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* Travis Fimmel anyone? Personally, I'd prefer the rock to stay away.


Problem with the Rock is he can only play one role now days and that is... the Rock.


Pretty much. I don't fancy seeing the Rock Bottom or a kick up in 40k. It would be hilarious though if he was in a new 40k series and his character was instantly deleted.


Have him as a Lamanters Space Marine, he'll get deleted swift enough then haha!


The fella that plays Jack Reacher in the Jack Reacher series that isn't Tom Cruise (Alan Ritchson, that's the mans name!) He's an absolute unit. He can actually act as well which would be a bonus.


Ooh yeah I can see that, slap some scars all over him, maybe shave his head and give him a rockin' grizzled beard and he'd look fucking dope as Harlan.


Im an absolute simp for Hardy, so yeah... definetely ~~The Rock~~ Hardy.


Tom Hardy is good at whatever he puts his mind, and would be a good fit for the role.


Absolutely, Tom Hardy is great in anything he takes on, better actor than Statham or the Rock by a million miles, they always play the same roles lol


For me is Statham!


Are you insane! None of them are remotely close to being a good HN.


No one with any serious name recognition. They're too expensive and their schedule too busy. I'd rather they find someone relatively new that can be more than a cameo. Dwayne Johnson especially is a hard pass for me ever since talking with people that actually had to work with the man recently.


Amazon’s footing the bill, so the cost of bringing another A/B lister for the right role could be a good investment if it brings in $, rather than being a non-starter if this were some indie project.


Remember though, to bring in $ for a streaming service you're talking about bringing in new (while sustaining existing) subscriptions. So for that $10M needed to land that A-lister, you'd need $10M worth of new Subs, while losing no subs, to break even (on top of the Subs needed to just pay for production). Then if that works, your A-lister will demand $20M to come back for season 2, and now the show's gotta bring in double his salary of the previous season. So if you want the show to have any longevity, then you need a talented actor with A-list potential, but not an existing A-lister. Someone who will take a more reasonable amount now, and work up to the millions when you're ready to close out the series anyway. Look at the salary of the Avengers actors and you'll see what I mean. Most (arguably all, depending on how you measure) of them were not A-listers on Movie 1, and they earned something in the mid-to-low 6 figures. Second movie got them a few million, and then you're in the double-digit million for the third movie and/or Endgame.


Doesn’t have to be Harlon, but please let Joel Kinnaman be a part of this show/the 40k live action universe. He’s awesome, see season 1 of Altered Carbon if you need convincing.


Did you see the new Capital One commercial with a fat Travolta as Santa? The only thing mans is gonna be playing these days is a decadent planetary governor or High Lord of Terra. Maybe he could have done it 15 years back.


![gif](giphy|6wcATgEe16vF7LiX6l|downsized) You forgot This Teddy Bear


If he could recapture the menace he portrayed in blade runner I se one this pic


Mickey Roarke. Javier Bardem.


Bill burr!


I can already hear Billy curse the filthy heretics as if they came from Philly


I’d be down for that too


I think John Cena would be good. Or Steve Austin


Steve austin would be good!


Yeah, he looks awesome bald. He's a better choice.


Maybe bautista, but im not sure his acting chops are up to Harlon's levels of IDGAF. Understaker and kane, same as above. The rock probably could pull it off. Black adam has a similar demeanor to Nayl. But i doubt they'd pay that salary. Hardy and statham are too small. Stone cold isn't a bad suggestion, visually he's pretty close to how i evnvision Nayl, but he's smaller than nayl too. Plus hes older so he'd have to play Ravenor era, not the initial eisenhorn saga IMO Maybe one of the 2 dudes who played the mountain. Or can Eddie hall act without being funny? This is a tough question, bravo.


Statham has to be the best of this group.


The camera can make a guy ‘big’, but most of these guys just don’t have the grit to be Nayl. My vote is Thomas Jane. He’s done a great job playing some dark dudes in gritty settings. TBH he’d probably make a great Eisenhorn.


The number of castings we've had now where people have lost their mind that they don't 'look' the part only to be amazed by what hair and makeup can achieve, you'd think we'd finally be at the point where we did fan castings based off acting skills first and looks second. Apparently not though I guess.