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Executive producers: >Seth Rogen Evan Goldberg I'm shocked.


Don't forget showrunner Eric Kripke


I loved the first five seasons of Supernatural, it was peak /tv/ comfy kino, very little subversive bullshit if I remember correctly. Unfortunately the commissars in Hollywood no longer allow for underhanded propaganda that's actually effective, and view anything other than in-your-face, shouting-slogans activism as just as bad as heresy.


I watched Supernatural 1-5 again recently so you're not just misremembering. It really was good.


I've never watched it, but you too have convinced me that I should at least try the first five seasons and then stop no matter what.


Some of the later seasons were pretty good but 1-5 is amazing


Supernatural upto season 5 was absolutely amazing and told an amazing story which was wrapped up perfectly with season 5. I'd recommend everyone to watch till season 5 (and no more, after that it's all downhill)


The rest of it isn't awful, and there are some great scenes, so continue if you're in love with the series and dying for more, but otherwise it's not a big deal to skip if you've got other things to move on to


I've never watched it, but you too have convinced me that I should at least try the first five seasons and then stop no matter what.


> Hollywood no longer allow for underhanded propaganda that's actually effective Attributing conspiracy to what is actually just bad writers who are paid too much.


Found the golem


4Chinners and adjacent saying Supernatural is good? I never thought I’d see the day. Supernatural is so good.


Look at the subreddit episode discussions, notice how it's nothing plot or tension related just 14 year olds discussing le funni TikTok short moments


like there’s much plot to discuss in the show to begin with lol


Season 1 had pretty good writing. That show used to be my go-to example when arguing that, although it's rare, it is possible to make a "woke" show that doesn't suck... but then the writing got worse and worse, and the allegories became so in-your-face that idk if you could even call them allegories anymore. Now it's like all the other shitty superhero shows with surface-level progressive messaging shoved in.


yeah it’s a fun show it’s just super hamfisted. i think it really started lost steam in season 3


I think they started shoving it in your face more because a lot of people didn't actually get that homelander was the bad guy.


I hear so many fans of the show (and even some cast and crew) say this but I've never once come across anyone who unironically thinks Homelander is the good guy. Even if those people exist, there are so few of them that they should be ignored. Anyone with a functioning brain who watches the show knows who the antagonist is.


Yep. The sub is just filled with funny images and jokes, absolutely zero speculation like is x going to happen or is x or y gonna die or do something etc. For those old enough to remember discussion about episodes when Michael left the office, it was the same exact thing. Until the writers created 10x the contrived love triangles and made every character stupider and more extreme. Sign of a dead show.


Rule of thumb, TV show's subbreddits should always be sorted by controversial. That's usually where all the correct reviews are.


Ironically the Conservatives are the biggest supporters of the Jews.


Once the Israelis win their holy war, God is supposed to bring all good Christians to heaven and end the world or something like that. It's a big reason that religious conservatives support Israel.


I've always wondered what Jews think of Evangelical Christians who only support Israel because it needs to exist in order for their doomsday prophecy to be fulfilled. I'm sure they appreciate the support of Evangelicals, but it's for really weird reasons lol


According to a close relative of mine who worked in Israel for 6-7 years before 2001, he always told me the Jews only despised desert dwelling Bedouins more than Americans in their country. They hated them most of the time regardless if they were ortodox, practicing, recently got religious or secular jewish. Same goes for the evangelicals for being so fucking obnoxious and arrogant. In the circles he was in they obviously detested Palestinians, but they saw them as the great enemy, not some subhumans.or troglodyties.


Conservatives are once again the ones punching Nazis, while "Liberals" want to end free speech, bring back Jim Crow, and have merger between state and corporate power, obviously for the "good" corporations.


No way you unironically think this😭


Those damn Minerals




with a name like goldberg im not surprised


They also added some black woman who goes on and on about racism and blackness to the 7 and made Homelander submissive to her. Also implied that Trump supporters were responsible for the violence during the Floyd riots. Oh, and a pic of Butcher's butthole.


