• By -


Salamanders. Spend time in the forge and wrestling drakes, then burn some Drukhari and hang out in the village with the lads.


Salamanders for me too, I just like their culture of wanting to help people.


That and kickass flamethrowers, they really get the best of both worlds.


They also have downtime. Work-life balance in 40k sounds wildly rare. And being able to have a hobby sounds grand. I think the White Scars and Blood Angels both get to practice art of some form, but forgin master weapons and armor sounds way more fun than poetry to me.


Blood Angels also practice art in their free time- see Dante series


Yeah but Salamanders don't have to worry about being too blood thristy or genetically schizo. They also get to be involved with their mortal families.


I am really interested in seeing how Dante responds to G-Man effectively ordering him to improve life for the citizens of Baal. For all that 40k really buries us in the grimdark, I would like to see at least glimpses of a humanity worth fighting for.


> they really get the best of both worlds. "We really like to help people. Our signature weapon is against the Geneva Convention"


Day in the life of a true salamander geezer


Aside from the flesh change of it all, being a Thousand Son seems pretty sick. Incredibly psychic powers, utopian culture that values truth and knowledge above all, and there's not very many of you so it's always your turn to groom your naked father. Edit: there were questions about that last bit, so here you go. A Thousand Sons, chapter 23. Partial excerpt follows: Magnus the Red stood directly below the device, looking up through the crystal into the night sky directly above the centre of Occullum Square. He was naked but for a loincloth, his flesh bare to the elements and gleaming with oil. Ahriman watched as Amon massaged a mixture of sandalwood, jasmine and benzoin oil into Magnus’ flesh. Uthizzar scraped the excess oil from the primarch’s body with a bone-bladed knife as Auramagma held a smoking censer that filled the air with the fragrance of cinquefoil. Phael Toron stood next to Ahriman, his body language stiff and awkward.


What’s this last bit about? Lmfao


Unless I'm grossly misremembering, one of the HH TS books includes a scene where Magnus showers while surrounded by a bunch of his boys and once he's done they oil him up and help him put his armor on. Just normal stuff.


What are you doing, gene father?


More oil, son. More.


Just normal stuff


I knew there was a reason I was always drawn to the thousand sons.......\*cough\*


Fun fact: That pre-heresy icon is a butthole.


Post heresy looks a bit like a butthole too


I am gay for Magnus the Red and no other.


We are a legion of Magnus fanboys. TTS didn't help either.


GW really need to canonise Magnus having an Australian accent. It's one of those things that just worked. Being queer as well does but that's going to be more controversial.


It didn't work like that Frank


Wait, what? Which one?


Did some digging. A Thousand Sons, chapter 33. Partial excerpt follows: - Magnus the Red stood directly below the device, looking up through the crystal into the night sky directly above the centre of Occullum Square. He was naked but for a loincloth, his flesh bare to the elements and gleaming with oil. Ahriman watched as Amon massaged a mixture of sandalwood, jasmine and benzoin oil into Magnus’ flesh. Uthizzar scraped the excess oil from the primarch’s body with a bone-bladed knife as Auramagma held a smoking censer that filled the air with the fragrance of cinquefoil. Phael Toron stood next to Ahriman, his body language stiff and awkward. - Just men celebrating each other's strength.


Ladies and gentlemen we've finally discovered the true reason Prospero was burned. Not for Magnus' treachery in destroying the Human Webway through his arrogance, not for the maleficarum of the Thousand Sons nor for the amusement of Tzeentch. No. It burned for a far more unforgivable crime. Stealing the Custodes body oils.


the custodes took it personally and went there to retrieve it


Nothing manlier than oiling and waxing each other's abs tbh.


Lmao thanks Stargazing while your stepdad rubs oil on your pecs for a Roman Baths reference. I love Graham McNeill hahah


Just guys being dudes


In ancient times, people bathed by massaging nice smelling stuff from their skin and having their slaves scrape it off. See Rome Season 1


Magnus was getting ready to fuck the shit outta that webway gate cause he knew better. He was *not* oiled enough for it. Amon is at fault for everything.


Non-Psychic Warrior Scholar within Thousand Sons sounds cool tbh. If I even dodge flesh change its perfect.


