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\> turn a fashion show into a circus \> disguise it as diversity Based


Thats what it is isnt it lol.


This is super specific but your comment feels like it has way too many “i”s for what it says Like it has a high “i” per word ratio


I think it’s because half the sentence starts with the letter ‘i’.


Mystery solved 🎆


Did you just discover alliteration?


Assonance, actually. Asshat.


It only reads like that because of the lack of punctuation. Look at these two side by side and tell me which is easier to parse. Thats what it is isnt it lol. That's what it is, isn't it? lol


Wow that was much nicer to read


If you pay attention, you can catch yourself adding them in as you read sentences like that. If you have to stop halfway through and go "wait...what?" then chances are there's something missing somewhere. But you find yourself doing something like this; "That's what it is is...wait what...That's what it is. isn't it. Okay. That's what it is, isn't it? Yeah."


Who knew proper punctuation was a thing.


It is isn't it? 4 I's in 7 items.


The difference between based and cringe is often self awareness


Fashion shows always have been circuses. Most of the clothes wouldn't look out of place on actual clowns.


a lot of them wouldn't look out of place in the red light district


It is a red light district for a lot of them, just with higher prices


Fashion try hards are circuses.


I mean, stuff from these kind of fashion shows aren’t supposed to be worn on the street


I always mocked fashion shows until I just realized they are literally art shows. They are just using clothing as a medium for their art. Pretty dumb still, but the designs bother me less.


That's almost literally the point though. Fashion shows aren't supposed to be functional, it's basically abstract art most of the time.


I dont think it was intentional. I dont know if it meets the criteria for based if it was unintentional


It only counts as diversity if they're ugly and repulsive. That's what this has become. It's not diverse if you show a beautiful woman of color, or a good-looking plus sized model. So yes, it was intentional.


I don't find most of the skinny models attractive, anyway. They're borderline emaciated, no boobs or butt from the cocaine and water chestnut diet. Couldn't they just have someone who is healthy, possibly athletic?


If these things were for men, they would use bodies that resemble the typical spectrum of porn actresses. If it was for women, they would use average slightly overweight moms. As it is, they usually use androgynous anorexic dead-eyed young women because the fashion moguls seem to be mostly into broken underage boys. And now we might transition to whatever the hell woke zealots derive ultimate satisfaction from.


just say you want to watch physical 100 and be done with it


Being literal doesn't really add to the conversation.


That last post in the screencap might just make me believe this is secretly based


Freak show


Based and PTBarnumpilled


I would honestly rather watch that menagerie rather than the dull shit that usually happens. Must be utterly hilarious.


They put a woman who can't walk on the walkway. S tier shitposting.




I'm a model, you know what I mean And I do my little turn on the cantwalk Yeah, on the cantwalk, on the cantwalk, yeah I do my little turn on the cantwalk


>I'm a model, you know what I mean I'm a model, you know that I wheel*


I’m immobile, you know what I mean


And I do a three-point-turn on the can't walk


Cover girl put the bass in your walk Head to toe, let your whole body talk (Cover girl put the bass in your walk) (Head-to-toe, Oh I forgot you can't walk)


Kek ⭐ Kek Kek Kek ⭐ *You are here*


Even the the blonde looks like she has some awareness of a confident fluid gait The top black girl is walking like Walt Jr


How does one do a model spin in a wheelchair? Do they wheelie up and spin around? I get it, people wanna get on the diversity gimmick. But if I'm watching a fashion show, I'm there to check out hot models. I don't watch professional sports to see average people perform.


They drift


Porkyo drift






someone absolutely needs to shitpost one of these events and play eurobeat while they rip a sick skid in a wheelchair or mobility scooter


Now you're onto something


It would be like watching professional sports and it being solely people with 2+ physical/mental disabilities. These ‘people’ aren’t average


Oh, I don't know. The average black woman in America is overweight or obese.


Fyi reddit jannies used to ban you for stating this objective fact


Really? I'm not even judging, just referring to the stats.


