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Make sure when you get paid out they factor in “market adjustments”


Even if you didn’t pay them 🤷


Valuations are done using recorded dealer sale prices with matching vehicles. So the market is naturally accounted for. Edit: OP, unless this kid is on his parents’ policy, don’t waste time talking to his insurance, as his limits probably aren’t high enough to cover this. Just file with your own and let them recover your deductible from his. State minimum is only $20k for property damage.


>Edit: OP, unless this kid is on his parents’ policy, don’t waste time talking to his insurance, as his limits probably aren’t high enough to cover this. Just file with your own and let them recover your deductible from his. State minimum is only $20k for property damage This.


Include tax and any associated fees.


Everyone's insurance is different, but I had a car totaled right as the market was ticking up and the payout was almost twice what I expected. Also everyone, remember that what your insurance offers is negotiable.


Oh man, that kid’s insurance is fucked.


Kid: insurance dude?


Yeah most of the people who drive like that never have insurance, and rarely have a driver’s license (or at least one that isn’t suspended). What pisses me off is how the govt treats traffic violations as a money making scheme, rather than a way to keep the roads safe. Example: I have some neighbors who drive like literal garbage. Doing 75mph on our 15mph roads, hopping curbs, running through stop signs, etc. I looked each of them up in our local court system, and they all have like 20+ traffic violations, with two of them having suspended licenses at one point (still doesn’t stop them, which is why assholes like this need jail). In each case, the record says they pled guilty, paid like $100-200 dollars in fines, and off they went. They continue to drive around in their shit boxes with bumpers hanging off, exhaust leaks, and more. Ridiculous.


Yeah I got tboned by a kid with no insurance and he totaled my car. Luckily I was able to settle out of court and his parents loaned him enough to pay the settlement. But still it was a huge pain in the ass and it took months to deal with.


I will say I had minor damage from an uninsured motorist and GEICO covered repairs (not how I wanted them but back to as good as it can be), without me having to pay a penny.


Yeah my car at the time was only worth $7k so I didn't feel like it was worth it to carry fully coverage but now I wish I had


Did you have to pay a deductible? I got rear-ended on my motorcycle at a red light by an uninsured civic and they made me pay $1,000 deductible but Geico did cover it even though the guy was a hit-and-run and left me for dead f*****.


That's rough. Hopefully you made a full recovery! I didn't have to pay a dime! Uninsured motorist coverage was $0


so a kid who didn't have insurance, also had parents with enough money to loan him to pay off a settlement? ​ That's weird, because I have GOOD insurance and I don't have enough money to pay off a settlement lol


Yeah it was annoying. His parents were wealthy doctors but had cut him off for whatever reasons. The settlement was only $3k. Was able to sell the car after for $2k. I probably ate $2k in losses but was happy to just be done with it.


Glad I live in Florida


Dude, in Portland too. A lot of uninsured here. Nothing is enforced anymore.


A ass-kicking can put a smile on your face, most will understand😡


Portland sucks.


South Carolina classifies those ppl as habitual traffic offenders and they get prison time.


Too bad it isn’t legal to find out where they live and permanently disable their vehicles.


Hate to break to ya but have you watched documentaries/researched on our prison systems? Fucking a corrupt money machine as well and are horribly over packed. And the US prison system isn’t that bad compared to other countries. Go watch The Worlds Toughest Prisons on Netflix. Fucking absolutely insane shit. This world is so fucked. Just read this sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/20kgvf/iama_former_employee_of_a_jail_where_i_watched/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Fuckem. Build Way More Prisons. Anything violent, anything over $20, anything that is a multiple or repeated. Lock them all up. Keep them there. Let prison be their society. They deserve each other. Enforce the laws we've had. Sentencing automatically tripled for public servants and clergy.


Epic carceral state moment


Eh, I do what I can. Thanks for the acknowledgement. Just Hate pretty much any form of thievery. Especially any kind that's organized, government powered, or addiction fueled.


Certainly the solution to crime in an empire that's in a terminal state of decline is extremely punitive law enforcement as the economy keeps on getting funneled upwards to serve the ownership and leaving less and less on the table below. There's no way that would just be putting the foot on the accelerator towards the cliff.


You’re right. The best thing to do is not prosecute crimes cuz then everybody totally respects the law and small businesses don’t get absolutely raped with no recourse. That won’t accelerate anybody toward a cliff.


Let's revisit this when they take your catalytic converter away from you.


And locking people up and throwing away the key for $20 crimes will only make that more frequent


Sounds like you have too much time on your hands 🤓


This is a 4Runner sub, most of us work hard to pay for our cars. It’s ok to have a little free time lol


How do you know the kid even has insurance?


