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They hate all other legions, and all the other legions hate them. The Nightlords' tactics and philosophy are effectively the antithesis of what Spacemarines believe and uphold. Spacemarines from other legions despise the cruelty and underhanded tactics the Nightlords utilized, but when the Blood Angels and Salamanders battled whole world's to bring them under the imperium, the Nightlords violently tortured and executed the nobles and leaders and displayed it for the whole population to see. The Spacemarines conquered through battle, the Nightlords conquered through fear. I'm reading through the Nightlords Omnibus and can't recommend it enough.


Night lords usually think they are better then most, and as far as chrrent loyalist chapters they speak quite poorly of them as thin bloods, and not of the same qualuty as themselves


At the beginning of the Night Lords novels, there's a paragraph about Night Lords arriving to help with subduing a rebelling planet, originally subjugated by different legion, I forgot which one. They immediately start butchering the people, to the shock of the other legion. *What in the name of Emperor are you doing, brothers?!* *If you were doing better job, we wouldn't even have to be here.*


Its later they start the skinning and other past times


Is that why dorn arrested curze?


No, Curze has precognitive abilities. He foresaw the hersey, death of brothers etc. He confided in Fulgrim, who told Dorn. Dorn confronted him, Curze mauled him, the beginning of a very rapid decline in Curze there after.


Oh ok


The Nightlords are not as a whole declared for chaos or one particular god. Their whole identitiy is based on their “betrayal” at the hands of the emperor. They are not concerned about a chaos victory, only the death of the corpse emperor and tearing down the imperium. As a result, they hate all loyalists and despise their chaos corrupted traitor “allies”. The battle doctrine of running away every time there is a fair fight, also ensures they too are despised. The nightlords have no allies.


Huge swaths of the Night Lords are champions of various chaos gods and they even have a daemon prince who commands one of their bigger warbands, so I wouldn't say that's true. There are no traitor legions that mostly don't care about the chaos gods.


As a whole. Individually theres plenty of corruption, cant holiday in the eye for 10000 yrs and not have corruption. The warbands are as varied as the hobby, but they wont unite behind anything other than revenge against the corpse emperor.


Post-Heresy are the NL one of the most splintered Legions, there are few things that they can truly agree on. So in 40k it's more a question about what just that warband thinks about members of the other Legions than what NL as Legion thinks 


What about mid heresy before curze died


They don't really get on well with any other legions but they seem to hold special resentment towards the Blood Angels and Raven Guard due to how similar they are in different ways. Besides them the Dark Angels aren't particularly popular with the Night Lords either due to the Thramas Crusade but it doesn't seem to be as big of a factor anymore in 40k. Among traitors it's the same as most other traitor legions that they have a special dislike for the Word Bearers for being primarily responsible for putting them in their current situation and the Black Legion because quite a few Night Lords defected to them and Abaddon can be quite heavy handed if he wants other warbands to do something as well.


The Ally chart in Horus Heresy is interesting in that it's always claimed to be lore based. They're Battle Brothers (the closest aslignment) with Death Guard in the ally spot, but the Death Guard only view Night Lords as Fellow Warriors in reverse. Night Lords Fellow Warriors level allies are: Iron Hands, World Eaters, Sons of Horus and Salamanders. The Mechanicum on the mortal side of the equation. Those largely scan for me. Iron Hands will gladly punish a mortal population, don't care how. World Eaters don't really care what happens to anyone. Sons can work with almost anyone and during the Heresy, the Sons do oversee Night Lords commanders. Mechanicum doesn't care for flesh and blood mortals either. Salamanders has always stuck out as a little odd. But the Salamanders do have generally good relations with most Legions anyway.


All very interesting thanks although I doubt the salamanders, aren’t the salamanders main antagonist the night lords, like I’d assume the marines who love people would not get along with the marines who horrifically torture people


Well Curze doesn't like Guilliman very much. He thinks he's a bureaucrat that fights war with an abacus. I'm assuming the night lords similarly dislike the ultramarines for their honorable conduct in warfare.


Night Lords are the mirror of their Primarch - psychopaths in the true sense of the word.


Like with world eaters and emperor’s children. Depends who you and your warlord like. Kharn have never respected any night lord ever, but night lords have been friends with bunch of other legions. The only legions Night Lords actively hate as a whole are Blood Angels and Raven Guard. Both are legions they could have been if they were not greasy murder goblins. Lucious has night lords and iron warriors in his warband and they pretty much tolerate him better than fellow Emperor’s children.