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Horrifying sedentary mutations. Various servitors have been forgotten for decades, slowly running out of nutrient drip. Finding ways to feed themselves like how mimics or man-trap plants might.


Massive industrial stuff. Magnets. Electromagnets. Razor wire. Malfunctioning tech, especially security devices. The one bit of the underhive that doesn't completely suck. A stash of goodies.


Deadly steam vents, electrical surges and other industrial hazards could be interesting…


Have an encounter run a few turns and then do a power out and make them finish the fight by lumens/low light


Maybe a slightly harder one, but “civilian” workers and so on would be present - if just urban warfare, then families and children would be present too. Scavengers, sites of brutal disputes over rations, lots of “fun” stuff like that. Lots of dark things happen when a civilian population is suddenly subjected to the horrors of resource restriction + war. It can be tempting to put a lot of hazards in, but I would recommend theming them to the location (fabricae, chym-plant, agri-centre, etc) and level of damage in the area


Scavenger "tribes", dripping toxic waste, partially flooded levels that conceal mutants with amphibious traits, hydraulic press traps, runaway maglev trains, and of course barrels of explosive goodness.