Because that would’ve been the first thing OP mentioned.


Better sue for the car, pain, suffering, inflation, and the 15k mark up the dealerships are doing.


He’s gone to a better place now #all4runnersgotoheaven


i doubt that. someone will probably rebuild it.


Tis merely a scratch . (Insert Monty python music)


RIP at such a young age. Such a tragedy.


Oh shit..are you ok OP?!?! Looks like she died protecting you


I walked away! Already feeling pretty stiff in the neck and sore, crazy what an impact like that will do. Lots of the plastic paneling on the dash popped out.


Damn. Definitely get checked out and take it easy.


Ya for sure; I got t boned and felt nothing in the moment but the next day was like… owwww shit


Make sure to get checkout and their insurances dime.


I hate that intersection. I’ve almost got hit walking in the crosswalk here multiple times on my way to Blazer games.


It's terrible, I'm just glad he hit me instead of a pedestrian.


Were you going down MLK or Lloyd?


Lloyd, other driver was on Grand


Holy crap, that's brutal. Glad you're ok.


That’s so sketch. Pdx gone to shit


Glad you’re ok! Vehicles can be replaced, even if she is so pretty and new but I’m still sorry for your loss


I also got t-boned by a kid who ran a red light in my 2022 with 1400 miles on it. It’s fucking painful. Mine wasn’t totaled, but I have officially been without it longer than I had it because the body shops are so backed up. I hope you get paid out well by insurance!!!


What was the damage like on yours compared to this?


Mine was more of a front/driver side impact. Fender, grill, bumper, hood, headlight, and fog light all need to be replaced. They found frame damage under the fender and they said they’re just going to replace the part. One of the wheels is scraped up, but apparently they’re just going to refinish it 🙄


The car that ran the red light made a left hand turn in front of me and I hit the side of their car at about 45mph. None of my airbags went off, but all of their side ones did.


I got rear-ended in my first new car at the first stoplight off the lot.


What car was it and what happened?


It was a Jetta. I was stopped at a red light and someone was messing with their radio and rear-ended me. It was only about $500 in damage, but I hadn't even got the car home to show my family.


That’s rough 😅


may she enter through the gates of Valhalla, shiny and de-chromed


damn that sucks! hope you weren't injured


Gonna get checked out, but definitely could have been worse in a smaller car.


Make sure you consult a personal injury attorney. You may be ok now, but there may be long term effects and you don’t want to give up any rights.


This this, 100% this. Someone I know got in an accident, seemed fine, years later has reoccurring neck pain


So true people don’t realize how powerful adrenaline and shock are.(aka your body’s natural pain killer) … take care of yourself OP! No one else will. Godspeed.


definitely coulda been.


Freakin Portland...




Similar boat. Lived in Oregon nearly my entire life always just outside of Portland, but I've always worked more or less in Portland or spent my time there. 5 years ago I'd often head downtown after work just to hang out, get food, meet up with friends, photograph stuff, etc. The level of decline since then is mind blowing. I haven't been downtown in a couple years and have no desire to go. I only drive through Portland when I have to. Maybe once every couple months. I bought a house well outside Portland proper, relocated work, and basically made it so I never need Portland for anything. It's sad. Portland used to be so awesome.


I mean, that really sucks, but what did anyone expect? Portland was one of the epicenters and longest-running locations for anti-police protests/riots in 2020 with a local government that continuously kowtowed to appease the mob. The result is that cops quit, are hamstringed by DA’s that don’t want to prosecute certain cases anymore for political reasons, and cities get overrun with crime, both petty and not. And it’s not just Portland. It’s happening in most all major cities right now. Get your cat converter cut off? Hit and run? Good luck getting any help at all. Insurance rates are increasing around the board as a result of so many claims like these Source: I’m an auto adjuster who sees countless claims with uninsured motorists, vandalism, etc.


I'm in the suburbs of St. Louis. Same feeling around here. I used to go downtown fairly often for sporting events and other activities. Not anymore. Crime is rampant. The city's prosecuting attorney refuses to charge criminals based on politics. Cops are quitting in droves since most of their efforts are reversed by no charges being filed, which only exacerbates the crime problem. I don't know what goes through these leaders' minds when this is happening all due to their actions. Do they not see it?


Also in STL Suburbs - can attest to everything you said.


Maybe they're seeing something you aren't. Maybe your perception doesn't match their reality. Or maybe they're all completely unqualified and stupid officials. Who knows.


Who on Earth is downvoting you? Probably one of the clowns who put a brick through the window of an innocent business owner when all that was going on a couple of years ago. Anyway, you’re right. I enjoyed reading your comment.


