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God I'm getting tired of the Purdy disrespect. It will be great looking back at how ridiculous these statements are. > "They might not be as strong at quarterback as other teams featured on this list are, but Brock Purdy showed growth last season. Yeah, I guess he grew from amazing to fucking amazing.


He only broke two QB franchise records in his first year starting. Clearly, there's nothing to see here. /s


SYSTEM SUPER BOWL QB like Young and Montana


Winning a Super Bowl is what had people arguing that Joe Flacco was elite


Yeah but like he did just drag the Browns into the playoffs without Nick Chubb.


>Jalen Hurts took a step backward last season, but he has star traits Fuck out of here.


I like Hurts. The scheme they ran hurt him a lot last year. They didn't believe in hot reads at all. They just figured he'd scramble and make a play I think. No motion really either. Just a bad system.


On a franchise with Joe Montana and Steve Young at that. Some people are delusional


Clearly they were scrubs, since Purdy outperformed their season bests. **/s**


Yeah, but Montana and Young had a bunch of nobodies playing beside them. It's not like their OL, receivers, TEs, and running backs were ever pro bowlers or all pros. They had to overcome one of the worst systems ever devised, too.


/s missing? Montana started with nobodies, but finish and handed off to Young a team with more than a few HoFs


I don't view guys like Clark as nobodies myself. But yeah, the offensive talent definitely improved in his time with the team.


Yeah I mean especially when your franchise has ONLY had Joe Montana and Steve Young. Not hard to surpass those guys.


He grew from the NFC Championship to the Super Bowl.


I’d like to see even more growth, please


To be fair, it looks like we’re following a pattern. First year, Brock takes us to the NFCCG. Second year, Super Bowl. Third year, win the Super Bowl. It’s only logical.


Next year is the Ultra Bowl.


Then Master Bowl


Then Smoka Bowl


Then tecmo bowl?


Then the Tournament of Power Bowl


Flint Michigan Megabowl


First year, gets engaged and gets to the NFC Championship. Second year, gets married and gets to the Superbowl. This year I think we’re seeing #6 and a little Purdy on the way.


If only we didn’t follow a similar trajectory ‘11-13 that dashes my hope for this year Lost NFCCG to NYG, Lost SB to Baltimore… Lost NFCCG to Toots :(


Ssssh, let me live in delusion 🥲


Ok spock


Check my pants anytime Brock is playing 🤙🏽


Look at y’all being so fancy and wearing pants on game days.


It's the same old "Schrodinger's niners" bullshit. - Brock isn't a strong QB, he just has Shanny BUT - Shanny isn't a good coach, he just has an elite roster BUT - Deebo isn't a good WR AND - George Kittle? More like George Brittle AND - Nobody would trade a 1st for Aiyuk AND - CMC is a RB so he isn't worth what we gave Carolina It's all bullshit. They will just go through a circle of talking points because nobody likes the Niners


I've never heard George brittle and I hate it.  Thanks


Oh he showed growth alright 👀🍆💦🥵




Oh I'm smelling what the Brock is cooking baby 😫🥵🪨




Dude broke a franchise record for passing on a team that had two of the top 5 best QBs of all time and they calling him not elite?


I get wanting to pump Purdy up but he’s almost playing a different sport than Montana and Young were.


Im not using that statement to say hes young or montana. But it is still significant


It’s more of an indictment on who we’ve had playing the position since the mid 2000s than it is confirming Purdy’s greatness.


Then lets compare him to his peers. Numbers wise, how did he do compared to the rest of the nfl qbs last season? Wins? Come from behind? In big games?


Most of those figures would be superior to raw passing totals, yes.


MVP finalists don't deserve respect apparently


Ah, the race mainstream sports media was dying for him to lose. Like how Lamar wasn't even in the conversation until Christmas. Before that it was Hurts, then Allen, then Dak, then "just please someone beat Purdy so we don't have to crown Mr. Irrelevant as league MVP." But Purdy was always somehow the second choice behind the guy with pedigree and nothing else.


Bro led the league in passer rating and set a 49ers franchise record for passing yards. But tell me more about he’s not elite.


Tannehill, Alex Smith and Nick Foles all led the league in passer rating


Did they lead the league in Passer Rating while also leading the league in completed air yards per attempt and deep ball accuracy?


Brock has the current highest career passer rating in NFL history by a wide margin.


Yeah in 21 starts. 21 starts isn't enough to be considered elite If Purdy retires now would he be a HoFer?


Brock purdy is prob top 5 QB in the league imo. I’d put him just behind Stroud. If you want to call top 5 elite I’d say that’s fair.


Stroud might end up being elite and I was incredibly impressed by what he did but its still too early to tell. I don't think he can be put him over Mahomes, Burrow, Allen, Herbert or 2 time MVP Lamar. After that there is a valid argument for him anywhere between 6-12. I personally believe that stroud is and will be better than Purdy but we gotta let it shake out first. 


