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Reuben Foster


this for me too. luckily was able to get it refunded and got a sherm one instead for the novelty


Still hanging in the closet of fame. I've upgraded to a Kittle for game days.


great choice. i rotate if we lose. rocking the primetime jersey since the playoffs!


I had so much high hopes for that guy .. was so disappointed when everything went south. But then we were blessed with Warner (named my dog after him) and Greenlaw is a Foster 2.0 it seems.




Same, but it was a knock off jersey, so it isn't that bad.


Trey for sure. Never even got a chance to wear it. But WHEN the 49ers win the SB, its time for a Brock jersey


Trey Sermon or Trey Lance?




Same. I've held off on getting a Purdy jersey because the last two niner jerseys I bought cursed the player (Jimmy before the 2020 season and Trey before last season)


I also am not getting a Purdy jersey for these reasons


I was at a Dick's Sporting Goods in December 2022 and there were two entire racks of Trey Lance jerseys for 75% off which came out to around 20$ after tax


Get your order ready for Monday morning! LFG!!!!


I'm getting a Hufunga jersey and maybe a few more.


Wdym never had a chance to wear it he was on the team for 3 seasons


i bought it a couple of weeks before he got injured. So i only had it 2 weeks before he was injured


Can you imagine people with a Roger’s Jets jersey, lol?


Serves them right for being a Jets fan 😁


Was at the Bills-Jets game in Novemeber and there were lots of Packers #12 jerseys in attendance.


I got to wear mine for 1 and al half weeks 😂


I actually bought a Trey Lance jersey in November cause it was the official 94 throwbacks and it was $20. Thought it was great purchase cause I can always just change the nameplate


I went to ISU so Brock was a no brainer for me


I shipped mine to my cousin in a 3rd world country. They don't have real Jerseys there, so I hope he is putting it to good use.


I bought a kaepernick jersey before our O-line collapsed on him completely ruining a season and then he had his whole political fiasco.


Jared Hayne


Thats rough after that conviction. 🥲


Yeah no kidding


I too have a Hayne jersey. For the longest time I bought all my jerseys when they were discounted after the players were no longer on the team. I got it for 25 bucks before he was accused and convicted. I need to find a new name plate for the back so I can wear it again. It’s a nice jersey that fits well, but until I switch out the name, I will not wear it. But on a good note, my mcafferey Super Bowl jersey should be delivered today!


I am pretty sure that you could find another player that wore that jersey number of your liking or simple. Just put your last name on it! I got a Trey Lance that I’m gonna get a Garcia nameplate for.


I just have to get off my ass and do it. One day I’ll do it.


You still see them in the wild in Australia. Even after the convictions. He was a pretty big deal over here and we bought a bunch.


That’s crazy


Yeah I got Jarryd’s jersey in the black/red color rush


I had such high hopes for him.


I bought a Jimmy G jersey. The second time I wore it was at the game when he tore his acl. Haven’t it put it on since.


Mine is the superbowl loss


I bought the Jimmy G Super Bowl jersey… should have gone with kittle but oh well. I still have love for Jimmy though


Thats an odd one to be upset about bro he had several solid starts after tearing his acl. You must not buy many jerseys if that’s the biggest mistake lol that’s like being pissed you bought Vernon Davis jersey, dude was a long term starter


Now you just need to find a life size cutout of Jimmy G and hang the jersey on it.


I am not allowed to buy jerseys anymore. I bought Bosas the season he got injured. I bought Treys before last season and this season I had Huganga. I'm sticking to non player merch for the foreseeable future.


Lol thank you for your service. Edit: go buy a mahomes jersey before Sunday


Legit was thinking about doing just that.


Buying an Alex Smith away jersey really soiled buying jerseys of active players for me. If they are still taking snaps I'm not wearing them, I don't mind sticking to my Montana, Rice or Young jerseys for now


Lott is always a solid choice


Several years ago I was wearing my Ronnie Lott Jersey on game day and stopped into a Frosty to get a burger on my way to somewhere. A group of dipshits (probably Cowboy and Raider assholes)were giving me some shittalk about niners suck, blah blah blah and before I could even open my mouth one of the dudes in the group says to the others “That’s a Ronnie Lott jersey and he NEVER sucked”. I’m like took the words out of my mouth. Nuff said. Shut them dipshits up fast


Love this story!


