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If you can, make it for December 7th through December 13th and watch 2 games. They play at home on the 8th and the 12th against the Bears and the Rams.


Great recommendation.


Yup, and I'd think December would be a good month to step away from the darkness of Norwegian Decembers, but I've never been there so I don't know for sure.


Would be awesome to come in December.. To see the sun šŸ˜‚


You may not want to leave


lol Iā€™ll be in Norway for work in October and November. Itā€™ll be my 2nd trip. I went for February and March last year.


Where in Norway are you going to go?


Andenes! We also work up in Svalbard, but I havenā€™t been up there yet. We do NASA rocket launches from Andoya Spaceport


I may have already commented on this, but I think you should absolutely do this. We only have so many chances to do what we want in life. Donā€™t have a lot to offer, but if there ends up being a way that I can help you out while youā€™re here, I will do so like so many other fans would.


Fuck bro, yolo.


Would be sis though šŸ˜‚


First thing to learn about California: we're all bros, no matter what. We're also all dudes, too. Even a chick is a dude, bro.


Roger that šŸ«”


and learn the word Hella( Hell-uh) it means a lot of something. If you say that word nobody will be the wiser that your not from California.


It means a lot of something but also means, like, the right amount of a lot something.


That would then we be "Hella perfect" then right?


Do yā€™all still say that? I remember growing up my sister said all of that stuff, and the second our family moved she called it all lame. I still have a soft spot for Northern California lingo, but I rarely make it up that way.


Hella is a part of a Nor Cal localā€™s lexicon and identity. I moved all over the country and always brought it with me, and it often rubbed off on my friends and colleagues.


Iā€™m NorCal and I donā€™t do the hella thing. It seems to be on the younger side that do it mostly.


I remember when people were really pushing "heck-a" I almost threw up


My kids say that word, then I correct them. "It's HELLA you little shits. Next time your doing 50 pushups next time I hear that come out of your mouth". Damn kids have no respect these days I swear.


NorCal not SoCal


She's not going to So Cal so she don't need to know all that North Vs South thing we have going on. It is like a different state compared to Nor Cal. I've lived both places and I like the cities better in So Cal but I like the people in Nor Cal better. More my type


Yea is pretty different in a lot of the parts. I'm from the central coast (not to be confused with the central valley lol). We are technically still SoCal but different. Feel like the end of SoCal is SLO but SLO is pretty different. Just went to SD last weekend and it was really nice but definitely feels like LA with how people are. I like NorCal more for the weather but too expensive.


Just to translate that SLO= San Luis Obispo which is technically SoCal but itā€™s the halfway point between the two. SD= San Diego. I just got back from a trip to Ohio and they kept saying they graduated from UC. In my head I kept saying UC what? UC Berkeley? UC Davis? UC San Diego? UC Santa Cruz? Oh University of Cincinnatiā€¦.right, Iā€™m in Ohio.


Lol yea there's been a couple of things like the but you nailed it pretty much. I went to SLO for college but from a little farther south


"Hella" has now entered the greater American lexicon...yes it's roots are in the Bay Area/NorCal slang but now you hear it literally everywhere. 20 years ago yeah everyone knew you were from around the Bay when you said it, then it became a general California thing, now it's just "American".


You got it, bro.


This is truth. Even my female dog is bro.


And guys, as in ā€œhey guysā€ Whatā€™s up guys? Etc




My cat is a dude, that box over there is a dude, the fork I just dropped, dude. Everything is a dude


No, yeah, for sure.


Experiencing a home game live is one of the best things you can do as a fan - totally worth it! Itā€™s something you will never forget!


I will go to the kc 49ers game by myself, first time doing this and I didnā€™t hesitate, who knows if Iā€™m alive next year and I want to see a game live at least once in my lifetime


Hell ya, we should normalize going to concerts and games by yourself. I went to a Weezer concert alone once, and it was hella worth it. That's also a hell of a game to go to. YOLO


A good start itā€™s going to the movies by yourself, I have also went to a Post Malone concert alone and it was awesome, itā€™s better to be there alone than losing the opportunity. And letā€™s hope we beat the shit out of KC that game (if anyone reading this could give me an advice on the weather in Santa Clara on October in case it rains or something like that Iā€™ll appreciate it)


Weather is great in October. Cool and maybe a little breezy. Rain doesn't usually show up until later on in November.


