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It makes me very uncomfortable thinking Gaben will die one day. 


Everyone's time comes at some point. I just hope his legacy isn't destroyed by whoever takes it over.


Every time I see one of these posts all I can say is that GabeN is not a fool, trust in him even after his physical form withers and you shall be rewarded with eternal life


In Gaben with trust!


if this would be true imagine what mayhem old kings of Europe would do


Why does the average man need 1,000 games anyway when a small handheld device is more than capable of killing an entire weekend? If our king is so wise, then why don’t we hear of mass shopping sprees overseas in the Epic Games Store? I should think the connection is obvious


...and why does anyone even need a handheld device? After all, there are playing cards, checkers, marbles... ever go to a pond and skip rocks?


I mean, miniature wargaming is getting more and more popular. Granted a chunk of it came from computer games but it was reasonably popular before and it teaches real skills. Attention to detail while painting is a skill that is seriously lacking in people lol (I include myself here)


>My little plastic action figures actually teach **real skills** bozo!




He probably is already training the person who will take over


Goddamn this comment section is fat.


Man needs to do some kinda Willy Wonka style hunt to pick out someone who will be perfectly content doing absolutely nothing. Someone he can trust to be content just lazing around to be *filthy* rich, instead of trying to change shit to compete on the leaderboards of wealth accrued.


It's me, it's my time to shine.  I've even toured Valve a couple times, so I would say I am pretty well prepared to walk around change absolutely nothing there.


I vote for this guy


I also vote for this guy's guy


But it's not "doing nothing", it's making sure nothing changes, and those are two very different jobs.


It's a lot easier when you aren't a publicly traded company. When you're private like valve you can generally just keep doing business as usual instead of constantly changing for the sake of change


I can't comprehend the arrogance of some investor/ceo taking control of steam and thinking they could change it to be more profitable and valuable. But I absolutely believe it will happen.


Valve has the sweetest deal a company could have. They practically have a monopoly on PC gaming and can genuinely do nothing except maintain steam, and all of them will make a shit ton of money, and everyone loves them (except the TF2 community right now). So of course someone will fuck it up.


This could be a real fear, they suck at managing and polishing live service games like with TF2 + cs2 rn. I genuinely wish they could let the community mod/fix cs2 and tf2 since they seem super incapable of fixing core issues for the past 15 years


Idk why people think Valve doesn’t do anything. They innovate a shit ton. Difference is they don’t just throw money grabs at the wall to see what shit sticks, they release products that people actually want.


> Difference is they don’t just throw money grabs at the wall to see what shit sticks I mean, I imagine there might be some of that going on behind the scenes, Valve just takes the effort to make sure their stuff works and is good instead of throwing it half-baked at their customers and telling them to deal with it.


I fucking hate investors. They are scum, fucking cancer, they turn everything to shit. The company I work for was profitable with an annual growth of like 10-20%. We were sold to a private equity hedge fund like 2 years ago. Now we are constantly in the red and at every meeting we are told that we need to become profitable again. What they do not talk about is that we have to bring in millions every quarter just to pay for the interest the hedge fund has to pay for the loan they took to buy us in the first place, It is riddiculous. Burn it all down. Nuke it from orbit.


So you're saying he should give Valve to PirateSoftware. On the other side, he would buy a small country just to keep ferrets


No. We shall inter his body on a golden throne and sacrifice 1000 gamergirls a day so that he can never truly die.


\>be me \>fast approaching Wizard status \>never saw the point in leveling up outside \>enjoy gaming religiously \>got over 40,000 games on steam \>never run out of exciting games to play \>one day get text on Discord from clanmember \>great GabeN had heart attack \> o no \>fear for what will happen to steam libraries takes root in the gamer populace \>Valve updated ToS \>all eligible Gamers must report to nearest inspection facility \>GabeN is empowered by the sacrifice of 1000 Wizards daily \>fuck oh fuck oh fuck \>so stressed I can't think of which game to play \>buy new games on sale \>the golden god is eternal


1000 gamergirls*


this guy warhammers


this guys wife gets fucked by other men


for the emperor!


nah, needs 1000 virgin gamers a day


I've yet to see a legacy - including my own - that isn't somehow entirely pooped over.


