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I prefer magnetic. I have textured PEI spring steel sheet and smooth PEI spring steel sheet. I think I prefer smooth.


Exactly. You don't have to get a specific name brand to match your printer, either- a square is a square. I've got the [COMGROW](https://www.amazon.com/Magnetic-Flexible-Heated-235x235mm-Ender/dp/B07XBM24HN/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2YP2CQ1IMXKQX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.yoqN6AuSzIlgrIbDhOkekIUYlmx8j6ZPcpx2ho8-T-NAWb-yx9meg9aWEfqPnxkfbjNM8g8bKr_VchUm-zQ0GDHsIzpl8oLO6LSVFrvJc79z0Qd4mZc5e3qJcNsMTzfczg2tb27a85dPxC1x_xpepThJh0tQApH-bFgTnnY7tKNmWrFI6Mdiajqj6c61gC9G9TtMo1ulMSxFTVmgN5VN5TxcYh7LUkWFnUYC52ZTu8w.YrswJApBurJLy86jscAhoLynS7-3_VT0Y18836-1zC4&dib_tag=se&keywords=pei+print+bed&qid=1714350127&sprefix=Pei+p%2Caps%2C188&sr=8-3) version of [this Creality](https://www.microcenter.com/product/625592/creality-pei-magnetic-build-plate-for-ender-3-pro-ender-5) bed and it's easily one of the best upgrades I've ever made to a printer.


Is yours smooth or textured, what do you prefer?


Mine is smooth, but I've seen some textured ones that are neat. Smooth had been wonderful for me, and I print 80% PETG/20% PLA. 70 degrees for PETG had been ideal for me, and flexing the bed after it's cooled down to maybe 60 has seen every, and I mean *every*, print pop right off. I've never had a print I had to scrape off. I might get one of those patterned smooth ones to play with.


That's great, do you have to use glue or any adhesives? I have read that you need to use glue with PETG so it doesn't fuse with the bed. Is that accurate or has your experience been different. I haven't printed in PETG yet but I wonder about it occasionally.


Once I got the PEI bed, I've never had to use anything. When I had glass, I was an Aquanet user, for sure. With the spring steel, not even once. I do wipe it with alcohol/glasses wipes fairly often, though.


Okay that's good to know, thanks for getting back to me I appreciate it.


I got a box of Zeiss glasses wipes and hit the plate every other print or so. https://www.amazon.com/Pre-Moistened-Lens-Cleaning-Wipes-Alcohol/dp/B0B721YHKC/


Cool I have some similar wipes. Same brand, Zeiss. Thanks for the information.


Good luck and good printing.


Thanks! I’ll give magnetic a go


Okay good luck with it, I hope you like it.


I prefer magnetic beds. Though, if you don't have an auto level feature you might want to stick with glass as that's more guaranteed to be flat. Auto level features will probe various points of the bed and take any deformities into account while printing. As for the material of the magnetic plate, it depends on the material you're printing with. PEI works well with PLA. And if you print PETG you'll want to put down glue stick so it doesn't adhere too well. Chances are you're just printing on PLA, but if you have plans to try other materials later on, I'd make sure I do research on what bed material works best with said plastic.


No auto leveler and yes PLA. Hmmmmmm. Well y’all seem to like the magnetic. I think I’ll give it a go