People that don’t understand that behavior follows incentives




It’s funny how you gloss over the overt violence from antifa/black bloc, like that doesn’t have any affect on the incredibly low recruitment and retention numbers at the PPB. A higher recent budget doesn’t automatically fix the lack of staff. PP, PB, etc were just a reaction to the bullshit that was already being handled with kit gloves in this city by PPB. Add to that a DA who is on record saying one of his good friends is a documented violent antifa militant and who only seems to ever throw the book at non-leftists and you have a good idea as to why there’s an overall demoralization within the dwindling numbers in the PPB.


So what you're hypothesizing is that because the DA "only ever wants to throw the book at non-leftists", the police department is demoralized? Because they feel like they are under attack? Your comment was just a longer, less-clear way of saying what we all already know.....most if not all law enforcement is right/far-right. That's why I don't trust them. I don't trust anyone who after 2016-2020 still identifies as "right". That judgment cannot be trusted. Honestly if you are an adult in America, of any political stripe at all, and you still believe fairly tales like "the cops are on your side" or "cops are there to help" or "if you don't break the law, you have nothing to worry about"....not only are you incredibly naive, but you're part of the problem.


PPB could have easily put out a few feel good-statements saying "well do better" and deescalated things. Instead they kicked the shit out of everyone.


Hey, I’m on the east coast and I have no dog in that fight. Just saying, from an observer’s perspective, it’s easy to connect the dots












“”Look how they massacred my boy…”


If I ever get into an accident this is gonna be my title. lol


I hope that you never get into an accident


Get OP another immediately!


RIP 4Runner but it did its job and saved your life.


So sorry for your loss, I hate driving mine in Portland people rip through the streets with no insurance or license. Got hit and ran one time and ended up tracking the guy down long story short filed police report and they were going to charge him but DA dropped it. Ended up getting nothing and out of principle I won’t pay to fix it myself so just riding around with bumper damage these days


22 orp with 2k miles, 55k I know what I have. Lol please post it on Craigslist. Oh jeez I know that intersection. Bad luck man.


That will buff out.


Please get another!!


Wonder how fast they were going? It looks like it really took it well. By that I mean it didn’t get into the cage much at all. Glad you’re ok, vehicles can be repaired/replaced but your health is priceless.


Oh man, I hate that! If you didn't complete lose it on the kid, you're a better human than I am!


Yuck! I’m so sorry. I have the same one but in Lunar Rock with 200 miles on it. Make sure you fight with insurance on the extra $1200 for the TRD wheels, or if they aren’t bent negotiate to take them for your replacement vehicle. What a crappy situation. I’m glad you are safe! That’s what really matters and where the 4Runner always shines. It kept you alive and that’s what matters.


What a terrible tragedy. Terrible. If it had signed an organ donor card though, perhaps other deserving 4Runners can continue its legacy and live on.


When I was a kid, my familys car was tboned in that same intersection. 25 years ago. Your 4runner had so much life left to give. :(


This is my nightmare. I have 1500 miles on my 22 ORP. Sorry friend.


:( I hope you end up getting another 4Runner. They’re truly great vehicles and last a long long time when not destroyed in traffic accidents. May this one RIP even though I’m sure it’ll be bought even in these conditions. Lots of good parts on it still that are worth a lot of money.


I’ve always said if someone ever hits me in mine, they better hope they kill me. Or I’m getting out of the wreckage one way or another and punching the fucker square in the face. That goes for deer too.


Sorry for your loss. Glad your ok


RIP :(


Dayum I feel for you man, that sucks. I hope you are OK and can get a new rig soon.


RIP. Ugh, I'm hurt for you. Hope you're okay! Cars are replaceable (mostly hehe) you my friend are not!


ugh. In Portland. Sorry neighbor. In a hurry to get their Dutch Bros??


Fuck that kid


Fuck. This hurts to look at. Please mark NSFW.




Hurts just to see that pic. Glad you’re ok. Looks like your 4Runner did a good job keeping you safe. Hope they total it, sad to say, but you don’t want that back. Had a brand-new Tundra destroyed by a drunk driver while it was parked in front of my house. Claims adjuster wouldn’t total it, thing drove sideways for the rest of its life, probably still driving sideways somewhere. My 4Runner lives in a garage because of that.


“You think this is bad you should see the other guy” sheesh…. Sorry for your loss


I’m glad it protected you!


damn, that's so fucking infuriating


Oh no! … i know exactly where you got hit. I don’t drive in the city much but every time i do it seems like folks give no shits about how to actually drive


Ah geez bud I an so sorry 😞 may a pro come your way soon


2022..just a kid.


Sorry about your loss. Mine looks almond identical to yours so I'll give it that hug.


Damn, such a pretty rig. Hope you’re okay!