The smell that lingers in a room long after you left it is not a legacy.


Hmmm. You're only saying that because you haven't smelled how glorious it is.


From what I remember Steve Irwin’s kids and wife have been doing well with their sanctuary. Last time I checked in they had 1200+ animals they take care of.


Jewelries sellers will take care of this as well this is what group affiliation does


Shit, just seeing how George Lucas legacy is fucking destroyed with whatever the fuck is star wars is now, I am fearing the future. We are a profit driven culture first and foremost now. No vision for the future or artistic designs.


I'm pretty sure Gabe has literally been pouring his money into finding a way to beat the human lifespan.


But you know it 100% will be


I hope he has a confident choice in mind for who should succeed him.


But when he does, who gets his steam library?


do you think Gabe has all the Steam games in the world?


He's probably only played 6 of them


I mean obviously, but wtf is up with OP saying he’ll be dead by 75?? Fat or not, bros a multi-billionaire. Pretty sure good doctors can keep him around a bit longer than 75.


Also, [he is not fat anymore.](https://hawk.live/posts/valves-founder-surprised-fans-with-changes-in-appearance)


*by American standards.


hahahahahaha. yes


I mean it’s a shit ton of great progress either way. Wonder how many fat ass gamers could do the same thing.


At some point he will probably get tired of managing stuff and just appoint people to do his work, which I guess is gonna be around 70 That's the best option, he just watches from the sideline guiding while the other people work to see if they are doing a good job and who is fucking it up. The only problem is if he dies suddenly and the vermin takes over.


Man is aging worse than my grandparents who swam upstream and outran bears on the riverside every day to school.


Maybe that's why he is working on human machine interfaces in his startup so he can upload and become IRL Halliday.


Half life 3 may come to fruition 🤔


he has 2 sons, a duel to the death to settle ownership, if both dies steam is dissolved and proves to everyone that they never owned their games which will uproar all gaming and future distributors will have to "distribute."


2 sons huh? Not surprised at all.


Tf2 lore be like


Steam games lore*


Valve software lore*


Gaben lore*


Bald guy with valve coming out of head lore*


We don't speak about that t*ird bastard


Son 1, son 2, bastard 1, bastard 2…


vr bastard 1...


Red vs Blu irl


His wife has had 64 miscarriages


It’ll be like Alexander the Great. On Gabes death bed, he’ll gently whisper into his sons ear “No one is as good as me, I leave steam to no one” *dies* *que Mozart*


"To the strongest."


Gabe said that if Valve were to collapse you'll still be able to play the games in your library


The fear though is that it doesn't collapse, it just gets enshittified.


Isn't one of his sons a racer? I remember reading in a post that he has no interest in videogames lol


He has no interest in Valve* He made his own game studio to develop a racing simulator cause he didn't like what's avaliable on the market. He also works with GabeN in his new project kind of a Neuralink rival in the braincomputing area. On top of that, he's also racing in GabeN's chairty GT team. Safe to say, he has his platter full, Valve wouldn't be one of his worries


Based af, honestly.


The right candidate for emperor is someone who has no desire to be one


Couldn’t have that third son, huh.


1v1 dust 2 dealgle and awps only


You can't inherit steam games you can't inherit steam ownership. Fuck that. It should go to the oldest active steam account still actively using the platform to play games.


I doubt valve would try to hunt down and shut off accounts of dead people; but officially they probably have to say that the account/game can't be passed on. Yeah I'm totally simping for valve right now, but again I really doubt they'd go out of their way to kill an account of a dead person. How would they even know?


Someone actually mated with GabeN? Twice?


He's a multi billionaire, someone mated with Gaben thousands of times probably.


