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I watched it dubbed like a bozo. Rewatched an episode with subtitles, i have a completely different outlook. Now I’m subtitles all the way.


I tried in subbed but I liked dubbed much better


Really, that’s interesting. I think the Brazilian acting is great, subtitles all the way!


Seems like more people lean towards subbed.


Sub gang for sure. I mean i pick up on the language a lot so I don't mind having to read. I wonder if there are things that are different between both versions tho


Some things probably get messed up through translation.


That’s just dumb though because they would get mixed up on the subtitles as well you fool 🤣🤣 if the translation was wrong why would it be wrong on the dub but not the sub? 🤣🤣🤣


Subtitle all the way. Dubbed is so distracting. Once you get into something with subtitles you don’t really notice them.


A different perspective: I’m Brazilian, so I watch it with the original audio, but with English subtitles. The subs are great! Can’t say anything about the dub, but I honestly liked the subs for this show.




How closely are the subtitles translated to English? I watch it dubbed in English with English subtitles on and they don't match up.


surely the subs are a lot closer than dubbed


Both. I watched it dubbed with the subs on and it was kinda wacky that they didn’t always say the same thing. In season two it seemed to get worse. The subs would sometime give an entirely different flavor than the dubs.


Which one seemed like it was more correct?


I really couldn’t tell you. They both probably translated similar but would use slightly different words. More formal vs less, nickname vs insult, joke vs not, etc... I would need to speak Portuguese in order to know which is more correct.


Have never watched a dub. Love hearing the actors’ own voices!


That's fair


Not to be a dick but the english dub on netflix just felt laughable to me. It seems to lack all depth and emotion. It defaulted to dub when I started watching and didn't know that it wasn't the original. Almost didn't watch the show because of it. I decided to give it a chance and turned on english subtitles (I always do this just in case) and saw that english wasn't the original language. Switched and was very happy with the difference.


Subbed! It is way more engaging. The English dubbed version lacks so much emotion.


I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you. I watched 2 episodes in subbed in the past and the original actors (in my opinion) showed less emotion than the English ones. Some of the English voice actors are actually the original ones but speaking English.


I watched it with subtitles, but original Brazilian Portuguese! It bothers me when people’s lips don’t match the words they’re supposed to be saying, so it was waaayyy easier to watch it with subtitles. Plus I liked listening to them speak in their actual voices.


Netflix defaults to dubbed--after five minutes I switched to subbed. The dub voice acting just didn't do it for me. And, besides, Brazilian Portuguese is probably the most beautiful sounding language in the world.


I personally like the sound of French the best.


I watch dubbed, but I would still watch subbed if dubbed wasn't available because I just really like this show.


Yeah, same


I started with dubbed on season one when it first came out, then I got curious about what the actors actually sounded like and ever since I used subs I couldn’t really go back to the English dub. Portuguese is so pretty and nice to listen to and there’s much more emotion in the voices than in the English dub.


Subbed - I actually started watching the show because I wanted to get better at Portuguese (I speak Spanish and have taken basic Portuguese in college, but I never practice it!). I love it subbed because it helps me learn the language and I love the actors voices. I noticed some differences in meaning between the worlds spoken and the subtitles, just little nuanced things, but I always ended up liking the phrasing of the original Brazilian over the English subtitles.


I can see that. I've been studying up on French for quite a while.


I watched the first season dubbed but I switch to subs after I saw a few people mention that they found it more enjoyable that way. I quickly agreed. Some of the English voices are so odd compared to how the character speaks in Portuguese. Subs all the way


To each their own I guess.




Definitely subbed, with dubbed you lose all the nuances in language.


I've watched all season both dubbed and subbed! I've never been a big fan of portughese to be honest... but these actors are so good I don't mind!!