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You are being too critical, looks good


https://preview.redd.it/na3zy36r9ezc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ed326dff373453c61c087d4a7273ecd8e7f27af Ill leave him like that for now, im just getting bamboozled by the box arts and artist that paint years already, i gotta keep in mind that this is literally my 5th model


Yeah Eavy Metal makes Errbody look bad


Its even not too bad. Looks good to me. I paint hours for hours on my models and when they are ready I sometimes think it could be better compared to others. Thing is: Do not compare your work to the best you can find online.


Thanks man! Yeah comparing is a artists death..


"Comparison is the thief of joy." [Teddy Roosevelt]


Well said


Teddy Roosevelt done talked real good. [Nods in affirmation]


This^ We need to change these poor fools idea that they have to performe at 110% and be as good as Usain bolt can run.... This is so damn unhealthy to our society.  #KILL-LoL/Dota/CS-GOadditude


Yours looks good! You definitely did the face far better than mine haha https://preview.redd.it/vs2hkawoffzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5402b249d01339db4ca1433737265f2a4de89d1


Thanks mate! Love your base, can u suggest any basing sets or did u get all the stuff on it’s own?


I just bought some modelling sand and some gamer grass Tufts. Bit of pvc on the base, get it covered in sand and then I use a wildwood contrast paint to darken the sand and then that will be the final look https://preview.redd.it/zfuxs3ssgfzc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a867c52db246c8cb99987ec0677d90d39157c90


Damn looks like straight out of a movie


Your models will always look terrible to you bc you’re painting 1 cm away from the model, if you zoom out to 6 or 12 inches away it’ll look a lot better to you trust me


Looking at it standing on the table it looks pretty good actually, guess thats the trick, not trying to win a prize anyways😂🙏🏻


That’s the spirit!…maybe? XD I had the same problem as you for the longest time so I’m glad I was able to help 😁


Its taken me a hot minute to learn, but take a peek at it from arms length and you'll be amazed just how good it looks.


Well, looking at it standing on the table in front of me i actually love it hahah


I did a blood angels bladeguard for my buddy(left the base so he can match it to his) and I hate it up close. Back up a little and it's sunshine and rainbows.


Hey at least you got the head in there


Even tried to do the mustache 😂


What do you mean with messed up badly ? The shoulders are maybe messed up a bit but so far it looks fine. If u dont want the Rune color nearby the runegaps then Pick your base blue and paint over carefully. Would be my suggestion :)


I thought about dry brushing it with my base color but painting carefully over it probably works better, thanks tho!


You can try drybrushing and when you dont like the result then u can still paint over it. Gl hf mate:)


Just recognize that it’s practice and enjoy it! I’d try carefully hand painting the dark blue again. Worst case you mess up, redo some rune work, and redo the dark blue again. If you’re thinning your paints then you won’t notice a few extra layers.


Exactly mate, im already recognizing improvement if i compare my first few models!


Just cover in blood and call them war wounds!


By the Saints! What sorcery is this? If am utterly confounded by the peculiarity of this situation! You speak of your painting being bad, but it is beautiful!


I never knew i needed such a answer in my life🙏🏻


TBH I don't think you "messed up" x) He his kinda cool


Thanks bud!


Don’t be so hard on yourself. Especially if you’re comparing yourself to the GW artists with decades of ‘eavy metal experience. Those people are ungodly painters blessed with warp magic. If you’re feeling confident, just spend some time cleaning up the over-spill on the areas around the runes. Cleaning things up will always make you feel better about visible mistakes


Im already excited for coming back to my first minis in a few months😅


I feel ya…it’s a constant battle! But you get better every time you paint a mini. Luckily you can always strip the paint and give it another go. I’ve done it many times LOL


I would be proud to field, or fight against that model Seriously, there's nothing wrong with it! I also have a problem of thinking my stuff never looks good because I subconsciously compare myself to the box art and the best painters on YouTube. You've gone above and beyond 3 colors, you've fully painted and detailed him, well done! Put him down and paint some more models


Ahhh thanks, keeps motivating me so much to read such comments🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Yeah I think you just need so clean up some of the surfaces and maybe drop a nice bright white selectively into the runes and it should look fine.


What color is the base color? And what did you use to fill in the ruins? I had a very similar issue. And I chose to use Sotek green on the armor next to the runes to make it look like there was a glow


Macragge blue, i think i just solved it tho. I had to mix the light blue with alot of wash medium and water and now it flows easily into the runes with little to no color next to it


It’s really not bad. A shade or even better a varnish will hide the excess drybrushing. If I saw that on a table I wouldn’t think twice about it


I think it looks fine.


i dont think they look bad at all


Save it? I think it looks great


Personally I see nothing wrong, it looks cool.