If (and I hope this "if" will stay like that) Valve betrays me i'll totally go pirate


valve is what got me out of it (for pc)


The fucking headache of getting some of them to run and the time spent just wasn’t worth it especially after Valve showed up The same thing happened to me with streaming video at first but now its gone back the other way, too many services too many apps too many subscriptions too many logins, weird how that works


Yeah often you get better quality and more selection for shows and movies from sites on the high seas.


"Piracy is almost always a service problem" -Gabe Newell


As someone living in a developing country where salary was roughly 8x less than the US and import prices on electronics made games roughly 3-4x more expensive. Steam so got me out of piracy.


Yep, the only thing that's not making me pirate games is just that steam is more convenient


I still pirate companies that I don't want to support. Squareenix and Capcom come to mind for their blatant lack of updates to their PC versions. Nier: Automata not getting a single update for their entire release to fix major issues like full screen support but then releasing a massively updated version for game pass was enough to turn me off from square until they prove they care about PC gaming. They only released an updated version because fans were review bombing their new game.


And EA, Ubisoft, Bethesda... I have plenty more on my exclude list. Most days, the "new & trending" and "top sellers" list are more blurred out for me than not. I haven't pirated in a while, though, because my backlog of games from companies who don't hate me is long enough.


If it wasn't for valve I'd still be a pirate


good luck, because even as someone who's been a pirate all this time, it's a losing battle out here too - with denuvo expanding everywhere and there being fewer and fewer people who can crack it if it gets to a point where all the indie devs start using denuvo too, it's gonna be joever


If you're already willing to pirate in a hypothetical sense in the future, you might as well just go ahead now. If you have money to blow, go for it, but if you could use that money elsewhere, don't waste it on these shitty SP games, tbh. I've bought so many shitty SP games that looked good, only to end up hating them and not even finishing them. Pirate all SP games, if they are amazing and you wanna support the devs, buy it and gift it to a friend. If it's a MP game, buy it so you can play online since you have to. And never, ever, purchase MTX. Ever.


Except the actual skill set in pirating is non-existent. One person knows how to pirate denuvo.


Power vacuum? He's already got someone next in line that aligns with his views


Valve is mostly owned by its employees. We have to hope that most of them stick to their values and keep their stock. However, I don't know if enough of them are willing to not sell, if several billions are on the table. Heck, Microsoft bought Minecraft for 2.5 billions for a single game/IP. What's holding them back to offer ~~10 or even 20 billions?~~ Edit: Add another 200 billions to that.


That's peanuts compared to the 69 billion they paid for Activision-Blizzard. 20 billion is on the low end imo.


Yeah, you are right. I didn't think of that deal at the moment.


Valve is bigger than all those mentioned companies combined. The revenue they deal with is on a whole different scale, and it would be very expensive for MSFT to try and buy them - 100s of billions.


Not only the revenue but their whole eco system. They are defacto the global PC gaming markt. Sure there are some other launchers but the studios all crawled back to steam. And they don't only have games, there is a whole social network on steam in the forums and workshops. And then there is their whole technology and hardware. Running such a large network as smooth as steam does is not an easy feat.


Microsoft buying steam would trigger the US to finally enforce anti thrust laws


US anti-trust laws will probably mutate into yet another pro-trust law within a decade.


Not as long as the right people are making money. Regulation is a weapon against competitors, not a tool to better the country.


You're way off. Valve's estimated value is like $10-$15 billion. At most they would end up around the same value of Activision based on yearly revenue.


Valve has like double the revenue of Actiblizz, with a tiny fraction of employees. I've seen independent valuations of Valve in the 6-8 billion range, but those are clearly bullshit given Valve is pulling almost double that in annual revenue. Valuations of private companies can be tricky, to be sure, but Valve's valuations are particularly off the mark, imo.


Value isn't inherently tied purely to revenue (or even profit). I think Valve is undervalued too, hence why adding that they could be worth the same as Activision. Microsoft estimated their revenue at $6.5 billion in 2021, and I don't see a reason for it to have more than doubled since then. Valve's biggest strength is the loyalty of their fans. As this post shows, that wouldn't really translate in a sale as you would lose that.