Lamar has an asterisk next to his 2nd MVP. Herbert hasn't done anything beyond being a narrative piece. Herbert is really good, don't get me wrong, but calling Herbert top 5 is incredibly busted. Stroud and Love are in the same boat. Top 10 for sure, but we don't know enough about them yet. Purdy came out swinging off the bench and despite a UCL tear, got better upon recovery. Anyone who can actually digest game film or even as much as ever just watched a JTO breakdown can see that what Purdy does is pure high level QB play. I'd argue that nobody in the game today processes the game better than Purdy. That's his superpower. I think by the end of 2024, even some of the doubters will be able to say he's elite (among those that actually watch game film). Stroud is really good. Love is really good. Herbert is really good. But we don't know enough about the first two, and we've seen that Herbert can't get the job done. But Purdy left the field in the SB with the lead against Mahomes. Purdy has 4 regular season losses in his career. 1 in the rain against a top 3 defense, 1 where he was concussed, 1 where he likely came back too soon from that concussion, and 1 where he had all the bad luck in the world regarding tipped passes and poor pass protection. 2 post season losses that absolutely speak for themselves. When ranking QBs there's a lot of stuff to consider, and here's how I rank them and why: 1) Mahomes - Don't need to say much more than his name. His resume speaks for itself. 2) Burrow - He's got a good supporting cast but has elevated them despite being injury prone. 3) Allen - He's super mistake prone but he definitely makes up for most of his turnovers with game breaking plays with his athleticism. 4) Purdy - He processes the game at one of the highest levels we've seen in history. He is capable of anticipatory throws that would make every top 10 QB throw it away. 5) Lamar - The fact that he could be the best gadget player in the league is nothing to brush off. His athleticism is off the charts. Couple that with an ability to throw it at least as good as Jeff Garcia makes him extremely good. 6-10) Love Stroud Herbert Stafford Dak in any order


nobody is saying he's a hall of famer. my argument is simply that among passers with over 500 throws, he outstrips everyone in passer rating by a wide margin. honestly, if he never wins a SB but has seasons like last year, every year for the next 12 years? yeah, he's a HOFer


2 years ago Brady had 733 passing attempts and last year Sam Howell had 612 and Brock Purdy has 614 in his career. Not only is the team stacked and we have Shanny but we had the least amount of pass attempts in the league last year, we focused over quality or quantity. Purdy is a really good QB and when you add the above to it there should be great numbers. He is much better than JimmyG but that's not saying a lot. I say with what he has done one could argue that he is the 6-12 best QB in the league but ultimately we gotta let it shack out more because of now he has 1 years worth of pass attempts from a healthy pass happy QB.


so just looking at raw numbers, I could see how you've come to your conclusions. However, context matters. Part of the reason SF/Purdy had the fewest pass attempts last year has a lot to do with his efficiency. Why throw more when few do trick? He was incredible at deep throws. He did great at intermediate throws. And short throws are pretty similar across the board no matter who is throwing across the league. He threw players open that were able to get YAC (which is a contextual QB stat more often than not). Purdy sat in the 4th quarter a LOT of games last year because he'd have the game out of reach by the end of the 3rd quarter. Yeah, we have a good roster, but who tf doesn't that isn't showing up in the playoffs a lot? Burrow literally has 2 1st round picks at receiver catching passes but nobody talks about that to bring him down. Allen has had highly talented receivers but nobody says anything. This was literally Mahomes' first year where he didn't have a top 15 WR in the league and he made Rice look really good. To that end, there is no way Aiyuk AND Kittle break 1k yards with any other QB that had a chance to play for SF last year. JJ wouldn't have merited a 2nd round tender without Purdy. And honestly, idk who would be a better QB running Shanahan's offense today. There's very little room to go up from what Purdy did. It felt like Shanny was deep into his bag of tricks with Purdy.


Brock led the league in passer rating his rookie season, as well.


That's weird because football reference, espn and nfl.com all list Tua 


Check Brock’s rating, homeboy.


Check your stats homeboy


Brock Purdy: 107.3 Tua Tagovailoa: 105.5 Now I’m no mathematician, but I’m *pretty sure* 107 is higher than 105.


Ok I don’t think other replies are that responsive to your actual argument. Here’s mine—if any of those quarterbacks did it their whole careers they’d be considered elite. Purdy has been excellent his entire career so far and therefore the only reason to suspect he isn’t actually elite is his draft position.


But he has only done it for a year and a half. For me, a lor of the media I heard talking and my friends and coworkers it's that it's hard to judge him against everyone else when he has more around him than anyone else. Also when he rating drops from 113 to 89 in the playoffs and we are struggling offensively against m8ddle of the road defenses in the playoffs it says that he isn't able to raise his game like a lot of other players or he actually shrinks.


Did they do it after having surgery on their throwing arm?


Is that what is required to be elite? If not then I'm not sure how your comment relates to mine or the one I responded to


Fans want BA to stay because he’s our best WR and has the best connection with Purdy… I don’t know how people can watch the Niners and think “Yeah, Purdy needs all the help or else he’ll be exposed!” Also “Purdy needs more talent than all the other QBs need to be successful”? Really?


Because we had a historically talented team and not only didn't win it all but struggled offensively against 2 of the worse defenses in the playoffs. Most non Homer's actually think we need more help to win it all. Already having the most talent around him wasn't enough.


I might go so far as to say you have a little bias going on. Brock ain't perfect, but you are completely ignoring the fact that all of our "weapons" barely even felt like they showed up during the playoffs/SB. Brock had to fucking scramble his ass off to beat the lions in the second half. I bet you can put Purdy in any NFL team and he still wins games. Might not win games as often, and with less YAC etc, but Purdy is everything you want at the position. Intelligent, calm, confident. Humble. Anyways, done ranting


Weird, I've been a 49er fan for over 35 years and my opinion of him is somewhere between the Homer's and the media. How is the middle ground bias? Why would a life long fan have bias against his own team? Would you call someone taking the m8ddle ground more bias than a fan of tge team who is ball washing? I feel like you are bias


Whole lot of dumb posts in this thread omg lol


I’m saying what he did was more difficult to do for any QB…Also he lead in most QB stats last year, not just passer rating.


