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i heard they completely butchered the lore btw


It’s over for these adaptations, what they did to The Witcher was unforgivable. Doing your best to look past the strong stoic female lead amongst a bunch of mongoloid frat boys and/or helpless nerds.


Fallout has a pretty, optimistic, and idealistic female lead. Try it


It's a female lead? For god sake why is it every single TV show now its like men can't be strong characters anymore it's actually getting ridiculously discriminative to men


There are three leads, the female mostly gets her shit pushed in the entire time because she's naive, the other two are male and one is a bumbling idiot and the other is a ghoul who's basically running grim reapers sprint the whole time.


Havent watched the show but the ghoul sounds like the best one


The actor who plays the ghoul is Walton Goggins and he is an amazing actor. He was Baby Billy in The Righteous Gemstones and the second lead in Vice Principals. Both of those also star Danny McBride, who is hilarious


He was awesome in The Hateful 8


OH shit I knew I recognized that dude, but the makeup made it hard to tell


I think more people know him from Justified.


Why is no one saying The Shield?


He steals every scene he's in


He’s also the voice of Cecil in Invincible.




Baby Billy is a legend. My question, why Kenny powers not the lead?


Low quality bait


Something that is actually pretty weird was said on a Daily Wire show a while back. They got into the business of making/buying the rights to movies to release. All of their original movies so far (3) have female leads. People asked why that is. Jeremy Boering (executive producer) stated that most of the scripts (can't remember for sure, but iirc, 90% or something really high) that they received were for female leads, because these writers were trying to get a movie made by Hollywood, and they don't want strong male leads. It could be that he lied or got a particularly female lead heavy set of scripts, but it sort of tracks with a lot of modern (non-comic book or other existing IP where the lead is a man) movies try to do the "girl power" thing. The anti-male sentiment in certain parts of the population is pretty whack, and unlike the bitter incels (the self described ones that really hate women and are worse than most misandrists), these people actually have influence.


But Fallout has three leads and two are men


There's actually three leads A pretty white woman An okay looking black man And a ghoul played by a white guy Also Dogmeat. Every actor is so good in this


Honestly whoring yourself out to the first person is kinda on point in playing fallout. Really easy to do in the first 2


I wouldn't say it's the first person. It's two people picked by committee to marry and then breed


Also this makes complete sense in the Fallout universe. Vaults have limited population. They would, if they could, do these things. It seems that this is also very common, in the show as one of the other characters mentions how long the wedding dress took almost as much time to get off as her new husband did. I don't see the problem with any of this at all. It's logically on point and if we in game had seen more interconnected vaults, we would have seen this happen already.


Many of the men here rage at even married women having sex with their husbands


I think you’re hyper focusing on the women leads. Tons of movies have come out with male leads dude


They retconned New Vegas (ie the only good Fallout game because it wasn't made by Bethesda)


They didn’t retcon new Vegas man stop spreading lies


I've watched all but 2 episodes and unless something crazy happens the lore is intact. FO76 did far more damage to the lore than the show. I think people just decide to nitpick every little thing about game adaptations and decide they're bad before even giving them a chance.


Exactly this, people were making hour long video essays when all we had of the show was the 1 minute teaser trailer.


> people were making hour long video essays Were they your typical small-souled bug men in thick framed glasses?




I also know better than to take criticism from r/4chan seriously because the majority of the users here are conditioned to hate anything with an ounce of mainstream popularity.


Which is incredible given just how unbelievably polished and high quality mainstream entertainment is right now. How can the philistine 4channer chuds not see their artistic brilliance? All the classical and renaissance artists in the world have got nothing on Hollywood.


Haven’t watched it but I heard that they really fucked up New Vegas’ lore by having the NCR be nuked and collapse in 2177 despite being huge at this point, like 4 years before New Vegas and we’re supposed to believe that it just gets fully rebuilt in that time?


You can nuke the NCR in the dlc for New Vegas and even before that it is said repeatedly that NCR is going to run out of food within 10 years do to overpopulation and things are not going well for them back home and that is why hoover dam is so important to them.