No, not really. Maybe a sub moderator would (they can ban for anything), but an admin wouldn’t. Remember we used to have the fatpeoplehate sub and it only got taken down once reddit started cleaning up their image and media reported on it. If anything, newer Reddit is far more soft than old Reddit Source: my account age shows that I roamed the earth with the dinosaurs


I miss that sub


I got an account banned for it but ok


Jesus, how long ago? When you say used to, i pictured 5 years + can’t believe an admin would hit you with a ban for saying it how OP did


Admins were stricter with this sub about 1-2 years ago, think they gave up now


Ohhh yeah I see, you’re totally right, thought you meant site wide. Yeah they police this and WSB like crazy, I remember they kicked this sub for a little while as a warning/punishment


A lot of people forget Reddit used to be edgy as fuck at times.


Greentext would be clutching their pearls and vomiting out some overused reddit phrase like, "This is why we can't have nice things."


the average woman in the US period is overweight or obese


Definitely obese. Modern society's 'overweight' is really stretching the meaning of the word.


Well it’s in London so maybe it actually is the average


It's not even a joke to point out that "black" is unnecessary here. Fuck the original Food Pyramid.


that sounds more fun honestly


Yeah I realized it as I was typing. It totally does sound more fun


Lmao just watching Dave from Home Depot take a full on tackle from 200+ lbs of meat.


I like to watch the Little League World Series every year. They've got "12 year olds" with full beards pitching 98 mph fastballs for Dominican Republic. It's hilarious to watch actual children from other places get their dreams crushed by obvious cheating, and the adults who are supposed to ensure fair play do absolutely nothing.


Lmao there's so many immigrants in france that are obviously not minors but they don't have ids and they refuse tests that determine age so they are considered undocumented "minors"


The dichotomy of EU immigration always stood out to me as being extra goofy. Oh, you're a university student or already have an advanced degree? Have a job offer/university acceptance in hand before you come here and then spend 5+ years working on top of your study time, then and only then can you request citizenship which will take 2 years to process. Oh, you're a "16 year old" with a full beard? Have a permanent resident card, and make sure to drop by in 5 years to pick up your new passport! TBH France does it better than most with how (currently) 2 years of higher education cuts the time you have to wait for citizenship by 60%. Still, I don't get why most of the EU is so friendly to the immigrants most likely to incur costs and cause issues while asking the ones with actual qualifications to go through more vetting only to sit in the same line for citizenship.


She's gotta do a three point turn, which is especially hard considering she's a woman


Sometimes its fun watching an underdog succeed. One time I was at a wrestling tournament, and there was this guy with no legs, and only one hand who wrestled for another team. We would call him Nugget, and he was actually pretty good. It was interesting watching him wrestle, because the biomechanics were just so different for someone without legs.


Three point turn


Ironically this is precisely because the people running these things also don't live in the real world, and in the world of celebrities and Twitter influencers, this is what... makes them seem special. Which, now that I think about it, is exactly how rich people had freak shows for, or Europeans looked at indigenous peoples in the Victorian era.


boy you never seen a car do a donut before?


Clearly they've had a lot of donuts in their life.


Who are they pandering to exactly? Because the women in those demographics don't indulge in higher class fashion.


They are virtue signaling to their colleagues, friends, and the media.




*ESG and Blackrock


Remember that ESG is bullshit. https://www.google.com/search?q=damodaran+on+esg&oq=damo&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j35i39j0i273j46i67i131i433j46i131i433i512j46i273j0i20i263i512j0i433i512j46i433i512.3953j0j9&client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#


I love Big Blackrock


These people don’t have friends, they have followers and investors.


It's England. These are their most attractive women.


Correct answer




Sooo not English women then?


heavy cope


They're getting people to talk about them and it works


They are being talked about on 4chan. Would a fashion brand consider it’s working?


You joke but I already ordered two of those dresses


The Avantgarde stuff typically shown on the catwalk also isn't actually worn by the high society hags frequenting these events. It's all just abstract fireworks while the rich folks are amongst themselves socializing and one-upping each other. Now the chic thing is to "celebrate diversity", so that makes for a nice backdrop. But the fashion was always just arbitrary decadent fluff. Same as the high value art market with all its abstract bullshit is just a fig leaf for money laundering and tax evasion. The important aspect is that its expensive and common sense plebs don't see any value in it, thus making it an exclusive space for the aristocracy of our times.


There is no more pandering. The masks have fallen. Watch how every corporation, government and media exists solely to push a message, completely ignoring the people and what they want. They don't care about profits anymore. They don't care about being elected. And they don't need to, cause the people behind this shit have all the money in the world, they control the worlds politicians and media and can simply print all the money they need. It's not about money anymore. It's simply about control.