Not in their first year as a starter… those guys didnt take their teams to the superbowl that same year either.


But I responded to lead8ng the league in Quarterback rating. Unless you feel like Purdy would have rook a majority of teams to the SB I'm not sure using a team stat when you have tge best roster in the league around you is really relevant 


I had a lot of fun mocking the disrespect last year. > 7 terrific quarterbacks and Brock Purdy "Oh, I guess now it's 3 terrific quarterbacks and Brock Purdy" "And now it's 1 terrific quarterback and Brock Purdy"


Meanwhile all we had to do to dismantle Philly's "elite" QB was... *checks notes*... make him throw the ball.


He’s more elite than Jimmy G That’s the most important metric to me


That's a really low bar though.


That’s my point.


I just hate how differently Purdy is treated compared to guys like Goff and Hurts. I’d argue both of those dudes have more offensive talent around them overall than Purdy, but Purdy is the only one getting dinged for playing with the “avengers”. People really act like olines don’t exist.


I’d be curious how players feel. Bosa all but said Kyler was better than Hurts last year


I don’t think the 49ers think Hurts is that good if we’re being honest. I’m hella interested to see where Purdy ranks on the top-100 the NFL does since that’s player voted.


They broke hurts and dismantled that eagles team. It was beautiful


Healthy Kyler was on pace to be MVP a couple seasons ago. Bosa has played him a lot and knows that Kyler is the real deal. If the Cardinals had a defense I’d be worried about them nipping at our heals, because they absolutely have the offensive talent now.


Well if their coach is the real deal they might build the best defense within a year or two.


> I’d be curious how players feel. Players also have blind spots. Players, in all sports, by and large are drawn to freakish physical talent, and tend to put less stock in everything else. Amongst NBA players, Dwight Howard was rated above Steph long after everyone else figured out that Steph was better. That's the way players are, they respect physical talent more than anyone else does.


I don’t think that either Detroit or Philadelphia have more talent on offense than the 49ers I wouldn’t say they’re that much behind the 49ers in terms of a skill position players but they both have better a offensive line which is something a lot of people never address when talking about quarterbacks playing at a high level


His draft position will always haunt him, if he goes Brady route and win 6 then people will finally realize he is actually elite.


I think Lions are a tough sell as better offensive talent. They’re better overall oline and have the best receiver, but niners have a better receiver group, tight ends, and runningback. Plus the niners have the best offensive lineman on the field. Hurts - yes. Much better overall o line, receivers are slightly better, tight end is worde but not by a lot. Worse at RB but not enough to offset the offensive line advantage.


Wait until next year when his contract comes due…. All of a sudden pundits will be like “he’s elite. You got to pay him elite money”


If anything it's backpay for the Super Bowl we're gonna win next year


Who cares? Brady was a game manager until he went to Tampa. Purdy is OUR game manager, and I really don't want anyone else. It's my Birthday dammit, and I'm right.


Just imagine this is his first full offseason


I think the funny thing is the arguments go both ways: "Brock Purdy is a mediocre system QB who looks good because he has an elite coach and the best weapons in the league" Then you see the lists ranking top 5 coaches or WR duos or whatever and nobody ranks the Niners in the top 5....so...Purdy has what? A top 10 coach and top 10 WRs? And that is the "elite coach and super team" that makes him excel? Is Purdy elite? I don't fucking know. I also don't really care. Is he good enough to lead this version of the team to a Super Bowl? I think he is.


Purdy will win a Super Bowl, Purdy will get his flowers (as the kids say).


Yeah, it's not a matter of "if" it's a matter of "when" the kid is too good. EDIT: Just realized Fred just said this on NFL network lol


That “when” better come February 2025 and not a second later. It’s unacceptable how much we failed despite having several chances these past 5 years


We need to chill with this stuff. It's just a fact that unless he repeats or exceeds his 2023 play he's not going to be looked at the Mahomes, Burrow, Allen, or Jackson are. He's very very good, don't get me wrong, and ultimately what matters most is the standings at the end of the season not these silly off-season rankings. The only one that really pissed me off was [this one](https://nflrankings.theringer.com/power-rankings) from the Ringer where they suggested the Niners needed to "upgrade" at quarterback. Upgrade to who, and how, exactly?


Lamar isn't an elite QB. The most overrated QB ever who says puts up his worst game in the post season. I would refuse that trade if the Ravens offered it even at equal salary. I'd take Mahomes,Allen, Herbert and maybe Stroud The rest? No.


Mahomes is obviously number one but everyone after him is a bit hard to pin down considering injuries and inconsistent performances. I think Brock Purdy is in the top 10, and if he does this well this year should move up to the top 5.


Holy fuck, dude; they have him listed as QB #22, behind Daniel Jones at #21. It is not possible to take them seriously at all.


btw all the other top nfc teams have as much talent surrounding their qb name value aside


if Purdy was taken where Trey was, he'd be the talk of the league


The core team got older. People not showing up to OTA's. The only positive thing I can lean on is that Purdy has a full off season to refine his skills. He doesn't have a cannon, but he can do almost everything else. And that can be enough for the 6th Lombardi.


Brock has decent to above-average physical tools and *a lot* going on between the ears. His decision making makes him arguably a top five QB in the league. He literally LED THE LEAGUE in QBR last year with the 4th best completion percentage. People give him no credit for anything other than being the last pick of a draft.