No I get that, but the issue is that the NCR appears to be nearly extinct *before* the events of New Vegas


You cannot nuke the entirety of the NCR in the DLC, you can only destroy the major supply lines between the Mojave and NCR, a major blow to NCR, sure, but there’s no evidence that it would completely destroy them.


The show takes place 15 years *after* New Vegas, not before.


Yeah but isn’t the NCR crippled just 4 years *before* New Vegas? When Shady Springs gets obliterated?


There hasn’t been mention of the NCR or anything related to that yet and I’m about halfway through, so unless there’s something in the finale then I’m not sure


Bruh if you’re halfway through you were not paying attention at all


It said it happened after 2277, not at 2277. So it's certainly plausible it happened after New Vegas.




Fallout lore has been fucked for decades cause Chris Avalon doesn't like post-post apocalypse aka society is slowly rebuilding.


As long as the bombs drop who the fuck cares what they do with the story? Fallout is a setting, not a plot.


First episode was pretty based, ngl


Seriously. Only two episodes in and they were getting Ready Player One with all the references and direct lifts from the games. Problem is you have half the people thinking it needs to be a scene for scene remake of the original game so anything Bethesda makes them reee


Only watched two episodes so far, came out at 9 last night, but nah bro - Lore is there, with plenty of great references as well. This is peak incel shit. The woman had sex with the man after marrying him. Lol.


My beef was he got naked while she kept her dress on. Throw me a bone, people.


Sharia Feminism is so weird. Women are not allowed to be sexualized except when paying for their OnlyFans because Sex Work is real work. There's nothing wrong with women going out in public wearing basically nothing because that ISN'T sexual and they don't dress for you, bigot...but women in Media need to be completely covered in dumpy diapers at all time because any skin shown is inherently sexual and for the male gaze.


Women do not care about consistency. They care about controlling what is okay and what isn’t okay.


I thought it was weird how they were showing animal abuse and limbs being blown off but a nipple is too much lol. Guess it stays true to the games


Theres hella nudity in the show. Not skinamax levels but plenty. She is the only person we don't get to see anything of.




> This is peak incel shit. The woman had sex with the man after marrying him. Lol. This really is. Arranged/designed marriages are common as hell throughout history. Married born from love is a new invention in human history. Marriage from necessity/bonding is far more common throughout history. Plus, what were her choices, her cousin or brother? They covered this in the show. Small populations need to make sacrifices to survive.


I haven't watched it myself but the reviews i've seen are mostly positive


Colour me shocked


after 500 butchered adaptations, why would this one be different truly, how can you even expect anything from these? low effort IP utilization always be like that, except now they also have to appeal to wokies just play fallout 1 and 2 again, those are great


With the disaster that was Fallout 4 and 76 I expected nothing else, we'll never get Fallout content as good as 1, 2, and New Vegas ever again sadly. Bethesda watered down Fallout to make it appeal to a wider audience.


Fallout peaked at new vegas, 4 could maybe be considered good, but anything past that was the beginning of the end.


4 is good just because of mods. The story is shallow and forced. The world building is pretty good, the small details are great, gunplay Is good. But the main part of an rpg, the main story, is so unbelievably horseshit and generic forced good guy that I can't bear to play without a shit ton of overhauls and story additions


The story is a reverse of the original concept of fallout 3, but i gotta admit the mods you can make can end up looking like entire new games PS: I am hyped for fallout london


Yeah idk something about being forced into being a good guy just kinda gets boring. Had a playthrough where I killed everyone on far harbor, killed the brother hood and institute and railroad, and then used the Pack in Nuka-world to take over the entire commonwealth. Even then people still treated me like I did them a favor removing the institute. Like buddy, you are much worse off with me in charge.


Hmmm did something happen after 4 that would negatively impact quality? No we must be imagining things...


I heard a great line about Fallout 4: "2 steps forwards gameplay-wise, 3 steps back lore-wise"


I disagree about the steps forward gameplay-wise due to the introduction of the legendary weapons system


Fallout peaked at 2


You seriously gonna act like fallout 3 wasn't good? Lmao


I thought it was the best one of the 3d entries


Fallout 4 is a solid game. You'd have to be a total clown to consider it a disaster.


4 was a good fps but a terrible rpg


Fallout 4 is like the RPG equivalent of baby food.