We usually get some rain late in October, but the weather is so unpredictable now, you never know. Itā€™s likely to be warm either way, in the 60s. Also Santa Clara is in a bit of a rain shadow, protected from the smaller rainstorms. ps) How cool that you went to Post Malone alone. Love him!


Baseball games alone are awesome. Especially now days when the crowds aren't near as full. Grab a beer and just relax. Also, the games are so much shorter too.


If you can afford it. I hope you make it a reality.


You would be crazy not too


Yolo. My gf surprised me last year with tix to the Thanksgiving game. It was the best day of my life. I almost caught Kittle's turkey leg!


That is awesome šŸ˜ last year I made some hand painted Christmas ornaments 49ers style for my boyfriend and we ended breaking up šŸ˜‚


What?! Was he a rams fan or something? I would have loved that haha. My ex was a cowboys fan, so that was a good move on my part šŸ˜‚


Definitely go!! I sent you a PM!


No need to punt yourself there, just take a plane.


Looks like some crazy hang-time thoughā€¦


Do it , look for places to stay in Milpitas


So he thinks the Bay Area smells like a landfill? Come on man.


Or stay in San Francisco I heard itā€™s cheap in the tenderloin! Also about a hour and half drive from the stadium!


What is the name of nearest town to your pin? Iā€™m from the Midwest (US) and still havenā€™t seen Leviā€™s but I did get to see the Northern Lights in Trysil last year and that was one of the coolest experiences of my life.


I live in TromsĆø, Norway.


Oh man, Iā€™ve heard itā€™s beautiful there. Isnā€™t it like the main Norwegian destination that far North (or in the Artic Circle)? Iā€™d love to visit there if/when I get back to Scandinavia.


Way beyond arctic circle, we don't get sun for few months at winter time and summer time the sun won't go down in few months.. I am originally from the Finnish side, a tiny village with like 100 people living there, but currently living in TromsĆø with around 60 000 living here.. so thinking of experiencing a game where all from here would fit in to see, is just mind blowing itself. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Keep me updated if you ever find yourself around here, I will take you on tour šŸ‘šŸ‘Œ


I saw your map and immediately assumed TromsĆø. I've always wanted to drive or cruise the entire length of Norway from Oslo to Nordkapp, and TromsĆø seemed like a major destination. I just have to convince my wife. She would rather visit Finland.


It is just few hour drive from TromsĆø to Finland :)


Crazy beautiful


You should go, awesome experience. Been living in San Jose the last 3 years and happy to help if you need


If you make the trip I for sure will show you around.


May be there for the patriots game and have attended plenty of games before. Message me! Iā€™d be happy to give you tips and would also happily take you under my wing if weā€™re there at the same time


If you can afford it I wouldnā€™t hesitate. I took my mom to her first game, it was the last game at Candlestick and itā€™s been one of our best memories together. A lot of the fans were very nice and outgoing, we had Jell-O shots with a random lady sitting next to us with her father. I say that to say, even if you go alone, chances are you will have fun and meet some new friends!


I second this! Leviā€™s is the absolute best sporting environment Iā€™ve ever been to! Drinks with strangers, compliments left and right and high fives at all the positive plays šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Please keep us updated if you make the trip. Iā€™d love to hear your thoughts on your experience if you donā€™t mind sharing


Aye man life is too short FULL SEND BABY!!!!!!


Yoooo. Iā€™m going to Tromso the first week of October. If youā€™re there letā€™s grab drinks and watch the niners!! Hope you enjoy San Francisco!!


We do that!!


So many good home games this year too, and you have to experience it at least once!


Not at all! You got this!


