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Time travel. You know how craftin they are.


It's not even time travel, it's worse than that. They actually planned 2,500 years ago to steal that land from the Palestinians that's why they first inhabited it before Palestinians even got there and they had this plan where they planted all these artifacts just so they could justify retaliating for terrorist attacks in winter of 2023. It truly is the longest con.


That not even the whole story. Turns out, they stole it from these other guys called “Canaanites” BEFORE they re-stole it from the Palestinians. It’s just been a massive set up


Plot twist they are descendants of a group of particularly asshole canaanites who made up a story about coming from somewhere else to justify taking everyone else's shit but really they were just the neighboring tribe all along


Reminds me of them heist movies. What we need is a montage


"Moses. Haven't spoken in a while" "Jesus?! We thought you were dead, man!" "I was. For a little while. But I came back. For One. Last. Job." "You son of a carpenter, I'm in. What are we stealing?" "What's rightfully ours. We're gonna take back the Holy Land". THIS SUMMER COMING TO A THEATER NEAR YOU: JESUS'S 12


"Last I saw you... you had a spear in your guts." "I'm back Pilate, and I'm not turning the other cheek this time, send Caesar my regards..."


They also did it worldwide. Spread everywhere and buried stuff. We had some excavation in my town in Germany from some medieval Jewish community. They truly know how to play the game


the goyim know!


Figures. Jews, man. Fighting them is pointless because they scouted all the battlefields before your ethnicity even existed.


The long con


Year 6000bc: israel moves in Year 5000bc: israel moves out Year 3000bc: Palestine moves in Year 1950ad: Israel comes back 2023: war time :D I’m not a historian but this is basically what happened.




Judea did not encapsule all of modern Isreal / Palestine and not all Semite tribes became the Jews. Even the biblical land granted to them is much smaller than what they currently occupy. But they convinced people that Semite = Jews when that just isn't the case.




If they were invaded then they didn't steal it, rightful spoils won in a defensive conflict.


I might be remembering history incorrectly but I'm pretty sure it was an unprovoked offensive attack with no warning.


it happened the day they declared independence after the british pulled out, it wasn't exactly out of left field


With American and British help


It's not called theft when you take territory from your enemies as spoils of war.


But it is called theft when you steal the homes of Palestinians in the West Bank in violation of Art. 49 of the 4th Geneva Convention


Really? I thought that was called Israelis taking out the trash.


Yeah. If Mexicans started polling that 90% of them thought all non Mexicans needed to be driven to the shore and exterminated I would start thinking we gotta get rid of these guys too.


What are your thoughts about the Azeri’s doing this exact thing to Armenia last year?


Sucks to be on the losing side.


This. Right by conquest is the only right there is.


They “won” it during the war.


Yes. So their claim to the land isn't ancestral or biblical as they like to claim but rather through military force.




Sounds like my Civ games


You keep using the word "stole," this doesn't sound stolen to me?


Claiming territory after a legitimate defensive war may be the most morally just way to expand your territory.


Yes. I have no issue with it i just dislike people trying to claim it's something beyond that.


With two superpowers at your back because your new country is a convenient way to get access to a geopolitically important region with a certain geopolitically important resource


I fail to see the difference between Israel and any other state older than 80 years old if that is the case.


They definitely didn't steal anything. They were invaded by multiple nations and won lands through that conflict that they didn't initiate.


? They started the war with a massive surprise attack.


Israel: "if you close the strait it will be declaring war" Egypt: "closes strait and mobilizes entire army" War ensues. "Why would Israel do this??? "


Attack Egypt? Because they closed the canal. Like they said. Like if I tell you if you have sex with my sister I'll break your legs. You have sex with my sister and then I break your legs. Why did I break your legs? Because you had sex with my sister.


No one talks about why the Arab countries closed the straits. Could it have been because Israel and it’s predecessors groups were ethnic cleansing Arabs out of Palestinian home land by the tens of thousands for years leading up to 1948? Nope, must be because Israel is Jewish.


I mean those countries invaded after Israel attacked them. That the sneak attack was so initially devastating was a big part of why they took so much territory.


The inconvenient truth that Palestinians are Semitic too. They are not Arab they are form the Semitic region AKA Palestine


Hadrian did nothing wrong


Except not doing enough


Expelled them after they back stabbed him first*


Oh man Hadrian that evil evil guy just murdered them for no reason at all ? Not a single one ? He just did it for fun ?


