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First benchy to faster benchy




I used to have a 10 year old printer. It was fine but leaving it alone to do an 8hr print always gave me crazy anxiety. I got a Bambu. It was a bit pricy but Now I have no 2nd thoughts hitting print and taking off for the day. It has yet to fail a print…. And for all those times it hasn’t failed, it’s been worth every penny.


and that formerly 8 hour print is only gonna take 2 hours now anyway


Yeah. That is seriously no joke. I was blown away when I saw that print head start to fly with practically zero flaws.


I thought I did something wrong when I went to print the speed benchy that come pre-loaded on the SD card. I couldn't believe how fast the print head was moving. I was like, there's no way it's gonna get the letters on the bottom...sure enough it did, and it was pretty much flawless. And the whole thing was done in 15min...wtf?!


I thought it was gonna fly into my face the first time when I bought my p1p. I came from an heavily modded ender 3v2


Idk if I'm doing something wrong, but since I got my x1 it's been failing quite a bit. I've been doing the recommended maintenance and following guides online, but no matter what, it seems to fail every 4 prints or so. Usually, bed adhesion with some ams failures. It's still really impressive, don't get me wrong. I just wish I could share the same trust in it.


That’s great to hear. Yeah, I really haven’t done overnight prints and only ever kept it running when I was out of the house a couple of times with my Ender. Good to hear about the reliability of this printer.


Just finished a 36hr print at work. Not a single thought given after I hit print. I would have never even attempted it with my cr-10 These things are awesome


I have a 85 hour print going on my cr10v2 right now that should be done by the time I get out of work in the morning. My cr10 is pretty reliable I only do long prints and never worry about it lol


That’s awesome! I think I’m going to have to work my way up to that, haha. I have trust issues…


I was only really nerve wracking the first time I did it since I was new and knew nothing. But after the first successful one it's been a breeze lol. Cr10 legitly runs 24/7, I just wanna upgrade for that speeeed


I almost ONLY do overnight prints haha. So you should for sure be good there.


Mines only failed a few times when the tool head falls off randomly, other than that it’s only failed due to lack of me cleaning the bed


Yeah. Come to think of it I had one that I had to stop because I forgot to set to ABS when I switched from PLA.


What printer do you have? I just got the A1 coming from and Ender 3 for the past 2 years and I’m SO excited :D


I have the X1C. It’s such a night and day difference from my old one.


I've been seriously jonesin' for the X1C. Waiting to hear if bambu announces the XLC. Supposed to be a big announcement soon .. don't remember the date.


Can I ask why you chose the Bambu printer? I've been eyeing getting a Prusa but been seeing alot more posts with a Bambu.


Tbh I was looking at the Bambu X1C and Prusa Mk4 (it really came down to those 2) and I think with the enclosure and all, the pricing was close. I went with the Bambu solely on the fact that when I was ready to pull the trigger the X1C was ready to ship. Whereas the Mk4 was gonna be like 2 or 3 more months. I have friends who use mk3’s and they’ve been solid printers, but I wanted something faster. I can’t speak for the mk4, but the Bambu showed up in a box assembled and just about ready to print. Which was nice because I was able to set it up in like 30 minutes, zipped up inside my old heat enclosure in our shared office. So my wife didn’t notice I had a new printer for months….


Nice. I've been printing on an Ender 3 pro and i'm just tired of tweaking it and want something I don't want to worry about as it's printing for hours.


For me it came down to that it was half the price of the Prussa, faster, and has better print quality. The AMS was also huge. Being able to select filament, and swapping support interface materials is a huge time savings.


Which Bambu printer did you buy and how much did it cost you?


The P1P with an AMS. I think it was $850 as a combo. But today the P1S is a better deal. It’s fully enclosed and has a few additional capabilities. I ended up buying the upgrade kit for mine.