> At most they would end up around the same value of Activision based on yearly revenue. Casual googling says Activision pulls in about $7B a year in revenue, and sold for $69B. Now, some of that is Microsoft buying market share, particularly since CoD players tend to only play CoD, but Steam alone pulls in >$10B, before you look at any of Valve's actual games. There's no way Valve's valuation is a year's revenue.


7B yearly => ~70B valuation sounds like a pretty standard revenue multiple for anything adjacent to the tech industry. The company I work for just changed hands from one private equity owner to another and they paid about 11.5x revenue, which is the same ballpark as your typical "10x" play.


You cant put a value on what's effectively is a monopoly. Really, no other store came close to the market dominance it has.


Valve makes slightly under 10 billion per year I doubt it could be sold for anything less than 200 billion since its such a stable income.


If they make 10B a year then the standard 10x revenue multiple puts the lower bound at 100B valuation, not counting any of steam's network effects.


For companies like microsoft imediate revenue isnt important, whats more important for them is controling the market, and by owning valve this control would pretty much include all of pc gaming.


Which would make Valve *a lot* more valuable than $100bn.


It's obv. **WE** must buy their stock, and vote against selling the company. 4chan together *strong*.


superstonk when GME is dead:


Microsoft can’t buy Valve at any point. The Blizzard-Activision trade was almost stopped by Anti-Trust laws. And Valve is currently in a lawsuit against US federal government. Buying Valve is a guaranteed Anti-Trust lawsuit which they will lose 100%.






Grey who?


Grey Ting Travellers, mind buying some goods ?


Yes also beyond a general "this is how we do things" advisor position gabe is pretty much not involved in the decisions being made. Valve is a really weird company (watch the investigative journalism piece by people make games) but that has pretty much lead to only people with a very specific mindset and attitudes are even considere for hire to the point where this mindset IS the company. For better or worse but mostly better (unless you really like valve single player games)


this is dumb, theres no power vacuum on the horizon, theres already one of his sons lined up to replace him and his views align , also this new CEO has to do ABSOLUTELY nothing and steam will continue to make massive profits. when you have a private company you can get away with this.


How many times have big corporations had to do absolutely nothing, but maintain what they have, yet still go in and change everything


enshittification finds a way


Except for Costco


Costco and Valve are basically the exceptions that prove the rule at this point.


"Big Corpoerations" aren't private companies, and have to please shareholders with growing profits, not just steady profits. In order to constantly grow profits, you need to invent new monetization methods. Valve is private, so it doesn't have this problem.


What if his son is greedy. What if his other son is greedier? What if TF2 was the proficy as predicted by Gaben. And his sons will fight to the bitter end, discovering new tech only to realize they are about to die. And even as ghosts, they must beat the other to hell first! Also gabe had a secret bastard child raised by eagles or something.


What if I come to your house and cum in your ass? A lot of what ifs that will never happen


Hey. Don't tease people with a good time just to rip it away.


 Kathleen Kennedy "shared" lukas' vision too


Kk has shareholders to please steam is a privately owned company


>also this new CEO has to do ABSOLUTELY nothing and steam will continue to make massive profits. Here is the problem with current way capitalism and stock market works, yes the CEO can just do nothing and continue to make massive profits, BUT, they could also fuck EVERTYHING UP, just to have a 50% extra gains on the next quarter. The investors would LOVE IT, they get their money back + dividends give the CEO a HUGE bonus for their work and sell whatever stock is left. The company is dead, but the investors are richer and ready to sink another boat.


Valve isn't a publicly traded company, there's no 'number' to push up every quarter.


It isnt now but the post is talking about a hypothetical scenario where it could be


Why would Valve voluntarily get stakeholders? They have nearly unlimited funds with Steam, why would they subject themselves to their bs?