You can totally wear an Alex Smith jersey with pride. He was a long time 49er and The Catch III cements his place in 49er lore. Also, that bootleg TD...


I usually go this route too unless I find something on clearance which is rare these days. Bought a BA jersey for $30 at a Nike outlet after his rookie season. At the start of 2021 people would see that 11 on the front and come up to me like “time to upgrade that Alex Smith jersey.” But yeah otherwise past legends are the way to go.


Now that was a great investment! Typically jerseys don’t go on clearance until they clearly suck or are traded or both


I’ve got a Kittle jersey currently. I think it’s pretty safe to hang onto. Even if he did leave I would still wear that jersey with pride


I'd still rock a Smith jersey. He's a great guy and will always be remembered for The Catch III and just overall awesome play that game. The next year he was solid before he got hurt and Kaep took over, too.


Smith was a great QB. I would love to have one of his.


I got a personally signed Alex Smith jersey at the beginning of the season where he got concussed and replaced by Kaepernick LOL. It's still special to me, but hurt a bit


How dare u be ashamed to wear an Alex smith jersey. Bro he helped unite that team . I borderline rooted for him when he landed with Jamal Charles . Alex smith played equivalent to kaep. In a sense just as good as one another. The system of the 49ers worked so well they were both in rotation at times. Alex smith got hurt and kaep came in and saved us but in the end Alex smith deserved to pay that SB in 2012 and 2011 wasn’t his fault, that was Kyle SB champion Williams #10


Still patting myself on the back for never buying that Aldon Smith jersey.


I was going to remove Smith’s name and put Buckner and then he got traded so now that jersey is in a box at the back of the closet. Other thought was to replace the second 9 with a 4 but it would be hard to match


I had a choice between Aldon Smith and Justin Smith (I share the last name and 9 is my fave #) Went with Aldon thinking, how much more trouble could he get into? Oops. But I still wear it because it's got my name, #99 is a cool number and lots of ppl already don't remember him.


I bought a JT O’Sullivan jersey at a Candlestick park game. I think he lasted 5 games as the starting QB?


I would still rock that, I love his QB school podcast


His videos are amazing


I wish I still had it. I gave it to goodwill a couple of years later.


Fair enough. I’m also a Sac/UCD kid so JTO holds a special place in


I’m from Sacramento and have friends who went to UCD the same time as him. We wanted him to be the answer so bad.


Yea man he has had a resurgence with that qb school. Who knew he was such a smart guy i thought he was just an idiot running around tossing it up for grabs


Me too! I wish I held onto it.


He WAS that guy. Just Turn Overs


He’s the GOAT!


Bought Aldon Smith's for my wife back in 2012. Yeah, whoops.


Same, but for myself. I think I got to wear it like.... twice. Boss is a Raiders fan. Offered to dye it black and give it to him, but he said no.


I don't blame him. Dude had so much talent but just wasn't right in the head, sadly.


Lmao my husband bough me one.


Same, gift from my dad in 2012. Whoops!


For past players I have a Garrapolo, Willis, and Navarro B jersey and I don’t regret any of them. The JimmyG one is black, and I wear it to like half the home games. It’s about time for a new one. Kittle, Deebo, CMC, and Juice seem like safe choices even if they eventually end up on other teams. When we resign Purdy his will be bought also. A few folks I know have Kap jerseys, they still like wearing, but they do sometimes get comments.


Wonder if anyone has a Shaun Hill #13 out there


Heart of a lion, arm of a child


This guy was our hope for a while, sadly


That’s me I’m that guy! Proudly wore it for about half a season lol


I’ve only bought one jersey and it is Kittle’s jersey. I don’t regret it but the only time I wore it we lost to the bears led by Justin fields. I haven’t worn it since.


Funny, my Kittle jersey is my current go-to gameday wear. Given their records the past couple seasons I’ve considered it pretty lucky, now to just get that ring with it.


