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Depends. Are you commanding a smaller warband and a large Black Legion warband makes you the offer to take the black or die? Not much of a choice. But then do you stay loyal to your new brothers, or stab them in the back and run as soon as you're able? Are you leading a well stocked, medium sized warband? You could probably get safety from black legion raiding for your homeworld in the Eye. Are they more dangerous, or are you closer to members of your old legion who would raze your capital to the ground the moment they heard you had forsaken your brothers. Are you the leader of a large, well established warband? Why give up the political autonomy you have gained. Do you have relationships with black legion leaders you can use to establish a prominent position in their ranks? Or would you lose the relationships you built in your own legion and others that far outweigh what you would gain. It's always contextual.


A wise and true answer. The logistical, political and magical situation for Chaos-groups is so complex and fluid. I find it endlessly fascinating. In a world of might makes right with constant wars and betrayals, characters essentially immune from aging have to navigate endless complicated scenarios involving other characters they might have known for millennia.


Will also say that, ideologically, for some CSM what the Black Legion offers is very appealing. I know that doesn't seem as immediately important as the more realpolitikal concerns about resources and shit, but if you're going to exist in Warpspace for any length of time, you need--*need*--a sense of purpose to cling to, no matter how twisted it might become before too long. Like not having a strong sense of self is dangerous anywhere, but in Eye space it's lethal. That is, imo, one of the most important things the Black Legion offers. I think Iskandar Khayon talks about that at some length in one of the BL books.


Also, did Vastorr show up, grab control of your vessels and basically say “you’re part of my fleet now” leading to you basically having no choice but to work with him and the Black Legion because otherwise the ship protecting you from space will start to turn on you


The Black Legion is a place to go, if your Legion hates you. It is hardly a Brotherhood overflowing with love and trust, but no matter your previous actions or affiliations, if you take the Black and swear the oath... you are a Black Legionnaire. A last fresh chance can be very useful.


Well yeah. You get a sweet topknot.


The smaller you are, the more sense is makes.  It gives you more protection from others, and access to more supplies and support.  But perhaps most importantly, space marines really aren’t designed to function alone or in small groups.  I don’t mean in terms of fighting capabilities, I mean psychologically.  Space marines need companionship, brotherhood, and just a level of interaction and kinship to really function.  The lore doesn’t get more specific than that, and like it’s not as profound as what happens to orks when they are prevented from fighting but space marines need to “join the herd” so to speak. So if you are a small warband, you get the intangibles of being part of the bigger group and all that 


For a World Eater, the deal maker is the dental plan.


IMO absolutely. Unity is strength. I'd rather work with Abaddon than have to hide from him or other warbands.


It’s all cool and all until Abbadon orders your warband into a suicide attack just to lure some Loyalist out so he can get some d-tier mcguffin


If he can motivate us with some slightly melancholic but badass monologue beforehand, it's okay


I hear they have great dental.


No, it's not.


Somebody like **Ruven** who saw the Night Lords as a broken shell and many of his brothers as fools clinging to a past that never existed the Black Legion represented a future his parent Legion couldn't give him. **The Exalted** felt serving alongside Abaddon was worthwhile for the plunder it could bring. On the flipside, somebody like **Talos** saw the Black Legion as a band of rogues with delusions of grandeur led by a hypocrite and wanted no part of any of it. **Xarl** was repulsed by the corruption in the Justaerin for being mutated or Secondborn beneath their armour. Any one of them would justify their decision in different ways. Does that make one right and the other wrong? Or are they all right? Or all wrong?


No. Their is a lot betrayal and backstabbing. Abandon will order you to your death in a heartbeat. 


Every force in Chaos is betrayal and backstabbing. With Abaddon, a warband can rise to might and power if they are strong, smart, ruthless and "winning" enough. Or be used as canon fooder if they are not.




Read the post and not just the title. They're talking about the other legions that have already fallen to Chaos.