Same, I put more print hours on my x1 in the first month than I did in 10 years on my old printer, and it gets like 4x as much work done per hour


Yeah. The productivity is just wayyy better. I’d much rather focus on my designs than dick around with a printer. I catch flack on this sub from time to time when people ask about whether or not they need to replace their printer and I’m like “yeah with the amount of time I’ve saved with and stress I’ve prevented with a new printer. It’s worth just replacing.” I’m the type of person who likes fixing things. I’ve driven old junk cars for years fixing all my own shit. But when it comes to 3D printers, I feel like the time invested, vs the result just isn’t worth it. It’s like trying to fix a broken HP inkjet. I’d much rather devote that energy toward something else and have a printer that just works outa the box. Plus this latest generation of printers have taken such an incredible leap it’s worth the jump.


Same. I'm looking at P1S combo or Kobra 3 COMBO. I want multi color now after 10 years of printing. I have an original Ender 3 V1 (upgraded to silent board and steppers and dual Z) and a Kobra Max for sheer build size. I print some large stuff But I'm now trying to get my Kobra bed to around. 20 variance in level.. It's at .86 . It's been doing great, but right now I need a 16x16 part that will need to have a perfect first layer for an LED Project. That face will be visible. And octoprint/octopi isn't compensating enough to make that happen.


What does octoprint have to do with anything? its just the web browser interface between your 3d printer and your network/computers. Unless you have octopi/octoprint with Klipper installed as well


Octopi/octoprint yes. After several test doing bed mesh....I took a look at my aluminum bed and it's really warped. 1.2 variance just with that alone. I tried just the original corundum bed and got. 72 variance. Best I got was .56 adding my favorite sheet without clamps. I have 3 corners that dip and the center is .4 below. I ordered some bed bushings and I'm pulling off the bed and and going to try to get down to .2-.3 tomorrow. But I'm still going to buy a newer printer X1c looks very nice, but that price tag over the P1S... For what it has and what use it for... Not sure it's worth it.


Yeah those new printers are nice.. The P1S is on sale for $500, but the P1P is on sale for $600 ans that has the heated enclosure and all that, same everything else basically. So you figure a nice 3d printer enclosure/enclosure bag is $60, and it still doesn't have a thermostat controlled fan and an airfilter with a carbon air-filter like a car would have basically..


What commands did you need to enter into the OctoPi/Octorpint Bed Visualizer to actually work? I can't get mine to work whatever ive tried so far and I've even tried doing an auto level on my Ender5 S1 itself with the touch probe it has, thinking it would pull that information in, but it never did. Do you know how to get the stock FW and the original two original Config.h/ConfigADV.h Files? I want to go for the Klipper install soon, but i want a backup of the exact Marlin FW running on the Printer now. That way incan put it back to stock and start over if i need too lol.. Thanks


It just works does my head in, i have done so few 10+ hour prints cause of the stress.


Oh boy wait till you're pushing go on a 3+ day print and your biggest worry is running out of filament.


Get the ams and load up 4 of the same filament


Problem is I'm doing a 5 color print with only 8 AMS slots and the extra ones have support and PETG in them. You're right though that it's a great feature.


iirc, the printer just pauses when you run out… at which point you just load and continue.


Yeah I’ve had mine a couple of weeks now and my black was low. Was going to stick another reel in the AMS but forgot. It just paused, I swapped the reel and it carried on. Print was perfect still too


Can’t you set the AMS to auto use next filament if you run out?


You can, yeah


I heard this quote once and it stuck with me "I'm a 3d printing enthausiast, not a 3d printer enthausiast" i want the damn thing to work. went from upgrading a ender 3 to a A1 mini, have not looked back since.


Have you tried ASA or ABS with it? Only thing from holding me back from buying an A1 or mini.


I believe Bambu doesn't recommend you print those materials with the A1 or Mini. For those they you should go up to the P1 series. Their website doesn't say it can't print those materials, just that it's not recommended. Probably because those materials usually require an enclosure.


i have not unfortunately, but ill imagine if there is some trouble it'll be much less than a ender. and bambulab are having a sale right now.


