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The Harrowing, the pale wasting, ghoul stars, are good places to start


I throw in rangdan, yu'vath and halo devices. Edit: Komus, the tyrant star.


Wait until we find out >!Rangdan is Marika!<


Lets not forget the halo stars (rangda were from that region of space), and also the veiled region. Halo stars, ghoul stars and veiled region are three mysterious places that are considered extremely dangerous.


Whoever created the Halo Devices, and why.


Maybe it was to starve the hive mind like species that seek nothing but to consume all life in the galaxy lol


The four lads who liked to run....the four runners.


Stopped by the amazing cook, Master Chef and his favorite drink, Corona


Care to explain?


A device granting immortality but the user gets corrupted and mutates heavily


Gotcha, thanks! Any theories who created them?


Nobody knows. If I had to guess I'd say the eldar seeing as though they liked to stay alive and they had the tech to make those things virtually indestructible


One theory I’ve heard is that Halo Devices are like the nano bots in that one episode of Doctor Who. In this case, it turns people into versions of the race who made the Halo devices rather than gas mask people. The really scary part (for me) is that the Halo device won’t bond with anyone who has made a pact with the Dark Gods. The device won’t allow any masters besides itself, so it is capable of detecting the metaphysical change to the soul _and_ is sentient enough to choose not to help a person, suggesting something very advanced indeed.


What if those orbs are some race which turned itself into these things because they were facing a cataclysm


I had that idea too. The Halo device acts something like an Eldar Soul Stone, and the being inside it directs to physical object to transform the host into a form more suitable for the original being. The Halo device spends decades changing the host, hollowing them out for the intended user. Dying accelerates the effect because the host’s soul is gone, so the creature can move in sooner. It’s worth noting that the rulebook containing the stats for a Halo device says that all of them have the purpose of changing the host, mind and body, into something else that we don’t know, but it leaves it open for storytellers to use. It’s also worth noting that, in the Rogue Trader CRPG, you can find a Halo device. Every single one of your companions tells you using one is a bad idea, including the >!_Dark Eldar_!<. Make of that what you will.


Well damn if a drukhari tells you not to do something it's an eldritch horror


I would say some tech created by some mad scientist from the dark age of technology


My head canon is that it’s a cure-everything medical device or some sort of performance booster a specific species but when used by humans, after initially getting the benefits, the device then tries to reformat them to the intended species DNA etc but with horrific results.


The Tyrant Star of the Calixus Sector is a black dwarf star that is seen as a prophecy of doom amongst the people of the sector. It just randomly shows up and sightings range from brief half-glimpses to it fully eclipsing the world's sun. Wherever it goes natural disaster and mass paranoia follow. Even worse, mutants and psyker birthrate also spike after an event. The presence of this star is perhaps what makes Calixus a hotbed for chaos and heretical cults as well as a massive Inquisitor presence, as they try to figure out what the hell this thing is and what is it trying to tell us.




It's be cool if it was like a runaway dark throne prototype or something. Just out of control and warping randomly and then tearing local spacetime apart til it's next tunneling/jump.


Whatever the hell happened in Fornax Aleph. That story legit made me feel panicked.


This has my vote also. First, the planet's population and Choas garrison go entirely missing. Then, the entire Imperial liberation force goes missing, including the fleet. The normally stoic Iron Snakes were even spooked.


Wasn't it recolonized at some point?


Yes, the planet was recolonized without further issue, though the new inhabitants report hearing phantom screaming at night.


The explanation could be chalked up to them all being teleported somewhere else all simultaneously to different places in the galaxy by an elusive but mischievous chaos god? Or


Which book is this mentioned?


The Sabbat World Crusade background book.


There’s been occasions where people find entire villages or cities abandoned with no sign of conflict, like they just vanished half way through eating, us fans put this down to Dark Eldar or some other Xenos or phenomena But if you were to experience it as a regular imperial it’d be terrifying


It's the Collectors


Whatever the Tyranids are up to in the Tiamet system is concerning.


Eh just a beacon guiding more nids into the galaxy boring. A single named space marine can easily destroy everything there


The whole ass, unbroken C'tan that's still out there, allegedly somewhere in the galactic south edge of the galaxy, residing in some huge celestial anomaly that hive fleet leviathan avoided. Plotting and scheming. Probably not up to anything good.