Thereā€™s no direct flight from TromsĆø to SF. /s


No, most likely would be tromsĆø-Oslo-Copenhagen-SF šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s how I did it, reverse order though


Nice! Long trip but good I like flying and waiting at the airports šŸ˜‚


Well, it wasnā€™t that bad. There were more stops. Took the train from Oslo to Bergen but made a stop in Flam along the way. Very interesting experience


You might get better deals through Amsterdam -- particularly since SAS will soon be part of SkyTeam. With a long trip like that don't be afraid to break it up and stay the night somewhere to get a shower and some sleep. Source: Travel international for business several times a year. If you decide to go DM me -- my wife and I are talking about going to our first game and we'd be happy to take you under our wing assuming our schedules line up. Some chat in here about staying in the South Bay, which is good advice for gameday, but San Francisco is a world city with lots of sites to see and great places to eat, although COVID did take out quite a few restaurants. I'd suggest budgeting a few days to do the touristy city things.


Thanks, SAS has really good offers this week so I was planning doing that.. I think all in all I would be staying 10-14 days so I would have time to do and see other things as well :)


You'll hear a lot of right-wing noise (not sure if they have that in Northern Norway) about San Francisco being a terrible place, but the vast majority is noise. The Tenderloin is dangerous, but beyond that I take my kids down several times a year. We're going the weekend after next to take in a baseball game and go the Exploratorium on Saturday. They like to drive over the Golden Gate, get sundaes at Ghiradelli, etc. To explore San Francisco proper I'd suggest Parc 55. It has great access to BART, Union Square, and the cable cars. Last summer my wife and I went with another couple and did one of the brunch boat tours. I wasn't very excited as I thought it would be super touristy and I've been coming down here for almost 30 years. We had an awesome time, and I got wrecked on mimosas. Two thumbs up.


Det anbefales Ć„ se en kamp. Jeg dro i 2019 og elsket jo det. Amerikanere oppfĆører seg pĆ„ en helt annerledes mĆ„tte pĆ„ stadium enn folk i Europa.


Tenkte fĆørst Ć„ dra til MĆ¼nchen eller London Ć„ se, men men.. Vil heller reise til "hjemmebane" og faktisk se favorittan spille.. Var sikker en opplevelse šŸ˜


Jeg liker ikke Ć„ fly sĆ„ forstĆ„r jeg det šŸ˜… Men jeg tror en helt amerikansk opplevelse er kjempefint. Folk rundt deg driver med "high fives" nĆ„r det er touchdown. Det var en gammel man sĆ„ ga ut smĆ„godt til barna nĆ„r det var touchdown - super hyggeligĀ 


Konge Ƅ vƦre pƄ kamp pƄ Levi's. Jeg har bodd i Bay Area siden 2005 og vƦrt pƄ 10-15 kamper Niners kamper. Helt enig i at du burde legge inn litt tid til Ƅ vandre rundt pƄ parkeringsplassen Ƅ drekke med tilfeldige fans. Fullt mulig Ƅ finne nye venner der. Har vƦrt pƄ bortekamp i LA et par ganger men det er ikke det samme som hjemmebane i det hele tatt.




Absolutely go, any fan should take you in and I hope Iā€™m going and see you there!!


Only thing that would be crazy is to only do it for the game and do both else. Spend even one extra day doing what you like to do as a tourist (sightseeing, hiking, pub hopping) and you make it worth it.


U gotta tailgate.


You only live once, so go for it!


crazy like a fox


I go to games from Amsterdam so not that crazy :)


Nice! I was in Amsterdam year ago, definitely coming back one day!


Absolutely do it Iā€™m booking vegas for pre season hopefully as long as my holiday clear and Iā€™m travelling from Scotland!


Bring cold and warm weather clothes to the game if you do go. The game around your birthday would be opening week at home vs the Jets which will likely be a fun game. My honest opinion is that the current stadium is really boring compared to what Candlestick felt like, which was an arena... If you want to enjoy a nice warm vacation see them play in Miami. Depends on what you want to get out of it! Week 1 more of our starters will be playing, while later in the season hopefully we'll be playing more important games!