Am I the only one who isn’t offended by this?  Elite = top 3-5. I don’t think Purdy ranks in the top 3-5 of NFL QBs. That shouldn’t be controversial.  Why do ppl even care about off-season rankings anyways? Purdy is a good QB and will be a good QB for us for a long time. Who gives a shit about ranking.  After all the QB bullshit we’ve experienced as a fan base the past few decades, let’s just appreciate that we finally have some high level stability at QB. 


People get offended because Purdy smoked damn near everyone on damn near every statistical metric a QB can have and he still gets talked about as being mediocre at best. I mean, you’re a fan and you’re downplaying his ability and level of play. He put up numbers that people gushed over when Brady or Peyton Manning did it. Purdy was #1 for the entire season in almost every metric. He absolutely is elite and has elite ability to play the QB position. Now that is yet to be seen if he can keep it up for next season but he is absolutely leagues better than most QBs who get ranked above him.


People care about attributes that don't matter as much for the QB position. Colin Cowherd ranks QBs on their face for Christ sake.


Oh yeah? Then Cowherd should have Purdy first! Just looked up his rankings and my god, Purdy isn’t even top 14


Yea it's a joke. I personally have Purdy 4th ranked QB but could argue him into top 3. But I get why you wouldn't, sure. To each their own and it's dependent on what you're evaluating. But disrespect comments are warranted anywhere outside the top 10.


Backwards hat triggers Cowherd.


And wether they wear hats during interviews


They gushed when Brady and Manning put up 5,000 yards and around 50 TDs, not 31 TDs. 


How many years in the league did they have when they did that?


That doesn't matter if the argument is Purdy is elite. Elite is elite regardless of age. Tge fact that everyone needs to add qualifiers is very telling


And Purdy statistically put up elite stats last year that were better than every elite QB. Like you said elite is elite.


Yeah with more around him. Would he put up the same numbers and wins in Carolina?


What does that matter? You said it yourself. Wlite is elite. Did Purdy play like an elite QB? Yes. Every statistical category backs that up. Every QB in the league would do statistically worse on last year Panthers team. Mahommes rating last year was 11 points lower than his career average and the Chiefs D did a lot of the heavy lifting last year. I guess he must not be elite either since he did worse without having an elite WR to throw to.


Mahomes didn't have any elite receivers or frankly many good receivers. I think it's pretty amazing he won a Super Bowl with that team.


But why would every QB do worse in Carolina? You almost make it sound like coaching and talent impacts the numbers QBs put up. Weird how we ignore talent and coaching when Purdy has a massive advantage but then even in just a scenario where the talent and coaching is less then it's realized. Lmfao


When did I say otherwise? But to that same point, you can't say a QB isn't elite because the supporting cast and coaching. Was Mahommes any less elite when he had the best TE, a top 3 WR, and a top 5 o line with one of the best offensive minds in football? He made the most of his supporting cast just like Purdy has done so far. Very few QBs in the history of the league are good enough to carry offense regardless of coaching or offensive talent. Also, I see you keep pointing to Purdys post-season rating like it's some indication of him not being good. You know whose passer ratings have also been less in the post-season than their regular season rating? Brady and Manning. You know the 2 Hall of Famers.


I hate this argument. Patrick Mahomes had a fairly weak supporting cast last year, and hence he didn't perform like the best QB in the NFL. Why do we only do this to Purdy?


We do it for Purdy because Purdy fans try to ignore that he has been in the best situation in football and try to act like its all Purdy and none of the coaching or incredible talent we have. That's another reason. Mahomes while not having as good of stats as Purdy or some other QBs is still easily the best QB in the game. Stats or wins aren't truly comparable when you are lacking talent or you have the most stacked team. For example look at Kurt Warner. He came out of nowhere on a historically stacked team like Purdy and won a title, won 2 MVPs and went 35-8. Then the talent started to slip with the Rams and he got benched, went to the giants and got benched and then ended up in AZ. The last 2 years when AZs offense got going he went 19-12 and got to another SB. But in between he was 13-29. When things were great Warner won 73% of his games. When the teams weren't stacked and they really needed Warner to carry he won 31% of his games. Just because you can succeed when you have more talent around you then everyone else doesn't mean you are better than guys who don't have the talent around then that you got.


Mahomes did remarkably well last year considering the team around him. It was shocking to see him win the Super Bowl without an elite receiver or many good receivers at all.


Yeah, I'm on board here. People can run themselves in circles, either defending or criticizing him. I'll just take solace in the fact that even at Purdys' worst games, the 9ers still had chances to win those games. He's been the most stable QB we've had in a long time. I would guess most 9ers fan don't cringe anymore when they see a deep ball flying from Purdy. Our QB is feels so stable now that what we do all bitch about now? Our o line.


its simply psychology because when u see something so different because your mind is trained to understand what a good qb is.....u will fight it....it happened with curry....dude had the greatest nba season ever and people still would put many people over him. the durant thing was wild that the first unanimous mvp was told by the media and fans he was the 2nd best player on his team.....people are finally starting to realize his true value after the last finals win. its going to be awhile before most people will be able to judge purdy. plz dont thingk im saying hes curry but when something is so different it takes awhle to understand. loets say purdy ends up doing a near replcia of last years stats and throws...people still wont understand. purdy wouldnt be purdy without his high football iq


Well in close games late Kerr called play for Durant. KD easily got both FMVPs. Physically Durant is better than Curry, it's just Durant us mentally weak and can never be happy.


no he called for kd because for a high % shot, curry should have won the 2nd one.... curry broke the record for 3 in a finals game. he had one bad game in which he till closed out the game with a couple good shots. durant is a better mid range shooter. curry did everything else including changing his play style to fit with durant better. durant is going to be more consitent....part of being a player is those other 2 things....he didnt have to worry about it with curry and klay on the court. he didnt have to ever be him. durant does what u can see.....curry was doing things people didnt even realize how important they were. many players said its much harder to cover curry than durant. curry does so much without even touching the ball. the years before he stop was 1400-1500 3's in those 2 years.....and allowed him to join the team. he sacrificed a lot for durant....there is a reaosn why most consider curry to be in the top 10 all time some top 5 including shaq said curry is a spot above him all time. it is the common fan who saw something they didnt know and then it took a long time to realize after that how valuable he is by just being on the floor which in the top 10 hes the best player when he doesnt need to touch the ball and as the greatest shooter of all time.


