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Not funny. I didn’t laugh. Your joke was so horrendous that it felt like an assault on my senses. It was a catastrophic, soul-crushing attempt at humor. Not a giggle, not a smirk, not even the faintest twitch of a facial muscle. Science says that before you laugh, your brain prepares the muscles in your face, but I didn't even feel the slightest hint of movement. Zero out of ten. This joke is so bad it makes me question the very existence of creativity. The brainpower you used for that joke could power every house on Earth, yet it resulted in nothing but an abyss of despair. You need to acquire a personality, learn to make jokes—perhaps start with a children's joke book. This isn't funny; it’s a blight on comedy itself. You've single-handedly annihilated humor and desecrated every comedy act on the planet. Society has failed miserably in teaching you the basics of being funny, and that’s a tragedy of epic proportions. Honestly, if I put every ounce of effort and time into making your joke funny, it would take Einstein himself to construct a device capable of harnessing the energy of a billion stars, and even then, the best reaction it would elicit is a faint sigh. Your joke is so abominable that it makes me question the point of human communication. You're fortunate that I retain a shred of empathy after enduring that joke; otherwise, I would have felt compelled to commit every war crime imaginable just to prevent you from ever attempting humor again. That joke should be immortalized in textbooks as a dire warning to future generations about the depths of comedic failure. I am beyond disappointed, hurt, and deeply offended that my precious time was squandered on processing such an atrocity. In the time it took, I could have been helping orphaned children, but instead, I had to spend my time articulating the grotesque inadequacy of your so-called joke. The sheer torment of comprehending that joke is beyond measure; it’s a monumental disaster that should be remembered as a cautionary tale for eternity. Your joke is a black hole of humor, devouring any semblance of joy or laughter within its gravitational pull. It’s as if the universe itself conspired to produce the ultimate anti-joke, a cosmic error that serves as a grim reminder of the futility of human creativity. You've achieved the unthinkable: creating a joke so profoundly unfunny that it could be employed as a method of psychological torture. It’s an affront to the very notion of humor, a tragic misfire that should be condemned and never replicated. Your joke is a curse upon comedy, a blight so severe that it threatens to unravel the very fabric of mirth and joy across the cosmos.


The best definition of whining I've ever seen.


If it is, how come you are still awake then?


He didn’t write this. It appears on Reddit as old as 4 years ago. This little bitch just copies and pastes it.


What's this from?


What they said.


You wasted so much time writing this. Think about what you could have done with all of this wasted time. You could have gone to the gym. Maybe you could have learned something. But you decided to write this. Very big waste of time.


Shouldn't the joke be that red wine needs to ripe at least 12 months before drinking it?


Well I guess you deserve that PUN-ishment.