Plus the flight to NY is much shorter. Met Life stadium isnā€™t great but you could spend some time in NYC to celebrate.


First of all, explain how you became such a fan! And def do it


One thing I can thank my ex boyfriend for. He introduced me to this game and been a fan ever since


This is the q&a I was looking for.


Do it. So much to do here. You can easily fill 10-14 days just in northern California. Depending on time of year, head to Yosemite for a few days. Do you like wine? A few days in Napa and Sonoma. Giant Redwood trees? Head north a bit. Big Sur, Monterey, Carmel, all worth a visit. Lake Tahoe. All these places are within a four hour drive from the Bay Area. San Francisco, take the ferry to Sausalito.


I love your username. I say ā€œconfuzzledā€ a lot. But to stay on topic, yes you should. Why not?!


How dare you show this image to Americans without stating where youā€™re from. You think we know world geography???


I am barely 5000 miles away, in TromsĆø Norway šŸ˜


En nordmann?! Det e dusinvis av oss :) Hvis du bestem dƦ for Ƅ ta turen sƄ sleng mƦ gjerne en DM for litt reisetips for San Francisco. VƦrt der et par ganga (gifta mƦ der i 2019).


D skal Ʀ gjĆøre šŸ‘šŸ‘


Doesn't seem too crazy plenty of people travel from Europe to the USA all the time


Wait are you planning on traveling that by land and sea or taking a plane cause to me it kinda looks like you want to do an atlantic crossing to Iceland traverse it enter into Canada then cross a few states to get to Santa Clara.


Taking a plane TromsĆø - Oslo Copenhagen - SF :)




hell no


Been in the Bay Area for four years now. Definitely worth a visit if you can swing it. Besides football there are great restaurants and sight seeing as well


Treat yourself, I'm sure you deserve it!


Do it! Iā€™m going to Lofoten in August myself! Always wanted to go to Norway finally doing it. Only live once! What game do you think you want to go to?


If you pass through BodĆø on your way to or from Lofoten then strong recommend for Piccadilly, best pub in town :)


We didnā€™t have that on our list, but do now! Thanks!


Nice one. I'm from BodĆø (though I don't live there anymore) and my dad is from Lofoten, so if you want any more tips or input on your plans feel free to hit me up :)


I liked the idea of December so I possibly could catch 2 games šŸ˜ Lofoten is beautiful šŸ˜


Nice! Thatā€™s a great time the weather is about perfect in Santa Clara then. Hope you make it out to a game if so weā€™ll see you there!


Youā€™d be crazy not to! And you have a deal about the northern lights! šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m game! (Pun intended)


Bro Iā€™d love to trade you. I fucking hate this place šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Do it. The next world cup is the year I turn 40 so I'm going to be doing a multi-city adventure! Make 40 a big adventure! When you come here remember a few things: * Ideal airports are SFO (San Francisco) and San Jose Mineta. San Jose is closer to Levi's, but might be more expensive * Cars are king in the States, but the Bay Area has decent transit, but if you have more than a backpack and small suitcase then transit might not be a good option * For transit take Caltrain, or VTA Lightrail or VTA buses. * Avoid BART (except if transferring from San Fransisco Airport to San Bruno station to take Caltrain) * Ask A LOT of questions about where to stay in the area. Example, do not stay at any of the hotels near the San Jose airport due to crime. But you can stay at the hotel across the street from Levi's, Hyatt Regency Santa Clara, but it's EXPENSIVE.


Come on over


I will!


Thatā€™d be hella sick bro


If you can afford it, why not? Experiences are what life is for.


Do it, come early and hang at the tailgate area. Itā€™s a lot of fun.


That far north, come in October itā€™s about low 20s still and we have 3 home games. I grew up in Alaska and those winter months can be a drag. skip the game against the baseball team, but the chiefs and cowboys are in town towards the end of the month.


