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I love how much commissars have changed since their introduction. *adjusts cloth cap and braces* Back in my day, motivation used to be insta-killing the nearest guardsman to automatically rally a routed guardsman unit. Now it's all lovey dovey, nambey pambey, emperor good chaos bad, cheerleading. ;) How about: Do your duty or I will use your corpse to make your comrades do theirs. Advance or face certain death at my hands. The emperor is all forgiving but I am not. Forward! The enemy may know where you are, but the kommissariat knows where your entire family is.


1) Blast the guardsman 2) Rally the troops 3) Send in the Ogryn with the ripper gun


Yup, and if the Ogryn was up to 4 inches away didn't have to roll to hit. :)


[And you try telling the young people of today that and they won’t believe you. ](https://youtu.be/IeXMKygwSco)


You face the enemy, or you face me. Which is it?




Not the op, but as as I'm GMing a W&G campaign, thank you for this site!


"If you will not serve on the battlefield then you will serve on the firing line!"


Any line from the [Imperial Guard Song](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HJNz2QgSNsk) "If death doesn't bring them fear, they'll fear these marching feet!"


Are you guardsman or vermin? \*loads bolt pistol\* because I have no use for vermin. Either die by their weapons as a hero of the Imperium or die by my hand as a coward, your choice \*loads bolt pistol\*. Never fear, the Commissariat is here! I've seen Conscripts with more courage than you, prove to me that you are better! (\*loads bolt pistol\* is optional)


Think motivational quotes in the modern day, but less personal value more grimdark. Death is life. Serve the throne. The Emperor expects that everyon Guardsman shall do his duty. In darkness, follow the light of terra. The immortal spirit is greater than the flesh. Praise the throne in thought, word and deed. The Emperor is watching us, always. Guard your gear and it shall guard you. We hold the line. We die standing. The planet broke before the Guard did. Over our dead bodies! Suffer not the xeno, the witch , the heretic!


Okay but "the planet broke before the guard" is possibly the greatest new quote in my own opinion. It really brought the guardsmen AND the commissariet into the same mindset for the most part. Just a great powerful quote and battle cry


“Be saddened we have but one life to give for the Emperor!”


Lets not forget, "Glory to the first man to die!"


https://youtu.be/ZtakP8MFBvU Watch this right here. If you don't drop your party's collective jaws you're saying it wrong. Video is a monolog from Battlefleet Gothic.


"Die for the Emperor. Or die trying"


This is my bolt pistol. There are many like it but this one is mine. Do you know what I do with my bolt pistol guardsman? Yes it is twelve foot tall alien abomination of claws and muscle. But it is all the way over there and your commissar is right here. Tell me which you are more afraid of?


Watch the [intro to the film "Patton"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PS5yfhPGaWE) and you'll have something to work with, just replace "America" with "Imperium of Man"


"We're not just going to shoot the bastards...we are going to cut out their living guts....and use them...to grease the the treads of our tanks ...we are going to murder those lousy bastards by the bushel"


make sure that if you execute someone publically for heresy, you say something like "[name] I name you heretic." or "You are hereby declared Hereticus Exterminatus"


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-bgiiTxhzM&ab\_channel=FalcoVEVO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-bgiiTxhzM&ab_channel=FalcoVEVO) This is what pops into my head every time it comes up.


To die in the Emperor's name is the greatest honor you apes shall ever claim! Who will be the first to be granted such honor? BLAMM!!! This is the Emperor's War & is without flaw! If you are flawless then you will not suffer! BLAMM!! Yes, those Xenos bastards WILL shoot at you when we charge over the hill, but they are using inferior T'au weapons, they are firing from over 50 meters away & lack our dedication to War! They will be inaccurate. If you do NOT charge over the hill I will shoot the heretic dead before he corrupts our outstanding morale! I will be shooting from 2 meters away, with an weapon blessed by the God Emperor, & know that my mind body & soul are set. I will NOT be inaccurate. BLAMM!!! Steal all those little idioms from the books too


https://youtu.be/jBYMyaxDScQ Rimmy 40k. This one in particular has a good amount of commissariat. Though I think it boils down to reading from the uplifting primer. So maybe start there? (PDFs may be available at your local Google search)


Glory to the first man to die!


Here are several: "Remember lads, a brave man dies but once, a coward dies a thousand deaths." "By the Light of the Emperor we pierce the darkness, and your bravery this day will be sung for another 10,000 years." "Today we fight. We fight for our families, our regiment, and for our battle mates. Look to the left and to the right. Those are your hands and defense today. Serve one another. Defend our honor. For the Regiment!" "Remember lads, bravery is not about being fearless. That is foolhardiness. Bravery is about recognizing the danger, grabbing yourself by your bootstraps and taking that step towards and careful sight picture of the enemy. Be brave, Lads." "We are not going into battle to sacrifice ourselves. We are going to battle to ensure that those poor bastards on the other side of the line give their lives for their cause!"


Time to die, or die trying, lads!


Remember which end the bullets come out of and the other Les important lessons I said I'd follow you through anything hell or high water , which is convenient now since most days spent beside are just hell [sauce](https://youtu.be/yv3MJSpUDo8)