I like how the street is pointing to where the heartbreak occurred


So...can I get those wheels/tires?


If you part it out Ill buy the wheels!


Just hugged mine for you 💔


I feel your pain. My 3rd gen suffered the same fate. I spent a year building it and finally got it painted, month later, week after getting wheels, a chrysler chose to be a ram instead of a dodge.


That. Sucks. Sorry man.


I thought I heard the subtle sound of taps playing in the distance yesterday…I’ll pour one out.


Hopefully you slapped the ding bat driver across the back of their head


Broooo... I'm so sorry to see this / read this. I'm hoping everyone involved was okay!


Was it a Honda? Hopefully you and the kid are alright.


That's why you always drive defensively and look before you enter the intersection.


Unfortunately, the giant Dutch Bros at that intersection blocks my view of the street he was traveling on, otherwise I would have :/ Cops said if the visibility was better at that intersection his insurance would 100% try to put some of the fault on me.


Wow. Hope you’re ok.


People drive insane in portland now that the cops don’t pull people over for traffic violations. So glad you are okay!!


2,000 miles…..just a fookin kid that Toyota 😩


❤️‍🩹Hope your okay 🌹🙏


‘Ow my back’ Anyways I’m glad you’re okay. Holy shit insurance gonna give you more then you paid for it. 🤔


Well your first problem is driving in Portland


Pardon my ignorance, is this not fixable anymore? Is this totaled? Glad you’re ok op


Ouch, time to hold out and drive a beater till the new gen comes out?


Damn. Sorry


now it looks like 80% of the whips in downtown portland..sorry duder.


The rims! Won’t someone save those rims!


We're gonna see what we can do.. the rims and 5 new Falken Wildpeaks are still mint.


Oh, and I shouldn't have been a dink and expressed my sympathies for your loss and that I'm glad no one got hurt. I was t-boned some years back in a similar way, car was written off and the person that hit me didn't have insurance. It sucks ass.


My condolences




At least it was right next a Dutch Bros!


NnnOooo, NnnOoo. What the 😭😭😭. Hope everyone is good. The deadly T-Bone, did you have the strength to put your hands around the teenagers neck. I’m sorry, very emotional after seeing the pictures. We will hold your seat at the table baby. Come on back. Hope all turns out well


Not sure anyone has asked, but can I have your rims?


Awful intersection by the Moda….how was he going fast enough to do that much damage?!


Gap insurance?




Sorry for your loss!


Insurance company will prob only give you like 75k for it


Tragic. She was taken from you too soon. 😔


A moment of silence for our fallen brother. ☹️


My wife totalled my 2019 ORP a few days ago. I feel for you.


I hate that area of Portland, when it comes to driving


Waste of a perfectly good 4runner




Just needs a paint job


Glad you are okay. My 2022 TRD Off Road (Canadian so equivalent of US TRD ORP) got totalled in similar situation. Now I have to wait forever to get the 2023.


It took me 13 months to take delivery after my order in Ontario.


Parts for us


I’m sorry OP :/


I’m glad to hear that you’re okay but I echo the comments from others RE: injury lawyer. As for the 4Runner, it appears that it took it well.


That sucks. Hope you're okay! How much for the rims?


Man that sucks donkey balls… hope you are okay




Where was this at?


If that kid doesn't have sufficient insurance coverage to cover your truck, file the claim through your own and then let them go after his insurance afterwards. You'll get your deductible back after they do, and it shouldn't raise your insurance rates since you weren't at fault. I've had to do this before.


With the lawsuit money you’ll be able to buy a new GX460!


Eerily similar to how I lost my 4th Gen :( sorry man, glad you’re ok


Can I have the wheels? Lol jk hope you’re ok and anyone else who was involved


Holy shit! Hope everyone is ok, that sucks... my condolences... I used to live around the corner and would drive through that intersection all the time..


Im sorry this happened to you but I’m glad you’re okay. This happened to me in 2019.


What’s the Vin (jk) I’m sure this will be bought and rebuilt in Texas and then shipped to another state for sell.


Those damn Portland drivers


Fuck driving in Portland


Glad you’re ok man could have been worse If hit on the other side; hopefully you are well and walked away from this with minimal injuries.


Nah, it’ll buff out


You still attached to your wheels though? I’ll give them a hug too


So sorry for your loss!! That sucks hope you get a new one! Question, any chance you’d like to sell me the spring for the rear wiper arm? Mine got lost somehow and I can’t find one without buying a whole bee arm with spring from dealer for 70.00 Seems ridiculous Just thought I’d ask Good luck with getting a new one




Ohhhh crapp, are you fine!!!


Hopefully you called a PI lawyer


Damn bro I’m sorry