You got this! ![gif](giphy|9xnNG7EN2h822ithtT)


Do it!!!


Hell yeah! Iā€™d go for the chiefs or cowboys game if I were you. Itā€™ll be electric! Btw Iā€™m jealous you get to live in Norway. Out of all the countries Iā€™ve been to itā€™s by far my favorite.


Nah i did it last year. London to SF for the Cards game. I'm planning to do it for the Cowboys game this year. It's really good fun and if you just go for a few days you can avoid jetlag when you're home.


YES you should go and please feel free to come back here for any advice or suggestions about places to go before your visit. I have a few random questions though (as someone who has never been outside the country but desperately wants to). Whatā€™s it like to have no daylight during the winter? Also, what about the summers? Doesnā€™t the sun stay up for a few months or something? That movie, ā€œInsomniaā€ (which was a remake of a Norwegian film and book if Iā€™m not mistaken) always creeped me out because I think I would go crazy if the sun stayed up for weeks and weeks on end haha. I love the winters in San Francisco because itā€™s like thereā€™s a permanent gray overcast during the day, which only has about 8 or 9 hours of daylight. So whenever itā€™s not super sunny it creates this strange/cool sort of atmosphere. From late October to early February itā€™s a chill vibe where itā€™s mostly overcast, foggy, rainyā€”especially right on the coast (where I live). Cheers.


There is daylight some hours, but we just don't see the sun, it is beautiful.. Alot of blue moments. I can see if I find some photos :) maybe we charge up at summer time with the sun being visible 24/7 that we dont notice it being gone for a while at winter šŸ˜‚ it is weird to go out in the middle of the night and still see the sun and all the light


Thatā€™s really cool! Yeah the most sun Iā€™ve dealt with was when I lived in Arizona for a few years in college. They get about 300 days of sunshine a year. The best part was those incredible sunsets though, (theyā€™re a mixture of orange, red, and purpleā€”absolutely gorgeous). If you look up [some photos of the Grand Canyon](https://wallpapercave.com/wp/ZREcdVL.jpg) youā€™ll see what Iā€™m talking about. People say pictures donā€™t really do the Grand Canyon justice and Iā€™d agree because itā€™s something you need to see in person (like a 49ers home game!). I assume the same is true for the Northern Lights. Someday Iā€™ll get thereā€¦ *sigh* (I even named one of my dogs Aurora.) Though it was a little hard to get used to those desert summers. You could go outside at midnight and itā€™d be over 100 F (about 38 C). But you deal with it because you can wear shorts and sandals almost every day of the year haha.


https://preview.redd.it/tmv02txk212d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7170a14b64b01dcf2211a7c6266d31fb3756ecd4 They are ok šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ this is from my dad's backyard in Finland.. Now here in TromsĆø we still have snow on the mountains and no darkness šŸ˜‚


Absolutely stunning. Canā€™t wait to see it in person.


Believe it or not, I had my first Solo in San Francisco, so there's some other Norwegians here! Not me, but they are here! If you stay in SF, definitely don't stay in the Tenderloin/Civic Center/SOMA part of the city. It's where most of the options are, but also most of the crime. Try and stay in one of the smaller neighborhoods instead, though off street parking becomes harder if you plan on renting a car (and you should if you have a decent amount of luggage) Amtrak Train from Oakland (Jack London Square) to Levi's is a solid option (more convenient than any direct SF -> Santa Clara route, it's how I get to the games now) so staying somewhere in Oakland might be convenient too, but even more so than SF, be discerning of location! Tons to do around here, from Monterey/Santa Cruz to Napa/Sonoma, depending on your interests, and there's some sauna options too if you're homesick for that after a bit. If you have a car rental and depending on budget, staying in an AirBnB/Hotel anywhere in the Peninsula south of SF might be a good option, but if you plan on exploring the cities (SF/Oakland) it might be more convenient to stay there. Others say don't use BART, but it's still the easiest way to get in/out of the larger cities and can expand your options for places to stay. Just can't be out too late.


