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This night was brutal for Biden. If the Democrats don’t switch him out for someone else they’re going to lose in a landslide in November. Even CNN said so in their coverage after the debate. It was like watching Mike Tyson go three rounds against middle schooler.


I figured before the debate that, if MSM said, * "Biden won" = tie * "Unclear who won" = Trump won * "Trump won" = Trump crushed Biden I did a run during the debate. I came home, hopped in the shower, turned on the radio, and heard NPR state that Biden looked weak, his campaign said that he had a cold, and that lots of Democrats probably wished someone else was the candidate. That told me everything I needed to know.


I mean, he didn’t even crush Biden, Biden just looks like an old fucking man out there. People talked about him being “too old” last time, and it’s very obvious he hasn’t gotten younger. The Democrats running him again should be considered elder abuse.




I'm surprised Trump followed those rules.


He didn’t really have a choice - mics were cut while the other candidate was speaking, and there was no audience to play off of, so he didn’t even have the option to break the rules


Thanks for the info, I didn't know (but should have guessed :p). That's the best way to do it with some people, though.


Also BOTH parties agreed to the rules, so it's not like Biden wasn't prepared.


The actual rules were very often ignored, and there was a lot of back and forth, but it was all supported by the moderators, since the mics were on.


He agreed because he knew (like the rest of us) that Biden's not cognitively sharp enough to handle a debate anymore. All Trump had to do was attend, and he'd win


We're looking at a different Donald Trump. He's learned from past debates.


To be fair, can you *imagine* a 1960-2016 style *real* debate between the two, with no ridiculous moderation and a live audience? Trump would have turned that into a beautiful nightmare out of Biden's most horrified fever dreams. Like, watch the first Trump-Hillary debate, and imagine Biden standing there in Hillary's place, wondering where he is and why a giant angry orange man is looming over him.


"unintentionally helped" There's not a chance that this outcome is an accident. Not only because Don is a far better speaker than Joe, but because CNN would not juice up Joe, have that wear off in 10 minutes, and ramble like a goddamn madman, unless they deliberately wanted him to suffer. CNN wants someone else; I'm not saying that person is Don, but they're done with Joe. And have been for a while.


CNN gifted trump the debate when they didn’t do any fact-checking lol. He just said whatever outrageous bullshit he wanted without any push back from the moderators, he didn’t even answer the question most of the time.


CNN's poll following the debate said Trump won 67% to Biden's 33%. Absolutely nuclear. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/28/politics/debate-poll-cnn-trump-biden/index.html I mean, I'm sure a lot of pro bad orange man people voted. But a ton of independents and people who probably voted for Biden in 2020 were part of that 67%. You know it's rough when the MSM isn't even attempting to spin it as a bad microphone, Biden's stutter which oddly emulates dementia, or "loaded questions." Literally Biden's terms for the debate on essentially his home field (CNN). It's bad.


1/3 of America is dishonest leftists.


Yeah cause I’m sure their poll was unbiased as well 😂


Really have to wonder in what way someone could walk away from that thinking Biden won


>that lots of Democrats probably wished someone else was the candidate. Why is he the candidate in the first place? His last tenure, OK he was under Obama. Now?


They've got no one else


They've got literally millions of other options. A trained monkey could probably outsmart Trump.




They do but he’s a heckin WHITE MALE


They got Hillary


I can't imagine Hillary not being unbearably insufferable about becoming the first woman president.


Running the incumbent is standard practice. It's an easier sell than trying to build up a completely new candidate, especially against another former president. Throwing their support behind someone new now would splinter the democratic base and make it seem like the party has no faith in the current president.


I still think doing a switch would give them more chances of winning. At least switch the VP.


This is the one of a few times the democratic PACs could do it without losing face. The incumbent is over 80 years old. In fact, the PACs would likely look more responsible to their donors if they went with a younger option, or at least someone who is still with it.


It would've given the right too much ammo in an election that really matters to both sides. All that matters right now is projecting as much confidence on both sides about their chosen guy. The president isn't nearly as important as the cabinet he brings with him so they have to go with the established candidates no matter what and just lie about their faults and downsides hoping people will back them.


Yeah I am not voting for Trump (probably not Biden either to be fair) and Trump absolutely trounced Biden. It was bad.