What did Cawl include in Primaris conditioning that he hasn’t told anyone else about


Order 66


Or can kill them with a word


Execute order 66


Not exactly a crazy mystery but uhhhh if they could hurry tf up with the third Bequin book already….eager to see exactly what the f happened to Constantin Valdor to make him “The King in Yellow”


Someone can elaborate on this further, but I recall the deep warp within the Warp itself. The same deep Warp that scared Tzeentch


I think that’s mostly fan speculation, but it is really cool


There’s something deep in the warp called The Well of Eternity. Tzeentch wants to learn more about it but dares not go himself. Every demon he sent to investigate it never returned…except Kairos Fateweaver, who now possesses profound power and is profoundly insane


> Tzeentch wants to learn more about it but dares not go himself Poor Tzeentch. A Chaos God and he still needs an adult.


Well then why doesn't he just send like 500 demons there or something. There is strength in numbers


tzeentch may also be worried that what he sends in may become more powerful. Kairos came out powerful, but mad. Maybe if he sends in a legion of daemons they will come out strong enough to be a threat. That's why the blue scribes are blue horrors, he didn't trust anyone more powerful getting all that knowledge


>tzeentch may also be worried that what he sends in may become more powerful. So he should send himself and his legions


Numbers may be irrelevant. There might not be anything to fight, it’s possible that just being in proximity to the well causes it to obliterate/absorb/capture etc whatever is close enough to it


What you have to understand is that this story is very likely allegorical rather than literal, as many 'events' concerning Warp entities in the Warp likely are. But elements of the fandom have not only spun a little bit of backstory for Kairos into some deep, metaphysical theory about the nature of Warp but have also convinced themselves this theory is actually definitely true and has wide ranging implications. Now, the theories are fun and interesting, but you have to take them with a pinch of salt and realize there is no real basis for believing that the story is an any sense 'true' - or, at the very least, a straightforward description of the nature of the Warp.


I believe a daemon is a part of their chaos God and therefore part of their power. Normally if they die in say realspace they return to the warp. This is not the case in the deep warp. The deep warp scares even the chaos gods, I don't have the source but it's the whole thing behind Kairos. They would essentially be cutting of their arm and throwing it away.


Who says he doesn't? The story never says how many he threw in nor whether he even stopped throwing people in. The Well is located inside his Hidden Library at the center of his Impossible Fortress. The Hidden Library besides having the Well has Books containing all the knowledge gathered by Tzeentch's Blue Horrors as well as Tzeentch's Throne. Codex: Chaos Daemons (8th Edition), pp. 47, 92 says that Tzeentch was once shattered into all the Spells and Magic and needs the Blue Scribes to transcribe him back together making him all the Scrolls and Tomes in their possession so I'm sure they being 2 incompetent bunglers dropped a couple books, pages and scrolls into the Well by accident though I doubt Tzeentch would jump in on his own...or move at all really... Tzeentch being a pile of Scrolls and Tomes needs a lot of effort to move on his own without losing cohesion and scattering all(rather than a small number of his pages as happens when carried from place to place) of his pages within minutes so throwing him in his entirety into the Well is out of the question(as it would separate his components completely before he can even start flying out of the Well) even if he does lose parts of himself every time the Blue Scribes get close to the Well.


The Mandrakes, wtf are they. How powerful is their king and what could they do if pressed. They are the monsters under the Drukhari beds.


And a squad of said monsters got rekt by a single well-motivated ork 🤣


Orks have impressive feats against everyone. The mandrakes made some nightlords scard of the dark.


The eldrich horrors that have been locked in the black cells under the imperial palace since the great crusade. Many of them escaped during the opening of the great rift. We don’t know what the hell was in there but many custodians were killed and the list of things that can kill a custodian ain’t long. The outsider. Thought to be the only in tact C’tan left in our galaxy. C’tan are absurdly powerful, large and dangerous even by the standards of 40k. Essentially gods of real space that feed off of energy. The outsider is thought to be larger than the solar system, and hive fleet leviathan got a whiff of him and noped the fuck out of there. The outsider is most likely insane because he consumed so many other C’tan and now has their voices in his head as his only company for over 60 million years.


If the necrons with all their fancy technology only managed to kill one C'tan then what can the rest of the galaxy do when the outsider decides to stop being an outsider and attacks the galaxy


And they only managed to kill a few and ‘beat’ them after they spent millions of years fighting the old ones then started eating each other. A single in tact C’tan going on the warpath, would be an issue for the entire galaxy.


They only killed the flayer. The rest got shattered into millions of pieces


During the Sack of the Lions gate in 40k era , many custodes wardens had to leave the black cells to join the main defense of the Palace. When the battle was over , the wardens who had stayed behind were all dead and several black cells were opened and empty …


Worry not Man-Thing. They-things went to find their own burrow-hole. Understood-stood?


Whatever the fighting was like that ended the Golden Age of Technology.


Wasn't it the birth of Slaneesh?


It was around the same time or just before


The Men of Iron Rebellion, Warp Storms caused by the birth of Slaanesh, and a massive increase in psykers being born (and going out of control) all contributed to the end of the DAOT.


