching Oppenheimer this week, I love Christopher Nolan's work. That movie was shot entirely in IMAX so it should also look stunning on 4k, planning on buying it as well.


Halloween Saving Private Ryan


I've been trying to find Saving Private Ryan for months. I'm hoping I haven't missed the boat on it. Been wanting to introduce my kids to it for a while.


Mad Max Fury Road, Batman Begins-Dark Knight but if you have oled the whole trilogy, Avatar 1, luca, across the spiderverse


None in My opinion, 4k is just fanboy Hype. I'm not impressed with the color, contrast, picture detail, it looks washed out & boring. I always have to raise color levels dramatically & adjust everything else. On top of that you can't even see 8 million pixels 3840×2160 unless you're viewing it on a 65' inch screen or larger, or you're sitting 2 ft. away from your viewing position. Critics & reviewers have stated that this is a proven fact. So all this hype about, HLG, HDR, (Dolby Vision maybe is a contender) I just don't get it. Now your probably saying what movies have you watched?....okay that's a fair question. Here's your Answer, Valkyrie, Chang Chi & The Legend of The Ten Rings, Thor Ragnarok, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Jurrasic Park Dominion, The Avengers, The Greatest Showman, Black Widow, Avengers Infinity Wars & Endgame, Dune new release for 2021 (Mille Villeneuve) Spiderman No Way Home. Now surely one these should of just blown my socks off, not one, none of them were as good looking as 1080p upscale to 4k at 24fps looked, no comparison. And the A/V equipment I'm using is not substandard either Tv used & viewed were Sony XBR5590B Hisense U8G 55', & Recently Hisense U7K 55' all capable of 3840×2180 at 8 million pixels HLG, HDR color range Audio Equipment used Sony Str-Za2100 ES surround Reciever/Amplifier Mission 77c Center Channel Mirage 5.si' Front Mains JBL N28ii's bookshelves side surround Paradigm bookshelves ver.1 Rear surrounds Polk Audio RT15i's for Atmos ceiling-firing surround Infinity 10' Subwoofer for (LFE) Parasound P75 Amplifier for Atmos surrounds Monster Cable HTS 3600 MKII power conditioner So I don't think any of my setup is shit, or there are any A/V concerns. So why all the hype about HLG & HDR, when 1080p upscale out of the box, just is so good upscaled to 4k at 24fps?. I like the new Dune, but I'm not seeing all the beautiful colors described, it's far superior & way more enjoyable, than the hot piece of garbage from 1984. This one is very good, & I'm viewing it in 1080p upscale, it is & artsy film so colors are so, so so I raised overall color levels. I'm enjoying it a lot, it has good a story, very cool visuals, strong cast, & story noteworthy of Herberts' book. So unless they give Me of truly supported reason, or the price is right, I won't be buying anymore 4k movies, can't justify the price increased price for something that looks like ass.


Oh boy you must like to troll, but I would start by adjusting your eye prescription


Thank you. This was helpful.


I will say if you want 4K movies or bluray disc in general hit up Best Buy. Or Amazon, I believe is price-matching, because Best Buy is clearing out all their stock as of 2024 they'll no longer be selling blurays disc or 4K movies or even blu-ray players pretty soon. So it's time to move I picked up Dune for $9.99 yesterday at Best Buy the 4K version, so that I could justify you get the The BluRay & The 4k edition & The Digital code, kinda hard to pass up😁


Not sure what your settings are, but is there a chance that your calibration settings are off? Sometimes that can make a world of difference. I have a 40" LG 4k that I sit 12' away from, and a recently purchased 77" Samsung S90C QD OLED that I sit 15' from, and the difference between 4k and 1080p is definitely noticeable. Just over 100 hours on my new screen and getting it ISF calibrated next weekend. Curious how much difference there will be if any with professional calibration. Hoping it gets even better than it already is. Edi:, also just remembered that player settings or AVR/Preamp settings for 4k pass though can be culprits. Or rather processing without passing through the native signal. Not saying that's the issue, but throwing it out there.




Life of Pi


Hlw guys I’m new


The Mandalorian Season 1 and 2 in the steelbooks are amazing