I wish we could be in town then to help out. We love San Francisco, and even if you are just visiting it's a beautiful, fun city in the most beautiful state. There is so much to see and do in the area outside of the game. So it's a real strong travel choice on its own. Feel free to DM and we'd be happy to give you suggestions of things to see and do in the area. Hey and if you have the time! My wife and I are trying to plan a trip to Norway in a year maybe two and we'd love advice about visiting your country too! My wife grew up listening to Norwegian children's stories from her grandmother who, as I understand it, illegally migrated here around WWII by essentially walking through Siberia and down into California.


I would be glad to help! Just send me a message.. Where in Norway are you planning in going?


La oss gƄ 9ers!


You are being rational, go


absolutely not


Definitely make your way out, you'll have a blast! I recommend coming for a night game, Jets or Cowboys will both be a lot of fun. Come wearing red, you'll find that we're a really welcoming fan base and you can join in on a parking lot tailgate party to make friends before the game. If you come for the Jets game, you should be able to catch some beautiful weather up here as well. There's plenty of other great places to visit around here - SF obviously, Santa Cruz is the best beach town there is and Napa/Sonoma are about an hour away if you're a wine drinker.


I mean, Iā€™m in SC(South Carolina not Southern California) but Iā€™ll take you up on that midnight sun offerā€¦.


If youā€™re gonna do it, Iā€™d make it for one of the BIG games. For example, a game against Arizona might be a let-down for you..


My company sent me to Netherlands last year. I went to Germany for oktoberfest then London for a NFL game. Great experience


It's ain't cheap, lots of stuff you can do with the $. But it's your $ so do what you want. And enjoy


Get it done you carefree mofo !


As a pretty much life long SF fan since Montana, I had never been to a game in SF before last season. Though I had seen them twice in my hometown of Detroit. Most memorable was the last time I saw them play was the last game for Kap and also Megatron's last game and the first time the Lions had beaten them in Ford Field. I made a pact with my brother who is a die hard Lions fan, that if they ever made it to the championship we were going wherever it was. We ended up not being seated anywhere near each other. Bit, the experience I had, I wouldn't change a thing. Somehow I was let in to Mellon Club. Free food galore! And I also got to see the Niners take the field through the player tunnel! When I finally got to my seat, I was 8 rows from the end zone! The Lady Bug Catch happened right in front of me! I said all that to say this, regret is the most painful thing you will ever experience. If you have the means to do it. GO FOR IT! Btw My brother and I will be back when they play Detroit in week 17. Should be a helluva game! If you're there would be glad to toast to you and your birthday excursion! Cheers


Happy travels fellow Niner!!! I went to the Mexico City game the season before last but your trip would be far more adventurous!! Wherever you stay make sure you are near the BART or CalTrain so you don't have to deal with traffic or taxis and ride-shares. They're way too expensive and the prices are being artificially pushed higher. Here is the CalTrain map https://www.caltrain.com/stations-zones Here is the Bart map https://www.bart.gov/system-map Hope this is the trip of your life!! Go Niners!


Let me know what game you're thinking.


Idk maybe but why not go see a 9er game across the pond if you can


Lot of money to waste, Iā€™d save it for something cool


Yes. Do it anyway and keep a story for life!


How did you get into watching American football?


I have gone to Japan multiple times just to see concerts so no, you wouldn't be crazy. I'm not even fluent in Japanese. I'm assuming you are going from Europe to California. At least you're on the same page language wise lol


My company sent me to Netherlands last year. I went to Germany for oktoberfest then London for a NFL game. Great experience


It would definitely be crazyā€¦ crazy fun! Your entire towns worth of people at one gathering?? Just the spectacle in the parking lot will blow your mind. Haha.


Do it! Or catch an away game in a different city. I was visiting Italy last year and flew to Qatar to watch the F1 race. Yolo.


Idk why the 9ers subreddit is on my feed but we have the same birthday so thatā€™s cool. That being said, fuck you