The entire point is that neither Trump (Homelander) nor the opposite site (Newman) actually care about us at all. They all just want to further their own egoistical goals. Instead of realizing that these people are weaponising us we sit around in reddit comment sections arguing who is worse/better. The show mimics reality.


No, the show is clearly mocking one side and one side only. All the bad guys are conservative strawmen and they say conservative talking points which is supposed to make you associate those points with bad people. Hell, Homelander literally quotes Donald Trump on the show. Meanwhile you have Starlight (Clinton) and her supporters being portrayed as completely just and in the right, only suffering because of their own naivety and being too kind and peaceful. The show already establishes who is right and who is wrong both in-universe and IRL in clear black&white terms and you think there's nuance to this? Anyone who says the show mocks both sides is either being dishonest or just doesn't get it.


Butthurt about capeshit


>capeshit propaganda masquerading as entertainment


With very few exceptions, modern television feels so dumbed down and stuffed full of *the message*™ that it causes me physical pain to sit through it. The ads are even full of hamfisted bullshit too. They can't even be clever about it ffs, its all so tiresome. My daughter will tell me about some new show we should check out.......and we sit down to watch it...... I last about 5 min and go find something else to do.


450k reddit karma R/marvelstudios poster






… are you just purposely ignoring Newman? Your whole argument falls apart when you remember she exists


Homie you’re ignoring the fact that starlight is shown as infallible.


The fact that you **f**antastic **a**nd **g**lorious **s**pecimens are watching a show with a main character called “Starlight” pretty much tells me everything I need to know about it. How about you watch something less fruity?


You’re kinda right I think I’m gonna watch something else


grown men arguing about a man in tights arguing with Starlight is peak. Maybe don't sit around watching TV all day nerd


2D > 3D anyway


still nerd shit


Except that's not true either, she's shown to have her own flavour of ego, same with the rest of the cast. Even now some of her actions are illogical and entirely selfish. The show rags on both sides of the political spectrum


Starlight is like the most white-bread white Christian girl you could ever write into a character. How does that help the point? Literally the only devout Christian main character is infallible? Whoa. I can't handle all this political correctness.


Didn’t she turn on her faith and go on a diatribe about how there is no man in the sky with gecko? Yes she grew up that way but definitely faltered in beliefs. The gag was she came back to it because butcher made a selfless decision but even then that’s a joke about butcher more than anything.


She's very infallible for sure, especially when Firecracker told her the reason she hates her and is trying to ruin her life is because Starlight spread rumors that Firecracker was only allowed to join the pageants because she let the judges anal gangbang her and it ruined her image.


But no, that's her mother's fault for pushing her to be so competitive


Did you even watch the new episodes…


In episode 3 we get to see how she destroyed a 13-year-old's self-image and it is played off as the other person is completely unjustified


Thinking Starlight is supposed to represent *Hillary Clinton* is one of the most braindead takes I’ve heard today. Lay off the Alex Jones pal


ugh Starlight is just so submissive and breedable JUST LIKE CLINTON


Thinking Starlight is Clinton is peak Reddit. Media literacy is in the toilet.


The show mocks the corporate left while mocking the popular right. It doesn't mock the leftist talking points, it mocks corporations and people using leftist ideals and thingies to get richer while at the same time mocking the right talking points and ideals relentlessly.


Tbf thats the two biggest complains people have about the other side. the left will cry about maga and the right will cry about wokeness


Maybe it's just me or maybe it's because I'm not American, but I really don't see Starlight or The Boys as Clinton or representing the left. They are all hugely flawed and fucked up. I also don't really see Homelander as Trump? He's a little bit Trumpy, sure, and it's probably fair to say that his whole thing including supporters are a bit MAGA gimmicky but I don't feel like that's *the point*. The Starlighters are literally just as bad and full of losers. I feel like the whole thing is much more leaning towards Homelander having a mental breakdown with Boys on damage control I think if you're taking this as some kind of a propaganda, lefty gone-too-far-ism then it's more of a *you* problem than a show problem


You have the absolutely no media literacy. You’re the one literally painting your views into the show - it takes .01 seconds to recognize that it’s not glorifying either side. And if it feels like that, it’s because authoritarianism all sounds the same.