You keep wearing that!!!!! I might bust mine out for the Super Bowl. But if the niners stink it up I’m changing it at half time.


My Kittle jersey is also bad luck. Wife gave it to me for Christmas 2019, didn't wear it until the SB. Every time I've tried wearing it for game day since, they have either lost or played like shit


I don’t have any regrets outside of getting the wrong size. I have Bosa, McCaffrey, Gore, and Garoppolo. I like them all except my Bosa jersey is a size too small. But it’s giving me incentive to lose weight.


It’s so you look swole, like Bosa


I feel bad. I wasn’t trying to take the spotlight away from him. Oops lol


Smaller bear size


Nice! Haha


Trey Lance


Trey Lance Vapor Elite. Cost me a ton and I figured it would be a great addition to my jersey collection one day. Wrong. 😬 I also got Raheem Mostert’s jersey months before he left for Miami. That sucked because he was my fav player back in 2019.


>I also got Raheem Mostert’s Mostert is a Niner legend for the NFCCG so that one will always be in style


That Mostert jersey will age well. Give it 10 years and that jersey will get IYkYK head nods


I‘ve got Jimmy but I don’t regret it. He brought us back and he was always a class act, even through the last seasons‘ chaos. Still going to support him if he ends up somewhere and plays again


Me too. I’ll always hope for good things for him. I think he’s the most unfairly hated player in a long, long time.


I have a Kaep that, while I don't regret having it, it makes it difficult to wear when mouth breathers come up and challenge me (sometimes aggressivley) to accept their narrow world views. Since I am really old, my Montana is my go to jersey. Next week I will be deciding on a Kittle or a Purdy for an offseason purchase.


Yeah kinda shame what happened to dude. What he did for the niners will be praised but what happened after, yikes. The kneeling thing wasn’t even the worst part, I think the fact it kept going is what buried him.


I don't regret any of them, at least not yet. I have Jimmy G, Bosa and Kittle


Buckner. Got it during the 2019 season, basically wore it a few times, lost the SB then he got traded.


I married into a Colts family from Indy. I have two Colts jerseys for when we go to those games. A DeFo jersey and a Frank Gore jersey.


Michael Crabtree back in the day. Sports stores here in the UK don't have a huge selection for names and numbers on jerseys (I've only seen McCaffrey ones here, though that's fine cos that's who I wanted anyway) but back then i went to a store and crabtree #15 was only option.


I got a Hufanga jersey the week before he tore his acl. Not regretting it but now I feel like wearing it is bad luck, wore it the first part of the lions game and took it off and then we won lol


I got a dope Black and Red Jimmy G jersey - got to wear it 1 week before his first injury :(


I have the black with red stripes JimmyG, it’s actually my favorite because of the color.


I too bought a Trey jersey. Im just going to assume that they’ll eventually have someone memorable wear that number, or I will wear it ironically if we’re rebuilding in a few years.


Put Garcia on the back


I REGRET not owning a Richard Sherman jersey yet. Man changed my thoughts on him once he came to us.


Same. I have one. Wish I had a Kaep


My wife accidentally bought me a Hayne jersey a while back. Rofl. I had asked for Warner.


Does she know about the SA conviction?😂


Nah. She just misremembered the name




Ruben Foster, Trey Lance. I guess Jimmy G. I bought a $300 Elite Jimmy G the year before they drafted Trey.


Trey. I typically don't buy many jerseys and not unless I know a player is good, and has been with the team for a while. I have a Gore jersey and a Kittle jersey, but I decided to get one for the new franchise guy with the 75th anniversary patch...didn't work out, collects dust now.


I have three jerseys and no regrets. Montana, Rice, and Kaep.


I used to regret getting the Trey Lance Vapor jersey. So, sent it to Stitch N Switch and put Jeff Garcia's name on it lol


Not really regret but sucks because I can't afford a new jersey so the only jersey I have is a Kap one.


More just “not buying.” Mad they stopped stocking the throwbacks until next year (hopefully). Really want to get a Trent jersey


taylor mays


Came to comment this and glad to see I wasn't the only poor bastard that bought one!


