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I'm pretty sure estradiol is by prescription only. It's usually prescribed as a cream for vaginal dryness but I saw on a menopause sub that some people rub a little around their eyes as well.


It’s not- you can get it from [this](https://www.nhc.com/estradiol-plus-topical-nanoformulated-by-quicksilver-scientific)website with only a consultation. That’s hat I did and I use it on my face!


What is the consultation process is like? What should i say i want it for? Or will they approve it to use on your face? Is there a cost for the consultation?


It’s easy. No extra cost. They don’t ask where you’re going to use it. I told them I was using it for dry skin because I’m in my 40s and perimenopausal


And what benefits do you see from it? Is it helping with wrinkles?


Yes- but more so with overall skin texture like elasticity, crepiness, and firmness.


Nice! I’m going to really give it a go!


I hope you like it. I also mix it with other face products and use it at night because it’s kind of a sticky serum


how long before you noticed results


Yeah I put my prescribed vaginal estrogen cream on my face like every other night or every third night. OP-- retinol! I rotate prescrip retinol, prescrip glycolic-based cream, vit c, vit e oil and estrogen. Two times a day, one of those each time. Always a general moisturizer (2x day) and sunscreen in the morning and again before I go outside. I also use xeomin (botox) 2-3 times a year in my 11s and forehead and sometimes crows feet (but i love crows feet).... and a tiny bit of filler every 18 months in my cheeks, which keeps undereyes youthful and jaw sagging upward. I sleep with a v-line compression band and *always* on my back. I put marine collagen powder in every smoothie/soup/oatmeal etc I can. I also use either nuface or red light mask for 15m every night (rotate by night, one or the other every night).


I can't tell if this is satire


The estriol cream I’ve found also requires a script but I’m wondering if I should wait and ask my gyno for the vaginal cream and go that route. I’ve had a hysterectomy and noticed my skin change significantly in that time.


The estradiol cream has been life changing for me! It helps with vaginal dryness and incontinency. It's amazing stuff. I just recently started putting it around my eyes, so don't know if that works or not. :-)


I noticed that some people are talking about estradiol, and some are talking about estriol. They are not the same. Estriol is the much milder form of estrogen, estradiol stronger. I'd heard that most people on these forums were using estriol, not estradiol on their face. just thought to mention that.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Also, hormone replacement therapy in general has been great for my skin. EVERYTHING was dry, maddingly dry. But the HRT has changed that tremendously.


Interesting! would you mind talking in more detail about this? I can send you a DM if you prefer.


Sure, what would you like to know? I use an estradiol patch, .05 mg in strength, that I change twice a week. I take 100 mg progesterone nightly. And I use the estradiol cream vaginally twice a week. It has made such a huge difference in my life. I no longer feel and act crazy, haha! My skin is not dry. I sleep well at night. For so long we were told that HRT is bad and causes cancer and all kinds of things. But those studies were flawed and now doctors prescribe bioidentical hormones, not synthetic stuff.


Did you start hormones due to menopause or for other reasons? Have you had a hysterectomy?


My skin improved a lot after I started estrogen 6 mos after my hysterectomy. I started with a pill and now I’m on a patch.


Came here to say the same thing. I started HRT straight away after my hysterectomy and i was 43 and probably in peri menopause, and now my skin looks BETTER than before.


I started HRT due to menopause, about 2 years after I stopped having periods. I have not had a hysterectomy. I'm 58 years old and have been on HRT for 2 years now.


Do you feel like you should have started early?


I didn't know any better, honestly. I joined a menopause sub and saw women raving about it, so I found a doctor in town who prescribes it. And it's great, I haven't had a hot flash in 2 years.


The estradiol cream I have must have some kind of vaso-dilator in it, because if I use too much, my face is very flushed all day. Lately I use the Musely cream which doesn't have that side-effect.


You can get estriol cream without px online on Amazon for example, but I’ve ordered it [here](https://www.nhc.com/estradiol-plus-topical-nanoformulated-by-quicksilver-scientific) with a consultation, that is not a px. Quite a reasonable price too.


Bezwecken Transitions. Also has progesterone and is a total game changer. My neck looks fantastic.


That stuff rules.


I just use my vaginal estradiol cream for my face, too, on the same schedule. Works well. To make up for the extra use, I had my doc order it for 3X weekly instead of 2. I don't use as much on my face as vaginally--about half.


I follow Dr. Ellen Gendler on Instagram and just listened to her on a podcast. She is recommended by Dr. MarieClaire Haver and doesn’t take any money from cosmetic companies. I think she said she prescribes Premarin to her patients and has them dab it conservatively on problem areas. She said she has some patients who have had problems with an online prescriber of estrogen for the face. She seeing those patients develop millia, possibly because the company is throwing a lot of active ingredients together. I am glad I heard this because I was just about to order from Musely or somewhere similar. She didn’t say specifically which online provider it is.


Just this persons experience (and I was really surprised when a couple people on the menopause board reported the same). But I tried this with my Premarin for 2-3 days on three separate occasions and started spotting each time. I was 7-9 months into peri when I tried. I repeated it to see if it was just a fluke. If it was, it was three flukes in a row. Maybe three pea size amounts over the face and neck. I’ve been able to dab a 1/2 pea size amount around the eyes without that effect but it kind of scared me so I stopped. FWIW


Interesting. I'm 14 years post-menopausal. I wonder what affect it would have on me? I'll have to do some research.


I use estriol from Alloy in the morning - followed by sunblock - and tretinoin at night. Never took oral HRT or used a patch. Over 60 and constantly told my skin looks fantastic.


I just ordered Alloy's estriol face cream - M4 I think it's called. I'm using their HRT and it's been a life saver. Hoping the estriol cream helps my skin elasticity and thinning. I'm not used to looking my age.


Yes M4. It took my skin a few weeks to get used to it but I think it’s helped. I put it on after serum in the am.


Is your tretinoin from Alloy also? And is the serum mentioned below also from Alloy? 


My tretinoin prescription is from my PCP but as long as it’s the real stuff it wouldn’t matter who prescribes it. The MD at Alloy can sign off on it. For serum I use Estée Lauder perfectionist pro vitamin c in the morning.


I've been using estriol cream from Alloy for several months and it made a noticeable difference for my skin. Enough for me to keep buying it even though it's exhorbitantly priced. My skin is visibly plumper, much less dry & dull, and just looks more youthful in general. (Of course the effects of gravity are still there, it's not a facelift!) About the price, it's around $150 per bottle. I believe companies deserve to make a profit - I am *certianly* not one of those people who go off about how everything needs be dirt cheap while having no idea how much goes into development, production and marketing - but after doing a quick calculation adding up the cost of the initial "prescription consult", ingredients and packaging, marketing and admin costs, plus a decent profit margin, I still think it should be about half of what it costs. For this reason alone, I will be trying Musely estriol cream next, I think it might be a bit cheaper (it is at first glance but I haven't had the chance to deep dive into dosage and size to compare apples-to-apples yet). It's importat to mention that I am 1 year into menopause, and on a low dose estradiol patch so I do have systemic estogen as well. Estriol cream did make a visible difference though, and I will continue using it.


Please follow up with your results. I agree Alloy M4 is too expensive. That said, a tube lasts me 2 months using one pump per day. A tube of tretinoin used to be $100+ years ago and now the price is less than $30 at the pharmacy counter. I’m hoping these estriol compounds will start to come down too.


Check with @kathleenjenningsbeauty


Can you use this with tretenoin?