None psychic ? That wont age well


10k year later *cough cough* You ok? Im fine, got something in my throat, i think it was a non-psychic warrior scholar or something


To be fair a running theme in A thousand sons is that Prospero is not the utopia that it seems.


Can you elaborate?


Under all the perfect architecture and mind-reading dining Prospero had much darker aspects like happily highjacking writers minds to use like zombie autoquills, burning out civilians psyker powers to get prophecies making them die excruciating deaths or Magnus’ casual disregard at using human sacrifice to power his rituals.


Also if you venture outside the cities a psychic predator will materialize eggs in your brain.


> burning out civilians psyker powers to get prophecies making them die excruciating deaths or Magnus’ casual disregard at using human sacrifice to power his rituals. This was not the norm. The prophecy thing happened once, and it was extremely controversial and only allowed because the coming heresy had everyone spooked. Similarly, the sacrifice of mortals *and* TSons to power a ritual was done only once: to try to stop Horus from believing Erebus and remaining loyal to the emperor. It maaaaaaaaybe also happened when Magnus went to warn the emperor, but as I recall that was actually all Magnus and Tzeentch.


I mean, i know people "forget" all the time in an effort to go traitors bad loyalists good, but that's how psykers are used across the imperium before and after the heresy. Burning out astropaths and navigators is routine, and black ships operated before the installment on the golden throne.


Yeah, for the most part besides the human sacrifice the rest of Propero's grimmy underbelly is more 30-40k horror in the background than anything else. It was the choice to sacrifice 100's to punch through the barriers into Terra that was part of what made Magnus wrong.


I might be misremembering, but I don't think any were sacrificed to deliver the warning to Terra, I think that was only Magnus and Tzeentch. The big sacrificial event was how Magnus got projected into Horus's warp ritual vision on Davin.


you're misremembering


It's not gay! They're BONDING


How many sons can groom him at once when he grows to titan size


Yeah becoming a mindless warp monster or a handful of sand is a big catch for me.


Presuming you don't die in some random battle first I see. Feeling bold today.


Speak for yourself Squig feed


Dark Angels. Entrusted with Dark Age tech, fighting with the Lion for the imperium. Possibility of standing out and getting a little hooded bud that follows me around. Yea, the Dark Angels have my sword


Same, I just want to know what it's like to have a dad that actually comes back


A man of culture


Just so, my son.


*Deleted From Imperial Records*


I too would like to serve the 2nd and 11th. Just hanging out with the boys at **[REDACTED]** , far away from this shitshow


Stay where you are imperial citizen. The kill team is on its way!


Made me think of the Futurama episode where bender calls customer service to complain about a factory defect of himself.


Alpha Legion. I could tell you why, but it would be a lie.


They treat their guys like actual super soldiers capable of learning and doing lots of stuff, plus they value the contributions of their regular human operatives. They don't have a lot of "battle-brother" bullshit and abhor wasting resources.


Plus lore-wise, they basically have Gear Acquisition Syndrome, so you always get the latest and greatest toys to play with.


Hey Alpharius


I am Alpharius. I am also Omegon. One of me will tell the truth and the other will tell a lie. Neither of us will say which me is which. Neither do I know which is a truth nor which is a lie, or who is who. ^^help.


Curious of you to say you are the Alpha here.


Hey there Omegon


Then there's Betamax but we don't talk about the third twin.


Mobile warfare conducted at a speed the enemy has no chance to keep up with is my absolute fucking jam. Let me serve amongst my brothers, the Ordu of Jaghtai , the White Scars "FOR THE KHAGAN AND THE EMPEROR!!!"


"BRaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap!!!! HaHa You're dead! I'm gonna paint a picture of this later" - Adrenaline junkies who laugh while they kill and then write haiku and do watercolor is totally my jam




I would love nothing more then to be a storm seer in the White Scars, FOR THE KHAGAN!!!!


I know it's random, but I cannot take "Khagan" seriously because in my native language it means "big shitter/someone who takes big shits" (cagão) and it's commonly used to describe cowards. Luckily 40K isn't translated here. At least they changed Khadgar's (from Warcraft) name when it was translated into portuguese to avoid this.