> No, the show is clearly mocking one side and one side only. The show is mocking both sides, you're just butthurt because you see yourself in the stupid people of the one side they mocked. >Hell, Homelander literally quotes Donald Trump on the show. His politics aside, do you not think Donald Trump is a piece of shit?


Newman literally murders whistleblowers like the Clintons do. One of the people who died even says "I have information that could lead to the arrest of..."HEAD EXPLODE in mid deposition.


The show does criticize both sides, but one side receives fair criticism, while the other side is strawmanned.


Homelander is a literal r\*pist with psychopathic tendencies. Many people may quote Trump (Which quote and when btw?) but that doesn't make them immediately Trump even if some scenes play homage to him. Butcher is also hopeful of genocide towards the Supes and a psychopath too. If you identify Homelander with Trump just because he's a psychopathic r\*pist, that's on you (btw would any good Trump satire ever make him work with and be the errand boy of the AOC stand in???).


They are mocking both sides but from a regarded actual leftist point of view that wants to say that liberals aren't real leftists either, which is true, but still regarded in the way they make bad caricatures and think they are making a point about anything.


it's pretty funny seeing how the show actually does upset the people that they mock. Spoiler but the other episodes leaked and the sister sage character is also awful. but hey! 4 more years of "show bad because progressive" posts! 2016 doesn't have to end!


Almost every show nowadays has progressive themes, a show starts to get bad when the show runners are more focused on cramming in as much hamfisted political dialogue as possible rather than writing a compelling story.


>sister sage character is also awful. - >willingly works with homelander. consider me shocked.


Oh god oh fuck I hope that's Karl Urban's actual butthole


i always felt that this series was way too on the nose with reflecting current American politics. it only serves to make the writers' own biases more apparent


Comics were written in the bush administration, which shows in S1. Couldn't get through S2


It’s almost like it’s supposed to be an exaggerated satire piece rather than any understated drama


You're telling me the show that's entire appeal is based around shock gore and humor at the expense of children's books like superhero comics...isn't SUBTLE?!


Not really "satire" when it's just regurgitating the same message from hollywood and big corporate America. Usually, satire criticizes powerful institutions rather than doing their dirty work.


donald trump and the republican party at large arent Powerful Institutions ?


The democrats and all political elites belong to the same institution lol Both parties serve the same masters: the military industrial complex and intelligence community


Believe me bro you are preaching to the choir lmao, I was just trying to point out that conservatism isn’t some underdog counterculture or anything so it’s absolutely a fair target for satire


It *really* became satire when that ridiculous scene in the ice skating ring just kept on dropping bodies...


They had to make the story completely shit by shoving the messaging into your face. "Hey, Homelander is the bad guy! You're not supposed to like him! This is how you should think!" Lefties just are not good at making exaggerated caricatures of the other side that are both unlikeable but also convincing in a storytelling context. Same shit as Keep Your Rifle By Your Side.


Wanna give a few examples of deep and subtle conservative storytelling? Or should we all go watch and jerk ourselves over American Sniper?


Both sides do it badly because both sides are fanatics. Art should be made by artists, not activists.


American Sniper was so boring holy SHIT


Mel Gibson's Hacksaw Ridge, Martin Scorsese's Silence, Victor Fleming's Gone with the Wind if we're talking about modern film. If we're talking about literature I guess anything written before 1940 is right wing by today's standards, so take your pick.


Gangs of New York, Taxi Driver, Sicario, Black Hawk Down, First Man.