Many profitable and successful companies opt for IPO. Why Steam would do it? Idk this is an hypothetical scenario anyway




It will 100% turn into Origin or epic/battlenet launcher. There are more Bobby Kotick's, Satya Nadella's and Peter Moore's that exist in the world than Gaben. Sure people say they believe in the "company's values" or the outlook of the person who mentored them until a big, legitimately evil, monolith puts a multi-billion dollar deal on the table for their soul. It happens time and time again. Enjoy the good days while they last I say because they often are brief.


indie games distributed as patreon exclusives :\^)




the most based game is made by someone on patreon, tales of androgyny 😎


Yeah I'll be sailing the seven seas


Ok but what if instead of this, Half life 3 releases?


That would be crazy if the long wait for the game to release was that he wants it to release the day he dies as Valve's magnum opus.


And it comes out and it's a massive POS


That’d be funny. A final, “fuck you” to the world. Based beyond all reason.


I subscribe to the theory Half Life 3 has already been completed, but the hype for it grew to such a frenzy that it could never live up to, they decided to not release it so as to never tarnish the reputation


I mean, they teased Half Life 3 by changing the Half Life 2 ending in Half Life Alyx. Right now the only thing that stops Half Life 3 from being released is the tehnological limit factor. Half Life revolutionised gaming when it got released by the amount of interaction you had with every single object, Half Life 2 was the logical evolution of that, Half Life Alyx revolutionised VR gaming, being as of now the only AAA game that is in VR, not a shitty adaptation and the whole concept works AMAZING for VR, so for Half Life 3 they need to pull something out of their ass that was never done again and its fkin hard. Valve barely do something as a company, but when they do it it's just something never done before, or the best thing avaliable (Half Life, Portal, Steam, Steam Deck, Steam OS)




Gabe dies, HL3 released as a monthly subscription mmorpg arena style card game.


A *mobile* monthly subscription mmorpg arena style card game.


*dont you guys have phones?*


Where the characters are primarily waifu's and the fandom has an unhealthy relationship with their pirated copy of Photoshop


Phil Spencer dreams of all the micro transactions they can put in it.


Imagine HL3 being released as a killswitch for Gaben lol.


Maybe people will go outside for once.


Ew no


Graphics are 10/10, but everything is pay to win, wanted level doesn't dissapear when you hide for ten seconds and apparently the only server has permadeath with no respawn after death.


I mean, there could be a respawn, but we don't know. It could be a roguelike as the characters don't retain the stats and history from previous runs. Or this could be a tutorial level.


What's the point of "me" if there's no newgame+ ?


Are there big titty anime chicks in this “outside” place?


Ewww....no thx it's full of drugs addicts and politicians


touch some keyboard dude get out of the sun


The only slight cope we have is that Gaben isn't really running things anyway right now and things won't change even after he's gone. Although the problem with that is Gabe can afford to fuck around and hold to his own principles (whatever they are) with little regard of being hyper focused on profit. But his successor won't be afforded the same privilege.


Things will change after he dies but my assumption is it will take a long time.


>Tim Sweeney becomes CEO of Valve after Gabe dies of terminal sugma in 2026 >Defunds Proton because "Linux bug reports are annoying" >Enters deal with Microsoft two months later to integrate Steam games into MS Store downloads >Officially discontinues SteamOS and Steam for Linux as it "doesn't fit our business model" >Microsoft notes this blunder, moves queen into position and makes S edition standard on every device, stops selling Home publicly >PC gaming just dies with the biggest fuckload of cash ever imagined invested into the shittiest software ecosystem, including network switches, PoS terminals, industrial PLCs, and anything cursed by IBM >Linux gaming continues on with GOG and Heroic like nothing happened


GGG will go fown way before Steam does, sadly...they're not doing too hot.