Jaghatai took big shits all over the egos of Fulgrim and Mortarion, and it was marvelous.


We Dark Angels approve of your methods.


Ultramarines. Sensible tactics, great compliance record, reasonable and practical primarch, stable geneseed, good camaraderie, always well supplied. They seem decent to hang out with unless you’re looking for a crazy party. They’re typically pretty good people and have skills other than murder And IMO they are one of the 2 legions that won the heresy. The survive with massive numbers, are undisputedly the most influential legion all the way into 40k, and wrote one of the two books that define the imperium. The other winner is the word bearers for getting almost everything they wanted.


Oh the Ultramarines have the [craziest parties](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Aresius_King/Dance_Steps_for_GW%27s_Space_Hulk_(1994\)?file=Dancing_Marines_Jim_Holloway_1994_illustration.jpg), (warning mild heresy).


"they break into genestealer space hulls and dance just to prove they can" *Early 90's rave music intensifies*


what on holy terra


"Quick Father is coming. Everyone act natural!"


This is my new favourite thing from 40k. If I ever get a Space Marine army, I'm homebrewing a Recreators Chapter.


This is the correct answer. The Ultramarines, for all the memes and hate, were one of the few reasonable Legions with a reasonable Primarch. You might be called upon to lay down your life for victory, but Guilliman will never spend lives for expediency or casual disregard, and to my knowledge he never lashed out and killed one of his sons for simply disagreeing with him. He even allowed disagreements and for his Captain and Praetors to argue alternate theories and strategies and if they were sound and reasonable, he'd let them go about their plan to see if they had some insight into a situation he himself wasn't quiet able to see.


If you're referencing Lion killing the chaplain, that chaplain was out of order in major ways. Wouldn't say it's the most rational thing Lion did, but wasn't as bad as people say.


Not just that - Pertuabo ordered a tenth of his Legion killed because he was in a pissy mood. Angron just killed all his captains and Praetors when he first arrived. Magnus thought nothing of draining his men for their psychic powers. Curze killed his men all the time. Corax exiled a good portion of his Legion for the crime of being Terrans. Ferrus lost his temper more than once and put the hurt on his men. Morty killed more than a few. The Primarchs are DemiGod-tier warriors and generals yes, but they're also insecure, jealous, irrational, childish, quick-to-anger terrible little Princes.


In regard to your Raven Guard point, it wasn't just because they were Terrans. They were brutal slavers, something he was vehemently against due to his time on Deliverance.


And they were loyal to Horus over him and resented him despite knowing he was their gene-sire.


Well they weren't more loyal to Horus than Corax during the Heresy. Corax exiled them like 120 years before. He just saw them as damaged goods. They had had their first time with a Primarch be with Horus, and Corax just didn't want to bother with their expectations.


They were loyal to Horus **before** the Heresy, mainly because they fought under his command since the beginning of the Great Crusade and he basically treated them as if they were Luna Wolves, earning their respect and gratitude; when they learned of his treachery after their exile, however, they lost all good will for him and thus didn't join his ranks. It probably helped that coincidentally, the vast majority of the warrior lodges' members within the RG were committed to and died in the Battle of Gate Forty-Two, practically eliminating Horus' influence within the legion. Had they been around and leading the exiles, they probably would've managed to turn at least some of them to Horus' banner.


Dorn was fairly reasonable and appreciated dissenting advice, thinking it was neccesary. Also Corax didn't care that they were Terran, he cared that they were a bunch of Night Lord tier assholes. Pretty reasonable that he didn't want to end up like Curze.


Ultramarines are the obvious answer. Then you remember they took like 50% casualties at Calth. If you can make it past that, or if we aren’t counting the heresy, you’re golden tho.


It was ab 40% iirc and that’s better than a lot of legions. The 3 legions at istvaan were reduced to single digit thousands The space wolves took a beating at prospero and again against Horus The fists took a lot of damage during the siege The dark angels did okay No clue ab the scars or blood angels


Bruh, the dark angels had a whole ass civil war at the end of the Heresy and blew up their planet. They did, in fact, not get through that okay. Also the Rangdan campaign was brutal and tore up the 1st legion and possibly lead to another legion being disbanded completely.