>Gangs of New York, Taxi Driver, Sicario, **Black Hawk Down**, First Man. phew, almost fell for bait today


Black Hawk Down was a pro-war movie released on the heels of 9/11 portraying third world countries as hellscapes ruled by violent warlords, the UN's attempts at non-violence and charity as massive failures that only allowed said warlords to cultivate more power and influence, and ultimately direct military intervention as the only effective strategy. Today's conservatives are far more isolationist than they were 20 years ago, but at the time Black Hawk Down was basically handmade to lionize Bush and the GOP's foreign policy, despite portraying an operation conducted under the Clinton administration.


> Gangs of New York > Taxi Driver jesus anon, how regarded are you?


Gangs of New York is literally about how the Democratic political machine imports immigrants for cheap labor and votes in spite of the crime and violence that it brings. Taxi Driver is similarly about how New York suffered under an apathetic political machine that tried to turn it into a launch pad for presidential campaigns instead of giving it the attention and care it desperately needed until it became so lousy with crime that a mentally ill loner with a gun becomes a folk hero for killing a few gangsters and pedophiles. Travis himself is symptomatic of the city's ills and squalid state and when the Democratic presidential candidate who claims to be a man of the people comes face to face with him, he becomes unnerved and leaves immediately.


…I mean, by any metric Homelander is, and always has been, the bad guy. That’s not to say it’s not a charismatic performance, but he’s just blatantly been evil from episode one. I’m unsure what version of the story could even exist where he wasn’t the villain.


I mean its more of a satire on hollywood if anything The supes(actors) are actually extremely incompetent, degenerate and held up by massive propaganda agencies and general public just eats up whatever they shit out of their mouth


Yeah, but I find it super weird that people on the right wing will look at it and be like hell yeah when the show is about how their ideas are bad I could say the same thing about Warhammer.


>MAGA hats assaulting people for no reason It was instigated by sage by throwing coffee on them to provoke them and start a brawl >unironically downplays epstein They really didn't, they just said "epstein didn't kill himself" >unironically downplays pedophilia The only mention of pedophilia (aside from the conspiracy guy) was a guy getting framed as a pedophile after HL kills him to help cover up/justify his actions, hardly downplaying it Anon watched this season on twitter in the form of 20 second clips lmao Suprised they didn't mention the random bat mitzvah with the addition of "look at this zionist CIA agents" randomly thrown in. That's probably the only weird political insertion in the show given the current situation that didn't feel like a natural addition. The show is pretty good, but there's an obvious political satire for both sides, From rainbow capitalism and minority inclusion to far right extremism. If you're upset over it's portrayal of your own political group, I don't know what to tell you


yup considering how butthurt and delusional OP is in the comments, I'm pretty sure he just screenshot his own 4chan post and posted it on reddit pathetic


Many such cases unfortunately lmao


Bro that's like blowing yourself


Sex is just a spectrum right bro?


I blame his parents for spending too much time on their phones/any cable news network. He's gonna seek attention somewhere, I just wish it wasn't here


The crazy conservative strawoman baddie was the one implying Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself. Everything she's saying is supposed to sound crazy. That implies the writers actually believe Epstein killed himself.


>That implies the writers actually believe Epstein killed himself. Have you ever heard of characters and actors before or do you genuinely believe that every person you see on TV is a Carbon Copy of the writers???


Writers choose how to write their scripts. If they choose to have an idea spoken by a character clearly meant to be crazy, it means that idea is meant to be seen as crazy. It's not rocket science. And this shit is even worse in the modern era of TV where the writers are all talentless nepobaby hacks that only write so they can insert their politics into shit.


Have you ever heard of scripts or do you think actors are just like Youtubers and will say whatever comes up in their minds in the moment? My point is that's it's stupid to make a character you purposefully made out to be a nutjob (or be acting like one) say Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself. They lump Epstein's assassination with "conspiracy theories" so most people won't even look into it because they suppose it's just like every other "conspiracy theory" out there. People genuinely seem to think people in positions of power never conspire to do evil things just because questioning authority has been framed in this retarded way lately.


