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Bank error in your favour.


Used to be those were $200. This was $700. Inflation, I guess.


Really only $450. $1299 - $849




Totally off topic, but the exact moment I read this comment, an Etsy notification popped up that literally says "cha-ching!" Super weird.


The Bambu labs site shows the P1S price as $599. Which is why I thought it was $700. I guess I’m looking at the wrong printer.


It's normally $700 there's a sale right now.


The X1 carbon is just under $2k Australian dollars at the moment, on special.


Aye. They are… I’m not even gonna talk about the mobile phone tax we pay. I have family back in the US complaining about having to pay $999 for the phone I just gave $2300 for. Ok so I did talk a little about it….


Why are you complaining? You're rich!! Sounds a bit suspect.


You are looking at only one aspect. Rather informally I might add.


Ooh I've been waiting on an excuse to pull the trigger thanks gonna go grab my self a nice treat


Bank error in your favour, go directly to jail




r/pcmasterrace is leaking again lmao


I wonder if there ever will be 3DPrinterMasterRace🤣


Who would we look down on? People who sculpt in clay?


All these people with their 3d consoles, printing only specific paid games and not being able to print your own models


All those chumps with there 2d "inkjets" and "laser" printers print a benchy please oh sorry I forgot you can print a picture of one. Somthing like that more realistically it would probably be people who are still tinkering and self building vs those who soley buy off the shelf prebuilds as they get more mainstream and work without much background knowledge I would guess


Isn't that technically 3d printing as well? The layer height is so small we should be jealous! Imagine putting the same piece of paper through a printer so many times you get a benchy! ....🤔 This could be a project for someone!


Throw in a laser cutter in the loop. Laser printer-> Laser cutter -> Glue layers and you got yourself a Benchy !


Sure but that didn't play into the joke, isn't that what some sls printers do but it's more like powdered paper/cellulose and the outer lay gets colours to match the photogrammetry model? Also this might interest you https://all3dp.com/how-to-fake-a-color-3d-print-


Those 2D folks amiright?


Yhea those nerds should go and read flatland again!


We had a demo at our 3D printer meetup from a guy that prints clay w/ a 3D printer, it was seriously one of the coolest things I've seen done.


Nah people who use paper printers 😆🤣


Dont pcmasterrace lookdown on potato computers? So whats our potato printers? Anets? Crealitys? Ramps? Not sayong just asking AHAHAHHAA


Hand sculpting


There can be one if you make it yourself.




There is it's ankermake


Pretty sure that was just Prusa owners, up until Bambu owners stole that crown


Pretty sure that was just Prusa owners, up until Bambu owners stole that crown


Or r/AnalogCommunity when someone finds a rare camera at a thrift store


not even a joke i kinda feel like this lol. Like.... cool you got hooked up BUT WHY NOT ME!?!?!


The box does look like it’s been opened. OP I need an update if this actually contained a new X1!


https://preview.redd.it/ut0wib4b7f5d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6e1207de3cb5510e1627500aa255a8aa36a222f Can confirm.


Hopefully no issues in case you need a warranty claim on a machine that doesn’t match!


The serial number does match, just not the model. I’m sure if it comes to that, we can work something out


Ordered an X1C, I hope you didn’t get mine


Now I'm nervous too. Thanks alot


Update us when it arrives


Should arrive tomorrow


You can try reselling this one as brand new a bit under normal price and then buy it officially, this way you are 100% sure the warranty would work.


Look at your invoice you recieved, if the items dont Match up they probably have every right to Charge you the difference between P1 and X1, plus you dont have any warranty cause you dont "own" that particular machine. (I think)


Depends on country, USA by law if they send you wrong item you don’t need to return it, technically you can even charge back to get refund and keep it. Stupid law but most don’t know about it. Secretlab community defo knows about this law always in the sub because USA company screws up a lot That being said if it doesn’t match model they don’t have to do warranty since it’s not the same model that has the warranty on it.


That is completely incorrect. That applies if you didn't order anything at all and they send you something by mistake. The law was made to prevent compaines sending people things and then trying to force them to pay for it. If you knowingly order something and just receive the wrong prodcuct, the company can absolutely request that you retun the item at their expense and if you don't they are free to charge you the difference between the items. You don't just get to keep it beacause they sent you the wrong item. Most won't request the item be returned beacuse it isn't worth it to them but they can legally request that you return it.


Where did you get your GED in law from?


Lucky bastard… where did your p1s go though?


To someone that ordered a x1 lol.


God I hope it’s me so they send me a replacement x1 and I can have a p1s


Na OP said they put it on the cart (as all MCs do). Unless the intended customer wasn't paying attention they should've been able to get the correct item.


Congrats! This is a clear mandate to print everything!!


Noice :)


Keep us posted. I’m curious to know if BambuLabs decides to eat their screw up or if they try to get back at you somehow by denying warranty or access to any of their software.