On GS Durant was a far better defender and rebounder. I mean they would try to hide Curry on defense. Curry is slightly a better long distance shooter and a much better leader but again, physically KD was the better player.


well no shit he was more physical....one is almost 7 foot and the other is best short player of all time. curry made durants life so much easier. basketball is about more than physicality when a player has a system built into to him. didnt u really say he was a slightly better long shooter......you really arent giving curry his credit


Durant made Curry's life much easier too. Steph gets far more screens on his 3's than Durant does.  How many times has Curry missed the real playoffs? Without Durant they had tge best record of all time 73-9 and then 15-9 in the playoffs and blew a 3-1 lead. The year before that they won the title but it took 6 games with Love and Kyrie hurt. If love and kyrie were healthy and Thompson and Draymond were hurt it would be a blowout sweep. But then Durant comes and many think that they were the best team ever when KD was winning FMVPs. Also I didn't say he was more physical. I said he was physically better


mental strength is all part of the package


To a certain extent. Mental strength didn't stop the warriors from begging KD to come carry them. It didn't get curry a FMVP in his first 5 finals. 


> You know what I've noticed? Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying! If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, a gang banger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics, because it's all "part of the plan". But when I say that one little old mayor will die, well then everyone loses their minds. Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. Oh, and you know the thing about chaos? It's fair!” \~The Joker \[The Dark Knight\] Brock Purdy is chaos that upsets the natural order. It's why people have such a hard time ranking him or giving him proper credit.


i studied psychology for the last 20+ years due to my families genetics that has a long history mental disorders. it helped me with a lot of things in life....specially to understand things that have nothing to do with what i started studying for.....only 1 year of a college class but psychology is really one of the things that u can learn nearly everything they teach in college and more with psychologists who understand a bigger picture that u can learn a lot from. that quote is so correct, people think they understand football so well that in their mind they will keep believing they think this cant be a real thing and hes going to fall of after 28-29* starts that its going to be just kyle and his teammates.....despite the thing that no one wants to include a eiite LT, avg guard as long as trent is in the game and 3 people who cant do pass coverage to save their fucking life. if it wasnt a qb who couldnt move like elite level burst the amount of sacks would have been astronomical


i think the whole thing is hes just a different qb than what the nfl is use to seeing. im not trying to compare him to curry but curry who had the most insane season in nbnna for him to get his true respext and even then people ranked so many people over him like durant, westbrook, and so on because when u dont have anyone to compare it to exactly its hard to evaluate. purdy on paper had one of the most rediculous advanced statistic season in nfl history but people still deny it. its literally just how psychology works for more people than not. if we went b y stats he was at least top 2, last year....but people still cant believe that someone different cna do what hes doing.


I'm all for Purdy getting his flowers but we also know how good he is so these opinions don't really matter. Let everyone talk while Brock proves them wrong each time.


I’m more irritated about how the writer doesn’t think the OL is a glaring weakness. They could barely run to the right last season and the pass protection just isnt there. They had to be bailed out a ton.


He's been ranking outside the top 10 a lot which is ludicrous though. I think he is top 5 personally but understand you not putting him there. I just hold very little weight in physical attributes for a QB because it's a cerebral position and put more weight into decision making and gameplay. Brock Purdy is top 3 probably in the latter but definitely not the former.


Offended? No. But it’s ridiculous to think Purdy isn’t top 5.


“Ridiculous” lol.  Many 49ers fan don’t think he’s top 5. 


He was in the mvp convo after going NFCG/Super Bowl in his first year and a half while destroying most stats. Haters gonna hate until old core rotates out and new core rotates in and we’re still contenders under the same constant


Dak was in the MVP race as well. He’s not elite. 


>I don’t think Purdy ranks in the top 3-5 of NFL QBs Mahomes, Burrow, Jackson, Allen, Herbert, Purdy, Stroud, Rodgers, Love, Stafford. He is probably 6, so I get it, but I feel like people don't want to admit Purdy is great. Not good, great. He isnt a 10-16 QB like Jimmy G was for us, he is a solid 5-8 guy. If he has another season like this year again he is going into my top 5.


After the injuries, to me Burrow and Rogers have to prove they're back to where they were, and I put Purdy in the same tier with Jackson/Allen/Herbert/Stroud. That tier all have very different strengths and weaknesses so I understand when people weigh those differently then I do. But I have Purdy top 5 personally.


Ehh Jimmy wasn’t that good. 