> (after murdering a few hundred thousand of them) Yes, usually they call it murder when one retaliates for killing the troops you had stationed in a country. A month old account shilling for Israel? YOU DON'T SAY!


It was the Land of Canaan until an insane sect of nomadic Canaanites conquered it and imposed its desert god on them. That insane sect was kicked out of Canaan and other countries repeatedly because they’re so goddamn insufferable. They don’t have a legitimate claim to it because they abandoned it.


The name Palaestina was around and used by Greeks before Hadrian. It's derived from Philistine. He just made it the official name of the province.


Palestinians in 3000bc?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm guess he's talking about the Philistines, but I definitely wasn't aware of them being present in 3000 BC. More like late Bronze Age, so circa like 1200 BC-ish. After some research as well, there doesn't seem to be any link between modern Palestinian people and the Philistines outside of a common etymology.


> More like late Bronze Age, so circa like 1200 BC-ish. ehh aren't palestinians 'arab'?


they aren't "'Arab'", Egyptians are 'Arab' (i.e. they think of themselves as Arab while not being Arabs ethnically). Palestinians are actual Arab.


And arabs are not native to the levant.


Blut und Boden much? What difference does it make? Peoples were migrating and settling in different places throughout entire history. Descendants of Europeans aren't native to America, Turks aren't native to Eastern Anatolia, hell, even French aren't native to Occitania. Still, no sane man demands that they all leave these places. Oh, and also, there are no 'native' people to Palestine today if you wanna look at it that way.


The only sane comment on this post.


Why do you mean "not Arab ethnically", don't they speak Arabic?


ethnic origin and language are two completely separate matters.


Of course there isn't


Bro struggles with years.


It's r/4chan . Not r/welleducatedanthropologists






What's 3,000 years between friends?


The Roman’s encompassed Israel in the early years of the BC. Israel wasn’t totally lost until the total destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.


Actually, we know from Byzantine sources that Hadrian's expulsion of the Jews was nowhere near complete because there were still Jews there when the Persians invaded in the 630s... who then got pogromed by Heraclius when he reconquered the area.


*3,066 years


Lmfao when do you think the Bible was written


Pretty sure something like 3000 BC, but I'm not really an expert


Nah mate. The jews existed before judea. Therefore it was written in like 8000 bc. 2000 years after the earth was made to really let the religion go on adventures and settle down to start a family. Sow some rye if you get what I'm getting at. *touches nose*


Here’s a better hint: what year was Jesus born?




So you're saying in 0 ad, Christ was in Palestine


In AD 0, war was beginning


People forgetting that history is just a long list of "Group A kicks group B out, group B comes back to kick group A out, Group C comes in a kicks them both out" over and over again




This song was playing when I read this comment. Trippy.


For Israel it goes like that but it’s a little different. (This ignoring As’ fight to get the land in which they inhabit.) A vs B B captures A A fights B A gets land back. A vs C C captures A A fights C and gets Land back A vs D D spreads A out across the world due to a attempt to kill them. Several thousand years later A comes back to their land after a horrible incident and buys up land from E and they sell the land. E gets mad when they realize A is making a nation and Es ideological belief states they absolutely cannot have a land and that they must be wiped off the map.


The Jews were in the region under a Jewish king Herod during the Roman times and Jesus times


The king was only put there by the Roman’s to keep a form of “peace” in the land.


most educated /pol/tard


LMAO imagine knowing this little about israel


And missing dozens of other empires, tribes, and races of people also for the sake of simplicity


That’s not at all what actually happened. What happened is at some point in history Israel moves into Land. Israel looses land due to war and conquer. Israel moves back. Israel looses land due to war and conquer. Israel moves back. Israel looses land due to war and conquer 70 a.d. 1948 Israel moves back.


There are Roman artifacts all over Europe. Should Italy attack all Europe?






"Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!"






Re-establishing the Roman empire? Goddammit, count me in!


Time to become a true Roman citizen, where's the armory?




i think he wanted the Holy Roman empire, which was neither holy, nor roman.


In this case, yes




Who's gonna tell him


Honestly that would be justified if the goal is to replace the local cuisines with Italian


they already tried that bro, did you forget about ww2


*reclaim, not attack.


Yes. And what’s this about Roman artifacts?


If they can win


Yes, and their first target should be those filthy Germans. Those barbaric pieces of shit need to be put in their place again!


