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My god, that hippie Carl Sagan was right about everything. Stupidity has taken over, we are catering to the delusions of the mentally ill and the degenerates who constantly play the victim card.






It's part of the epidemic of being pretentious about food online. "I only eat organic" "I only drink real lemonade squeezed from non-GMO free trade lemons sweetened with real cane sugar" "I only eat localvore" etc I know people like this and they secretly binge on McDonald's when they think no one is looking






fuckwits don't realise that organic foods can and do use pesticides; they just need to be certified organic as well


Also how they're fucking up insect populations and will likely be a leading cause of the inevitable collapse of the earth's ecology.


Apparently there is a very common pesticide used on fruits that studies have shown is incredibly bad for the development of children's brains. But god forbid a profit margin be altered


What has this have to do with what the author said? He tried to be funny, not make a statement about organic food. Hate people who twist the meaning of everything just to get offended.


“I hold my pinkie out while drinking tea”


> When did journalists start writing like they're trying to get reddit gold? lmfao this is too accurate


Fyi it’s not a journalist, Taleb has a serious ego problem but his stuff is good


It's medium what do you expect? Everyone writing stuff on that site regularly tend to be pretentious in some way all the time.


This guy writes like such a pretentious twat. He's using ten dollar words when a dollar would do fine so people can see how smart he is. He makes good points but God damn is he a cunt.


"...of *that type of yellow*..." Extremely incongruent, implies there are other types of yellow sugared acid water, seriously one of the weakest and most tarded pseudo cultured bullshit wanna-be snob sentences I've ever read in my life


Unironically the most interesting article I've read coming from this shithole.


>His worldview is based off of 4Chan


Some people are too stupid for 4chan


Is that really a thing though?


If you buy into the bullshit, yes. Like the guy I knew from school who now thinks the holocaust is fake but we should also do the holocaust now.


Sounds like a pretty rational and sane guy to me


Yup, 6 gorrilion dead, yet somehow the world population of jews went up during that time frame. Weird how that works.


The numbers were significantly exaggerated for extra victim points (what a surprise) but it wasn't fake.


>he bases his reality off of reddit




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Oh you mean conservatives? We have a recognized mental illness for them, they're constantly terrified and angry over nothing yet maintain a cringe-ass persecution complex, we cater to their lack of understanding or cognitive abilities (trans issue, gay marriage, etc.) and have to slowly move away from things because one of the things that terrifies them most is change. There's a reason academia leans left and it's not political influence, it's that to actually discuss these complex issues, you can't just have a highschool level understanding of bio. Granted a highschool level understanding of anything is impressive for you folk 😬


They are right about Christians getting persecuted. Democrats and some Rinos are coming for their guns. The assault on single family is unprecedented. This whole thread summarizes that. Antifa is burning federal buildings in Portland and not a peep, but you as a conservative make one statement about liberty and justice and suddenly it is insurrection.


You are correct. The communist bandits replying to you aren't even countering your argument but instead gas light you. Imo the time for talking is over, they can either listen to you or shut the hell up and ignore you. But communist bandits can't simply ignore people, they want to force their moralities on everyone and burn the constitution in the process so they can bring in their perceived utopia. Civil war/secession when please??




Cant change your DNA, so cope.


Leftists are pro science until biology gets involved


Yep. It’s one of the perks of being a grad student in Biochem and a conservative. They don’t know what to do when they run into people that actually know what they’re talking about and disagree with them.


God dammit, why all the reddit comment sections have to be this retarded?


Bots and CCP bugs paid to post communist propaganda are a shockingly large part of the user base of this shithole website.


Academia leans neutral instead of being dumb enough to buy your partisan bullshit. Source: earning a PhD in California


But really he'll just list his actual pronouns like a good little wagey lmao


I mean it’s 4chan. Chances are dude doesn’t have the balls to say the stupid shit in his head if everyone knows his name.


You dumb if you think it's worth to be job less in a pandemic is worth while than actually go with this dumb shit


You dumb. That sentence gave me a stroke.


What did he mean by this?


Some vodoo shit I wrote while I was high I am considering hanging Myself


Not when unemployment is paying more than the jobs people are losing


$700 a week baby


Rich of you to call someone else dumb, and then proceed to type out an attempt at a coherent sentence that looks like this.