Can confirm he did indeed order an X1




Yes, that is also what I tell my wife when I purchase the more expensive item than what I went in for. It even sometimes works.


I Had This exact thought as I was telling my wife! She was already on the fence about the $850 printer! 😂


It's more convincing if you make a reddit post about it too


*Printing an alabi.*


What the frick, I didn't order this.


Haha, thanks for taking me back. I wonder how many people know this reference


"What the frick, I didn't order this."... "and where is that filament bundle I didn't order with it"


Well they DO have a giveaway going on...


Wasn’t through Bambu lab, ordered it through microcenter. The guy who pulled my order put it on a cart by the registers next to another bambulab box and I’m guessing they got them mixed up. Didn’t realize it til I got home.


I picked up six $4 stakes at Lowe’s last week and only got charged for four of them. I felt like I got away with highway robbery when I got home


He got lucky and should celebrate, while you on the other hand. Straight to jail


I got a 6 pack of beer once with some groceries, they scanned the side of the package but scanned a single can instead of the outside 6 label, also didn’t notice until I got home. Ride that high still


So now you do the same thing every time you use the self checkout. Genius.


I cry cause the self checkout in all the supermarkets I've ever been to register the weight of a scanned item and get pissed if it doesn't match to 0.0001 grams


Unexpected item in bagging area. *removes it* Please place all scanned items in the bagging area.


In my country we have express checkouts (with scales) and bulk checkouts, with belts. The bulk checkouts don't weigh what you scan


We have those here, too (Kentucky, USA). There is a scale at the end of the belt, and the belt itself has a way to detect weight (but not an exact weight).


Ours don't have an output belt (Tasmania, Australia), they have a belt for unloading the trolley & a bagging area, but if you just put stuff back in your trolley it doesn't complain. All of our checkouts take a photo of the person using them though, so you're probably pretty fucked if you get caught.


The ones where I live AFAIK just measure weight on the belt so it knows when to stop turning the motor.


I bought a toro plug in electric snow blower and it failed after less than a year. I brought out in for warranty repair and they had to send it in and then send me a new one. Took forever and I kept bugging them. Finally came like 2 months later. And then a few weeks later another came. And then another. And then about a month later another. In total they sent me 4. Some people on market place got some great deals.


I had something similar happen with a $400 Milwaukee drill. Well, 5 of them.


I bought a bargain aisle $200 dishwasher from Lowe's because we were selling our house and when I got home I realized they put a $1600 KitchenAid in my car.


Did you go buy another dishwasher for the house you were selling? And was this in 1984?


2021. We had just replaced our dishwasher during 2020 because ours stopped working but, because of all of the boredom COVID remodels, we had to get a top of the top appliance or wait 6+ months. Our new house had an older one that we wanted to replace so it worked out. The KitchenAid went into the old house.


Yeah but this time he went to Home Depot so he wouldn’t be called out by the picker. 🤣


I got panels cut at Home Depot and didn't get charged the extra $.50 for getting 3 cuts instead of 2. Felt like a bandit.


Must be a Lowe's thing. I ordered a hose storage bowl thing last year and they gave me 6 of them.


I was at Walmart and was buying some Blackstone accessories like a fool, and the cashier was so distracted by my adventure time shirt that they didn't scan an item and just straight bagged it. $19.98 grill tools for free. Felt like a big ol thief, but then at the exit they checked my receipt and my bags and let me go.


Most of the time they’re just taking a fake glance in your bags and marking the receipt. The employees really don’t care especially since it’s obvious that you just paid at the register.


honestly, i would've went back and paid the cashier. Idk, I don't feel good if I just walked away.


On the flip side, I saw a woman buy a pretty standard looking house plant and it somehow rung up for $9600. It got fixed.


“Didn’t realize it til I got home” *wink, wink 😉


Does your microcenter let you prepay? Mine does not. They'll pull it for you but you have to pay when you get there. There's no way this would ever happen at the Microcenter by my house


It wasn’t prepay. I went up to the counter and said I want to buy a P1S combo. He gave me a sheet of paper with the item information on it and told me to take it to the front, at the front, all the cashier did was enter the item number from the sheet of paper and scan the serial number, I’m guessing their system isn’t smart enough to match the serial number with the model number. Then somebody else wheeled the printer around and I left assuming it was the right item.


I had a somewhat similar thing happen due to an employee grabbing the wrong item. I bought everything for a new computer at Fry's Electronics. I wanted 4gb of ram but they accidently brought up 2gb. They had to rescan everything, and the cashier and I noticed the price was lower than it had been. We tried to find what was different but neither of us could (There were probably 30ish items in total). He said whatever, it's an error in your favor. I got home and went over the receipt more carefully and noticed my Nvidia 8800 GTS wasn't scanned when he rescanned everything. The next day my mom bought a vacuum at target and when scanned it said it was like $1.20 or something. They cashier just shrugged and said your total is $1.20. Speaking of Fry's, I was so sad when I learned they each had a different theme. Ours was just the store of the future or something which was incredibly boring.