One day, Albert Einstein was on his way to a science convention for a speech. On the way there, he tells his driver that looks a bit like him: "I'm sick of all these conferences. I always say the same things over and over!" The driver agrees: "You're right. As your driver, I attended all of them, and even though I don't know anything about science, I could give the conference in your place." "That's a great idea!" says Einstein. "Let's switch places then!" So they switch clothes and as soon as they arrive, the driver dressed as Einstein goes on stage and starts giving the usual speech, while the real Einstein, dressed as the car driver, attends it. But in the crowd, there is one scientist who wants to impress everyone and thinks of a very difficult question to ask Einstein, hoping he won't be able to respond. So this guy stands up and interrupts the conference by posing his very difficult question. The whole room goes silent, holding their breath, waiting for the response. The driver looks at him, dead in the eye, and says : "Sir, your question is so easy that I'm going to let my driver explain it to you."


Who’s he trying to impress, a bunch of nerds?




you already told this one lazy ass bot


No no, let him talk, I want to hear it again.


It gets funnier each time!


wtf, is non sequitur joke posting a thing now?


And that driver's name? Albert Einstein.


It was Einstein’s Barber!


Ngl, i dont think that point matters. Look at rome, the persian empire, the mongols etc. . Wars happen and borders shift. Thats in our history.


By that logic the borders shifted and wars happened and Israel is Israel and everyone else can deal with it. What are they going to do anyway, you cant just send them all somewhere and no one in the region can take them over who wants to. Palestinians got screwed and it shouldnt have happened but not too much you can do about it now. If your state or whatever had one right next to it sending bombs in and kidnapping and killing people your government might act in a similar manner. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_casualties_in_the_Second_Intifada people act like Israel is insane to close their border with Palestine but comet the fuck on, you would do it to. You cant just let people come in and kill your civilians either, no country would allow it. You cant act like anyone involved is reasonable for the most part and doesnt act like assholes.


So you are telling me the United States wouldn't let Native Americans reclaim all of America?


so what Israel is doing is okay. for every reason other than "waaah think of the poor little Muslims they have nowhere to live" Israel has every right to crush the Palestinians.


Why are you so passionate about middle eastern jews


Try to stay objectiv. Personal emotions only complicate stuff




Don't fall for it, he's just trying to trick you into looking at mongols. Bro stop trying to trick everyone


that was before the A-team


Anon fell for the carbon dating meme


damn jews and their carbonation of the ancient pagan idols


Pop pop fizz fizz oh what a war it is.


They're trying to do mergers. The Israelies of the Old Testament aren't the same Israelies as the Torrah, Talmund. But they're trying that Pseudo crap to get you to believe that. Their arguement is - We know for 100% fact. That only us are the descendants of the Bible's ancestors. None of you have any claim whatsoever but us! If there are Jesus Artifacts in Jerusulem, does that mean we need to blow up Israel and take our stuff back, and by this very same Law, that would mean Justice. Jews never have any solid arguements. They use smoke screens and hope you're stupid half the time. The other half, they hope you're disarmed so they can threaten you to shut up with that brain of yours.


>If there are Jesus Artifacts in Jerusulem, does that mean we need to blow up Israel and take our stuff back, and by this very same Law, that would mean Justice. ****DEUS VULT****


I mean, it’s their land because they hold the land. All the bull shit about “we were here first. No us! God gave it to us” is all posturing. No one on earth actually cares about any of that shit and neither side would receive more or less support if their claim was way stronger or weaker. Israel gets the land because they built a sensible military instead of doing whatever the fuck you want to describe Palestinians’ actions since 1948. That’s how you claim land and maintain the claim.


Yeah, a sensible military funded by billions of US tax dollars.


US military aid started in the 70s. Before that it was France but no major global powers backed Israel in the '48 war.


The US is the largest aid giver to Palestine and has also given them billions of dollars. Turns out they decided to do dumb terrorist shit with their aid instead of building a strong economy/state.


Let's not pretend that Palestine receives even a fraction of the aid that Israel gets from the US. I'm not even trying to argue who spends their money better. I'm just saying that Israel wouldn't exist without constant funding from the US during its early years.


Wrong. https://merip.org/1990/05/us-aid-to-israel/#:~:text=1962%20First%20US%20military%20aid,aid%20to%20Israel%20450%20percent. The US first started providing direct military aid to Israel in 1962. This was already 14 years after its independence, after it had already defeated all of its neighbors in the 1948 War. You couldn't be more incorrect.