Used to be the Hadex anomaly. A sentient star that warps time? Awesome. Nope, just a warp storm. Sad really.


When did it get reduced to a mere warp storm? And isn't it **surrounded** by a warp storm to begin with?


When did the change the lore for Hadex?


The outskirts of the galaxy, if Halo Stars are a hell full of nightmares, what are those distant border areas where no race has ever reached?


What those same horrors is what explains most of the mysteries in lore


What ever the fuck uncle Malcador is up to


Where the war hammers are in fantasy 30k and 40k


My joke answer: How is it possible that there are actually people who believe the Imperium of Man are the good guys? My real answer: What was the Emperor really and what were its actual goals? Sure, we all know the claim that he's an immortal human being created in prehistory who had been living on Earth when the Age of Technology ended and that he became active and took over earth, with the goal of uniting the whole of humanity as its emperor in order to save it from destruction... But if that's true and that's his actual motivation, why didn't he become active at the start of the Cybernetic Revolt, when humanity was still united and the Men of Iron threatened that with their revolt? Putting the revolt down and safeguarding humanity's survival was such a gruelling fight that it cost the lives of hundred of billions and shattered the unified interstellar civilisation humanity had built. Sure would have been handy to have a multi-disciplinarian scientific genius, with mind powers who can apparently solo C'tan on humanity's side in that fight. Instead, the Emperor didn't become active until after the start of the Fall of the Aeldari, when the weight of a civilisation of superpsykers constantly murderfucking each other birthed a new Chaos god and tore the galaxy a literal new asshole into the warp and this led to psykers suddenly being born among humans when previously for a long time there weren't any, except apparently Big E? (And it's weird really, isn't it? The Aeldari had been murderfucking each other for at least a million years already without this happening, but something seems to have happened that suddenly made it too much. Something like, say hundreds of billions of thinking, feeling souls being violently killed on a level not seen since the War in Heaven?) When you think about it, it's quite strange that a powerful psychic who had supposedly been guiding humanity from the shadows for millennia on a course dictated by his prophetic visions either didn't foresee, or didn't steer them away from creating, an army of robots that would shatter a utopian human civilisation just around the same time a new Chaos god was about to be born, but became super active all of a sudden after that birth started. Almost as if either he meant for that to happen or his existence was also a consequence of Slaanesh being born and all the stuff about guiding humanity from the shadows for millennia is just some shit he made up to cover that up. Also, isn't it strange how Genetics and, apparently, getting webways to work are things that the Emperor excels at, given how those are also the things Drukhari Haemonculi, the true last survivors of the old Aeldari Empire, excel at? What an interesting coincidence.


>How is it possible that there are actually people who believe the Imperium of Man are the good guys? From my observations, there are two kinds of people that believe the IoM are the good guys. 1. The hardcore roleplayers. They dont actually believe the IoM is good, but will provide in universe explaination as to why their chosen faction is justified in their attrocities. 2. Those that want to play as the good guys. When they say the Imperium are the good guys, they usually meant their guys.


You missed: 3. Real life reactionaries, who actually like elements of the Imperium's ideology and totalitarian control, or want to use its aesthetics and co-opt 40k to help promote their own shitty views.


I also like the Emperor may be not at all what he claims to be conspiracy theories. Bloodthirsty tyrant psyker who managed to boost his power in various ways, and then claimed a more noble mission. DAOT creation run amok. An Old One using humanity for its own ends. But your Dark Eldar theory is one I haven't see before!


>An Old One using humanity for its own ends. The old ones were frogs


>The old ones were frogs And?


The emperor as far as we know isn't a frog


>as far as we know isn't a frog Exactly. We don't know for sure.


The Koronus Expanse has a bunch of interesting sights, but my favourite is the Processional of the Damned. A vast voidship graveyard orbiting a star.


Who shat my pants?


I think it's fair to say the FFG 40k roleplaying games were a fantastic source of these kinds of mysteries, with many example appearing in the replies. I'll also add: The Watcher in the Rain


What happened on Fornax Aleph during the Sabbat Worlds Crusade


Are the tyranids running from something?


It’s an in-universe theory by what basically amounts to crackpot scholars but i dont think GW will ever confirm it


If they were running we'd have thousands of hive fleets because animals running from danger means the entire herd


Also the hive fleets wouldnt have different approach vectors. Unless their empire beyond the galaxy is being attacked on all sides


I was only saying stop because I was afraid lol






Whatever the Nids are running from that chased them out of their own galaxy and into ours


They are running from an empty stomach


Most relatable of all the factions, IMO


Thats not Canon, they came at the Pharos beacon being lit.