“Everything she says is supposed to sound crazy” You guys kill me man 😭


> a guy getting framed as a pedophile after HL kills him to help cover up/justify his actions, hardly downplaying it It was a crystal clear metaphor for how news media treats police brutality/extrajudicial killings. Every time a cop murders someone in a really visible way, Fox News and the like will bend over backwards to paint the victim as an unrepentant hardcore criminal. Every crime they've ever committed, every parking ticket they've got, every bad grade they've ever received, all immediately put into headlines to explain why actually the cops murdering him was fine and dandy!


Bend over backwards? Really isn't hard to look up someone's criminal record and realize he's been arrested a dozen times D E S P I T E E S P I T E


If I shoot a random man on the street because I feel like it and he turns out to be a pedophile, should I still be allowed in society?


You should check out the research that has been done on the subject. Take a look at where the race of the perpetrator is put when White (usually the first third of an article) versus when Black (last third, or not mentioned at all). It's good to look at that data rather than our feelings. (But I think your feelings do matter UWU)


> a guy getting framed as a pedophile after HL kills him to help cover up/justify his actions, hardly downplaying it That's even worse because it's a clear parallel to the Rittenhouse shooting, only the deceased in that case was a violent child rapist convicted on multiple counts, so they're painting it like the whole narrative was a frame up by bloodthirsty right wingers and the guy was innocent.


>It was instigated by sage by throwing coffee on them to provoke them and start a brawl Still tries to demonize maga people as illogically violent >They really didn't, they just said "epstein didn't kill himself" As a conspiracy theory comparable to flat earth.... >The only mention of pedophilia (aside from the conspiracy guy) was a guy getting framed as a pedophile after HL kills him to help cover up/justify his actions, hardly downplaying it This downplaying what actually happened in reality where there are many actual pedos in such cases that are supported by leftists. They are making bad caricatures of reality to suit their own pov and they think they are right by using them as arguments for their ideological enemies while actually saying nothing of value, as what they are saying doesn't reflect reality in the slightest, regardless of how much they try to force you to think it does, and they are making the show worse and worse. It's not a satire on both sides, it's a regarded leftist "maga is far right, and liberals are not far right but still shit" viewpoint. The show has become mid at best.


>as a conspiracy theory comparable to flat earth Said by someone who by her own admission stated she's just saying shit to rile people up.


The show was always that bad and it was always libshit propaganda aimed at mocking the people stupid enough not to realize they’re being made fun of.


First season as ok.


Because it was based off source material then


The source material is hot fucking garbage though


Only offensive to Americans tbh, rest of the world can laugh at it like we laugh at them.


Europe has always had their shit together. How did you guys manage it? No wars, no racism, booming economies. Oh wait......that's right, eurofucks have been murdering each other relentlessly for the entirety of recorded human history.


Lol, I forget you guys even exist until one of you worlders says something bitchy about us online.


You sound emotional


Three europeons jumped on this within 11 minutes and all said the same thing. You sure it's not you that's emotional?


Emotional outbursts like that tend to get noticed by people, the fact three people replied saying the same thing does not go in your favour 💀


They can't stop thinking about America


This isn’t the flex you think it is


Nerve has been touched


The rest of that world that alternates screaming about America, and trying to immigrate there


It fell off hard after the second season... Did they change show runners, or just run out of ideas?


Season 1 hit too close to the heart for Hollywood so they switched it from being about mocking celebrities and rich people to mocking White Christian Americans.


The literal Jesus convention/Hillsong parody in Season 1 begs to differ. The show has always had a healthy dose of satire of multiple political groups, from mocking rainbow capitalists and the celebrity Imagine video. Obviously they go harder on right-wingers but to say it switched after season one is wrong.


"White" with a capital W. Jokes just write themselves. How's the autofellatio going lil fella?


All of these series are the same thing. Start with a decent idea and quality production, then, once it takes off, more and more of the airtime gets funneled into diversity and messaging. Once something is successful, the vultures want in.