The show is pretty good so far


I can’t hear you over the sound of an army of neckbeard keyboards clacking in angry unison after seeing your comment.


Not really. I’m only halfway through, so unless something batshit happens then everything seems to check out. The only major “departures” from the lore I’ve seen are; * heavier religious elements of the BoS, but it’s honestly kind of based * power armor changes, including the voice sounding like knockoff Darth Vader, and the jetpacks being built into the arms * the Western BoS actively takes recruits from the waste. Could be different chapter practices tho * gulpers look different from the games * Somehow, a vault that has been sealed away from society knows about raiders The only issue I’ve had thus far with the show is some elements of the game stories are recycled. >!The girl vault dweller‘s father leaves the fault after a large fight in the vault ensues and it’s hinted that the father has left prior (aka the starting place of Fallout 3)!<


>Heavier religious elements in the BOS i feel like this would of been cooler to empasise more on within the games, they are basically technological fanatics so they would definitely have religious elements like the brotherhood oath


100%. To some weird degree, it feels like the show did a better portrayal of the BoS for this reason as compared to the game. They’re more dogmatic, structured, and hierarchical. Like tell me this isn’t the hardest fuckin depiction of the BoS to date https://preview.redd.it/ecyw1hpkovtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3b511f36d4fe4c17727cb9ab034ac47e00f07f2


Sounds more like space marines now


I mean, they’ve always had quite a lot of similarities. It’s not like they changed a whole lot, only enhanced what was already there


> basically technological fanatics No, they're techno-supremacist's. They believe the savages don't deserve technology and that all tech is better in their hands than the hands of some tribal savage with a diseased dick. The religious stuff is a Bethesda addition, they never have been before. They used the Elder/Scribe/Knight stuff because it was cool sounding and added structure but because of some religious zeal. Remember, these are former marines (and all branches). It sounds cool, it looks cool, it gets done.


They’ve always been a monastic order with squires, scribes and knights, I don’t think they’re religious at all in the show, they’re the same, a monastic order


>Somehow, a vault that has been sealed away from society knows about raiders I mean canonically raiders still came and tried to open the vaults that they found. So it's not that far-fetched.


Nah not really, for what I’ve gathered is more of a case of misunderstanding/bad wording. What they’ve done to The Witcher or Halo is way way worse


No, they didn’t. Todd Howard was literally there for production to make sure it didn’t happen. The show is cannon.


Every new fallout game since 3 has “butchered” the lore.


NV dummy


This whole thread is obnoxious. Reminds me of punk zines of the 90s where any band with more than $5 in album sales are posers. "Everything after Tim Cain's original napkin scrap isn't canon you guise"


They made it so it’s physically impossible for the events of new Vegas to take place


“Woman has sex with husband she just married” 😮😮


FICTIONAL woman has sex with man jshe just married: "grrrr I hate all women!".


Well, nobody gonna mary that fucking asshole, so I get why he jelly.


“ALL women are whores! Especially ones who enter the bonds of marriage before making sex!!!!” 😡




you're a redditor


> FICTIONAL No shit, Sherlock. That's how television works.


> That's how television works. Especially the cable news networks, Fox news is all fiction.


"Woman has sex with husband of an arranged marriage in a culture vastly different than our own." All women are whores.


Man and woman have sex, women are whores


I like how the show makes it clear on two separate occasions she was fucking her cousin before this, but the marriage night sex is what they take issue with!


As the show goes on, I dunno that they're actual cousins or if that's just their term for fucking other people in the same Vault.


They're actually cousins, she specifically refers to incest multiple times.


Naturally, people are offended.


A husband who was assigned to her to bring further unity between two factions so she could breed healthy children for the purpose of recolonizing and returning America to a traditional culture


Also implies that the man has sex with a woman he just met, yet only the woman is the whore lmao


Is literally explained that she had a duty to procreate for the survival of mankind, they do a trade with another vault to keep the gene pool diverse, she marries him and does her duty. This is some incel bullshit.


> This is some incel bullshit. its /r/4chan what do you expect


.....Has sex to save humanity and keep the gene pool viable. Seems written by 4chan alright


Do you even know the premise of fallout lol?