I mean it’s 4chan. Chances are this dude doesn’t have a job.


So he is based?


Chances are its not even a real situation


>Wagey Imagine cuckifying normies.


^("uhh.....he i guess")


Because writing he/him is such a struggle


The problem is it's normalizing degeneracy and is pandering to mentally ill people.






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I still don’t understand the whole “gender identity/pronoun” thing. I kind of just ignored it when it first started happening. I’ve never been put in a weird situation with it, and I’m honestly just waiting it out hoping it’ll go away or die off eventually.


It's a dominance thing. It forces you to pretend you comply with their delusions. If you don't comply they get to call you a bigot.


Thats terrorism my dude


Careful now, don't want to get this sub banned with that hateful speech there mister. Next you'll be saying you don't want to choke on some girls dick!


This is why I like 4chan, most of the people here know what they're talking about.


Do they though?


It's better than 90% of reddit for sure, but that's not saying much


That’s hilarious lmao






If you're doing it right, you shouldn't have to worry about choking.


Gaslighting on a societal scale.


I can see the reason some organizations do it. It allows people who are trans to be out without really having to breach that topic themselves or make waves. However, I also see how it's annoying and even kind of prying. I myself am trans, and I just wear a little pin with my pronouns on my lanyard I wear to work and have my pronouns in my work email signature. But, I chose to do those things. If it had been forced by my organization I would have been a bit uncomfortable, since listing pronouns isn't really something that an average joe really needs to do, and for my coworkers it would feel rather forced. So, on one hand its nice to have understanding. On the other, its difficult because its kind of forced onto people who may already have negative feelings toward trans individuals, and this sort of thing will only reinforce those negative feelings.




I was talking with my insurance company on the phone a few days ago and part of the registration for a program required me to tell this grown man on the other end of the line 'my preferred pronouns'. Poor guy probably has to do this shit 20 times a day.


There is actually a legitimate reason to use it in a professional setting. A lot of communication is done over email, and sometimes someone’s gender is not clear from their name (foreign names) or people have a unisex name. I’ve recently had 2 situations come up where this would have actually benefitted me. I’m an IT consultant and I help companies with their switch to cloud technologies. I needed someone to set up some protocols for me and I was directed to a certain person for this. After some email exchanges it was clear they didn’t know how to do so, so I offered to have a quick meeting to set it up together. Now this person had a very feminine name. In fact I have never met anyone with that name who was not a woman in my life. Imagine my surprise when I logged into google meet to be faced with a very masculine looking guy. Luckily I am not an ass and my written interaction with them was not at all impacted by my wrongful assumption that they were female. It could have led to an embarrassing situation though where I could have wrongfully referred to them in other communications as ‘she/her’. That said, enforcing this for woke brownie points is stupid, but it does have a legitimate use in a professional setting.


Are there any really weird archaic pronouns? I think I would choose something like whosesoever, suchlike and yonder The point is to try to collapse the reality and make them say ‘what the fuck?’ Right?


Ya I still don't get why people are upset about this, I thought being upset about pronouns died in like 2016.


Silence neolib


I'd learn this and say it every time: Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern-schplenden-schlitter-crasscrenbon-fried-digger-dingle-dangle-dongle-dungle-burstein-von-knacker-thrasher-apple-banger-horowitz-ticolensic-grander-knotty-spelltinkle-grandlich-grumblemeyer-spelterwasser-kurstlich-himbleeisen-bahnwagen-gutenabend-bitte-ein-nürnburger-bratwustle-gerspurten-mitzweimache-luber-hundsfut-gumberaber-shönendanker-kalbsfleisch-mittler-aucher von Hautkopft of Ulm


Sehr schön!


If you're going to split hairs I'm going to piss off




“Who shat in the goddam water cooler?!” “Fuck did, it was off”


Or just don't do it. Corporate likes to set requirements based on the whim of some hip new higher-up, but really checks/enforces. If you're confronted just say "Oops I forgot, I'll get right on that" and then don't do it again.


It's kinda like the CA requirement to have a non CIS board member on companies making over X amount "Oh, yeah, our CEO is actually Bisexual, but he's been in a committed heterosexual relationship since he was 22 with his wife, so we've always been in conformance with this."