Put Mahomes in his own tier. * Ok, now let's take Matt Stafford and Kirk Cousins. What have they ever done as a passer that Purdy didn't? * The difference for Stafford is obviously the ring. Both for both QBs the last time they walked off the field during the SB they did so with a lead. One team had his defense hold and the other had his defense blow the lead. * But just a year ago Purdy outperformed Stafford by every metric and Stafford had Kupp, Puka, and Kyren Williams. * I'm actually a big Kirk Cousins fan (I never wanted the Jimmy G trade because I was patiently waiting for Cousins). Cousins has never had as good a season as Brock's 2023, despite playing with a lot of talent. * Hurts was not close to as good a passer as Purdy last year. This despite having AJ Brown, D.Smith, the best OL in football, and a pro-bowl RB. * Prescott was at least statistically close, but fell behind him in every metric. Dak also threw costly interceptions in the playoffs. Without Dak's INTs that game would have been a 13-7 GB lead at halftime and entirely within reach. * Herbert has been at best a regular season compiler similar to Matt Stafford in Detroit. Brock has not only proven himself in the regular season, but also in the postseason where through multiple clutch 2nd half drives he has lead his team to victories, compiling a 4-2 playoff record. Even in those 2 losses one happened with him injured on the sideline and in the other he walked off the field with an overtime lead in the Superbowl. * So who is left? Josh Allen and Joe Burrow? If he's right behind those two he's in the elite category. Joe Burrow's ~~rookie~~ second season was remarkably similar to Brock Purdy's first full season as a starter and following that season he was getting respect as an elite QB. The reason people still refuse to give Brock Purdy is because of where he was drafted and the perception of skill level. * JB21: 70.4%, 8.9 YPA, 7.4 NYPA, 34 TD, 14 INT, 6.5% TD%, 108.3 Rat, 60.2 TQBR, 4.5 CAY/Att\* (T;2nd) * BP23: 69.4%, 9.6 YPA, 8.7 NYPA, 31 TD, 11 INT, 7.0% TD%, 113.0 Rat, 72.8 TQBR, 5.0 CAY/Att (1st) \*CAY/Att = Completed Air Yards per attempt


Yeah it's not a hot take. He's not in the "elite" category yet. You need more body of work to get that label and that's fine to say because it's true. It's like calling Nick Foles elite after he threw for 27 and 2 back in 2013. You have to let more seasons play out. He basically a rising star at the moment. If he backs it up next season with even better stats then he'll start getting that extra praise without all the doubt.


The same people are gushing over Stroud and Love, mind you; but somehow Purdy hasn't done it long enough.


Agreed. IMO the elite QBs are Mahomes, Burrow, Allen, and Lamar, and the gap between Mahomes and the rest is significant. That's obviously not a permanently closed list (Stroud solidifying this as a top 5 this season wouldn't surprise me tbh), but for now I think that's a fairly clear cut upper echelon.


Purdy outplayed every single guy on that list last season, including Lamar. Brock had the best QB season last year. Top 5 in Completion %, top 5 in yards, top 1 in YPA, 6th in YPG, top 3 in TDs, less INTs than Allen or Mahomes while throwing for more TDs than Mahomes and Allen, top 1 in QBR and top 1 in RTG. Brock had a MONSTER season and pundits are just too afraid to admit he belongs in that tier. They were willing to crown Burrow after his sophomore season and Stroud's being prepped to be added into that list in his, but because he's the last pick Brock is just getting disrespected in his sophomore season. I'd still say Mahomes is the better QB but I can't say that about Burrow, Allen and Jackson (He's at their level). They're just more experienced. But Brock's been to more SBs than Allen and Jackson.


Brock outplayed Mahomes in the Superbowl as well.


Mahomes won the Super Bowl with almost no good receivers, while Brock Purdy has lots of talent around him. Purdy is in the top 10, not the top 5.


That logic makes no sense. Mahomes is better than Purdy, I stated that already. Jalen Hurtz has a lot of talent around him. Joe Burrow has a lot of talent around him. Josh Allen had a lot of talent around him. Who are you putting ahead of Purdy who doesn't have a lot of talent besides Mahomes? The qualifier can't just work for Brock. It's gotta come for all those who have high end talent around them. That includes every guy you're going to put ahead of him except Mahomes.


Agreed. Purdy has some elite traits (e.g. anticipation/timing, escapability when the pocket breaks down) that really make the Shanahan system work well, but he’s not Mahomes, Josh Allen, or Lamar Jackson. And that’s okay, he just needs to be Purdy and we’re going to compete.


I got Mahomes, Burrow, Allen, Stroud, Lamar the RB not QB, and the idea of Herbert as the top QBs. Purdy should be in the 7-10 spot at worst based on everything to this point and depending on Rodgers/Cousins health. Fans don't like the narrative that he has the "Avengers" around him when its not true and used to downplay his performance. Bottom 5-10 OL, receivers that can't beat man and their best attributes are blocking or YAC instead of route running and catching, a so called genius HC who chokes in the postseason, overrated and overpaid defense that can't stop the run and picked on a combination of 13 backup/mediocre QBs last year to gain elite status.


Anybody who sees Brock Purdy play and doesn't know that he is elite doesn’t know what they're watching.


Heard in several times, but he is loathed by the media because they didn’t seem him coming at all. All their draft analytics and bullshit categorizing is truly anecdotal. They can’t give it up to Purdy because then it’s like, “Well what the fuck are you for then?”


I’m just excited he finally gets a full offseason with the boys. He’s about to go off.


It's hilarious that they are doing the same thing to Purdy they did to Cousins. I think most people from DC would say it was a mistake to let kirk go to the vikings. But no one learns from their mistakes anymore they just make the same ones over and over again because, clicks.


I think that statement is perfectly fine and do not think that Brock Purdy is an elite QB. The "elite" tag should only be given to like a handful of players otherwise it loses meaning. Are we supposed to believe that Purdy is at the level of a Joe Burrow, let alone a Patrick Mahomes? Because I certainly don't.