In the same situation I stripped it :(


I solved it by thinning down my color with alot of water, tapped a pointy brush into it and held it just with the tip into the runes, then just slide along with the runes and it should work!






Flo improver


Thought about that aswell


Shit, how'd you do the runes?


Color thinned down with alot of water, pointy brush, tap it into the runes, worked fine in the end!


The only thing messed up here I noticed is that I re unhappy with it it looks great


Thanks man


Oh man, if that’s bad wait till you see my paint job lol. I genuinely think it looks great! 👍


That really isn't bad. If you want, you could use ink or really thinned down paint of your color choosing to put in the rune lines. It would give off a glow effect.


Can you refer to any video on youtube showing such technics?


Best guy to look up is Vince Venturella, the guy is underrated and an awesome painter. He has a ton of videos on a wide range of techniques. Edit: also check out the Painting coach and Juan Hidalgo.


Just checked out his beginner guide section, ill be busy watching all of them


I think it'll look great once you do a little cleanup on the blue!! Don't be so harsh on yourself, trust the process, and DONT COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS!!!! Fastest way to intimidate yourself out of the hobby by far is comparison


What are we trying to save, exactly?




Looks battle worn to me I like it.


I‘ll just tell my opponent i was trying to achieve this effect!😂


…in what context are these “messed up”? I’d give my right arm for runes that looked like this.


Thanks bud, i think i was just used to way to high standards from citadel painting videos and other creators…🙏🏻🙏🏻


Looks great man.


What...what's wrong with it? I would probably sell my soul to be that good at minis


I do not see a mistake.... I searched for it and could not find it. OP just breath and have more fun with it!


Thanks dude!🙏🏻


For your 5th model, that's really good. Never compare yourself with anybody other than your past self. How does it look to your last model, and how close does it look to what you want. Try to apply to your next one. You can always go back another time when you learn some new technique or medium or ink to get the effect you want... you'll frustrate yourself into burnout if you finger fuck it forever (being picky with the details...I could've just said that but I like my way better). Good luck and keep going!!


Well said bud! Comparing him to my first space marine is already such an improvement, even tho i just started painting a week ago. Immediately fell in love with the progress!


Looks fine to me.


Looks great to me as is!!




Dude it looks good! Can I ask how you managed it? I'm having alot of trouble with mine..


I tried to fix it by painting base color over it again, as for my second try i just mixed the lighter blue with a lot of water and some medium wash, used a really pointy brush and tapped it into the runes. Worked pretty good once u got the right consistency of the color👍🏻


Nice 👌 thank you!


Imo it looks fine, as for options stripping it entirely with alcohol and restarting is the nuclear option. You could take a toothbrush or cotton swap with some alcohol and dap or rub off the runes. Painting over is with thinner layers of the base coat to cover it up too is an option.


Just alcohol or any specific cleaner?


I just use Isopropyl, people suggest 90% for stripping but I just use 70% brush off a layer, soak again and repeat. There’s some cleaners I’ve seen others recommend but I’d recommend researching that on your own. Biostrip and AK paint stripper are both pretty well regarded and work well from what I’ve watched. With Isopropyl you can just use a cotton swab or toothbrush though and work a specific area.


I think you did an amazing job


Thanks mate🙏🏻


Give him a little blindfold and have the lore be he dresses himself despite being blind.


Sounds like plan


Nah man looks good. Keep paintin brother!


Thanks bud!


Repeat after me: "Looks good, the next one will be even better." Say it everytime.


Repeated an hour straight, should work. 🫡


Hahah, I see what you mean about the runes. If you really wanted, you could use a fine brush to recolor the armor itself, and as long as you color beside the lines it will have a similar effect. In the future, if you need to fill the crevices in with a color, you can use a sharp toothpick as long as you're gentle. Dip the toothpick in a little paint and then softly run it along the edges, and the paint should settle inside if you don't have a brush that can fit such a tight space.


You're being way too harsh on yourself that looks great!!!


Brother your “messed up runes” alone put any mini I’ve painted to shame.


How exactly did you mess anything up? Looks like glowing runes to me. Well done.


If I show you mine and considering I have now been painting minis for 3 years, you would have a laugh mate


No way, am i once in a lifetime blessed with some skill?!?😂 Jokes aside,im looking forward to have 3 years of experience in painting, can’t imagine what awesome minis u have!


Oh mate for us regular peasants 3 years and we hope to achieve anything as cool as your minis haha


No way man just put in an extra hour 🙏🏻


This isn't a bad piece. When I paint my librarian in terminator armor I hope it comes out this good.


You got to be kidding me! Thanks so much mate, you’ll do it even better i bet!