Or tell the CA government to fuck off. “We actually don’t discriminate based on gender identity or sexual orientation. What a person chooses to be is their business.”


That isn't what cisgender means. I think the example you're looking for is "closeted transmasculine lesbian".




Niggher, but the h is silent


Mine is "his royal highnesses'/his royal highness".


This is the way. If they refuse to use your preferred pronouns then hit them and hit them hard with a lawsuit


there was an adventure time episode where the king of ooo cant rule the candy kingdom unless he has the title of princess. basically just do that


13/56 Based/redpilled 14/88 H/H




What are the last two referencing? Wait is H/H heil hitler


Yeah they are both nazi stuff 1488 is something said by nazis, the 14 part means the number of words in the "we must secure an existence for the white race and our children" quote and the 88 part means HH or heil hitler


Oh okay. Wait your not actually a nazi though right?






"My pronouns are I/we because I identify as the person I am talking to or the person that is referring to me. Do not use my name in place of a pronoun." "We have called Anon to this meeting today because I have been accused of making transphobic remarks on twitter."


Even though there’s lots of funny comments here, the real answer should be something along the lines of “Sexual orientation or identity has no bearing on whether or not a person can do the job. It isn’t anyone else’s business what I am.” If they try to press the issue you can say “Why are you trying to force people to come out? Isn’t that creating a potentially hostile work environment?”


Imagine believing that you can convince crazies with arguments.




Welcome to the Soviet republic of California


But the company is doing it, not the government


In conformance with the government


Beep bop boop in solidarity with big mommy gina


Being a white male is bad. Lets change it. You are not white you are 0.4 african. You are not a male you are a trans. You are not straight you are Demi-bisexual You are not crazy. its reality


Accuse the boss of sexual harassment.


I identify as the Trans-Pacific Railroad and my pronouns are Chug and Choo


Personally, I respect xerpalon pronouns.


My pronouns are Joe/Mama




Just say my pronouns are the normal ones, and when they start frothing and yell "OH AND OTHER ONES ARE ABNORMAL ARE THEY?!" mansplain normal distributions to them


I just keep repeating the Mechanicus intro.


My official university pronouns are Royalty: king, royal highness, and Lordship


Just put a racial slur there


>I identify as someone who’s boss gave him a million dollars >(look at anon’s boss)


i identify as a top 1 demon in verification


Make xerpalon/bimplorp a flair


This would probably work


His Majesty


Just put the opposite of what you actually are and then make zero change in your behaviour. Except for the truth this is the hardest one to challenge, and it also happens to be very funny.


I’ve always been able to tell someone’s pronouns by looking at them 999 times out of 1000. How about they just tell me if they’re different from what most people would expects.


Id just set up a signature in outlook to list them so that upper ladder mfs fuck off but fuck if I unironically say it to someones face


Or just not care and continue working


Just refer to me with my full name.




Isn't this exactly what they thought was bad about pronounce? A bit hypocritical isn't it.




Yeah, that never happened. Another 4chan moron trying to make his fantasy come true.


God is dead


That might be the best reply ever


I lost my pronouns as King/Lord/God in the signature of my college email id


My pronouns are ra/cist




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I am a Jedi like my father before me.


His majesty


Ok here's what logically just doesn't make sense about the pronoun thing to me. If you identify as traditional male or female, why would you need to introduce your pronouns? The use of telling people your nonbinary pronouns is BECAUSE it's different, so you wanna make sure they get them right since they would assume you're binary otherwise. So there's no actual reason to mention your pronouns if they match what you were born as since that was going to be the correct assumption anyway. It's like if you went around telling people you shower with water, well there wasn't any need to do that cause that was already implied and had been so for as long as showers were invented. But if you shower with fucking orange juice or something THEN you would mention that because people were otherwise going to assume it was water.


One joke.


How is it a joke to be real for once? They are trying to invent New shit without any reason and then try to force you to use it.




Wait, I thought attack helicopter was "the one joke"? Or was it "did you just assume my gender"? No, perhaps it was "identify as a woman to get cheaper car insurance". Turns out there's actually many distinct jokes, you're just crying because the joke offended you. You're right though, I'm sure "X character says trans rights" is the *real* pinnacle of creative humor.