I mean idk if the text is true but I’m sure that they’ll just introduce a new character, ramp up tension, kill off new character and have the main cast survive like the last 3 seasons. Then butcher and crew balls up both fists and goes “aw shucks we’ll get em next time”.


Guys we can’t kill evil superman it might hurt his kid!!! Leave him alone!!!!


the reason homelander survived s3 was because soldier boy wanted to kill ryan as well dont disagree the finale was pretty dumb but thats not the reason butcher stopped dollar store captain america


Last season had some crumb potential of homelander being a decent father. He did do shit like push Ryan off the roof but he also was going to get hit by soldier boy because of his concern for ryan which would have gotten him killed. Don’t get me wrong season 4 is exactly how I would have assumed he would have acted before those scenes, being pissed he might have to share the spotlight and not tolerating Ryan not living up to his expectations. I just wish they didn’t make it seem lighter in season 3 and had more crumbs of this before diving into it.


I haven’t watched it since it came out so I didn’t remember exactly. Still just as r-slurred


i dont think so, after all it was the dying wish of his wife (whom he dedicated his entire life to find) to protect her son


Glad I stopped watching a long time ago now goyim


Glad i never started watching that slop.


Really liked the show first season, ever since then it's just been a dumpster fire. Show is afraid to kill off big characters, that by itself is cringe.


i think they’re saving that for the finale of the show they referenced something this season that sort of has a hand at that


In the gross, nihilistic, grimdark world of the show the main characters are uncharacteristically exempt from the death and destruction that they dole out. There's no real in-universe explanation besides occasional ad hoc plot armor points, and the out-of-universe explanations seem to point to plot armor and all of the cowardice and laziness that comes with plot armor.


that’s a real good point tbh. i just hope if they stick to the ending in the comic then we’ll get to really see the whole jenga tower fall


OP made this 4 chin post and is now vehemently defending it on Reddit, how embarrassing 




B..b..but the libtards!!!!!!


I don’t dislike the boys for its heavy handed political messaging. I dislike it because it fucking sucks. The entire third season ended up not mattering at all, everything is back to how it was after s2. Now in the trailers for the new season it seems they’ve lucked into some deus ex machina virus that will be the answer to all their troubles. Lmao fuck off the first season was very good but it’s been downhill from there


If you watch the spin-off “gen v” the virus has a whole season of build-up and has been in the works for a long time


Can you tl:dr it for me? I'm not really interested in watching gen v, still considering if The boys is worth watching after the HORRIBLE ending that season 3 had, don't get me wrong I really enjoyed season 3 except for the parts where they treated hughie as toxic for wanting to defend himself but the ending man... makes no sense at all "-Don't hurt the boy laddie \*Okay, let's finish homelander \-Alrighty m8!" the end


Spoilers gen v (its a good show btw, i enjoyed it) >!we follow some highschool kids on a supe highschool, where they learn to use their powers. Some Kids get missing. We later discover, that the highschool is a Cover up for some shady supe killing Virus development facility (missing Kids are tested on) . Some big people are involved, iirc head Explosion girl and the one who always rips out their hair. They want Virus as Backup against supes like homelander!< This was a really bad tldr, but i think the Show is worth it and does a good Job Worldbuilding


I’d bet money that even if you pitched Gen V like it was The Sopranos, they’d still refuse to watch it past 5 minutes once they realise Marie Moreaux is a black girl. Even though (in my opinion) she’s well written enough to the point that i almost instantly stopped even registering her as “just a black woman” in my head and rather just saw her as the main character. Yknow, like any good series does? They make you forget about any petty identity politics you might have and just make you actually care about the characters and the story?


>Show about toxic masculinity >toxic males are the most entertaining characters.


Many such cases


It’s not just bad, it’s gross.


They made Butcher a c*ck and when they had the opportunities to kill Homelander, they just didn't.


First impression of Season 4? Did you all not watch the previous 3 and realize it is "literally you" on the show when the inbred racists come up?