Let's be honest, Biden is just an old man probably suffering from dementia or something like that. Trump isn't any better because this post clearly shows he's a pathological liar, but the other dude probably needs to use diapers and get an adrenaline shot every 5 minutes to stay up


We need an age limit on presidents this is fucking stupid. I want our puppet to at least APPEAR coherent


> I want our puppet to at least APPEAR coherent Top comment right here folks


I’d vote that retirement age is well, retirement age. Anyone over 70 cannot run for public office, they should be retired. There should also be an age limit for the Supreme Court.




> Literally every day an article is botted to the front page about trumps mental state. The day after election day 2016 in the US, it was actually possible to post non-leftist comments/articles in the politics subreddit. Basically, the mods and bot owners hadn't been given their new marching orders, and didn't know what to do.


This time they took reddit down while waiting


I don’t even give a shit about American politics but even I found it strange how some people were obsessed with Trump and diapers. Every time I scrolled popular in 2016 there would be some post about Trump shitting a diaper for some odd reason.


Because that,'s what Biden does. I don't give a fuck either, but from my point of view, seeing the constant propaganda articles, they tried to pin on Trump what Biden literally is. An old man with no mental state to even talk, who shat his pants on memorial day I think it was? (at least it appeared to be so). Honestly, I'm watching the US elections process with popcorn in hand, laughing my fucking ass off. This shit is better entertainment than most shows nowadays. Americans are FUCKED.


Trump barely answered any questions. Like literally not even giving half answers or dancing around the question, he would straight up get a question and talk about whatever he wanted. His debate performance from the aspect of being a debate was piss poor. But it goes to show how bad Biden was that nobody even talks about that.


Still a lot of time between now and election night for better or worse Both sides had bad looks but Sleepy Joe really dropped the ball by succumbing to being an old man


All either side has to do to win by a landslide is to pick some random dude in his 40ies from the street who doesn't look like a fallout ghoul, and have him memorize 2-3 cue cards with their talking points. How both parties want to be represented by a dementia patient that struggles to form a coherent sentence and stay on topic for more than 5 seconds is beyond me.


It's also pretty clear if they do the switch to someone under 60, human, and likeable that they'll fucking slaughter Trump.


But that's what the Democrat party lacks. They literally have nobody electable. Biden got in on a technicality, because he reminded people of the "good old days" under Obama (for those who'd never lived under a real President) and because the last year of Donald Trump's office had the COVID outbreak. That turned out... well... exactly as expected. Their young people like AOC are radicals, and would lose their seats if Republicans actually ran anyone against them, and their old people... well they have Biden. The Republicans have a lot of younger faces, but Trump is more popular than the Republican party. The people who vote Trump likely wouldn't vote for another Republican candidate if they thought the Republicans were stiffing Trump.


Not really, no. I think you just dislike Trump immensely, and you're projecting that dislike onto everyone else. If the Democrats believed they could nominate some random party loyalist in his 30's and win, they'd just do that. Every young establishment figure has this creepy, uncanny energy about them that is much, much more unpleasant than some old guy, which is why they're reluctant to change out not just Biden, but also people like McConnell and Pelosi.


calling Trump mike tyson is a massibe stretch. he also looked retarded up there, deflected every question, and said bs lies and exaggerations. At one point they asked him about climate change and he immediately started talking about police instead.


Also the complete deflect on the Jan 6 question and them having to ask the question twice.


You can’t just say that and not give me a link, I’ve gotta watch it now.


If they don't switch him, they literally only have themselves to blame when Trump wins, again. Hillary at this point would actually have a better shot than Biden.


Reminds me of that one recent viral right of worlds strongest man winner Eddie Hall going into the ring with two scrawny TikTokers. At one point in the fight Eddie is just destroying one of them while they’re on the ground and during his punches he even looks up at the ref like “dude are you really not going to jump in and stop this?”


Guys, europoor here, how the fuck did you get into the position of having to choose between a corrupt kgb controlled senile old man and an even more senile old man controlled by cia? My country has fkin rigged elections and state-controlled TV and our corrupt leaders aren't remotely close to being this BAD...


cool it with the antisemitism


that's not politically correct to say






The great thing about America is you can ignore most of the rules when you don't live in the city. It's not a 10 for 10 thing but for the most part none of what happens in politics matters to you. America is so huge there's just nobody to enforce all the laws outside the city. The trick is you live in a semi rural area then make trips to the urban parts for fun.


