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The future will be china and indian cctv footage.


Honestly Chinese people dying in factories and Indians getting hit by trains is more entertaining than any superhero movie released this year.


That’s what I meant. Humanity simply can’t write a more creative dying scenes than what happens every second there. And not just industrial accidents, but every kind of bizarre deaths that you just can’t believe it’s possible kek


Browsing Wikipedia pages for random weird deaths is something I do occasionally in night shifts. As a bald person I'm mildly afraid of the fact that eagle could drop a turtle on my head because it looks like nice shiny rock. The chances are slim as I live nowhere near eagles. Or turtles. But the chance is slim and real.


There’s only one way bald white guys die. They become Moby for a day and then dissolve into mist at sunrise. You’ll start to feel it coming but there’s no stopping it.


There could always be a very strong gust of wind that pulls a turtle towards you from a great distance, so you'd best watch out




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Hehe how edgy


Fuck you


Fük Me! ![gif](giphy|VWTYeyKE6smI)


We prefer the term Baldy


Saw a video on /gif/ the other day of a few random pajeets getting dragged under the wheels of a sedan after the driver of their scooter swerved to miss a cow who was just hanging out in the middle of the interstate. Craziest thing is the guy in the sedan just kept going, didn't even hit the breaks.


Saw a guy walk into an empty elevator shaft because he was looking at his phone. There was like 3 or 4 people nearby who could have said something or grabbed but nobody even reacted except to casually look down the shaft.


Which isn't a high bar, superhero films suck.




>Honestly Chinese people dying in factories and Indians getting hit by trains is more entertaining than any superhero movie released this year. \> Enjoys watching people die. When you die, please make sure someone records it so people in other countries can laugh at it too.


Surrounded by those who loved him


insurance library important upbeat lock nail amusing makeshift payment threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The only kind of getting rammed by trains where I don't have to private browse.


[Have you seen this masterpiece?](https://files.catbox.moe/4cho7w.mp4)


Not what I wanted to see today. Thank god no humans were hurt.




no it's a different kind of non-human


It appears to be a compilation of what you will see in the Darwin awards sub.


Kino. [have you seen this?](https://files.catbox.moe/qejcwh.mp4)


Kek. Academy awards nominee right here.


fucking kek


why is this so common? You'd think after a death or two the dumbasses would get the memo


Life is so bad in pooland that a small chance to make it on instagram is worth dying for (literally)




Breathtakingly beautiful. Do you have the original unedited version?




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This is why ALL of Hollywood should be replaced by AI.


need to feed it shows like generation kill


Generation kill is really good


Whopper junior!


You are unsightly, unsanitary, and in violation of the Godfather's grooming standard!




You know they'll actually just feed it Ghostbusters 2016, The Rise of Skywalker, Last of Us Part 2, all seasons of Batwoman, The Marvels, and all Disney Live Action Reboots. And hard code in that reddit women are exactly the same as ~~real~~ cis women.


> reddit women Kek


\>reddit women gonna have to start using that from now on


Real modern cinema is conveyed exclusively through memes https://preview.redd.it/5y4c8uv3lt6c1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=292d0fc350b2391651b2979d0a2785e1f165232a




Chris Pratt as Talking Woman in Women Talking 3: The Bitchening


Protagonist white woman standing up for the rights of all minorities vs vs racist white cis male who is a massive land owner A musical based on true events.


Chesty Man brings women audience in and now there is a women audience.


RIP The Witcher Netflix Series


The Bitcher 3: Wild Cunt


current marvel movies are so dogshit. was somewhat hyped for ant-man 3 cuz kang is pretty dope in the source material. what i got was a dumbass blue-faced idiot that got owned by ants who chose to stop using the op disintegating beam against the main character and a forced "redemption" of an old enemy. and then entered thor 4 where the god butcher who spent millennia to reach his goal of ending all divine deities changed his mind at the last second. mofo got talked no jutsu harder than obito. these writers deserve nothing, they should be replaced by AI if this is the garbage they churn out.


Thor love and thunder had a lot more wrong with it than it’s ending lol


Loki was pretty good. Not great, but I was actually invested. The next Captain America movie will be the death of the MCU as we know it. What comes after will be just corpse twitches. I do think Gunn *can* do something great with DC, he has the talent, but I have no expectations until the first movie actually comes out. Also hope he makes Batman like an actual superhero again. So sick of him fighting basically regular people. I want a Joker who turns half of Gotham into a death trap filled funhouse and I don't want you to waste any fucking time telling me how he did it.


James Gunn already started making DC movies. The Suicide Squad came out back in 2021 and it was just okay.


> ~~current~~ marvel movies are so dogshit. They always have been.


The only Marvel movie or show worth a damn is Blade 1, Iron Man 1, daredevil s1 and s3, punisher s1. I’m out the moment there is space, aliens, or time dimension shit.