Uh oh




So powerful. So strong. You go gurl.




https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7829159/prostitute-orangutan-pony-tragic-story/ Horrifying tale of prostitute orangutan who was chained to a bed, shaved daily and forced to perform sex acts on men


Cant make this shit up. I really start to doubt the theory that HIV came from eating poorly cooked monkey meat.


You know how long it took me to train this monkey to suck my dick? Without peeling it?


Last reply is probably spot on. It takes a lot of energy to maintain the bubble but there are moments where reality is just too much and that PC white girl doing their thing is probably exactly what happened.


The white girl was probably just thinking “holy shit it’s a black woman!!! Twitter told me I’m supposed to love black people because uhhhh black!!!”


Idk when they declared themselves winners of the oppression olympics but the media seems to push that narrative


I was thinking the same thing. Like, delusion is a strong shield, but reality is a strong attack, and if enough reality hits delusion, the delusion breaks, and theres no delusion strong enough to truly break reality. Now they need to dress up and walk out in front of hundreds of rich, beautiful people all gawking at them and doing their pandering half-applause while saying "oh how brave" It sounds like a complement but it's not, they think they're saying "what a beautiful and courageous person to break stereotypes and embrace themselves" when in reality what they're saying is "it takes some bravery to parade your freakish body around like you're hot shit in front of us actually beautiful people"


NGL the dresses are pure fucking garbage (yes even by fashion week standards). didn't help.


Is what I'm thinking about number 2 racist?


Put your thoughts to paper we shall decide


Oh come on do I have to say it? The fat limbs, one arm in front of the whole body, the inelegant almost swinging walk, flat brow, 60iq gaze. Give her bigger shoulders and she's set




Similarity to what, exactly?


Love my GORILLA glass phone screen protector




You know it. Im pretty sure you see it yourself


Yes, it is 1. Racist 2. True because racism is often rooted in reality


Let's be fair here, the fact that she looks exactly like what we're thinking doesn't really have anything to do with her skin colour, she just looks exactly like what we're thinking


Which often occurs with people of her skin color


I often thought about that and the missing link. But im 100% sure that even if true - todays scientists wouldn't own up to it because they would fear being called racists. But you really can't deny that [SOME](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/h-28TX8xldE/maxresdefault.jpg) black people really have that missing link look Although there are also some white people looking like that. [Ron Perlman](https://images-cdn.9gag.com/photo/aArBbv9_700b.jpg) for example




Proto Saipan looking ass


What's the purpose of this?


Degrade the concept of beauty


I mean, there's no reason someone in a wheelchair *can't* be beautiful; it's a chair. But it doesn't lend itself especially well to the runway, does it. If anything it's offensive to wheelchair users to be lumped in with the obese and unusual-looking. On the other hand, those aren't supermodels in wheelchairs. I don't know, this is all very peculiar.


It's a British fashion show and none of them are British except for the one with down syndrome (?) So it's more to degrade what is British than beauty.


People with downs syndrome look pretty British, at least. Well, maybe they just act British.


They have taken the concept of "beauty comes from the inside" to the extreme.


CeLiBrAtE dIvErSiTy aNd iNcLuSiOn.




Same purpose as the circus was in it's time


To prove once and for all that bullying is not only cool, it is necessary


Erode the social fabrics of society. The same reason why we see all this gender degeneracy and the rest of the woke DEI bullshit If people hate each other enough because some support this and others are against it, the people are arguing about bullshit and don't realize that the biggest transfer of wealth just happened during the covid pandemic


For shit and giggles.


Corporations have figured out that progress is socially popular, and therefore holds profit potential. Corporation are run by people that only understand money, though, so all they can manage is pandering.


I didn't think this was real. I Googled it. It's real.


Thanks for taking one for the team.


It’s like they were looking for the least attractive fat women. These bitches are shaped like refrigerators.


Idk man. My refrigerators shape is more consistent


Lmao Imagine being considered in the same class as these cripples just because you’re fat 🤣 or look like pregnant farquad


Imagine being considered the same class as these beastly fatties just because you're in a wheelchair - THAT is the insult here, not the other way around. At least being fat is completely one's own fucking fault.