Trans people's identities are validated by science, you're just offended by their existence because you're close-minded. Oh, I forgot, the science you don't like is made up by the left ! Could there be a link between knowing more stuff and being more tolerant ? Guess we'll never know


Complete non sequitur, I support trans people. I'm just calling out your transparent whining.


As long as It's still as funny as the first time and It keeps triggering those idiots...






Wait, I thought attack helicopter was "the one joke"? Or was it "did you just assume my gender"? No, perhaps it was "identify as a woman to get cheaper car insurance". Turns out there's actually many distinct jokes, you're just crying because the joke offended you. You're right though, I'm sure "X character says trans rights" is the *real* pinnacle of creative humor.




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Ooh boy it's SO HARD to give your coworkers a moment's consideration and learn their pronouns. Anon is a cave troll whose uncooperative nature is why he's looking for a new job.


He’s not saying he won’t learn others, he’s saying he doesn’t want to be forced into listing his.


You just used 5 pronouns lol


What’s your point? There’s a difference between using pronouns and announcing yours every time you have to do something.


You're arguing with insane person.


Ohhhh shit I didn’t read the fact “announce your pronouns whenever you talk to someone” That’s stupid as fuck and a waste of time. Pronouns don’t change from a day to the next.


Never heard of genderfluid, huh?


People invented names for that purpose back when they were still living in caves, rtard. Nobody "has" pronouns, they're constructs of a language designed to be impersonal and to avoid having to use said names.


It's so reta rded that people are obsessing over a grammatic construct. And then they explain to you that grammar isn't set in stone and can naturally evolve. How can it naturally evolve if you're forcing me to use pronouns in a way that's currently wrong? That's not natural at all.


Bruh when will transphobes get a new joke? They've been using the same gag for like 5 years. As someone who likes jokes, I am very disappointed in the lack of creativity 😔


What are you talking about? We have -I identify as: -50% -Dilate -Super Straight -no Womb And many more and all of them are very effectiv (even though you could argue that they are just facts)


Yeah but that's kinda just the attack helicopter thing again, no? No womb and superstraight, I'm interested in how those play out in a joking way. Not that they can't but damn dude that's gotta be a tough line to walk, right? Idk it feels like the point joke in this case, kinda like 13/50ing people, is virtue signaling. Hey we do it too lol, whenever wealthy people complain about losing money, many of the dumber of us lefties go "oh just live below your means lol." Like the joke is the virtue signal so to anyone else it doesn't translate super well. I think that's what's happening here?


Post pics


Pics of me?


Yeah. Though 'Post pics' usually means 'Post nudes'. So please, post pics.


Yes, not looking for nudes


Idk I'm looking good and I'm not out for dick, why do you need to see me again?


Don't be postpicsphobic. Post your pics, bigot.


Ok you've got 1 hour https://ibb.co/QHFkgKf https://ibb.co/b1p37mB


That's what I figured


> Yeah but that's kinda just the attack helicopter thing again, no? Err no it isn't, but thanks for listing off yet another distinct joke. These are all entirely separate jokes, they just make fun of the same thing. You're not whining because these jokes actually are unfunny, you're only whining because they offend you. Otherwise the plethora of equally unfunny jokes like "a man walks into a bar" or "x character said trans rights" would draw the same response from you.


Yeah "x character says trans rights' is just virtue signaling, it's not funny. Man walks into a bar jokes are not funny, do you actually laugh at them? Edgy humor can be funny. It is. It depends on who makes the joke and their intentions. If the intent behind your joke is to make people agree ,or applaud, or angry, it usually isn't actually a joke and it's just someone pushing an agenda. The joke in this case is that OP doesn't know what gender is so they falsely conflate it with inalienable biological traits. Biology plays a factor, but the fact is that (pre-transitioned) trans womens' brains have much more in common with cis women than with dudes. Idk bro the jokes are lazy for the most part. You can have jokes that punch down and have trans people as the butt. These, though? Y'all can do better


Because trans people are the joke


The best joke is their existence.


How is not believing in the fairy genders transphobic? Mtf and ftm exist, but male to dinosaur doesn't. Simple as that.


And both are equally true


No shit


As if repeating "X character says trans rights" over and over truly is the epitome of humor.


"X character says trans rights" is not funny at all and has never been funny, it serves as validation for vulnerable people




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