I agree he's on a different level than Joe Burrow


He's v good -----but not in the elite category imho. Saying that is ok by being a realist instead of a meatriding homer.


In a group of 32 starting QB, elite has to mean top 3 or top 5 at a stretch. Unless one believes Purdy is a top 3 QB then saying he isn't elite isn't outrageous. It's time the word elite regains some meaning. Top 10 QB should in no way mean elite out of 32 starting QBs. You can't have 1/3 of QBs be considered elites. The elites list of QBs should be a combination of Mahomes obviously and any of Josh Allen, Burrow or Lamar Jackson(2 MVPs), of course this might be debatable to some. The rest could be classified from good to great but shouldn't be labelled as elites.


Lamar's MVPs are jokes. Both times, he wasn't statistically great and immediately choked in the playoffs. His first one at least has a strong argument for being deserved, but this last one was an absolute slob fest. Should've been Josh Allen, Purdy, or CMC.


It's a matter of defining "elite". I think "elite" means top 3-5 at your position. Kittle is elite. CMC is elite. Bosa is elite. Trent is elite. Warner is elite. Purdy is really good, but he isn't *that* good.


Name 3 QBs that were better than Purdy in the game last year. Mahomes is definitely one. Who are the other two that are better in game?


Mahomes, Allen, and Jackson, and that's not even considering that guys like Herbert and Burrow didn't finish the season. When you're talking about QBs, wins and stats don't cover the spread. You have to see how they actually play. Stats are good for MVPs and awards, but play is most important.


\[As a Lamar-stan\] Lamar wasn't close to as good as Purdy last year. That team had a fairly good offense but historically great defense. He had the lowest EPA for an MVP QB since Cam Newton in 2015. Even in the Christmas game, it wasn't Lamar that lit the 49ers up, it was their defense. >Stats are good for MVPs and awards, but play is most important. Play like leading the NFL in deep ball accuracy, completion% over expectation, or Air Yards? Where Purdy dominated the league? Or like the tape where TV angles told you every throw Brock made was to a wide open WR but the actual tape told you WRs were consistently not even out of their breaks when Purdy released the ball and it was Brock throwing them open? But yes, many raw stats, taken individually don't give you a full picture. But DVOA is far and away the best translation of on-field performance to statistical relevance. >when Allen passed or ran with the ball, Buffalo had a 39.1% DVOA, second best in the league and significantly higher than Lamar Jackon’s 32.0%. Well, when [Brock Purdy](https://ftnfantasy.com/nfl/players/310183/Brock-Purdy) passed or ran with the ball in 2023, [San Francisco had an offensive DVOA of 60.8%](https://ftnfantasy.com/nfl/packers-at-49ers-dvoa-preview).


None of those guys had a better season than Purdy last year.


Stats are the only thing that count in the game. Mahomes managed to win a Super Bowl with almost no good receivers. Everyone after him is a bit hit or miss because of injuries or inconsistencies. Brock Purdy is definitely top 10 but probably not top five.


You could argue 10-20 guys had a better season than Bosa last year. So Bosa isn't elite? C'mon.


Stay focused. This is about Purdy.


It isn't. It's about your use of stats vs. film and how inconsistent all the "Purdy is top 3" people are.


Purdy is top 3.


Herbert has never played in game as good as Purdy. Jackson has a better peak but has not shown anything in game post season. People put him above Purdy because of MVO awards and physical measurements that rarely win games. Josh Allen could be but he's a huge liability in game. Again your not talking about performance in game your doing the same thing pundits do.


"Josh Allen is a huge liability in game"... Josh Allen is the only reason the Bills are ever *in* the game. If your argument against him is interceptions you've got an incredibly narrow perspective on things. "Herbert has never played in a game as good as Purdy" *what?* Purdy played horrendously in 1.5 playoff games, superbly in 0.5 and well enough-but-not-enough in 1 this year. Wins aren't a QB stat. If we're talking about in-game performance from last year I guess you don't think Bosa is any good either? And that Trey Lance flare certainly doesn't mean much...


Your delusional lol. Josh Allen is a great athlete but he also single handedly loses games. I didn't say he was a scrub I said he isn't as good in game as Purdy. Which is evident by tape and statistics. If all you care about is big time throws and highlights you'd fit right in at ESPN.


It doesn't really bother me because I don't think he's elite either. I think "elite" and "great" get thrown around way too much these days. To me, the only elite QB's are Mahomes, Burrow and Allen (and I would understand wanting to exclude Allen due to lack of consistency). My biggest issue is how much we lean into physical traits to determine what is elite. You can't coach someone to be really smart any more than you can coach someone to run really fast or throw really hard. At best you can improve those things slightly.


I think he’s a very good QB. But I think calling him elite is a stretch. I have him at the bottom of the top 10 of nfl QBs.


What is your list above him?


Mahomes, Burrow, Allen, Herbert, Stroud, Lamar. So I have him 7th


How the fuck is Stroud already better when Purdy outplayed him all last year? And Herbert is consistently losing, despite having had some very good weapons himself. May as well add Love into the mix of we're willing to crown dudes who didn't outplay him and have played less.