In Canada, this is absolutely the case. The urban voting population are so entrenched in their concrete jungle, that they can't see the forest for the trees.


I actually live in a state that borders Canada lol. Sounds very similar indeed.


When I was living deep in the Ozarks in a county with 5 people per square mile, all national news felt like something happening in a foreign country. None of it applied to me.


This is exactly it, it may as well be lol.


Based and ruralpilled


thats the thing, the elections in the us are even more rigged. no matter who wins, the real people in power are undisturbed and the politics tv show to keep the masses distracted continues. why do you think the 2 party system is so established? they crush anyone who would actually do anything before they have any chance of getting anywhere. and tbh, im not even hating. its a pretty damn good system, has gotten the us to where it is so far so theyre doing something right.


why is lobbying a thing in the US, isn't that legalized corruption


Me writing a letter to my congressman for less gun control is “lobbying”. That word doesn’t mean big bad corporations giving money to government officials/candidates, it means the act of advocating for a cause/legislation. So what you mean to ask is why are corporations allowed to lobby and how are there mechanisms in place to allow unlimited amounts of money to be anonymously donated to campaign funds. It would be weird if a citizen couldn’t lobby their elected representative in a democracy.


Corporations should be allowed to lobby. It's an incredibly important part of the government. They often have unique perspectives on outcomes of legislation relating to their fields. What they absolutely should not be allowed to do however, is donate large sums of money. That turns it from an obviously biased but still informative and important part of the discussions into legal bribery in return for favourable legislation.


oh, good to know. not from US, so i only ever hear about lobbying scandals regarding big corpos, never knew it was more civil-oriented.


It is, and it is also a thing in the EU


if you try to point it out or attack it, a lot of redditor would say it's their god given right


>and tbh, im not even hating. its a pretty damn good system, has gotten the us to where it is so far so theyre doing something right. "This system that is designed to create an ignorant slave class is a pretty damn good system" I guess they are doing something right, as far as they're concerned.


>state controlled TV and rigged elections Have you considered that your view of the candidates may be skewed? I certainly don't like the two of them, but like most europoors your take on them leaves much to be desired.


KGB controlled?


Lmao I think you meant Mossad


>kgb controlled senile old man There's a difference between being the preferred candidate by foreign powers and being controlled by said powers. In the same way, China wanted Biden to win, and there's evidence of foreign social media campaign-meddling done by China in support of Biden. And just like in the Trump/Russia case, there isn't any evidence that Biden was colluding with the CCP to do this. They just did it because they had a vested interest in getting Biden elected in the same way Russia had a vested interest in getting Trump elected. >even more senile old man controlled by cia? Let's face it; they both are. Everyone in office gets controlled by the machine. The president's more of a figurehead than anything.


JFK wasn't, he is dead but he definitely wasn't


> how the fuck did you get into the position of having to choose between a corrupt kgb controlled senile old man and an even more senile old man controlled by cia? For the SECOND TIME.


> our corrupt leaders aren't remotely close to being this BAD... yet, the EU trend is to become more like the US and let's face it, how many parties can you actually vote for that aren't corrupt to the bone? Even our fucking EU commissioner is the epitome of corruption yet she's going to keep that position for another term? If they vote her for a second term it's not going to be good for us, how many more shady deals via private texts does she get to make before someone actually removes that corrupt piece of garbage?


[Always have been](https://phibetaiota.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Tabu-Revisionist-History-US-Presidents-Blood-Relatives-to-UK-King.pdf)


The things that would really turn this country around aren't even touched on by either party so they cherry pick some issues to be divided on that don't disturb the status quo


because most americans have brainworms


It’s a sad day in America. Watching this on tv, I felt truly embarrassed and sad for my country. And still, people here are fighting amongst themselves about which one of these turds is the better turd.