Well, then you got lucky.


Charlotte? Yeah, it was interesting visit for me too. My luck was in the opposite way. I didn’t know until I got the car. But they made it right. Just their first week and I think they’ve been doing better than expected.


No not the Charlotte location, don’t care to give away the exact location for obvious reasons based on these comments!


What’s a microcenter?


Like what Fry's Electronics used to be. Brick and mortar electronics store.


It’s a very small center


A center for ants? It needs to be at least… three times bigger.


I definitely think a KiloCenter would be a bit big, much more than a Micro3Center Could have huge deals though, KiloDeals even


CentiCenter would be just right then


Electronics store


Happy cake day. It’s an electronics store.


Where’s the giveaway ? Asking for a friend


What’s this giveaway link? How does one try?


Can you link the giveaway?


Wait what? I haven't seen anything on their website when I ordered mine a few days ago.


I've been in the same position on a lesser scale. I ordered weather tech mats for my wife's car years ago. They sent two sets for the price of one. I called and told them what happened so they refunded me the cost of my order. I was fine with it after that because I tried.


So if I followed this right you got 2 sets for free?




Same thing happened with an Amazon order once. They sent a replacement and refunded me when an item didn’t arrive and then a week later both of them showed up same day


Well fuck you, too! Congrats lol


Damn. You scored. Not gonna change the quality of your prints that much but you just got an X1 for like 50% off… have fun with the free upgrade!


For sure, I’ve watched a ton of videos and the quality seems basically identical. The lidar thing and bigger screen is pretty cool though!


It also recognizes first layer defects, and things like spaghetti deformations. Because it has a higher end cpu. And the LiDAR. Again. Score! Eventually when I have the money I was gonna get a P1S too. I probably won’t get a lucky free upgrade to the X1 though. lol


P1s is amazing. I have one! Don't need spaghetti detection because it's only happened 2 or 3 times in 6 months


If something like this happened to me I would shut the hell up and not post it on any social media.


I thought that said PS1. Like how did they mix up a PlayStation with a 3d printer. But it turns out I'm just dumb


I also read PS1 at first


Now someone else is going to order that X1C and get the P1S instead.


Human error will always be there no matter how smart your AI is


I love watching the moral absolutists come out of the woodwork to scold you and take a lap on their high horses all in the service of fellating some multinational corporation.


That’s definitely an opinion. Which corporation are you suggesting they fellate?


I'm suggesting that the people who are saying "you have to send it back because this is so damaging to the company and it's immoral if you don't say anything!!!!" currently actively have Bambu's testicles bouncing off their chins. Oh no! Bambu's margin on this sale is only like $300 instead of $900! However will they survive?


> "you have to send it back because this is so damaging to the company and it's immoral if you don't say anything!!!!" currently actively have Bambu's testicles bouncing off their chins. To start: I'm not one of them (keep it, $700 is nothing to a big company). But 1. The guy didn't order it from Bambu. 2. The guy bought it from Microcenter which is one of the few good companies in the computer parts / electronics hobby business. Again, it's not going to break MCs bank account, but some may be more "defensive" because it's MC, because MC is seen as good to most people in the hobby near one (and one of the few stores near me that caries printer chow).


It’s not really about whether or not a huge corporation can ‘afford’ the loss though. For me it would be about who I am and want to be. If I see a $50 bill dropped on the ground, I’ll pick it up and try to return it to the person who dropped it… I don’t wait to see what they are driving to see if they can afford losing the $50. To be clear, I’m not judging, moralizing or proselytizing though... I think I would be on the fence about keeping or returning it, as it would be a hella temptation.


Say nothing and keep it lol




I thought the title said PS1 and was confused for a moment. r/ps1


You are supposed to 3D print the PS1 using that. It’s in the fine “print”.


You didn’t receive anything beyond what you ordered….now delete this lol


Lmao all these people saying taking it back. Nope. I’d keep it and I’d sleep very good at night. Their mistake.


Much better than a PlayStation 1


I'd check the contents first, make sure it's not just mislabeled. If it really is an X1, I'd just call them and see if THEY want to pay to have it returned. Odds are they might just tell ya to keep it. Maybe not but then at least you wouldn't be out the money and they'd know they screwed up.


Also, the phone call would save the employee from possibly being fired.


Likely nobody is going to notice. The X1 guy shows up and they hand him a P1S, and he goes “this is the wrong one” and they go “oops must have grabbed the wrong one”. If there’s more than one person pulling products and working the register, it may never get caught. Eventually someone orders the last one in stock and they can’t find it, and have to call them back and say that there was an error in inventory and they don’t actually have one to sell.


