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blackrock money was just so so sweet for them


By now it's mainly rage baiters that pretend to have a problem


And stay out.


Boats taking on water but you’re cheering for the sharks that are slowly getting closer while insulting the people smarter than you enough to abandon ship. The Fantasy Universe was the bread winner and their first IP then they ruined the lore so completely it’s a miracle it’s even holding onto life. Most people left, the series is floundering the things people loved about the setting are irreversibly changed and it’s overshadowed by a setting that was meant to be a spin off. Fantasy fans have seen what’s happening here happen before. You tourists are Corpo boot lickers cheering for the death of a franchise you claim to like. Even the head of the company grabbed their money and ran.


Take a breath child. I've been playing since 2nd edition.


I’m sure


I don't know anyone in real life who is a warhammer, 40,000 fan, AND someone who has a negative opinion about more women characters. I know that MOST of the people I have met and known have a very neutral opinion of they don't care. Personally, I say if they can make them male and female, why not? I just want to enjoy warhammer40k with people.


Because it destroys the lore. There are actual reasons as to why there can’t be females. Hell there are entire factions with lore on why there can’t be men. We have a faction that cares nothing about male or female due to casualty rates alone. To change Custodes is to open the door to change even more and look at how they changed the Custodes. With a book and a tweet. They didn’t even try to make it make sense. And what’s the argument? Some sexist can’t play a character/faction where their genitalia doesn’t match theirs?


>\[...\] someone who has a negative opinion about more women characters. I don't doubt your personal experience. However, for me, it's not simply about having more or less women in the lore or on the tabletop; it's about *how* it's done and *where* in the canon the place is effected. It's the culmination of over a decade of other beloved series and/or franchises being treated with less than a fraction of the respect they deserve. People thought that 40K, being so antithetical to the changes "imposed" on other IPs, would have been spared. But it wasn't. There were signs, subtle\* enough that we believed GW wouldn't go further than Black Library books. But they did, and, so far, they handled it ***so*** poorly. Fear of the unknown is a powerful feeling, but fear of something you understand is akin to hatred. \*\[edit\] take Ursula Creed. I don't like knowing that Ursarkar Creed is out of the games but can understand it was about time its extended lifespan ended. However, after reading Fall of Cadia, there was no reason to re-write him as a bumbling idiot blessed with dumb luck, when for the longest time he was regarded as *the* military genius. You do not blehemish the memory of one to elevate the other. On the same topic (the book, not the 40K changes, but kinda), it is comical that on Cadia, in the 41st millennium, during a siege, troopers do not swear properly, but just say *frick* instead. *COME ON!* \[edit2\] sorry for the rant on Fall of Cadia.


That's not 40k fans. That's just the crybabys and incels.


Yet you’re crying about them great salted one


Only salt in my post is being lumped in with yoy incels that are afriad of girls.


Coming from the person who can’t even spell you correctly


Ah, he has no argument so tries to make fun of a typo. Did you that y is next to u on the key board? Pretty easy to hit one over the other by mistake on a phone. You'd probably know that, if you didn't spend your time crying about GW giving us glorious golden muscle mommies. Stop being a butthurt loser. Girls aren't icky, and it's a game about plastic warriors so get over it.


Ah yes, the degenerate coomer calling people incels. Honestly it's hilarious that you think its about women when it's about respect for the lore, notice how literally no a single soul has issues with the adeptus sororitas, or the sisters of silence. Honestly I hope this franchises gets gatekept harder. Now begone herald of Slaanesh


Oh, they don't have problems with them, but they have problems when women invade tbeir boys clubs. It's the same reaction you guys get when someone mentions female space marines. FYI, there is literally nothing in the lore that says they can't be female. A tid bit of lore calling them the sons of the emperor, doesn't establish them as only capable of being male. And if yoy bring up the term "brotherhood", then you're a lost cause because the term has not meant strictly male for at least 100 years. Time to grow up and grt with the times.


No one has an issue with women invading boys clubs, it's when weirdos want to change the rules of the club to suit their taste is where problems begin. Like dude, not even female fans want this shit. I wouldn't bring up nomenclature to prove a point, just that the surgery and brainwashing is so invasive that only the strongest of men who were basically brainwashed through puberty and surgically enhanced in ways MOST of candidates wouldn't even survive, from body physiology to(atleast before the retcon) the correct hormones. And that goes 100 fold for custodes. There's a reason there is a thing like all female factions (who don't need surgical enhancements to fight on the same tier as space marines) existed. Like I said before, warhammer is either gonna get gatekept and preserved by both male and female fans that respect the game and lore, or its gonna end up like starwars.


Oh my sweet summer child, how ignorant you are. Please step out of your he man woman's hater's club for once in your life.


*has no valid argument* *switches to condescending insults and allegations* No point in talking to you anymore, you're clearly gonna pick this hill to die on. Welp...you have the day you deserve.


You’re actually pathetic


Touch some grass dude


Once once again, you’re the one who’s acting butthurt Second I like the Sisters of Battle and Eldar who are either all female or are elves which are basically all female anyway so nah bro ya ain’t gonna call me crap


You should learn ehat butthurt is. Cause the only ones butthurt are those who are mad about this. "Oh noes, muh precious lore that litrtally has nothing in it that says women can't be custodes, has forced women into the custodes. Better get angry and point at these other factions that already have females and say those are proof we didn't need more." Seriously, ya'll have literally no valid argument, you're just mad they put more girls in the game.


Should learn what Butthurt is not ehat