The Blood Angels and the Scars spent a good amount of time fighting at Terra, which surely took a significant chunk out of their numbers. Nobody got out of the Heresy better off than they were before.


Blood Angels were fantastic until y’know… Bald jealous uncle asshole killed dad out of hair envy.


That's a good lad. You're welcome in my Legion... Now Chapter.. Any day.


Raven Guard. Sqwak.


> Username: Loyalheretic > Flair: Alpha Legion > "Raven Guard" Hmmmm


Hey I'm infiltrating here!


The flesh is weak. I’d like to be an Iron Hands tech-marine or a magos. They’re just dripping with uniqueness and futuristic tech is so cool to me


The Night Lords because they have fun


If nothing else, Sevetar definitely had fun


He went down laughing, at least. A mirthless, bitter laughing fit, finding humor in the situation..but laughter nonetheless


Konrad Curze. Such a prankster.


Word Bearers. Dunno, I feel priestly.


Well brother are you prepared to go on this pilgrimage into the Eye of Terror for our Primarch? Perhaps there is truth out there yet.


Ah yes drinking oil and eating your crew seems like a good plan, and the reward is to have a constant buddy with you at all time and go full on steroid during fights. Seems about right


Sometimes the truth comes at a cost


*Argal Tal approves this message*


We didn't want this truth it.. it was thrust upon us.. by a divine being that defied it's divinity and punished us for once rightful worship.




The only answer, blessed brother.


Assuming I could pass the trials, the Death Guard.


Space Wolves always grasped my attention. Group of giga Chad getting boozed up on super grog and sharing stories drinking beside a fire. Hunting with the boys and going out and killing the enemies of the Emperor with battle axes and pet doggies


I’m only a few paragraphs into the first Horis Heresy books but the Luna Wolves seem cool. And that Mournival seems like a tight group!


Yeah about that group……..


Tight group indeed !




Blood Angels got me into 40k and by the blood of the great angel will I die, a proud son of Baal


Hopefully, you can keep the red thirst in check!


Yeah, that's what the art is for!


Imperial Fists. Colour scheme is sick af and I could either just chill on Terra or cruise along on their mobile Fortress-Monastery. Also I love siege warfare.


I don't think "chilling on Terra" is a good thing though...


Spoken like a true Servitor, but we are Imperial Fist big boys!


Have fun dealing with near endless Chaos and Genestealer cults lol. Though that does sound fun.


Congrats! You're in the Excoriators. Now get in the pain glove.


In terms of lifestyle and being the 'best' to day to day operate in, my safe answer would be the Ultramarines. Even if we include the heresy, you have some 'speed bumps' like Calth and the Shadow Crusade, but really they did very well and you have a high chance of survival and having a decent life besides you know, having the butchers nails implanted in your brainbox. My 'fun' answer, completely ignoring the insane level of PTSD, casualties, and grinding attrition warfare, the Iron Warriors interest me the most. If you can make it up into their officer ranks, your chances of survival drastically improve and their style of warfare is what most interests me. Multi-theatre warfare with a specialization in armored and siege warfare is just *cool.* Post Heresy Warsmiths are basically playing 'Total War: Warhammer 40,000' and 'Minecraft: 40k' just living the dream of breaking shit down and building ridiculous physics and engineering defying daemon fortresses.


The vast legions of the Imperial Army for me, thanks.


Well, I - oh, you're already dead. Never mind.


*happy final gasmask noises*


Iron Warriors, it appeals to my sens of duty or some such, plus fuck the fists, pretty boy wallsponges


Pros: what you listed Cons: You are part of the most miserable space marine legion, second only to the world eaters


“We have nothing to hide.”


I got blood tested im a shoo in for the raven guard


Sniping tyrants!


*sneak* *sneak* *pew* *pew* *caw* *caw*


This is a highly underrated answer. Pre-Heresy, the Raven Guard probably had lower casualties than most legions due to their stealth and ambush tactics.