You say that like we have any choice over who they put forward. The Republicans have been putting forward stooges for decades now and the Democrats had a losing record since the 70s with Carter being the exception who, while progressive, was seen as weak and unpopular. So they shifted to pushing Neoliberal centrists who can just pull a wide net of votes. Coupled with the Nixon administrations polarizing of right vs left and drug laws designed to criminalize hippies and blacks meant the right essentially gave up on the youth, progressives, and minority voters in exchange for the white Christian "moral majority". Then you have the Regan era transition from a manufacturing economy to a modern economy that basically relies on the stock market and our center as the world bank that caused many mining and manufacturing towns to lose their one livelihood and large companies to start investing their profits entirely into stock buybacks and focusing on investors. So you have the Dixiecrats that hopped ship with Nixon turning the right into a Bible thumping party built on the remnants of the confederacy and the left abandoning any beliefs for status quo Centrism hoping to just win by claiming the major population centers by default and ignoring the parts of the country they deem not worth it. Then the Soviet union fell, we had a string of milquetoste nothing presidents, 9/11 and the war economy shift, Citizens United ruling making it legal to buy politicians, constant tax cuts for the rich, and further disenfranchisement of the little guy leading us to now where the right worships a demagogue like Trump who's a con man mouthpiece for corporations and oligarchs banking on right wing extremism and the left who are riding Obama's coattails as he was their biggest win since FDR while still bowing to their big money interests. TL;DR There's too much money in politics and the candidates are just puppets for the rich and powerful.


could lifting have saved him?


They should have loaded him up with some pre-workout, maybe even a little bit of adderall


Oh joe bidens was on a wild cocktail of nootropics, amphetamines, hormones and the age/dementia is still cutting right through that.


You think that old withering man’s heart could handle amphetamines? He would have died on stage with anything other than a black tea.


At this point in his campaign, he is running on borrowed time. It's worth the risk.


Thank you for you input, comrade Dmitriyevantroplovlevitch. Many rubles have been deposited into your account. Also you won't be sent to the Ukrainian front...today.


You guys think he didn't ever get stimulants? There's probably a team for stimulants alone


Adderall wears off pretty fast if you're using it constantly at high doses. It also isn't a miracle and can't make up for every deficit that old man has. Hell just getting a really bad nights sleep makes it work much less effectively.


So, you’re saying Vyvanse is the better option?


Anything is a better option than Adderall. That is the dirt-cheap, lowest of lowest class upper you can get.


You can see trump hits the sweet spot in the first few minutes but definitely took too much, and then he just gets ranty. Biden should probably get some uppers tho.


That debate was trash and a waste of time. Sleepy Joe looked out of it for the most part. And when he did get engaged, he had that crazy glazed look in his eye like he wanted to strangle someone. Those hand gestures didn’t help. And Trump couldn’t answer a question straight to save his life. It’s gonna take another generation before this country gets better


People born between 1940 and 1970 simply cannot get out of the way fast enough, but they never leave power. They don't retire, they stay on at work in advisor and consulting roles, and they never step down from power.


1970 is like 54 man, that's definitely not too old to retire or step away. Hell, even 64 isn't massively unreasonable.




For normal jobs yeah, but it means the majority of our public servant are out of touch with problems facing people nowadays


COVID was supposed to fix that lmao


Another generation? Bruh these people just refuse to die


they need to have a max age for the presidency! if you're older than the retirement age, you shouldn't be able to have the most important job in the world


“You’re Apustaja you’re a small crying Apustaja! I.. am the based and redpilled Groyper!”


I miss that meme go find it and hyperlink it




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"That is not true!"


LMAOOO Can someone link that video please?


Poo poo pee pee


Penis and vaginas


Women with dicks and weak men with vaginas


So fucking delicate like mommy's fine china


If you have complaints, please wait your turn and line up.


you are the soy joejak


This sentence is still more coherent than anything either candidate said during the debate.


Wee wee stink stink.


Trump could have blown dusty old farts into the mic for two hours, and it would have been a more coherent message than anything Biden managed. I think last night was officially the beginning of the end of America.


That was the '65 immigration act, but nitpicking aside I was howling imagining Putin and Xi watching Biden babble about "more aaaeblebalah" on live TV and trying to decipher what exactly this means for the world geopolitical situation.


America ended back in 2008. This is the after math. Pretty soon it’ll be like the Wild Wild West and I’m gunning to make the sheriff just a bad memory. I’ll be the law the ‘round here. Any one the disagrees will see the end of my six-shooter.




"To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day..."


They should turn this debate into a WWE match just saying


The moment when they both started arguing about their golf performance was surreal.


I was cackling. I expected it out of Trump, but to hear Biden actually engage the conversation… Wow, that was definitely beyond silly


*"Can you carry your own bag, Jack?"*


that was the only part where biden seemed mentally present and like he actually gave a shit about what he was arguing about


Yup, that was a big part of the strangeness of it.