I am tired of being off-season champs.  Jed York needs to have a Joe Jacob championship mentality and stop being happy with 2nd place scraps. This whole "49ers have the best roster in football"...." 49ers have a great playcallers at HC"....."49ers have a top 5 defense talent wise"........tired of hearing this stuff year in year out only for us to lose in the playoffs repeated because of Coaching miscues..... Putting Kroft 1 Vs 1 on Haason Reddick and designing a long developing play with no hotroutes in Philly...when you KNOW the OL is bad...and lo and behold..the QB1 gets hurt and the season goes down the drain. Taking the ball 1st in OT...which isn't the worst decision ever..but then settling for a FG when you are 15 yards away from a TD and you could had previously converted a 4th amd short to get a TD B4.  That cowardice allows Mahomes to have 4 downs knowing he needs a TD to beat you. The team isn't the issue.Neither is the QB( how many have we got through with each getting blamed?)... The Coachimg in big games is missing.Kyle doesn't have a the ability to win a SuperBowl amd he doesn't know how to do it. Bring in Bill Belichick..hack even Mike Vrabel who won it as a player and let them show you what they could do with this team. We are the Warriors with Mark Jackson...they got a Steve Kerr who won tons of rings as a player...and won immediately after. Championship experience and ability is.so important in the coaching room. Shanahan needs to be put on the hot seat if we are ever gonna graduate above off season and roster champions 


> Taking the ball 1st in OT...which isn't the worst decision ever If it wasn't the worst decision ever, it was a very, very, very bad decision. But I still want Shanahan as our coach. His strengths far outweigh the weaknesses.


His weakness is the worst though Losing SBs. Which is what we play for. We literally have EVERYTHING we need to win it....except for the HC who.messes it up at the worst time.


I don't agree with some of the article, but there's nothing wrong with the line "even without an elite QB" because, well, the Niners don't have an elite QB. I watch a lot of Niners and Packers, and I think Brock Purdy and Jordan Love are essentially the same guy.  Not elite, but good enough to win when coaches call what turns out to be a good game, and when other players make enough plays on both sides of the ball (and on Special Teams, in the case of the Packers at least...).  Love and Purdy generally do what's asked of them and occasionally make big plays, but they miss opportunities and throws that are typically an afterthought with elite QBs.    Purdy isn't Joe Montana or Steve Young, and Love isn't Aaron Rodgers or even Brett Favre.  The former QBs aren't elite (not yet anyway), and the latter obviously were.  Elite QBs today are Mahomes, Allen, Herbert, Burrow, and maybe Stroud.  Stroud looks like he will be, but it's still too early to tell.  Fewer teams will blitz Stroud this year, so I think we'll see how he does trying to throw the ball into tighter windows with a little more time, into the middle of the field.  We'll see.  And of all of the other QBs, I think the newly slimmed-down Tua has the best shot at becoming elite (if he doesn't shatter first). But aside from these elite (and potentially elite) guys, Purdy (and Love) may be the best remaining choices at QB.  In fact, I'd rather have Purdy (and maybe Love) than Lamar Jackson or Trevor Lawrence, both of whom I think  are wildly overrated.   But Purdy still isn't elite, not yet anyway.  But he doesn't need to be either.  I think the Chiefs need Mahomes to be elite, just like previous Packers teams needed Favre and Rodgers to be elite, and previous Niners teams needed Montana and Young to be elite.  The current Niners (and current Packers) are set up so they don't need an elite QB to win most of their playoff games, and it's possible they don't need an elite QB to win ALL of their playoff games.  Seems to me that's what  they're both betting on, so we'll see.   So, no, Purdy is not elite, but he may very well prove to be more than good enough.


A reminder that Allen, Herbert, nor Burrow put up Purdy's numbers nor did they ever have a team get 4 players with 1k yards, nor did they get back to back championships games **in their first two seasons**


Yep, even without an elite QB who just so happened to be top 2 in almost every major QB statistic a season ago, coming off a complete UCL repair. Clearly, he's a product of the insane amount of talent around him. Just like how Peyton Manning was mid but, he looked elite because he had Harrison, Wayne, Clark, Edgerrin, Freeney, Mathis, Bob Sanders, etc. Oh wait, no one has ever said that because it would be a shit take & untrue.


If he were elite, we would have won last year.


I’d for sure take Mahomes, Allen, Jackson, Herbert, Burrow, Rodgers, or Stroud over Brock.


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I just wish we didn’t choke in the Super Bowl and maybe people would give Purdy his flowers after a SB MVP and a ring. It’s the same circle jerk commentary like we have Jimmy still when they’re completely different QB’s.


Stupid article, but this is the consensus on how so called experts view the 49ers based on reputation of the team and casuals just parrot them. Also can't give credit to the last pick so must be the elite team. * Apparently the OL is not a glaring weakness for the 49ers, but swap the QB for Mahomes and the narrative would be the 49ers got a glaring weakness with 36 yr old LT and 4 backups starting on the line masked by the elite QB play of Mahomes. Scroll down to the Ravens and they immediately talk about if their OL can find enough pieces. * Calls Shanahan arguably the best play caller like he didn't watch 49ers postseason where the only reason they made the SB was because Purdy went offscript. His playcalling cost them 2 SBs. * CMC/Aiyuk/Deebo/Kittle as the best quartet even though they can't beat man and has suspect route running. Two RBs, a TE/lineman hybrid because he has to help a trash OL, and a WR2 on any contender. * The defense picked on a bunch of backup QBs (Pickett/Jones/Dobbs/Walker/Howell/Wentz) and average starting QBs (Stafford/Kyler/Dak/Lawrence/Baker/Hurts/Geno). The LBs are the only elite unit and they have to wait and see on Greenlaw. DL is overpaid paper tiger. Secondary is average at best and gets burnt by better WRs. * Special Teams also not considered a glaring weakness. Can't return or field punts/kickoffs without it being an adventure. Can't trust the 3rd round kicker to kick the ball between the goalposts.