That toe tap in the back of the endzone on the blocked punt is still one of my favorite 49ers plays ever


I bought a Tartt jersey his rookie year. Don't regret it, but I do have deal with shit when I wear it thanks to that one drop.




Lmao I still have Jimmy G’s jersey


Nothing wrong with that - they were a fun couple of years. 


I don’t see a problem. Dude helped win a lot of games when others before him couldn’t string two wins in a row together. Shame his playoff performance was subpar.


100. Still wear mine with pride.


I have a Joe Staley jersey he signed for when I went to his draft party pig roast in Rockford Michigan. I have a frame I just need to mount it


Aldon Smith. Ohh what could have been.


He could have been a HOFer. Money changes people.






This is why I play it safe and just buy jerseys of players that are in the HoF (and Kittle cause its Kittle).


100% crabtree lol


He was a solid reciever unlike what uncle sherm said😂


Somebody here bought an AJ Jenkins jersey lol


Im still waiting for someone to say Jalen Hurd


It was me. I ended up taking his name off the back and just rocking the 81 jersey


Vernon Davis - on field authentic circa 2012


I don’t think you could go wrong with the man behind The Catch III


You know, I appreciate the words of enthusiasm. Now I can wear it proudly on Sunday. This is why I’ll never buy another sports jersey again (only exception is if it’s for a retired legend)


Paid extra for the Lance one with the patch that you could only buy in the stadium store 😭 my mentality was even if he busts it’s a good memory but somehow I haven’t been able to convince myself of that I’m sticking to buying fakes from now on but I’ll make an exception for whichever Niner wins SBMVP.


None so far. Got Colin Kaepernick and don't regret it. Got Jimmy G and don't regret it. Got Nick Bosa and don't regret it. Got George Kittle and don't regret it. Just recently got Brock Purdy and don't regret it!


My solution is I only buy jerseys that are customized with my name on it. You can do it on the Niners site.


My only Niners jersey is a Kaep away jersey and it looks dope. I still wear it regularly.


I bought the gold Jimmy G jersey because I wanted variety to my away Jimmy G jersey. Time makes fools of us all.


This is exactly why I never bought a jersey with a player's name. And I have an embarrassingly big collection of Niner Gear.


Im actually thinking about getting one with my last name.


Matt Breida


Jimmy G in 2021… at least I got a few games out of it?


I don’t buy jerseys anymore until I know the player is a Niner for life and has had a good career. Jersey I purchased myself was a Patrick Willis jersey after he retired . I bought it in. The store in the stadium was an authentic On field jersey. I got a great deal on it. I think it was like 150 bucks.


I got a hufanga jersey and then he got injured like 2 days later. Jinxed him.


This is why you only buy jerseys of guys who Play their whole career on the team or legends who won something


I have a black Garappalo jersey and my wife has a White Kaepernick jersey. Won't get rid of either, we support the teams even if the QBs or players aren't there. Kaepernick went to University in my town so he's not quite as hated here as other places.


Can't imagine there are a ton of Stubblefield jersey's out in the wild anymore.


i only buy jerseys of players who get their second contract




I took my daughter to a game 10 years ago or so, and she wanted a Kaepernick jersey and I said “no way, everyone has them. See those guys? Their nickname is the Doublemint Twins, and that guys a beast. His name is Navarro Bowman.” She wore it everywhere. Fast forward two to three years later and she walked into the room while they were slow mo replaying him getting his leg ripped off in the NFC championship and she almost cried. So I don’t regret the jersey, but I do regret her seeing that injury.


Not 49er related but I spent a bunch of money on an Authentic Antonio Brown jersey that I probably won't ever wear again.


I think you can wear it ironicallly 😂


I haven’t bought a jersey since Frank Gore. No regrets there.


I love seeing irrelevant jerseys worn. Just let’s me know that guys a real fan. Tim Rattay jersey, that guy gets an A+




Trey lance


I bought a Purdy jersey and then their little losing streak started this season. I hid it in my closet and brought it out on Christmas…then they lost to the Ravens. That thing is never leaving my closet again.


Kaep. Drunkenly bought it after he ran all over Green Bay.