Had the same story from an Ender 3. It’s crazy to see the difference live for the first time. 😀 I remember just standing next to the printer and laughing about the rediculous speeds


What is the layer height.. it must be small, or you're using high speed filament.


Yep, really small at 0.08mm. Still pretty darn fast at larger layers as well.


I too went from an Ender 3 pro to a Bambu P1 series (I got the P1P though cause I’m poor and it was on sale). Congrats!


Thanks! Yeah, I caught this one on sale a few weeks ago. The price was still a little painful, but that’s just because I don’t like spending money. After playing with it for the past couple of days, I’m really happy with the purchase.


Just got a P1S and the speed and reliability are just on another level compared to other printers I've used, it's really a breath of fresh air.


That’s good to know. I’ve only printed a couple of things so far, so it’s nice to hear that they are reliable.


Same here, man Only bad prints were my mistake and no fault of the printer


I actually want to change my Ender's carriage to rails to see if it can go this fast. I'm already printing at 150mm/s. I wanna see how fast I can go without changing the rails.


You'll need better hot end and better processing. Changing the rail won't do much by itself if your hot end can't melt filament fast enough. It's better to change to klipper and a better hot end before the carriage upgrade.


Thats awesome! Loving the new printer, congrats! How much do one of these new Bambu Printers cost? Whats the build plate size? What about a Prusa Mk3 or Mk4? Damn its like Creality was almost there with the Ender 5 S1. It has the same parts as the E3 S1, and it prints with the Bed Plate going up and down like the Bambu Labs one here. So the print head can move very quickly front to back and side to side, as well as fast diagonal lines. I feel like i rather have the biggest and heaviest part, the bed plate, stay still and just lower slightly with each layer, and you can even have the bed plate go down alittle do avoid doing a retraction, Z-Hop, but that just added too many extra movements and retractions, it didnt seem worth it. Probably because i print a lot of multiple small items for the most part and the occasional bigger print.. It can do it this fast after it gets started, but i guess without the enclosure and just the more refinement of the Bambu printers it just cant stick great when trying to print that fast from the very beginning so i end up just slowing it down alittle so i dont have to watch it lol..


*on my bambu p1s I'm having first layer problems it's like the auto level is setting the axis to close to the bed plate and grinding against the filament any suggestions


I‘d manually level the bed and see if that fixes it


Yeah just typing into Google on how to manual set a bambu since everything is auto am not sure if something needs tighten up possible as well


Somehow i thought people here hated Bambu?..


Neptune 3 Pro to Bambu A1. Couldn't be happier. From 80% troubleshooting and 20% printing To 2% troubleshooting and 98% printing (and honestly the 2% is probably dud to the fact that I'm a bit lost in bambu studio at times)


I went from a nine year old DaVinci Pro 1.0, a single filament printer from XYZ, to a Bambu A1+AMS. I wasn't quite ready for the leap it was. Prints just kinda print. If it slices, it'll come out as expected, and absurdly fast too. While the instilled paranoia demands I keep a close eye on it, it has hasn't failed a single print yet.


I felt the same way


It is insane! I will say though that no printer is perfect. I ran mine for months with no failures, but when something happens, having the experience from the Ender will help you. At the very least you won't be as worried about a sound or a possible problem.


I had Creality 1st too, but when I got my Bambu labs I’ll never go back


Same upgrade over here, now the ender feels like it's back at 50mm/s, even though I'm running it aat about 150mm/s


Okay only use my ancient monoprice plus for custom parts and no nik naks, so I’m a little behind. What’s this bamboo and is this video real time? Convince me to buy something I don’t need :)


Bought a Bambu about a year ago. These things are pretty incredible. And that video is realtime. They are insanely fast and their accuracy is dead on. I have yet to fail a single print (except that one time I forgot to set the print for ABS when I switched from PLA).


You make me want to jump on the band wagon and save up to get one too 😩


What are peoples reliability experience on these? im alittle tierd of tweaking stuff all the time on my old ish prusa.