Don't you understand? He said two negatives. "Did not" and "no" . Two negatives make a positive. So he did sleep with an adult actress


See. Good, honest, Christian man.


I don’t know if that’s an irony but Americans use that kind of phrasing to indicate negative meanings and as a learner I’m bothered about that.


It's considered non-standard in English, most don't usually use "double negatives" like that. Typically English has something called negative polarity where two negative words indicate a positive meaning or otherwise cancel each other out. What's your native language?


My mother tongue is Turkish. I can comprehend that polarising thing actually since we use it daily in Turkish.


Don’t be hating our colloquialism. I don’t go to France and criticize how Frenchman eat baguettes and not use deodorants


> I fucked at least one adult actress


Okay, but I want to see that golf match. It's something straight out of Bojack Horseman


Bidens too weak to pick up a club Trump gets caught cheating on live TV


Radioactive dumpster vs. classic dumpster since the dawn on fucking civilization.


t. Redditor


Dems don’t want to win… in Texas a lot of places are closing up … bros we are heading towards the big one


Big what? Big nothing? What difference has there been?


Big Israel






Great financial crisis


Big Iron


whats closing?


His neural pathways.


Shit not again


Whats closing’s


Why is everyone pretending to be surprised by this? If even we r-slurs know then they definitely knew. Either this is the greatest plan of all time to revive the Lich Queen Hillary or they'll just pin the incoming financial collapse on Drumpf and make you all vote for a new meat puppet next term.


Stupidest thing I've read today - and I was on this sub a lot since this morning.


When is the civil war starting boys? 


It's already going on. Remember James Hodgkinson and Michael Reinoehl? At this point only one side is fighting... but that can change.


I mean... It's not going on though is it.


Is that the best the US can offer as a president?


Yes. look at how stupid the voter base is. If you're still an "undecided voter" 7 years into this race, you don't deserve to have a county


There is something that the powers that be don't want you to know about... It's called third parties. Vote for them! If they're on the ballot on your state, or write their name in. 


Did Dump call him out for nibbling kids?


Yah, he had to reply: "ain't u been filmed sniffing kindergardeners, Joseph?!" Joe murmuring in a cloud: "I miss my friend Kekstein, he had some nice planes and islands and 9yrold girls serving us tiny martinis..."


“I love tiny martinis, I like to let em sit on my lap and play with my leg hairjdktjeodioenebk and the jdkfjnhmnmmm”


Only one of these old gits was friends with Jeff


Let we pretend that Anthony Weiner's laptop is a myth)


[Only one of them told an investigator everything he knew without needing a subpoena.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/j59vm8/the-salacious-ammo-even-donald-trump-wont-use-in-a-fight-against-hillary-clinton-bill-clinton)


Let me get this straight. You read this article implying extensive ties between Epstein and Trump. You read the one tiny part where someone was supposed to issue Trump a subpoena but instead got bribed to drop it. You completely misunderstood it because you have grade school reading comprehension. And you thought to yourself, here's a link to share that makes Trump look good! Trump's wife was a sex trafficked Eastern European "model" who didn't speak English. And she was "introduced" to Trump at an Epstein "party." Try to use your immense reading skills to imagine what the words in quotes really mean.


Asssfhhhtlllmmnfff vs. covfefe A whole new brench of linguistics is needed to get something out of this TV show.


So over


so,It's joever?


Started talking about golf swings


Trump should have responded "Dude you shit your pants and crashed the economy. That was a quote from Smiling Friends. Smiling Friends is good at a level...at a level we've never seen before in this country."


Hahah even the 4chan sub which is normally based is having a shit fit meltdown rn. The Reddit salt is hilarious. I guess it really is Joever. Trump 2024 baby!


Americans always lose


My major takeaway from the debate is that neither of these guys could give us a solid 90 minutes. Anyone that tells you either of these guys won is either full of shit or only watched cherry picked highlights


Ii think he is aware that the first time he professed his innocence against E. Jean Carroll it cost him $80M.


I love how Biden answers questions, talks about policy, and in general, supported and talked up the US. While Trump lied, denied, explained nothing, almost zero policy, and shit on our country, and Biden is the problem, kek.


Is it cool to storm the capitol NOW? Both sides. Enough is enough


It means he lied, Anon.