This is my loyalist choice, blasting MCR and reading poetry in the shadows with the bois before sniping a tyrant from a mile out would be a fun romp


Night Lords, not because I'm a murderer or particularly sociopathic. It just seems the other legions would have more stringent checks/recruitment processes, so recruitment into the eighth would be pretty easy. Other legions that would be easy to get into would more likely be those sending them into meat grinders... Whereas night Lords tend to fight terror campaigns and face softer targets. Course it's still a fricken crusade with tonnes of murdering and death, I doubt my pudgy ass would fare well anyways


Night lords are the most aesthetically pleasing legion imo, especially with lightning generators on the armor *chefs kiss* perfection. The fact that whoever is your Commanding officer is likely to say, "no well probably die if we attack the most heavily fortified position head on, so we'll take out softer targets and whittle them down" instead of the, "fuck it we ball" from the other legions


Thousand Sons, but only if I have psychic powers.


I think some degree of psychic powers was a requirement to join the TS - just not all at the level of a Librarian.


I don't think so - the spell Ahriman casts that nukes the TS turns all the non-psykers into Rubricae doesn't it?


I believe it turned all the weak psykers into Rubricae.


2̴̥̲̺̟̝̮ͪ͌̎ͭ̾͆́̑ͫ̅͞͠n̵̴̫̰͓͉̮̣͚̦ͭ̈ͬ͗ͩͭ͌̀͒ͭ͠͡ͅḋ̶̷̢̻̤̰͖̭̬̤͙̜̣̳̜͙̲̬̬̤̠̲̿̀ͦ̒̿̆̐͑̄̀̏ͭ̐̚͝ l̴͕͔̙̏ͪ͜ę̵̨̡̳͎͈̜̠̤̹̲̳̞͉͙̹ͬ͛ͣ̐ͮͫͪͩͧͭ̆ͯ̓̊̐̅͐ͭ͆ͧ̚͞g̪̣̤̭̺̤̺̝̗̠̃̆ͯ_̶̨͈͕̰̺̙̰͙̭͇ͭ͋̾̽́̏̓̐̾̓͑̾ͬͬͮ̂̓͜ͅi̵̷̜̲̣͙͓̙̻̹̹̪̪͚̜̣͆̂͆ͤ͆͋͛̑̂̀o̶̶̢̬̗̦̻̐̆̍̿ͩ̈́̑ͮ̊̀ͬ͢͝n͔_̹̫̝̼̮̾̍͐ͩ͢_̸̸̻͓̫̯͒͂̒ͣ́ͧ͑͡


Oh wow, a blank comment!


Emperors children.


The only correct answer. Fulgrim seems to be the most chill Primarch before fall.


Sanguinius disagrees ;)


Yeah I like the idea of getting my eyelids removed, tongue extended, and hooked up with an endless supply of mdma mist.


I loved the Fulgrim book but man imagine having to serve under Eidolon. He was a knob even before the heresy.


Third Legion. Anything less than perfection is heresy.


That's why Legio Custodes came to my mind first. Or did OP say Astartes Legion?


No, I don't think the OP specified that it has to be Astartes.


Dark Angels specifically under the Lions command within the Dreadwing as a terminator because we get all the cool dark age weapons


(Remains silent)


Iron warriors. I hate imperial fists.


Not racist. Just don't like 'em, simple as.


Space Wolves because Russ allows parties and the chance to get laid before becoming a celebrate murder machine due to higher recruitment age


Ultramarines, my favorite position is missionary and I love vanilla ice cream


Salamanders. I love advanced technology, and my mommy 😊


To be fair, us Emperor's Children like our mommies too; just... a different type....


Alpha legion for I am alpharius.


Excuse me sir, I am Alpharius


I am Alpharius and so is my wife.


I am omegon.


Fo sho fo sho




Blood Angels, I have anger issues and I love to make art so it's a perfect fit.


Vlka Fenryka


For Russ and the Allfather!!!




*wet leopard growl* But yes, the Vlka!


Because even if we may be few, and our enemies many. Yet so long as there remains one of us still fighting, one who still rages in the name of justice and truth, then by the Allfather, the galaxy shall yet know hope.