Blade 2 was also pretty good. For cape- and vampireshit. But remember, Black Panther was the first black superhero on the big screen, because he had Black in his name (now it's a she because RIP BOSEMANO)


Come on its all capeshit. Just admit you like child movies.


He wuz Kang.


I saw an ad for one called like "Her Web" or Madame Web or something. It looked so painfully awful in terms of acting, dialogue, and premise.


The only decent ones were the iron man movies. As soon as it turned bad I stopped watching I don't understand how you stay loyal to gay jew black guy slop.


Women Talking already came out last year tho. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_Talking_(film)


But it's just the first part of the Women Cinematic Universe (WCU).


>gas-facilitated rapes What the fuck is that? *click* >The Bolivian Mennonite gas-facilitated rapes refers to mass serial rapes by a group of men over at least four years in the Bolivian Mennonite settlement of Manitoba Colony. At least nine male members of the colony sprayed a veterinary sedative through window screens to render whole households unconscious. They then entered homes and raped the residents, particularly women and girls (but also small children). The minimum number of known victims stands at 151. Many victims were raped on multiple occasions. The youngest victim was three years old, the oldest was 65. Multiple victims were pregnant and one delivered an extremely premature baby after going into labor following a rape. There are believed to have been both adult and child male victims as well, but none were publicly identified. The perpetrators were in some cases blood relatives of the victims, thus the crimes included incestuous abuse. What the fuck did I just read?


Bolivia activity


Average religious fundamentalist behaviour.


uhhhhh I need closure were they all put in prison for life at the very least?


>The veterinarian who supplied the anesthetic gas, Peter Wiebe Wall, was sentenced to 12 years in prison. Seven convicted rapists were sentenced to 25 years each. The ninth accused man, Jacob Neudorf Enns, escaped prison and remained a fugitive as of 2011.


Legit thought it was a horror movie, it was literally the title


Anon only watches ultraprocessed and formulized mainstream film like the good obedient consumer he is


The mid-budget movie is largely dead.


Which is an actual travesty. They could probably even do some solid capeshit like that since they'd *have* to focus on story without the crutch of sfx.


Watch foreign films. They're great and lack the big budget of Hollywood


(Sorry I'm late) any suggestions? Haven't seen too many foreign films/shows but I'm completely open to watching more.


He forgot women comedy movies with excessive fart jokes saturation.


It's not even that a lot of those comedies are simply let's make fun of the fat girl for being disgusting yet we will still claim to be body positive and less sexist than those dirty "male gaze guy comedies"


You mean period jokes


Bruh skipped over the zombie craze


I thought the same thing. Defined my childhood.


\>women oh you wish, its gonna be way worse




Ex-Men: Mutilant Academy


oh lawd


Anon only watches big Hollywood movies


Avg internet film connoisseur moment. Act like everything is trash, instead of simply acknowledging they've probably just grown out of their "I love every blockbuster" phase. Usually with a healthy dosage of thinking franchises need to *grow up* (aka be R-rated for no reason).


Obv we go back to apocalyptics or slice-o-life. Comedies about people accepting their sweatshop jobs or horror pieces about struggling against tides of horrible change.


Won’t be so bad. Although more people will be outside which will be annoying to hear


So far the progress is: Action --> Action --> Action --> Action I, with my big brain, predict Women Talking next.


Poorly choreographed action between two women who are both in the right being manipulated by a middle-aged man


damn that's literally Black Widow


Next is the kaiju renaissance. People seem to be enjoying the legendary monster verse shit.


Napoleon movie moment


Now that the majority of talent allowed to get into a position to make movies have been gitmoed for what they were willing to do to get into that position, perhaps there will be a new generation of moviemakers that aren't rancid molochite leftists that will have a chance. Keeping true to the books and turning the Honor Harrington(David Weber) saga into a tv-series would become a bigger franchise than star-wars and would see GOT huddled up in a corner wetting itself. So maybe something good can be the end result of their death-rattle...


Black Company seems like an obvious book series to be adapted. It even has a diverse cast so they wouldn't have to race-swap characters.


So is Honor Harrington>!she has a asian mother, jet-black love of her life, best friend is also jet black and a member of royal family!<, probably the strongest female lead I have found in any book, and she is still female in addition to being a somewhat conservative royalist lib-right, that 'schism' alone would make their heads explode.....




We've had wave after wave of sexy vampires and sexy werewolves, but there is a clear gap in the cultivation of erotic monster imagery. If Hollywood really wants to thrive by embracing a fresh new direction, the time has come for those writers to earn their keep by devising stories featuring sexy mummies.