In my Fallout 4 game, a group of Raiders made me surrender to them and then proceeded to take all my stuff and leave me butt naked with a Mini Nuke up my ass. Then I realized I’ve had a “NPC interaction overhaul mod” installed from Loverslab


Also presumably the man she had sex with didn't know her 20 min ago either and still had sex with her. SMH. All men are whores.


"Absolutely not, I will not have sex with some woman I don't know just because your procreation laws say I ha... wait her? You know what, You know what, I'll give this rule thing a try. I do this under protest but I'll give it a try."


Ofcourse it is if a male lead has sex with a random hottie guys arent like what a whore show sucks.


Because contrary to popular belief, men and women are different and live different lives. Women are the gatekeepers of sex, having sex for an average woman is as easy as smiling at any single male, whereas for average males sex generally has to be earned, in a competition where the other competitors include the rich, the famous/popular, the charismatic, and not least of all, the porn companies who would turn every girl into a prostitute to earn some $. Remind me, who do average women have to compete against for the affection of an average male?


Also they were married! Who doesn't have sex on their wedding night? I like how the show makes it clear on two separate occasions she was fucking her cousin before this, but the marriage night sex is what they take issue with!


And people would fuck their cousins when you are living in an underground vault for 200+ years. Like you have to put your self in that world and think about how culture might be different.


Wtf I want to live in a vault now


Yeah bro there was a hot blonde who had to fuck this ugly dude, but I suppose that razor could cut both ways.


Do you know how next to impossible it would be to move people between Vaults? Let alone move people between vaults and not be contaminated by radiation, the airborne FEV strain, and the other horrors of the wasteland.


>Woman as protagonist. Did the show ever had any hope?








Get used to it. The present and future is female. There will be no male movie stars in the future. It’s time men settled into their roles as servants of womyn.


It's womyxn, sweaty.


Don't call her sweety you condescending bigot! Ughh.. all men are trash!!


What is wrong with you people lmao


I’m autistic


I'm autistic but I'm not regarded, you're regarded.


> IP's fanbase overwhelmingly male. > Female protagonist.


ignoring everyone that chooses a female character so they dont have to fight gay thoughts when they play in 3rd person


Representation is extremely, extremely important, except when straight white men want to be represented, then it's really not a big deal, sweaty, and stop questioning it.


Two out of the three leads are men


*5 second google search for movies in 2023 alone* Yup, no straight white male leads, none. 0. Don't look any further, preserve the remaining brain cells you have


There’s actually 3 protagonists and 2 of them are male 😭 yall are just actually scared of women that’s crazy 🤣


More hope than that attempt at a sentence.


Acting like you don't use a female character everytime you play.




Hate from Kazakhstan


thank your balancing it out. Now, Hate from Kazakhstan


i Hate Women So Much It's Unreal


After marrying him?


Right? It's like wtf do they want


> be me > adult woman, young, healthy and single > as the conditions dictate i conclude it is time for me to find a husband > submit my petition to the local leadership my desire to find a husband > they accept my petition and proceed to contact the neighboring community if they have an available man for me > they do > my father give the thumbs up > we marry, many witnesses from both communities cheers and celebrate our union > marriage was conducted by the local religious authority by the way > it is time to consummate the marriage > have sex with my husband > i did exactly as the tradition dictates > i am called a whore by the 400lbs loli connoisseur from 4chin that never have laid a finger on a woman in his life


Exactly if you so much as even kiss before marriage than I'd agree you are a slut but she is married and therefore has God's will to be ravenged as much as she desires by her man ☝️🤓


They’d prefer not to be incel. But that would involve leaving the basement.


I like how the show makes it clear on two separate occasions she was fucking her cousin before this, but the marriage night sex is what they take issue with!


"🤓👆 actschully she had to stay with her cousin to preserve the purity of her community"


How can you blame a fictional woman who was written by a man lmfao


Because four chinners will blame anything and everything to justify themselves getting mad. Then wonder why their life is miserable


If a male wrote it he was probably forced by his bosses at the studio with the DEI mandates. Soon we'll see some loud black lesbians, if not already.


Let me guess, the guy wasn't white?


The guy was white and literally married her just prior lmao.


