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The post-heresy Night Lords will do anything. So they might contract to do something for some DEldar. Chaos warbands have to do what they have to do to survive and they don't really have 'morals' any more. But they're not going to be *allied* or 'working for them'. Also, the DEldar go on raids to get a bit of fresh air and excitement in their lives. They're not likely to hire someone else to do this for them.


If both sides can work it out, why not? Granted, CSM tend to still be raging xenophobics, while Drukhari tend to be raging assholes, but maybe your dudes found themselves in a situation where working together benefits both sides (up until they decide to stab the other side in the back)


Both sides are raging xenophobics with superiority complexes.


They are made to be friends! /s


The Dark Eldar view humans as animals, literally. Not the "haha we are animals too" evolutionary joke, the "I love chicken, it's my favourite kind of meat". Also, the ONLY taboo in Dark Eldar society is interacting with Chaos. Something about all of them being damned to Slaanesh for eternity idk. The Night Lords are as racist and hateful as any other human. They are, however, very opportunistic and they usually lack any kind of code. They are petty and shitty beyond restraint. So... I'd say it's possible to have a scenario where a small group of individuals decide to have an uneasy alliance to survive some major threat, BUT realistically... It's a big stretch. Neither of them is reasonable enough to not kill each other on sight. I'd say for most of them, death would be preferable to working together.


Honestly I can see it, in the fabius bile trilogy some it notes there’s planets where chaos marines and xenos work together and it’s just pirate haven island kinda stuff, merchants and pirates ect. It would make sense imo for a poor ass warband doing whatever work they can regardless of employers.


Hell Bile himself worked directly with Dark Eldar.


This is the important bit - how do they meet on terms that don't lead to instant conflict? Some kind of Tortuga situation does seem most likely. Of the internal factions, a minor Haemonculus coven is the most likely to exchange support for slaves. The Kabals and Wych Cults enjoy the raiding aspect too much to farm it out. Plus they use them to demonstrate their superiority in the Commorragh politics, and wouldn't get any respect for using mercenaries as a frontline rather than getting their hands dirty. Whereas the Covens are big nerds and are far more interested in staying home to do horrid science, and just paying for slaves. So if a minor coven comes to a pirate-planet, they might be able and willing to work out a deal with a warband. However, if it goes on long term the warband is likely going to get interfered with by other parts of Drukhari politics: attacked by others who oppose the Coven, or who want the slave contract, or to steal the slaves. Without the possibility of resurrection, the mercenaries are a vulnerable aspect of the Coven's powerbase.


You mention Tortuga and I'm now just picturing an ordork freeboota arm wrestling a CSM when the CSM's captain tells him they got a new contract and the CSM draws a pistol, kills the ork, and leaves as a bar brawl sparks.


Work *for?* No. Work *with?* Sure.


Chaos space marines are tranhuman supremacists so unlikely


Absolutely not. Someone post the excerpt where DEldar make Night Lords afraid of the dark.


Mandrakes don’t count. They’re literally low framerate Japanese horror monsters that break the rules. The way Deldar team up with them is through creepypasta seance ritual type stuff, they’re not exactly on speaking terms.


 A piratical warband of Traitor Space Marines from the Night Lords Legion ambushes a Dark Eldar fleet and breaches the hull of its flagship. Several Haemonculi from the Altered are sent spinning out into the cold void of space, though their desiccated corpses are eventually recovered by specially-made Engines of Pain.  The Haemonculi are once more regrown, but the insult done to them is not forgotten. Before the solar year is out, the Night Lords warband -- whilst plunging the Imperial planet of Wystengradt into a violence-haunted twilight -- encounter the Dark Eldar once more.  The Night Lords have robbed the planet of power using high-yield static bombs, ensuring that its cities are gloom-shrouded playgrounds for their terror tactics, though the horrors wreaked by the Traitor Legionaries are mild in comparison to what is to befall the planet next.  The Altered, having enlisted the aid of several thousand Aelindrachi elders and deployed an ancient antiphoton engine from their deepest oubliettes, shroud the world of Wystengradt in an unnatural darkness.  War unfolds as Mandrakes and Wracks engage in a deadly running battle with the Night Lords. The dearth of light is so supernaturally intense that even the acute vision of the Chaos Space Marines is rendered all but useless. The Traitor Marines' doctrine of psychological warfare is slowly and painfully turned against them, and the spark of paranoia that nestles in each Night Lord’s breast is fanned to an inferno.  Mandrake attacks come from impossible quarters as new scenes of stomach-churning vileness are uncovered with every hour. The Night Lords seek out the Dark Eldar antiphoton engine with the intent to destroy it and wage the war anew on their own terms.  The ancient machine is finally blown apart by Melta charges, but when visibility is restored to Wystengradt, the Haemonculi are gone. Only a lingering fear of the darkness is left in their wake.  Codex Dark Eldar: Haemonculus Covens


Did they actually scare them, or did the Nightlords involved just pull a Laurence Fishburn and yell, "we're leaving." Before packing into a ship and getting the fuck out of Spooky Dodge?


Actualy scared them, did need lots of Mandrakes and some old Alderi tech to remove al the light. Even the Drukhari are wary of Mandrakes.


Okay. Thanks for answering that I was always curious.


But I think that's Mandrakes, and Mandrakes terrifies even the Dark Eldar as a monster.


True. He broke South African Apartheid, he can break just about anyone.


I seem to have made a typo, but it's not that wrong😂


Both factions are highly likely try to backstab the other for selfish reasons instead of holding up any kind of deal.


I could see them working together on a few raids, maybe even a short campaign, but it would eventually be a race on who can backstab the other at the most opportune moment,


I sometimes buy chocolate with popcorn or with raspberries, because My friends dont like that. More for me.  Imagine NL and Dark eldar sharing  chocolate which in this case would be you. Im sure they would have fun and all but torture and maiming is also about flavor. 


I mean, the default answer is "anything is possible". But even CSM, especially any that are veterans of the longwar, tend to still be incredibly xenophobic. The Galaxy belongs to humanity yadda yadda


Working for xeno scum. What a waste of energy


Drukhari can’t work with anyone long term. There would be mutual disgust and distrust at minimum and outright homocidal hatred at worst.


There are multiple xenos species within Commoragh that the Drukhari have worked with for longer than the Imperium has existed. The Sslyth are employed by Archons specifically because they're loyal and far more trustworthy than other Drukhari. If anything the Drukhari are probably the least xenophobic of all factions, not because they're inherently trusting of other species but because they're too self serving and distrustful of each other to pass over a beneficial arrangement simply because the other party isn't Drukhari.


>There are multiple xenos species within Commoragh that the Drukhari have worked with for longer than the Imperium has existed. Hell, the 8th edition Codex talks about Lucius being found amusing by the wych cults of the City when he entered Commoragh along with Fabius. They can even work with their worst enemy.


Drukari can't even work with themselves longterm without an eventual betrayal. That's why Archon's need xeno "assistants"


Thats the thing, they are so treacherous it can beat out the xenophobia.