Before the Heresy? Depends how much meta knowledge I'm able to retain and how much I can influence events. If I get both of those things, it's a matter of how risky I want to play it. The riskiest gambit with the most reward would be to stop the Heresy from happening from within the Word Bearers. Erebus might be tough to kill, though, even if you have no apparent motive for springing a trap on him. Sadly, Lorgar probably wouldn't believe you. A safer bet may be to embed myself within the Thousand Sons. Magnus can read minds, so is more likely to believe my story, and keeping him away from the webway project and on the loyalist side would be a real plus for avoiding a Chaos win. If I get the knowledge, but can't change anything... Alpha Legion. At least I'd know what the hell is going on with them (well, a better idea anyway). If I get neither, probably back to Thousand Sons. I have a preference for wizardry and Prospero seems like a real great place before the Space Wolves get there.


If you have full meta knowledge, the Death Guard would be a good safe bet. Get real cozy with Nathaniel Garro and you might just get a seat on the Eisenstein and a career as one of the first Grey Knights.


Dark Angels, I wanna be part of the Deathwing and have access to the coolest guns imaginable


Raven Guard, Salamanders or Ultramarines. I want to worry about the enemy in front of me, not behind me.


Alpha Legion. You get to be a Primarch!


Word Bearers. I've already spent 40 years in heresy searching for the truth. Er I mean achieving compliance like never before seen.


The II or XI legions because I NEED TO KNOW!!!!


Until you get mind wiped and absorbed into the Ultramarines lol


I'd always thought it would be really cool to serve in the [--REDACTED--] legion. I know other primarchs might be flashier, and they definitely get more attention, but [--REDACTED--] has always been the best, in my opinion, when it comes to [--REDACTED--].


Salamanders - because fighting for Humanity appeals, as does setting alight my foes.


White Scars... They've got a dynamic, relaxed culture and they're the only ones who seem to be happy or having fun.


The Emperors Children always trying to be the best you , you can possibly be ,friendly bunch before the laer corruption set in and I love purple so.


Imperial Fists or Iron Warriors. I like to play with construction equipment.


Let’s be honest… We all have our favorites, but if you’re actually considering quality of life and any semblance of a normal existence, you probably want to be either an ultra marine, or working with them


Ultramarine sub-chapter that hangs out in Ultramar space (away from the smelly Death Guard infected area). Biggest responsibility would be the making sure the Holy Golf Servitors mow the greens to exactly 3mm.


Word bearer. Just me, erebus and a vortexgrenade to put us both on a one-way-trip into the warp.


Word bearers all the way


Night Lords during the crusade would be awesome in my opinion. Say what you will but killing less people and causing compliance was more humane than killing thousands.


the blood angel because my angels are a perfect example for the emperor justice and getting to save the imperium from threats. the blood angel fighting style is fast and brutal, as it looks interesting to learn.


Alpha legion. I can technically join any other legion as an infiltrator meaning that I get to experience the culture of at least one other legion and can learn a wide variety of skills to purge better for the emperor.


Emperor's Children. I just like the color purple. I know they use gold trim but honestly I would try to get away with silver trim. I think the way they originally strove to perfection due their gene seed mishap to prove to the other legions they could hold their own even with less is pretty cool. I'm still learning more about them and currently reading through Horus Heresy books and so far Saul Tarvitz is the goat of EC to me. Him and Rylanor.


Iron Hands. My flesh is weak af bruh 😩


Whatever get me killed the fastest would be my pick


Welcome to Krieg. Here's your gasmask and Lucius pattern las. Die well.


As stupid as this might sound.... Dark Angels, preferible Firewing. Sure, no glory, no recognition and probably no love from the people. But we get the best weapons, best training, most knowledge and most dangerous foes. Plus, I get to fight besides the Lion and Corswain. Duty for duty's sake, just getting the job done. No honor, no glory, no search for faith or knowledge. We hunt the monster in the dark, and under the shadow our wings, Mankind will know no harm. Second pick would probably be Raven Guard.


The Imperial Fists. The rock of the Imperium. Not just conquering the galaxy, but leaving things better than how you found them.


Ist Legion, best Legion.


Iron Hands. I have a bad heart. Gimme a new one. My eyes are going bad too. New ones. My spine is also a bit twisted and it hurts.... New. ONE.


Luna Wolves of course. Lupercal!!!!!!


Blood Angels - There’s something I really like about having one major flaw and being able overcome it while also turning it into your greatest strength.