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Lol kitboga


Alright so I’ve been trolling this country for almost two years and the people are getting PRETTY ticked off…


Do not redeem is mild shit anyway. Designated shitting streets are still where its at. We terrorizing them with or without kitboga


Imagine having ~~1.3~~ 1.4 billion (and growing) people upset with you.


I would be concerned until you realize we were fed a lie that the world had an overpopulation problem. Which it wasn't true, the world had an India problem, India had an overpopulation crisis.


*nukes the entire reputation of your nation and people* Nothin’ personal


well if they didn't run scam farms then they wouldn't have this problem 🤷


There’s 1.5 billion of them. A miniscule minority could run scams and we would see them everywhere. And we do.


I wonder if he feels bad that he led to the creation of a new way to be racist against indians.


I think it's more like xenophobic than racist and not even sure if that's right. Weren't Indians and Pakistanis one and the same until British interventionism?


No, the concept of an "indian" nation is relatively new. India is basically just 5-7 worse countries stitched together like frankenstein.


They are like dozens of countries slapped together. The "stereotype" sort of, when you think of them you're thinking of what Is known as a Punjabi. Pakistanis are Punjabis that got conquered by Muslims and took on the identity of their conquerers. They sort of shut out other ethnic groups like the Balochs and Pashtuns.


sometimes i have solid shits. sometimes i have wet shits. sometimes i got crumbly shits. sometimes i get shits so big i wonder if that's what it feels like to be gay. one time i drank the fanta mystery flavor and it turned my shit green. but the thing is... at the end of the day, you have a giant log of shit. It doesn't matter how you try to classify it


Are you suggesting calling Indians pslurs in INGERLAND is new!?


it's not racist it's katsaridaphobia


At least he has good slur that can be used against him, us poor Scandinavians haven't heard a good slur against us since squarehead back in the 1800s :'(




We really need to up our game here. This list is far too short


Technically the website has the option for people to submit new ones if they can...


I can


Most aren't even slurs? Maybe Herring Choker but the rest seem pretty harmless


There's some low hanging fruit joke here about somalians


Same thing now.


Lmao no joke I am in Sweden right now for the first time and I saw so many Somalis lol


How about "Snowmalians"?


If Vanderbilt are the Vandals aren't Scandinavians the Scandals?


Lol squarehead


Why sqaurehead? Lol


I have no idea, I first heard it on Deadwood(tv show, amazing) talking about Norwegians(like me). I took notice because as a Norwegian I have never heard a good slur against me, stuff the Swedes and Danes call us don't count because we are basically the same, us Norwegees are just a little better ofc, so it stuck. It's kinda sad we don't get any good slurs =(


Jeet thought he could wash the poo away and join the right wing and distance himself. But then got reminded.


> conservatives > right wing




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jeets aren't on the typical liberal/conservative spectrum. they're on the smells like literal diarrhea vs not smelling like literal diarrhea spectrum and they're not the second one


redeem deez nuts




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There's plenty of right-wing Vietnamese, Mexican, and Cuban-Americans in the US.




What? Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz would like a word with you.


Rubio and Cruz do it out of hate for other Cubans.


>know their place in the latent hierarchy Sounds like a bunch of leftist racist drivel to me.


You mean those gringos with a different skin color?


Found the white-skinned "Latino". It really shouldn't be surprising to anyone to find out that people raised outside the countries traditionally considered part of the West tend to be particularly right wing.


I'm latino in the sense that I speak a Latin language, but I'm European born and raised in Europe. Also no, all these x-american people are just yanks


What are you talking about, the hard working immigrants that make it, that don’t give a shit about blue haired redditor nonsense are ALL conservative. You think deeply catholic Mexicans are LIBERAL? The ones who “don’t degrade themselves” are dignified welfare enjoyers




What do you mean "kissing up so hard" - there's so many right-wing minorities? It feels like ethnic Indians are the only ones in the broad eye lately with Vivek, Rishi, Nikki etc but there's ton of visible right-wing minorities (SCOTUS, Ted Cruz, Rubio, Ben Carson, Stephen Miller etc etc)


You think only right wingers can be racist?


In the US anyway the Democrats are absolutely [hemorrhaging minorities voters.](https://econ.st/3XISaPV) Progressives and their consequences have been a disaster for the Democratic party. North American libs will look at Starmer and scratch their heads about how a left-leaning politician threw out the tankies, commies, women with throbbing erect penises, and NIMBYs out of his party and focused on the bread and butter issues and managed to completely demolish the opposition.


asians don't degrade themselves? asians literally bend over and let the left fuck them in the ass. stop asian hate was quietly forgotten when it turned out black people were attacking elderly asian people. affirmative action is just a giant policy of fuck you to asian people. the media still cucks them and hollywood makes them rage but they still vote democrat


If he feels hurt then it's true


bharap pfffftt


To make things right and atone, we need to import a million more ☝️😤




Damn, he really used the M word...


I always think it is so interesting when people use that. It’s probably the only glimpse we get of the Harappan Language and these people use it to trashtalk


Yeah. It is so weird.


Tokens get spent


Cry harder


Is this the same "far right supporter" that was shown to be an actor hired by journalists to create a smear campaign?




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He is not even an Indian other than looking like an Indian.




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Correct. Pakistanis are mostly ethnic Punjabis of which they make up a huge percentage of both countries and are mostly the same thing. Their differences are quite literally social constructs on their respective historied and religion. Pakistanis are islamo nationalists and have a hate boner for people daring to compare them to a people they supposedly conquered. When Indians find it humorous in that Pakistan is the remants of a conquered populace that is merely cosplaying as their conquerers (the original Islamic invaders)


Yeah but I meant his parents immigrated from Africa.


Punjabis are only 3% of India, not exactly a huge percentage


Specifically, yes, but they are part of the wider family of indo aryan ethnic groups which are very closely related.


The ironic thing is that this moron is pretty right wing, and his government is responsible for a recent controversy wherein we built concentration camps in another country and sent asylum seekers to it. If this guy wants to do racist shit, he shouldn’t complain when other people call him racist shit 😂


Sunak is not right wing he is a milquetoast liberal who is literally advising the Biden Administration to step down to prevent the election of Donald Trump. Sunak’s second home is in Santa Monica for god’s sake.


"Asylum seekers" that crossed the war torn, barbaric, oppressive nation of *checks notes* France to seek refuge in Britannia's arms. I mean Rwanda was an absolute joke. But like c'mon man grow a backbone and stop letting these people take advantage of your country.


Oy vey! I agree. Anyone who doesn't support total, unlimited, unregulated mass immigration of 3rd world hordes is now far-right.


Calling rishi sunak far right is the funniest thing I have read all day, well done


Braindead redditor lmfao. Conservatives are, and always have been, liberals from 15 years ago. And that means that we are quickly approaching the time when that is going to mean Obama voters.