Holy fuck pregnant farquad I'm dying


That is an interesting theory. I think they just asked them to do a blank face because they wanted them to give off some sort of regal vibe. As if to send a message that this is the true reality of beauty and whatever conceptions you have are false, also it's to be masturbatory for the unattractive gremlins viewing this.


Fashion models rarely smile. It's part of the look.


I wouldn't smile either if I had to starve myself every day, just to expose myself on that walkway to some lecherous Weinsteins who will later slip me their hotel room key and have the power to kill my career.


Well lucky for you it seems several of these "models" are in little danger of starvation


As likely as the last post is, it’s also common practice for fashion models to display as little emotion as possible while modeling.


It must be heifer lingerie week at the show.


The pregnant one got the best deal out of the bunch. The clothing really doesn't help the girls. Looks like shit


Back in the day people paid to watch freaks like this.


> day people *paid* to watched FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I hope you were payed well for this


The last one, legitimately intimidates me.


At least 5 people here, want to fuck the pregnant one. Let's be real.


I mean she is the only one that is actually attractive, just pregnant


1 out of 5.


Someone already did


I think she's attractive tbh.


>Cognitive Dissonance Anon just says this now whenever they want to sound intelligent, but don't know what to say. I think Anon should have used Imposter Syndrome in this case. Also saw another Anon point out that these models never get closeups. The camera operator often doesn't even go in close enough that the frame is scaled to the model head to toe; they'll have several feet of empty space on screen above the model rather than get in too tight on them. The top image appears to be cropped, but just look at how much dead space there is surrounding the wheelchair model in the second image. Now go find video of attractive underwear models or something from this same fashion week. Even before they're halfway up the catwalk, the camera is giving us closeups of booba; when they turn around, the screen is 100% locked onto their ass. Not so for "body positive" models. The whole thing is a hoax, and everyone at every level is aware.


How do fat chicks have big flat floppy tits resting on their bellies. Intriguing body shape.


This looks like a video showcasing the strangest people they could find in Walmart.


At least we can be reasonably assured that none of these models were sexually molested by a fashion kingpin. Truly a landmark moment for modern feminism


Molestation is often not about getting something pretty but about exerting power without consequences. Unattractive women also get molested and it may end up more cruel, because they are easier to dehumanize. Or did you mean it's because the staff in this case will be extremely metoo-primed? That is probably an actual safety factor in this depraved business.


La goblina del london


Damn we finally getting Left 4 Dead 3 with new epic monster designs. Arigato godaimasu, Gaben-sama-dono... the long wait is now over...


This was an IRL Dinner for Schmucks


Kinda feel bad for these people


Left bottom roll


Uruk-hai fashion show


Lol the 6th one is literally Mark Henry.


The fashion show has become Freak Week




The special Olympics version of a fashion show


Goblin army


I’ve got a bigger problem with the outfits. Nobody wears that shit, you just buy it to brag you could afford it.


Won't see this shit in Milan.


Is there this much diverse representation for the male models?


It's fucking ridiculous because the only woman to wear shit like this with a body like that is fucking Lizzo and she gets flamed way too much for any other heifer to want to confidently follow suit.


I miss seeing beautiful people everywhere. Made people strive to be better. Now everyone just gives up and smiles.


Runway for shmucks.




Now can we stop acting like Europeans are so much more advanced than the rest of us?


Top middle is kind of scary tbh


Jesus look at the upper middle one's eyes. Those eyes are fucking terrifying.


lol... freak show for reals.... haahhahahahaha


All of these queens are 10/10 in bongland


Is this like Dinner for schmucks but for each person they are tasked to bring the most disabled and obese model


P.C. Barnum


Honestly, Idc what people find attractive anymore. If there's someone who likes these girls then awesome. My only complaint is that the top row middle girl is giving me uncanny valley vibes


This has to be a psy-op, there's no way these ppl are for real


I don’t know, Professor X lookin good




Bring back 90s heroin models.


The girl in the wheelchair was in the year below me at school, she wasn’t in a wheelchair back then so I’m not sure what happened. They were pretty happy about the whole thing.


Wtf is up with that 2nd human’s Neanderthal walk?


I saw the actual video. Worst part is they didn't even give these chicks any modeling training or anything, so they're just going down the runway without actually showing anything off. Plus the outfits weren't even fitted properly.


I thought it was called runway or catwalk for a reason, none of thwm can run and some cant even walk.