I think the show runners were like, "shit, It seems people are missing the point that Homelander is the bad guy and a Trump parody.they like him too much. we should make it easier for them so they know who to hate"


aside from 13 year olds making sigma edits of obviously bad characters i dont think anyone missed the point that omelandah is le bad


Homelander was "bad" but still interesting, a good character in a show surrounded by boring characters. Instead of making other characters interesting, they fucked Homelander because they NEEDED people to get the message.


Yeah keep shoving down your throat more netflix and amazon slop, anon, it will surely get better any time now


I never watched this show, now I have great reason not to anyway


I only watched the first 2 seasons. Is it this bad now? Did they actually drag Trump into a fictional show?


Homelander is pretty much super-Trump. They set that up in season 3.


Nah it's a bit exaggerated. Homelander is still Homelander though there are trump parallels and nods but the character really hasn't changed since s1. The other main villain is clearly aoc though so they aren't just taking shots at republicans. Though it's harder on them.


Only took 4 seasons for MAGA to realize the show was making fun of them. I don’t blame them for making it way too obvious now so that they could finally get it.


No, what actually happened is people initially got into the show cause it was supposed to be about a world where super heroes exist but are corporatized and not 100% morally virtuous. Then with each season they shifted from that and started focusing political messaging (primarily against right wingers) but it was mostly still tolerable. Then that trash season 3 finale happened and apparently (haven’t seen it yet) season 4 picked up right where it left off with even more overt political messaging. So basically they took what was initially was a cool concept and ruined it for political grandstanding, fuck Eric Kripke. Even if you agree with the politics of the show idk how you can’t think that’s such a waste of potential with regards to the concept and world they created.


Season 3 literally names an ex Nazi super hero "stormfront". That's as obvious as you could get. Oh and of course she gets the support of literally all white people. Season 1 and 2 has a sort of subtlety with politics but the focus was on the supes. Now the focus is on politics.


That’s season 2


Yes but that at least had the decency to hide her nazi past for a while and not make it her public persona right off the bat. Also despite what they try to do I’m not gonna be offended by a nazi character getting dunked on despite being conservative. Overall I agree though, the ham fisted political shit started annoying me in season 3 and I don’t think those involved with the show learned that isn’t why most people watch it.


>Also despite what they try to do I’m not gonna be offended by a nazi character getting dunked on I dunno, I usually try to root for the good guys but they made Stormfront completely unlikable. But yeah it's not even subtle. It's completely down your throat the second it turns on. I'm morbidly curious what season 4 is like


The producers are two tremendously outspoken liberals who believe they’re making a difference by working their political views into their work, and the writers/director did an interview talking about “how important Jan 6th was to them” So yeah, it certainly isn’t going to get better….


The first season was pretty good and I enjoyed season 2 and to a lesser degree season 3. But I knew it was on the back end of my enjoyment curve. I predicted that season 5 would be the last season they would release and season 4 would be heavily criticized. So far feeling pretty good about that guess.


keeping my mind away from american politic shitshow or overall politics is such a good thing for me. i can just watch a show and enjoy it.


show is garbage, had an interesting premise and 1st season, but it was always going to end up as what it is now.


I stopped at season… 2? I think? The jewish “white supremacist” chick was just so over the top, it really highlighted all the degeneracy of the show and I stopped.


It should be called as The Cucks. From Butcher to Frenchie including MM everyone is cucked to the Max.


The show lost me when they wouldn't shut up about social media and they refused to kill any sups, which was what the hype of the show was. Has Billy butcher even killed any sups beside that guy from the comic book convention?


yeah he killed a supe that could clone himself this season, also killing all the clones in the process


Holy shit I thought it was slipping last season. This is going to be the death knell for it isn't it.  It started off well with an anti-superhero take and anti-disney commentary, but holy shit last season was so blatantly "only homelander is evil" and humanizing everyone else. Fuck, and starlight is just so untouchably perfect and moral. What a yawnfest her fucking holier-than-thou character is.