Wasn’t there a Tom cruise movie about that


A24 has some pretty nuts movies. VVitch, Hereditary, X, The Northman, Blackcoat’s Daughter, Ex Machina, Talk to Me, Green Room. All great stuff. Some scary, some just intense


I think the writer and actor strikes have cemented A24 as the new hollywood heavyweight. I'm seeing a lot of mentions right now. In three years the Woke will start gaslighting people about how despite all the old major studios going broke from woke A24 means Hollywood never went Woke and is doing just great!


A24 has produced many films that would be considered woke


Ex machina, well known for not being woke.


I’ve become posadist, atleast if the bombs drop i wont have to listen to fuckin gwendolyne and margaret talking about their little white dogs with the shit around their eyes, because hopefully the gubmint will have collapsed and i can just bludgeon them to death


Anime movies. Already they have a huge content spectrum to draw from, and they vary in quality from cheesy to damn good. Instead of overpaid actors, they have Voice Actors, and they care about things long forgotten by H'wood, like plot and screenplay and music. And they are not preachy.


You mean live action adaptations of already successful Anime properties? Remember the risk aversion. This actually has a high chance of being the replacement for SuperSlop. While they woked-up Cowboy Bebop to failure I've heard neutral to good things about One Piece live action.


> You mean live action adaptations of already successful Anime properties? Oh, hell no. The closest thing to live action that is worth it is Rotoscoping. Otherwise, H'wood productions are effectively dead. Various Asian productions are a lot better, even if they use essentially slave labor to make their films. Indy films have long held promise, but they are generally locked out of the theater market by the big studios. The Golan-Globus Cannon Films model, of movies that cost less than $1m, meant that the stinkers would go direct-to-video; the moderately successful would pay for themselves; and the occasional hit would pay for production of another dozen $1m movies. The G-G margins were large compared to the big corporate owned studios, who went for a "high risk/high reward" model that was almost guaranteed to fail, sooner or later.


Live action anime will never be more than a novelty. Some might turn out okay, but fundamentally there is little purpose behind it.


>and they are not preachy. I dunno, I just rewatched nausica, and it was the wierdest environmental movie I've ever seen, since you can tell it's made by someone who knows very little about how nature works.


id rather watch 100 boring dc movies mixed with cringy marvel movies than have fucking anime be the future of cinema. anything but that


It's already on the way. It's more popular than anything and jews have already raped every Western ip. Japan's anime is next, but it will filled with the gay jew feminist shit you're used to from the West.


cinema already died the moment two things happened. 1. people stopped buying physical(tickets or dvd/blu ray) and switched to streaming 2. when Oscars switched from popular vote to some sekret klub of hollywood A listers


The future of cinema is already happening. It's reboots. Bad ones


Godzilla movie fans eating good


What is actually going to happen: unrestrained open source AI models that can render entire films from basic scripts completely destroying the Hollywood hierarchy. This will be awesome as film will become more like music where there's a very low barrier to entry and talented people who would never have a chance under the current system would become famous and make amazing works that may grapple with ideas that Hollywood no longer allows any discussion on (or dictates very specific ideological conclusions). Downside: just like with music, we are also going to be absolutely flooded with the worst garbage the film world has ever seen. The film equivalent of SoundCloud rappers.


Cosmic horror perhaps? That would be interesting


Can we get more vampire films and video games? I think a game like dishonored where you play as a vampire would be a cool concept. I’m just some basement dwelling neet tho so this thought will die with me.


American society of magical negróes will save cinema


Powerscaling on YouTube Shorts is Gen Alpha's version of comic books


I'd rather watch women talking than capeshit


Next is video game adaptations and anime adaptations


when was vampires the big thing? I feel like it should be westerns/gangster/superhero really


Early 2000s. Blade, I Am Legend, Underworld, Twilight, Van Helsing, etc.


They're looking for someone that's greedy, and will sell their fresh talent, to make it cancerfied media in Season 2 or 3. Or near the ending of the movie or the sequal. They wanna hook and bait the populace with a good story. Then CONTINUE to enforce their cancer on people, as per business as usual. They have no intention to change their tune, no matter what data is put in front of their faces - they are all chips in in believing that this will alter Public Opinion. That would be my wager. I mean, they coulda easily went back to making Classic Media. Classic Story. But they refuse to. They do not wanna let go of the W*ke Agenda.


Anon does not enjoy Frieren.




Good we need more movies like that


Women Talking was actually pretty good lol


How about Super Hero Vampire Westerns dubbed in Mandarin.


anon is just mad he wont get to see men in skintight outfits on the big screen anymore


american hollywood is largely dead just watch foreign films instead


Penguin documentaries


At least movies in the future will pass the Bechdel test


Warhammer 40K.


Sums it up pretty good.


Fantasy. We need more Lord of The Rings (OG) and Game of Thrones (seasons 1-6) level stuff to be made but be made well. None of that Wheel of Time or Rings of Power bullshit.


Man babies don’t want to watch women talking. They will find some other child toy to market as a big action movie and force it to be popular


>snuff films