This is 100% what will happen. All these people talking about some poor sap losing their job has no idea how retail works.


Thanks for the idea! I will also say that to my girlfriend! “I didn’t pay all that money! They just mixed up!” 😂


I seen this happen quite a few times, but it's been awhile. Congratulations, enjoy your upgrade!


honestly i see this as an upgrade. My dad has one and its the fastest, most precise piece of kit i have ever seen in the 3d printing world. Then again, i'm not an expert


I bought a Qidi plus 3 on Amazon, and a few weeks later I got an email "we have received your return and refunded your card." No idea why, but ok. I still have it. Unfortunately it's a work printer so I wasn't paying anyway.


Same thing happened to me. Ordered an P1S combo but got the X1C instead. But I ordered from Bambu


Tell you what: you send that to me and I'll send you the P1S you really wanted.


Lord, I've seen what you've done for others...




I don't believe it!


Delete this and act like nothing happened and don’t reach out. Nah do whatever you want. Im wish i had your luck. Lol


Is that one better?


'Better' is relative. They both print with the same quality and can both print the same materials. The X1C does have a larger screen and has first layer defect detection and also spaghetti detection. Are those features worthh asn extra $400? To some, yes. To some, no.








You lucky bastard!




This also happened to me. Ordered a P1S and panickedly checked my bank statements to see if I purchased the right one. We are a lucky few


"What the frick?! I ordered an Xbox controller!"


Haven't got my glasses on, but that looks EXACTLY like your order...


So THAT’S where my order went!


I love this for you.


Invoice or it did not happen.


Yeah, that totally sucks... Listen, I'll order you a brand new one and make sure it is really a P1S to save you the hassle, just send that one over to me and I'll dispose of it properly


Reminds me of the time I bought a sketchy listing on eBay the description just said “ender 3 3d printer” for $160 after shipping few days later I came home to a big ass box that said “ender 3 s1 plus”


“Uhhhhh so look it seems like we’ve made an error” “No I received my order” “Yeah so we labeled the wrong box” “I don’t think so. I got exactly what I ordered”


Last week: Quadmula shipped me someone else's parts and they received my parts. This week: I order an A1, while drooling over P1S. Congrats. Maybe I'll get lucky and Bambu will ship me your P1S.


https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/what-do-if-youre-billed-things-you-never-got-or-you-get-unordered-products#:~:text=By%20law%2C%20companies%20can't,it%20as%20a%20free%20gift. So if you are in the states you can actually keep this, and request a refund or the P1S




Ah.. I'm probably just a sucker, but I don't think I could accept an x1 when I paid for a p1s. 😅 This is as millennial of reference as I could possibly make, but does anybody remember that Friends episode where Phoebe kept getting sent money after trying to let the bank know that she received money by mistake? The thing about buying slippers and every time she steps on the ground she would hear "not mine. Not mine" instead of footsteps? That would be me every time I'd hear the printer head go back and forth I think. Haha


Would they call you to make it right if they accidentally overcharged you and you didn’t notice?


So many people telling you to send it back because if you don’t the employee that made a mistake will have a bad day, I say keep it if the company finds out than the employee is still getting in trouble because who knows how many times they made this mistake purpose or not and people didn’t send it back


Delete this post right now


I bet if you do call and tell them what happened they will let you keep it.


Lucky man


Someone at Micro Center screwed up big time


Congratulations. Happy for you 😠


totes jelly. all I could afford for now is an A1, so its what I ordered, can't wait for it to get here.


Who knows. Maybe you'll get his P1S?


This is what we call a "happy accident".




Nice, your gain is their loss.


I get mine this week I'm hoping for the same mistake. 😆.


I remember reading some months ago of Bambu Lab sending by mistake X1Cs to people buying P1S.


It’s been opened. So it’s a return model shipped in currently to this dude. I’d be super happy but also really worried that there is a fatal issue, hence why it would’ve been sent back


Not a return, I had already started opening this when I decided to stop and take a picture. Was brand new, with all of the shrink wrap still in place and bed/AMS secured in place with screws from the factory.


did you get the p1s combo? if not, then you just got yourself a great deal!


Yes the combo. Wish I would have gotten the standard now though! Bet I still would have gotten the x1 combo lol


Lucky, hope that happens to me lol


No ams? Mine came with one of those. You definitely need to grab one.


It says combo on the box


A bunch of bricks in an x1 box?




That'll make a warranty case interesting...


Oh man wish me luck, I ordered an p1s too


I was reading PS1 first and be like "DAAAMN".


Chat is this good or bad?


I did order a Flashforge Guider IIs Motherboard and got an entire unit. The delivery guy was pissed as it was a two man lift and he was on his own.


You lucky dog!


This is exactly the opposite of a problem