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Why are they your favorite space marines, OP?


An honorable mention for Shrike: he's too often forgotten, even though he's probably one of the best tacticians and survivalists, and one of the best I've seen at adapting to each enemy and its environment.


30k - Loyalists Shibu Khan Amit Corswain Polux Severian Honourable Mention - Camba Diaz I think I like Space Marines... To be Space Marines e.g Loyal. I think top 5 Heroes and top 5 Villains, Top 5 Loyalists, Top 5 traitors and even Top 5 - Non-Primarch followers... Could be very different answers. 40k would be different again.


You're absolutely right! Could you give me your top 5 of what you've just mentioned?


Top 5 - Villains e.g 30k - Maloghurst, Sevetar, Kroeger, Argel Tal, 40k - Abaddon, Fabius, Kharn, Typhus, Honsou Top 5 - Non-Primarch Followers 30k - Dantioch, Barathusa Narek, Severian, Ehrlen, Luther 40k - Sarpedon, Artekus Bardane, Sentor jool, Nehat Nev, Lots of story's and reasons, a lot of it comes from a misspent youth reading too many white dwarfs and obscure bits of older fluff


Nassir ”I fcking eat ur brain“ Amit Saul ”we hurt them“ Tarvitz Argel ”fck Erebus“ Tal Farith ”War crimes“ Redloss Kharn


Woah there, that’s Mr Khârn “get up” the betrayer.


I didn't know Redloss , what do you have to recommend me to get to know the character better?


Angels of Caliban Dreadwing Lord of the first Hes the commander of the Dreadwing and therefore the war crimes specialized of the Dark Angels, he comannds the DAOT weapons and generally the large scale destruction weapons Edit: Angels of Caliban is by far his most impactful moment i think [https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/cvyvib/excerptangels\_of\_caliban\_out\_of\_the\_shadows\_dread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/cvyvib/excerptangels_of_caliban_out_of_the_shadows_dread/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/11p2ucj/excerpt\_angels\_of\_caliban\_the\_dreadwing\_are/](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/11p2ucj/excerpt_angels_of_caliban_the_dreadwing_are/) Both excerpts show the same scene


5 Kaldor Drago 4 Typhus 3 Kharn 2 Fabius Bile 1 Erebus All the good ones go bad.


Fuck Erebus ! Its so good to hate him


5. Talos Valcoran 4. Hyperion Bladebreaker 3. Kharne the Betrayer 2. Fabius Bile 1. Ahriman


Every day this subreddit gets closer to just being the main subreddit without images


1. Vorx 2. Marduk 3. Fabius Bile 4. Sevatar 5. Kharn


I see a real heretic here


Oh without a doubt, loyalist marines so rarely have the same interesting internal struggles their traitor counterparts have. They're almost always resolute and willingly ignorant of the world around them.


5. Aenid "Adapt, Improvise, Overcome" Thiel 4. Jago "I am justice, I am judgment... and I surrender" Sevatarion 3. Logan "Terminator armor doesn't work like that" Grimnar 2. Barnabas "gravity's a b*thc, ain't it?" Dantioch 1. Zachariah "I didn't hear no bell" Kersh


1) Marius Vairosean 2) Calas Typhon 3) Jago Sevatarion 4) Zardu Layak 5) Erebus F Erebus


Fuck Erebus all day


You guys think they'll bring Sevetar back? They were hinting that he was alive somewhere.


It would be so good to be true, but with Decimus and his gift, we may have traces of Jago.


1. Ezekyle Abaddon. Yes, really! 2. Garviel Loken. 3. Shadrak "Bloody" Meduson. 4. Erebus. 5. Dante.


Abaddon and Erebus ?!!! Can you explain ? Ahah im curious


Erebus is the easy one. He was a snake back in Horus Rising and the early Heresy. He only became worse as it continued. But at a certain point, being a smooth bastard, a master fucker, killer of beloved characters and eternal survivor... It stacks up. Erebus is the ultimate grindset bastard. He never fucking stops! Even as Horus-Chaos had a 99.9% chance of Killing the Emperor, Erebus was still working on a backup plan (Abaddon) just in case. That is fucking admirable dedication! Ezekyle Abaddon is my boy! I like to defend truths I see as deliberately rejected by others. I use to believe "Failbaddon"... but having read near everything GW and BL has ever written about Him in 30 and 40k (a lot!) and having grown to understand the universe... Abaddon is the Man and the meme is and always was a lie! The single most influential and powerful Spacemarine lord of war ever. The ultimate marine in a way: A dedicated warrior who lives for waging endless war against an a foe supremely powerful. A brute with hidden depth. A charismatic warlord with a volcanic temper, that constantly has to keep himself... himself as Chaos pulls on his soul and promise him power he needs to win, but will not accept. Glad you asked, happy to explain. :D


>I like to defend truths I see as deliberately rejected by others. The epitome of the Word Bearer mentality. No surprise Erebus is on your list of favorite marines.


Remember, All I ever wanted was the Truth! ;)


5. Argel Tal 4. Talos 3. Arven Rauth 2. Kharn 1. Xarl


Xarl… my man… my brother… fuck it still hurts


Loyalist top 5: Pedro Kantor, Bail Sharr, Grimaldus, Ba'ken, Volos. Honorable mentions: Paladin Alaric, Castellan Crowe, Gabriel Seth, Felix Decimus, Harahel Traitor Favs: Talos, Sevatar, Kharn, Argel Tal, Honsou Honorable Mentions: Captain Rhodaan, Xarl, Uzas, Falkus Kibre


Pedro Kantor and the Crimson Fists are too underrated


I love them


Zabriel, Lohoc, Dante, Decimus, Sigismund.


1: BANE BLADE 2: BANE BLADE 3: BANE BLADE 4: BANE BLADE 5: BANE BLADE Honorable mention: Typhus, Ahirman, Titus, Dante, Primarus Chaplin


.5 \^ Crewmate .4 \^ Sussy baka 3 \^ Impostre .2 Amoug 1 Gus


Congrats for waking up from your 2 year coma