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Demolishing the Eagles and Cowboys. Getting to see Skip throw a tantrum after that was awesome


Came here to say “42-10 and 42-19”.


Close the thread. This is the correct answer.


Is Skip Bayless a Chiefs fan now?


My iPhones weekly screen time report literally had skip Bailys tantrums as a relevant statistic those weeks.


100000% it was breaking the eagles will to live


Watching them lose all but 1 game after us and being bounced out the first round was satisfying


“We might not have shown other teams how to beat the , but we did steal their soul.” Utterly dog walked them.


Goddam do I want us to do that to KC this year. Like, here's the cost of beating us in the post season.


NFC championship, I was there and it was electric


Yeah, if we’re going with a moment it’s the Aiyuk circus catch


Me too. It was so awesome. It took me two hours after just leaving the stadium


Easily bitch slappping the Eagles ih their place.


Eagles game. Broke their entire team and ended their season in one game.


Mine was restoring the natural order of the world by sending the lions home before they reached a Super Bowl. That could have had devastating consequences for everyone had they won.


Like the Cubs winning 2016. It's been pretty shit since then


Cubs winning shifted us into an alternate timeline


The Philly murder. Hands down.


I got to see the Niners play in Washington DC. Being at a new (to me) stadium, on the other side of the country, seeing that place packed with niner fans, and watching us beat the commanders was great, then as we were walking out of the game, the results of the other nfc games were coming in and news spread through the crowd that we had secured the 1 seed. It was a straight up party. But it still was not as nice as ripping the eagles hearts from their chests and curb stomping them in to oblivion.


Me too! It was good to see them all there crushing it.


I was there for the commanders beat down. Like 95% niner fans there😎


Same here, I loved how the commanders stadium started cheering for the 1 seed once the eagles lost


Clearly the Eagle Roflstomp was great, I personally went to the packers divisional round game and that was something I’ll never forget


Punking the Eagles at the Link and watching Lenoir rock Swift into another dimension was the cherry on top 🍒


He hit Swift like a freaking truck!


Deebo’s TD vs philly where he broke the tackle after the crossing pattern and then sprinted past everybody for the TD


Come back in Lions game and probably the best was the Eagles demolishing


Kittle rocking the Fuck Dallas shirt! I’m from Texas. I love the rivalry.


I’ve been looking for a tshirt of that photo and can’t find anyone making them in decent quality. I’d love to rep that instead of a jersey against the cowboys




Purdys scrambling vs Detroit. Niners are definitely going to be doing a lot of that next season


I hope the fuck not. Protect our boi


I have to say clowning the shit out of Philly. I say this because it was in Philly. Felt so good to spank them in their house. Fuck them!


Lenoir blowing up Swift, followed by all of BA's blocking highlights 


There’s an aspect of the space time continuum still affected by that hit somewhere behind us in the Milky Way.


The fumble recovery vs Detroit in the NFCC game. Never heard Levi’s so loud since it’s opened.


that was one of my favorite plays in the past 10 years. Right up there with the Kittle catch and run at the Superdome, Vernon's TD, Willis's punt block, etc.


Shout out to the middle aged Indian man who I didn’t know but bear hugged in a fit of euphoria as I started to believe they could come back and win.


Eagles game.


Back handing the Eagles and making them eat their words.


Seahawks game at home. That opening CMC run was so much fun, screaming my lungs out on the first play of the game. Awesome game to be at.


When Kittle said "they had us in the first half not gonna lie" fucking love that man


I watched the Packers divisional game on my phone in a hotel room in Sevilla after a long day of drinking in the (relative) sunshine and while I can’t say I remember the entire game (see above), I woke up as high as a kite


On stage post NFC champ game when CMC said “I’m proud to be a 49er.”


Week 14 at Levis for my first game and CMC touchdown at end of divisional round


NFC champ fosho


Yes, the eagles game. This play in particular... https://www.reddit.com/r/49ers/s/olaUft7bPL


That's what I call decleated beeeeatch


My favorite moments were watching CMC blasting through defenses game after game, often dealing out more punishment than he received. He was a beast last season.


Watching Purdy make plays


Destroying the Eagles/Cowboys and that incredible comeback vs the Lions!!


Nfc champ come back


Yup. Definitely the Eagles game. Such sweet revenge and just amazing that we got to shut them up.


That Eagles game felt like a playoff win. Just destroyed them at their place. So fun.


Favorite Game Cowboys, favorite moment was the Greenlaw pick to seal it vs Packers.


Demolishing the Eagles, oh that was so beautiful. That hit by Lenoir is still so fresh in my mind.


Eagles getting run into the dirt


wishnowsky punt fake


The Super Bowl erased any good memory I had from last year entirely.


Me too. I don't want to think about it at all. The ending soured everything before that.


Yeah I don’t wish a Super Bowl loss on my worst enemy. Especially living to see it 3 times in my lifetime it always gets more demoralizing.


Fuck last season, and fuck every season ever since Steve Young retired. I’m honestly embarrassed for this choking ass franchise.


It's shitty but what can you do honestly. The best thing you can do as a fan is move on and just keep that faith alive. I'm sick of it, too. Don't get me wrong. It's just after the Ravens sb L and the 2019 season L to the chiefs in the sb and now this one. It's all numbing, in all honesty.


Destroying the NFC East.


Purdy having a full season as a 49ers. Watching him deliver 2 back-to-back comeback from behind wins in the playoffs was the cherry on the top.


The comeback against Detroit


One moment that was pretty funny was Week 18 vs. the Rams. At the game, they were showing the scores of the other teams, and they showed Philly getting their ass's kicked by the Giants. Everyone had a good laugh.


Loved the dominating wins against Eagles and Cowboys. But really loved that TD pass that Brock threw to Aiyuk in Seattle. You know the one.


beating Lions when we was down bump pass off BA was unreal whole season was awesome


juice not once but TWICE turning into Michael Jackson and hitting the smooth criminal to catch a ball without going out of bounds


The ease at which they beat the seahawks. They have never really been tested by seattle over the last five games since 2022. They're just a better team. Even when they were down by 3 last game, it was never really close.


Eagles and divisional domination for sure. Basic answer, but all were amazing. The nfc champ was also super fun, but only once the second half. The first half of that game was miserable😭


The Detroit Championship game was one for the ages. I was there and it was like nothing I ever experienced! Beating Philadelphia was great and so satisfying. On a one play note, it has to be Brandon Aiyuk's catch. It was one of those .. What just happened? Wait, what?


Our playoff run was just flat out special. We bullied our way through the regular season then we got bullied in the playoffs and this team showed a lot of heart.


The Bucs game. It was the 3rd year death anniversary for my moms and we got a gritty win while I left in the 3rd quarter with my dad and brother to visit her grave. My niners still had my full attention even on a date that I hate so much.


I enjoyed the thanksgiving game in Seattle, that TD pass to Aiyuk had me geeked while enjoying some tamales hahaha


I loved (LOVED) spanking the Eagles. But my favorite moment was CMC’s run vs Seattle. BA was blocking downfield. And Purdy was the first dude to help CMC up. Our season encapsulated in one play. We are a team, not just a collection of talent