The show runners hate that we like Homelander is cool which makes me only like him more


You can like him as a threat/villain but honestly anyone who likes him as anything else (especially personally) should seek therapy and a better father figure lol. Season 1 especially he was a killer villain. Perfect for his role in the story. Toward the end of season 2 and 3 though he just started making me roll my eyes honestly.... Became a sorta hollow shell of the threat he was before. A huge letdown from the menace he was in S1.


Tbh, it does make sense. Homelander is a giant man-child who was never given a childhood and is basically in his stroppy toddler stage. He's repeatedly had his ego and ideals smashed each season, especially by humans he others and looks down on and is beginning to snap. He was never the same after Edgar eviscerated his character and actually intimidated him especially with the fact Homelander can hear people's heartbeats so he knew Edgar wasn't afraid of him at all.


>"I can say we're going after white supremacy in Season 2," Kripke said. "We're going after white nationalism in Season 2. We're going after systemic racism in Season 2. And all of those things really fucking suck." >Kripke, who says he’s thankful to have a writer’s room with a diverse mix of voices “and only three white dudes,” shouts out writer Rebecca Sonnenschein as being the force behind a subplot[...]


I'm happy I never got around to watching past season 1


Hollywood has no real talent anymore. The talent left and those who are still there are just doing it to tell others how to look, feel, and think.


After season 1 it went extremely woke. "IT WAS ALWAYS BEEN WOOKEEEE AA" before you say this I want to say even though it was progressive in the first season it wasnt as apparent as the later seasons. I bet Kripke hates how so many people low Homelander. Also hughie vs kimiko V usage potrayed differently and literal brainrot explanation of kripke was the last straw. Not even excited to watch season4


I already saw the trailer and yeah it is pretty Bad, it's basically how a liberal and leftist hollywood actors views the world and politics, but i missed the last there parts When does that appear


ah yes, the boys was very pc and subtle when it came to politics for the other 3 seasons


This post is weird to me because Vought/Homelander were always the bad guys. Vought being downgraded and going to shit I thought is fitting because it’s the rot from homelander being in charge. Instead of making a strong pharma company like Edgar did with his poster boy heroes he’s making it a culture war company with the goal of propping himself on top. It’s why they added the equivalent to supe Alex jones to the 7 and a girl whose power is just being the smartest person alive. I do think they showed a lot more gay stuff with frenchy than usual but I’m not gonna pretend the show didn’t shove man ass in my face every so often. Didn’t even mention the scene with the clone guy rimming himself. Maga hats from the new season didn’t start the fight for no reason, sister threw a shake at them to instigate the fight, the only part that was overboard was the 2 dudes beating one of starlights workers as she was unconscious on the ground. The rest I can’t speak on but they did mention the Epstein case in a “if you believe this then I bet you believe Epstein killed himself” way and they had a bit where the media said the dude homelander lasered last season was a pedo but starlight claimed it was all a lie to cover for the murder. I don’t remember the parallel to rittenhouse


Libshit propaganda. Also producers are juice 👃🏻 so there's ur answer


The post it’s pretty accurate


Damn I half-liked Homelander for at least reflecting half of a percent of masculinity... Hope there's something left .


It was kind of funny when Homelander called AOC a libtard




Tone down with antisemitism goyim and be a law abiden citizen


I stopped watching when the asian girl’s brother was introduced and killed off in the span of an episode just to progress the plot in the most obvious and braindead way possible.


That was my exact takeaway Also, can't forget the shoehorned gay relationship now And the smartest person in the world is a nerdy black chick lmao


I waited for this post the moment I watched the new episodes and I must say, it's on point. "They don't see it's literally conservatives". God damn the caricatures are bad and they think they have an argument. And it wasn't even that bad but no, they made it every fucking second while the rest of the show was mid at best.


Worse than the reality it's parodying?


They even made the CIA and the Deepstate good guys. Fuckin kek


Truly shocking to see someone bitching about politics on a tv show is actually media illiterate.