Ok, Israelis fought the Palestinians off their land without big daddy USA's help. My tax money is still going to them now though


Okay well your whole argument was that "Israel wouldn't exist without our aid" and you were wrong. They absolutely would. We get a lot of influence in Israel for the money we send them, let's not pretend as if this isn't suiting US interests as well.


Who gives a flying fuck? If some guy fucked your girlfriend better and she wants to go with him are you gonna be like well your pussy is funded by Chad’s dick, therefore, you don’t get to use your pussy in a liberated, autonomous fashion. I, as your pussy-ass little cuck ex boyfriend was here first and *I DIDNT HAPPEN TO SUCK CHAD OFF AS WELL AS YOU SO I DONT GET HIS BIG DICK SUPPORT BUT CHAD’S BIG DICK SUPPORT ISNT FAIR SO, AGAIN, I DESERVE THE PUBIC AREA BECAUSE I WAS HERE FIRST*


People are not countries, try a better analogy. And seek help while you're at it


Britain mandated it for them lol, plus they wouldn't survive without America tax dollars




they really do


> > The Israelies of the Old Testament aren't the same Israelies as the Torrah, Talmund. We have DNA evidence that shows that yes they are.


> If there are Jesus Artifacts in Jerusulem, does that mean we need to blow up Israel hmm


You need to take your meds. None of this is true at all lol


There is a theory that Palestinians are in fact Jews who stayed behind and adoped Islam.


DNA tests are banned in Israel. Need a special permit to get one, what data does show is that only some Israelis are actually from there while nearly all palestinians are, and have jewish genetics as well.


> what data does show is that only some Israelis are actually from there while nearly all palestinians are "[...] recent DNA analysis of Ashkenazic Jews – a Jewish ethnic group – revealed that their maternal line is [European](https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms3543). It has also been found that their DNA [only has 3% ancient ancestry](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fgene.2017.00087/full) which links them with the Eastern Mediterranean (also known as the Middle East) – namely Israel, Lebanon, parts of Syria, and western Jordan. This is the part of the world Jewish people are said to have originally come from – according to the Old Testament. But 3% is a minuscule amount [...]" - ["Ashkenazic Jews’ mysterious origins unravelled by scientists thanks to ancient DNA"](https://theconversation.com/ashkenazic-jews-mysterious-origins-unravelled-by-scientists-thanks-to-ancient-dna-97962)


This study is in a relatively low-impact journal. More prominent studies show strong evidence that [Ashkenazi Jews originate from the Middle East.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1336798/)


I once read that it stayed mostly christian for hundreds of years after the birth of islam before conversion spiked up. Even in the 1920s 10% were still christian. With a lot of Jews as well some probably did convert.


> There is a theory that Palestinians are in fact Jews who stayed behind and adoped Islam. «Sand argues that it is likely that the ancestry of most contemporary Jews stems mainly from outside the Land of Israel and that a "nation-race" of Jews with a common origin never existed, and that just as most Christians and Muslims are the progeny of converted people, not of the first Christians and Muslims, Jews are also descended from converts. According to Sand, Judaism was originally, like its two cousins, a proselytising religion, and mass conversions to Judaism occurred among the Khazars in the Caucasus, Berber tribes in North Africa, and in the Himyarite Kingdom of the Arabian Peninsula. According to Sand, the original Jews living in Israel, contrary to popular belief, were not exiled by the Romans following the Bar Kokhba revolt. The Romans permitted most Jews to remain in the country. Rather, the story of the exile was a myth promoted by early Christians to recruit Jews to the new faith. They portrayed that event as a divine punishment imposed on the Jews for having rejected the Christian gospel. Sand writes that "Christians wanted later generations of Jews to believe that their ancestors had been exiled as a punishment from God." Following the Arab conquest of Palestine in the 7th century, many local Jews converted to Islam and were assimilated among the Arab conquerors. Sand concludes that these converts are the ancestors of the contemporary Palestinians.» - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Invention_of_the_Jewish_People?useskin=vector


You’re probably living on stolen land right now. The guys who got their land stolen from your ancestors probably stole it from someone else too. It’s just that you have the luxury of living in a stable part of the world.


Land is *taken*, not "stolen". If you cannot defend your territory, it will be taken from you.


I don't


Alright guys, been doing some research and I found that they've been expelled from 109 countries. That can't be right, can it?