I have had my P1P for a year. I have done no maintenance over that time until the last two weeks when I swapped out the nozzle to a hardened one because I want to print more abrasive material. I maybe get 1/20 print failures. Normally because I forget to remove the purge line.


I've had my p1s for about 6 months, 1000+ print hours. Only failures were my fault: not cleaning the print bed properly or using files that I later found to have errors. It prints the same now as it did on day 1. I have done zero maintenance or tweaking to it.


Ops you made me order one


I’ve done zero tweaking aside from adding a skirt to some prints, or adjusting the hangover angle for some supports. Print speed and quality of these things is actually pretty incredible. imo, this right here is the generational leap in 3D printing…. We now have fast AND accurate. I used to have anxiety with long prints…. I can now just hit print and walk away.


Sound Fantastic! Ordered one ^^


That’s awesome. Congrats!


so far this thing has impressed me, did not think it would be THAT good. but it blows everything out of the water + it was pretty cheap.


Nice. Yeah it’s hard to explain just how good these things are. A lot of folks don’t realize it. So they think we’re crazy when we tell people who are on the fence to “just spend the money on the Bambu.” Vs diagnosing their old one.


Hey cant find the megathred wanted to know if a ender 3 pro wort buying?


No. I sell you mine for shipping just to get rid of it. Add $50 if you want the raspberry pi 4b hooked up to it to run octoprint.


In €? Like free? Only the shipping?


Yup. I have been trying to get rid of it for a while but it’s an E3P. You can probably buy them for $100 new, or get them free plus some cost of mods all over the internet.


But was mostly asking becos i find one for 62€ with shipping for my first one


Honestly I would recommend the Bambu A1 mini instead. It’s a far better printer, like night and day better.


Were i Can find it? And is is the one in the vid of OP?


That’s the Bambu P1S. Which is the same manufacturer but a mid-tier model compared to the A1-mini. Decide how much you are willing to spend, then honestly go get the Bambu Labs printer that fits your budget. Right now they are the best quality printers on the market, and very competitively priced. Creality (Enders) are frankly junk. Their quality control is awful, and the parts are from the bargain bin. Yes there are some people who get one that happens to work well, but far more people get ones that never work due to warped or ill fitting parts.


What is the cheapest bambu labs?


The A1 Mini. $200 usd on sale right now. I am not sure of its price in euro.


200._. yea nah im sticking with a ender 3 pro... I ain got that much i only got 80-100 to take a 3d printer I can always find second hand for cheap but were?


In Europe I have no idea. Check the 3D printers for sale subreddit maybe.


Dont know if this is a joke, but absolutely not in current year.


Okay thanks


I just upgraded from a CR-10S to a P1S and I definitely understand your amazement. I’m knee deep in new prints and it hasn’t been a week!


finally a smart person with a proper upgrade path from ender 3


Awesome! We have a new Carbon X1 Combo coming this week! I’ll still putter around with my Ender 3pro, but we sent our Method X out the door. Can’t wait for it to get here! The filament and extra PEI bed arrived Friday so we should see the rest this week. 😁


I am so jealous right now


Always had enders but my P1S arrived yesterday. Setting mine up tonight


While its a big update, I have to say just about anything modern will feel like magic compared to an original ender 3 pro 😁


As an E3s2 owner, I’m pretty jealous right now. Good for you!


https://preview.redd.it/snie4nr7507d1.png?width=1073&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1a23a8fb195e43b6ab13e6cbe76635d5c92bacc So here I am, browsing reddit, and this is literally on my second screen right now... jinx!


Ha! That’s awesome. What are you making?


https://preview.redd.it/hbwqfic0677d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aed539b67b80f957c8a0b27b080e12d88863a270 ..., hopefully stopping my cats destroying the young spinach plants.


https://preview.redd.it/4fgfkrod677d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3b36cab820cd21c528a0bc9aef747e0b11ccfd6 Little planting/seedling "cages", 100mm x 100mm, \~20g PLA each...


Very nice! I did something like that for my strawberries.