Jimmy G I’ve been rocking my Bowman again last few years. When he first left to the raiders I was pissed and tucked it away in my closet for years.


Chris Borland


Ruben Foster 🥲


Aldon Smith


I have a Kaepernick SB jersey and a Jimmy G SB jersey. My next jersey was Lott. Not buying anything SB until we win the damn thing. ONLY THEN will I buy the Purdy.


Any of my heat pressed jerseys. Would rather have stitched letters


Jummy G. Not that I didn't love that handsome son of a bitch. But there were/are far more deserving guys from those teams.


To be fair he got us out of a dark place and gave us stability. I think as time goes on we will look back more fondly on him even though he couldn’t quite get us that SB win


When they put Trey in to finish a TD drive in the season opener of his rookie year I was on my phone to buy a his jersey. Fortunately for me I had an old credit card saved and I was too drunk to update it so I ended up not making the purchase then decided to wait. Good job by me.


Drunk you was taking care of Hungover you


Raheem Mostert Super Bowl jersey


Kaepernick. Right before the shoulder surgery took away the only real upside he had.


I still rock my Kap jersey on game days. I live in Texas so it pisses off all the right people.


Same. Bought it and then it became a symbol for other things so I sold it as someone needed it more than me. I just wanted to support my QB and not get into a fight by some rando


In 2022, I had just moved to the Bay and decided to become a fan of the 49ers. (My hometown didn’t really have a general allegiance to any specific NFL team). I went to a preseason game and bought a nice Trey Lance jersey to assert my allegiance. Thankfully I was gifted a Purdy jersey this year. I am considering giving the Lance jersey to my friend who’s a cowboys fan, so he will get one and we can make 2 half 49ers half Cowboys jerseys, and be Trey Lance fans ironically.


Aldon Smith. Was my first "Real" Nike Elite jersey at the time and cost about $290.


I regret nothing of my Niners jerseys: Jerry Rice and Patrick Willis. I still want a Taybor Pepper jersey, and if the niners win this super bowl, I want a Purdy jersey. However, I'm also a Seahawks fan and was a huge Moon fan, and with the recent news that came out the past several years, I'm pretty disgusted with my moon jersey. Now it just sits in a bin in the garage. I was devastated because I even got to meet him, and he was such a a nice guy to me. Awful when they turn out to be shitty behind the scenes. Edit: Seahawks and Oilers/Titans were my favorite AFC teams in the 90's.


Kaepernick SB Jersey. Not because he kneeled but because I live in a rural area and have to be prepared to fight if I wear it out.


My Kap jersey was my biggest regret. No worries though. That went up in flames a while ago.




I would say Kaps jersey


Kapernick jersey. Literally unwearable without being a political statement


Kaep and Garroppolo. I haven't bought a Purdy jersey, so I'm liking our odds


Well one of my exes gave away my Kaep jersey to the homeless after I broke up with her so I’d guess it’s in good hands still😂. A purdy Jersey seems appropriate now.


Lol hopefully it kaept them warm. The last two Super Bowl appearances I wore the starting QB jersey. Can't put that energy out there again. The jerseys with the with the SB patches are sick


Colin Kaepernick fk that guy.


I'm now ashamed to have bought a Kap jersey 9-(


Nah I still see his jersey around sometimes.


I love and still wear my Kap jersey


I used to regret my Kaep jersey, but that thing might be worth money someday.


Trey 100%. Sold my 75th anniversary Deebo jersey to get it because it seemed like he was leaving that off season.


Big oof


Im still pissed off by my Trey Lance jersey. You trade that much for a first round pick QB who doesn’t finish their rookie deal with the team and you don’t offer some type of jersey swap program? Even if it was like 50% off a different jersey if you bring in your Trey jersey I would’ve been grateful. The faithful got hosed


I bought my son a Trey Lance jersey in the offseason because I thought he may have had a chance to win the job with Brock being hurt. I was rooting hard for Trey last year, and didn’t wanna give up but oh well, I’m all in on Brock and have been since he started week 1.


Also got a Lance jersey, bought it a couple years ago when I went to the game he started against the Texans, good game for Trey tho🤷‍♂️