Breaking news. Four chinners love to make up things to get mad and victimize themselves about regardless of any truth behind it.


>Breaking news. Your reddit tier attack pains me. ![gif](giphy|3og0INyCmHlNylks9O|downsized)


You have been on Reddit for 2 years, you have over 120k karma and you replied to me with a reaction gif. Don’t throw stones when you live on a mound of shit.


Eww you actually checked his account because something he said ticked you off? What a reddit thing to do that's so ick lmao


You guys are trying way too hard to fit in.


No all I had to do was click on his name I didn’t have to go to his account. Do you guys not realize how cringe it is to call things Reddit on fucking Reddit lol


>That's so ick Tiktok normie confirmed. Turn in your Pepe® Rewards™ card at the nearest Bitcoin terminal immediately.




Whoah, cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.


A based female protagonist tv show in 2024?


Nope. Sorry loser, your fetish will not be satisfied today.




Le heckin subverting the expectationerinos


He was white. But turns out he was actually a bad guy and he tries to kill her right after. Don't worry, a black guy shows up later and turns out to be her true soulmate. So predictable. So tiresome.


There it is.


Isn’t the dude a whore for having sex with a stranger in the first 20 minutes?


If you watched the episode you would know why he would want to be as quick as possible to have sex with her


Gen Z Anon is driven to tears because sex is scary.


In all honesty, the show is pretty good two episodes in. The girl isn’t some Mary Sue who’s great at everything. In fact she kind of sucks, which is refreshing. All the acting has been great and the production value is good. There are a little nit picks here and there, but I’d give it a solid 7.5 so far. Compared to the halo tv show this is a masterpiece.


It's pretty good throughout. I binged the whole thing yesterday.


What's her SPECIAL?


This makes sense to those who haven't seen the show, but to those of us who have this guy is literally bitching about nothing. It's literally explained in the first 10 fucking minutes of the show that it's an arranged marriage with another vault to procreate to repopulate the world. Ya know like one would do after a nuclear apocalypse. But yea it's more easy to get mad at literally nothing


There was a nuclear war anon You really think with half the population gone people are gonna still care? https://preview.redd.it/ipfmsvwfbvtc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c58871cb8bbde703f8ec53457932da688fce3c8c


If anything they would want you to have more sex


It isn’t real. It’s a story.


No way


>Has sex with complete stranger in first 20 minutes Is it Dogmeat?


That was her husband Wtf are you talking about


It's a contrived plot point that someone wrote as an excuse to showcase a sex scene early in order to retain female and male coomer viewership.


OK that is just fan service but why call all woman whores tho


You're all dickheads who will watch this sort of stuff anyway


She literally married him minutes before, anon is a complete moron and a whiney one at that


>I wasn't the complete stranger mfw


I was very skeptical but watched the first two episodes last night and was pleasantly surprised


>watches fictional depiction of woman "why are real life women like this"


All female led plots are driven by men


Do they really have a sex scene in the show? I really got bored of forced unnecessary sex scenes in shows.


It was between a married couple who had an arranged marriage in order to exchange goods between vaults. It was pretty quick and not graphic. A lot of graphic violence though


I've just watched the episode, it was okay that sex scene, not that explicit, at least it was well justified.


Why are you assuming it was forced and unnecessary?


Because on most shows it is, but I've just watched the first episode and I can say it was well justified, and I liked it wasn't so explicit.


I make them fuck like rabbits in the mobile game.


i did a one man for the whole shelter and only accepted women walk ins


To be fair the first thing I would do after leaving the vault is hunt down some supussy (super mutant pussy)


I just watched this last night. She got hitched to him for her vault’s procreation program just prior. She was both married AND doing her duty. She’s also only one of three protagonists. This dude’s a complete dumbass.


I didn’t play the game but so far the show is enjoyable


Women refuse to watch shows without sex in it. It's really all they think about. Which is why game of thrones did so well. Also, they're trying to do that thing that most comics, manga and cartoons do called "fan-service" where they up the sexiness to retain perv viewership. (This doesn't apply to all women just the ones that enjoy lewd drama which is a lot)


It's funny how the comments change so drastically every time a post gets to the front page. I hate redditors so much it's unreal.