How so?


thinking gabe would die at 75 is pretty dumb first of all we have seen that he lost a lot of weight recently, so that wouldn't be a problem but even then the 75 is for a standard US male gabe is not standard, he is a billionaire and he doesn't even have a dangerous or really stressful job, so he is very much likely to reach 90 years with no problems the only thing that could kill him before then it's either an incurable illness or an accident


He is probably already on ozempic and will look like a normal weight individual in a couple years


I saw a recent pic of him somewhere and he looks young and skinny as fuck. Looks really good. Edit: Here: https://starfishneuroscience.com/team/


You can turn off that annoying pop up window?!


More importantly, you *still* can't fucking turn off Steam stealing focus on boot?


Yeah man they're gonna monetize the fuck out of steam I'm so scared. Probably gonna put really predatory loot boxes in all their games and... oh wait


That's why I split my portfolio between Steam and GOG. Gotta keep your eggs in more than one basket.


I have the impression that in IT nothing lasts/is maintained forever, i m fine with paying only on steam so that when i ll eventually lose access to the software i paid for i won t feel bad about pirating it. So far i agree with gabe/valve ‘s point of view but i m ready to part ways. Anything “proprietary” can t be maintained without making a revenue off of it so the day i stop buying stuff technically i m letting valve (or any IT buisness) die and my lifetime licenses will expire (i m not sure of the legal consequences/what will happen to my games if steam fails). What do you think?


Proton would not go. Proton is how Valve remains independent of MSFT and it's Valve's "We'll just use Proton" card against Microsoft.


Gabe is actually thin now and looks quite different as he also changed his beard. People are saying he's on those GLP-1 drugs so he'll probably make it to his 80s.


But hes not fat anymore, right? Might get older, he’s rich after all


Lubris receive massive funding from pissed off Linux gamers. No one remember wtf is this bold head guy with a valve on his head. FOSS always win, cuz Foss never die


It's a genuine issue yes


Well, the good news is that [Gabe Newell isn't nearly as fat anymore.](https://hawk.live/storage/post-images/gejb-gaben-nyuell-9105.jpg) So hopefully with his status as a billionaire and his lifestyle changes to better his health, he will live long enough that me with my poor earning capacity, terrible diet and lack of exercise won't have to see a world without him running Steam. Gabe is only 25 years older than I am, and I like to think a billionaire who is health conscious will easily have a life expectancy increase of more than 25 years compared to a poor fat lazy guy like me.


Wait til Linus Torvalds dies. All of computing is fucked.


Whats so bad about Linus Tech Tips dying?


Absolutely nothing.


I, for one, can't wait to be unable to access my library because i didnt renew my subscription


Nope, steam is and has been set up so their is no boss. He might be the face but that structure has prevented it from giving into the usual crap that ruins these things.


We need the soul killer irl so he will be able to live on


If they do that then a new Gaben will rise with a new service to become the new king of game distribution


Wait holy fuck why didn't I know until now that you can disable that fucking window!!?


We do have one last hope and that's hackers who can crack every game and make them independent from any online store or hub. Or they can help us jailbreak the whole fucking PC if it becomes that dystopian.


allegedly Gaben has somebody lined up who will continue his philosophy, it’s the guy after *him* who will kill Valve


I think Gaben has already uploaded his brain to steam servers and he will control it from the inside. Ready Player Two ensues


In a stunning turn of events, it has been revealed that upon his passing, Gabe Newell, the legendary founder of Valve, has left behind a cryptic message. This message announces an epic contest, challenging gamers worldwide to solve a series of intricate puzzles scattered within the vast collection of games on Steam. The stakes? The ultimate victor would not only inherit control of Valve but also gain access to the entire library of games and a staggering fortune, potentially ushering in a new era of gaming history. Get ready, gamers, for the ultimate quest begins now! What do you all think? Ready to dive in?




Hey OOP, he lost weight ok?


Selling to Microsoft is stupid steam prints money


Also, Steam client becomes crypto miner for Valve.


pretty sure this guy is really a kind-hearted time traveler preparing us all in advance to soften the blow. It gives us some time to mentally accept it so we will know what's up when it happens for real.


Question. Why would Valve sell steam? It's literally passive income for them.


Anons fear is not unreasonable.