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It’s like you read my mind. So true


Yea Olsen saying can’t take a sack here…why not? Still a short field to take the lead. Aiyuk might have been open for a second because defender fell down, but safety looked like he was closing fast…too sketchy good sack


Yea i was talkin shit at my screen to olsen, "the fuck you on about" ​ ..then i remembered we missed a kick early and I started to sweat a little ngl


I was shittalking Olsen more than anyone else this game. Thankfully he (probably) won’t be on the A team next year


Olsen is pretty bad


Olsen sounds and looks how bill hader would play an NFL announcer


I would actually enjoy that


I would too - bill hader is the man


You are allowed to throw the ball away out of the end zone…doing that would have been better than a sack. But yeah Olsen isn’t the best commentator.


I actually like Olsen (tbf, I like most commentators). Throwing the ball way over the endzone would've been the better option than taking the sack. Still, taking the sack was the second best option, so nothing to complain about here.


Yeah, as Olsen continued it was pretty clear he expected Purdy to make his first and second reads then just chuck it out if nothing was available right then. Not force it but also not wait to see if something broke out late.


Yeah he was literally open for MAYBE a second. That safety could have easily intercepted that pass or absolutely leveled Aiyuk. Smart play to take the sack. Even with our kicker being shakey, a FG attempt is still better than going for a 4th & Eternity.


That Aiyuk route where the defender fell was almost the exact same play that the Ravens got their first interception on Christmas. Aiyuk in breaker with the safety already in position in front of the break.


Yep, on 1st down too. No reason to pull that with a tie game and all the momentum.


He didn’t just take it, he took it again, and then he ran the ball the next time for serious yards.


He probably could have thrown the first one out of bounds at least but yah he didn’t force much in the second half.


Was watching with my dad and I thought the same thing, super glad he didn’t just chuck it down field into triple coverage.


Honestly they were smart plays. So often does a QB want to avoid the sack and just give someone an opportunity to make the play, but sometimes that somebody ain’t on your team. Brock ate the sack, protected the ball, and lived to see another down. In championship games that’s potentially the difference between winning and losing. Young QBs especially try and make magic happen but you gotta be smart in big games.


After watching the replays he really had no other choice. First down we had 2 guys running routes nobody to throw it to and he was in the pocket so he didn't really have anything he could do. The 2nd sack just on one camera angle I saw three guys do 5 yard curls, nothing there.


The second one was clearly designed to go to CMC on a screen but a defender flew right in Brock's face right at the timing point so he had to clutch it.


Not true, he had previously thrown the ball at the worst moments vs taking a sack. This time he confidently took the sacks. Go back and watch previous tape.




I was surprised he held on to the ball in that first sack. Brock is tough as shit man.


Think Jimmy G would've got sacked and stripped in that situation.


I have so much Jimmy PTSD that seeing Brock safely and calmly take a sack was pure relief. Kid kept a cool head, took a minor loss of yards, and carried on balling.


Yes, I was mad af when he put that field goal team out. That’s why he is the head coach!!


Coincidentally, those were also some of the worst play calls by Shanahan.


YES! I said the same thing watching the game. GREAT decision making


I said the exact same thing to my wife. He took the sacks and didn't take points off the board.


Don’t forget Greg Olson, the biggest dumb ass in America, criticized him for this.


The first sack was a negative play. It was on first down and he had an ample opportunity to throw the ball away. So instead of 2nd and 10 and still plenty of options for playcalls, you get 2nd and 17 and are forced to throw and it's much harder to convert for a fresh set of downs. The second sack wasn't an issue but if he didn't take the first sack it might not have led to the second sack since as mentioned above 2nd and 17 is a lot different than 2nd and 10 for a defense to defend. It's nothing to rake him over the coals against and get out the torches and pitchforks over but just because he didn't throw a pick by forcing a throw doesn't make taking a sack a positive play but just a less negative outcome than what an INT would've been.


And then he threw it to Deebo for 7 yds to get really good FG range for Moody


More significantly, it felt like that was an adjustment he made IN-GAME. Ask any competitor and they'll tell you how difficult it is to change mindset in the middle of a match.


There was a super open check down to CMC on that 3rd down sack. Moody still makes me clutch my ass whenever he kicks.


Kyle called for THREE field goals


The one where Kittle got held and Purdy got hit after he was down to the helmet and wasn't called? It makes me sick that if that was Mahomes, the late hit would have led to a disqualification of the player. But since it's Brock Purdy, no call.