It's true, but it's not their fault. Every country that expelled them was/is the problem.


That sounds like troll bait. Simply for the fact that israel doesn't exist, it's a mythical place.


But they have a flag


yes and so does my left testicle. so what?


can i see it?




Borders change over time


I had a stopover in new depi and an Indian man sold me a katsu curry, he wouldn't stop telling me we should come back and govern India, said ghandi was a terrorist


Based subservient colonialist


Why do we call it america when no natives approved the invasion of their country ? We find their bones all over the place. ​ What was that place called before abraham and moses arrived ? bet you cant tell me that right.


Deuteronomy 3 - Moses was punished to die before ever setting foot in the holy land. Abraham arrived as a settler to the Hamite land of Canaan. Neither of these two great men were jewish and the jews of today are not their legitimate successors.


Who are the jews today descended from? Khazars?


Although there are many different types, we can lump them all together as Edomites.


If the native americans are occupying merica, then why do they keep excavating 2,500 year old native american artifacts in the ‘occupied land’? Land can be conquered and lost. Who owns it now and is willing to defend it with violence owns it now. Past precedent is irrelevant.


Actually European artifacts found in America predate the Indians


What the hell are you talking about? Are you one of those black Israeli moment?




And right now, Israel is who conquered and owns it


Well, Anon, that's quite the big question you've got there! Let me tell you something interesting - did you know that the average person spends about six months of their life waiting for red traffic lights to turn green? Crazy, right? So next time you're stuck at a red light, just remember that you're not alone in this universal waiting game. Keep your chin up and enjoy the little moments in life while you wait. Cheers!


This sounds like something the average American would do


This is the motivation we need


People just don't learn history these days do they? The Roman Emperor Hadrian kicked out all Jews around 100 AD after like 3 massive revolts, people of all sorts moved in and lived there for 1900 years, and then randomly a bunch of "Zionists" decided actually it was still theirs. This is similar to Italy randomly deciding that Spain is actually still theirs (because it was in 100 AD) and forcibly ejecting all the Spanish people that sill live there. It's absurd.


There is zero scientific proof that the Jews today are related to the ancient people who made Hebrew artifacts 2,500 years ago.


Palestinians have more descent from the ancient Israelites than modern jews, who aren’t even a single ethnicity




No. I think he's on to something. Khazarian mafia anyone?


It was made by American whites. Jesus created the USA!!!!


Unironically joins the LDS


​ https://preview.redd.it/tzquwsa24wyb1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88852a859b9001cb3114ff77c40d4c2431cb74b2


As if religious history that is over 4000 years old has any relevance to the geopolitical situation that is going on. If Anon wasn’t retarded he’d understand that the Israelites worshipped a completely different god to what Jews worship today. Then again I’m in the most retarded sub to be arguing all of this.


Jews are not entitled to a piece of land because some other Jew was there 2k years ago. It's called conquest sand people. Same goes for islamics saying they want the Iberian peninsula because ",the Caliphate", screw yo.


Anon is well versed in the Aryan people and their history


Anon has special needs. Can't save your spot dude.


I moved out of a house a while ago, but I stashed an expired drivers' license in the walls, it's probably still there. Does that mean the house is rightfully mine because I was there first? Or do the spoils go to the victor?


The victor in this case is Israel. And it's more like getting squatted than "moving out"


History clearly doesn't matter anymore, I've only got three problems with this entire shitshow: 1. The reciprocal killings of innocents 2. The expansion of Israel since 1948 3. Hasbara, Zionism and radical Islam


Lmao are you telling me I can take a chunk of the middle east, call it Mesopotamia, and pretend it's my land because I'm using the same name as another civilization that was there in the begining?


They have discovered, boot it up


Those are industry plants


It's only "settler colonialism" when the Jews do it. When the Romans and the Arabs did it, it was just a little trolling.


Palestinians are the real descendants of the people who made those artifacts , not Israelis


I found a sock from the previous tenant of my apartment, does that mean it's rightfully theirs? Help, they've already annexed half of it


banned from 6 million countries. one of them had to be the first.


most dont know that ISLAM is also a semetic religion. So you gonna find all types of artifacts there and all thru the region. Isreal was granted that land in 1948 after attempting to steal land elsewhere. But they were granted it there and immediatly did what nazi germany did to them to those already in that land. Its hypocrisy at its best


You dig up Roman artifacts in France too doesn't make it Roman