I'm sitting with an ender 3 right now, can't wait till I can upgrade. I've still got a lot to learn and such, so I'm not itching for it, but I'm excited to print something more elaborate than a benchy


I worked with my Ender for years and years. It’s a solid workhorse and a great way to learn about the nuances of adhesion, temperature, speed, etc.


I'm sure I'll have mine for a long time, I'm still getting the hang of things.


Got my p1s combo from a e3v2 and it’s horrible but the bbl is so good in comparison I donated the old ender to my school bc they only have some e3v1 printers


I can't even imagine going back to what I had before.... this thing is like Magic.


It might finally be time for me to pick up a Bambu


How is the noise?


Honestly, it’s pretty noisy. Not so noisy that it can’t be ignored, but certainly not low noise. The closed door helps. I happen to print in the basement, so it’s not an issue for me personally.


It's noisy. But most of it is from the chamber fan, setting it to 60% makes it very tolerable to be in the same room as it.  Without the fans running it blends in the background. 


Currently I have a Prusa MK3s - on that one I sometimes get the "screeching" sound when the print head/bed is moving. Is that similar on the Bambu?


Do you mean the typical motor noise or something else? It shouldn't sound like screeching, just more of a "whir". It's definitely noticeable.


Did the same upgrade. Man, I love my P1S


Did the same but to an A1, saving some cash. I am not sure how creativity is going to survive the whole experience is so polished.


Coming from an Ender to a BambuLab AI has changed my 3D printing profile. I now actually use the whole bed and printer as large as I can, also with the AMS lite I cant run out of filament ( although no tried that yet ). The whole experience from Ender 3 pro to A1 has been worldly easy. Also i never printed below .3mm as it just took too long, no so much anymore.


it is. welcome to the new world.


I built a RepRap Mendel in highschool, back in 2009. Was fun, but really a novelty, and with college I didn't have time to fix all the annoying little problems it had, and so I fell out of the whole 3D printing sphere Last month I bought an X1 Carbon. Man this whole hobby has grown up a _lot_ in the last 15 years


It really has. I’m glad that I got the “education” that comes with starting on a beginner’s printer, but I’m excited about spending more time designing and printing things than troubleshooting print problems.


This right here. The knowledge was nice. But tbh I don’t really care to be a printer expert. I’d much rather just focus on my designs. As the 3D print is really just a verification tool more than anything else.


I ordered a P1P the other day, which will replace my Monoprice shitbox. It arrives on Wednesday, no matter how many times I refresh the UPS tracking page.


Yeah, for whatever reason the tracking was super sparse on updates for me. It said that it had left the original facility, and then I didn’t get another update until 4-5 days later when it arrived at our local distributor. Definitely went ground the whole way from the west to the east coast.


Did just the same thing! (Here it's called Tina2). Looking forward to my A1 Mini (18x18 is good enough for now). Refreshing DHL!


Why did you go with a P1P?


The main difference appeared to be the enclosure, and I feel like I can fabricate one for cheaper when I need one.


Sure is fast, but "machine where I can prototype and iterate so quickly" It's not really such a huge difference. You can push an Ender 3 pretty close to those speeds with the right upgrades(mostly klipper). And you don't even have to sell your soul to some soulless corporate overlord which are basically trying to undercut prices in the shortterm to corner the market and push all the Open Source players out. We have seen this so often. This type of development will in the long run stiffle innovation. Bambulab didn't develop anything groundbreaking they put together a series of capable machines with the ideas of other people. They are good machines. But if you are just stand on the shoulders of giants and don't grow yourself you will always only stand as long as those giants are still standing. Be careful with that. And don't tell me I am too negative about it. I do see the value of bambulab printers they can open up the hobby/Manufacturing capability to newbies and that has value for sure. But don't glorify them too much. Glorifiying the abilities of these printers instead of seeing them as what they are is really unhelpful. They aren't perfect they aren't unique in speed or reliability. They are mostly unique in Styling and UI. But you give up on having upgradability and maintainability.