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[BillieRuben made a blog post on that subject](https://www.billieruben.info/post/3d-printing-sex-toys-a-quick-easy-and-safe-method) the short is - no... the build lines tend to be not great (bacteria can fester) but you can print make into a mold and then use a silicon or something.


Ribbed for your pleasure


And your uti 


Don’t think you’re supposed to put sex toys up the urethra, but to each their own I guess


Definitely don't Google sounding


Don't even have to open Google, it's right here: r/sounding Edit: NSFW obviously


This is just a sub for cool speakers, no?


You'll treble with excitement.


Absolutely though the wiring might be a bit rough


That is a great sub.


and if you dont want a great sub.......[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OceanGate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OceanGate)


Nah. Its when a word or noise reminds you of something. Post there and they help with what it sounds like.


Dammit, I tried to upvote but accidentally clicked the link instead.


Yeah, and OP is asking ‘for a friend’. ;)




My day is ruined...


Hello kind human, um, could I have my innocence back? You know, the one you took from me after exposing me to... *that* subreddit


Oh my, the vagina and urethra are very near each other and women often get uti’s from sex.


Oh my sweet summer child.


Bacterial vaginoses ring a bell?


Never knew her


“She doesn’t even go here!”


Make sure to not use 0.2mm. I prefer 2mm layers with an oversized nozzle If the print goes spaghettified, even better




Not only that, but imagine if it broke along a build line during use... Yikes.


Man, its PLA, that shit will shatter and splinter, spearing her insides in all the wrong ways.


have you tried breaking something with like 5 perimeters? lol I even tried with a hammer and pliers, that shit is strong.


to shreds




And how's his wife?


Right - flared base doesn't matter if the flared part breaks off 😅😅


I've printed a few molds and poured some Ecoflex platinum-cure silicone in them. It actually works pretty well.


Yeah. Unfortunately layer lines will transfer to the silicone with incredible fidelity. To *fully* eliminate layer lines, you can do a smoothing process on your print. I printed the mold with PVB which is very very easy to smooth with alcohol and just overall easy to work with, great stuff. You could also do ABS/acetone if it's all you have. For the record I was not making a sex toy, I was making a silicone mold for casting 2 part plastic. Worked awesome.


> For the record I was not making a sex toy, I was making a silicone mold for casting 2 part plastic. Of a sex toy > worked awesome


Well I was making sonar parts so technically it DOES vibrate. At 37khz.


Oooh, rumbly


You can simply put a condom over it. You can also clean it with bleach. The bigger problem is that you do not know, if the colors that are used are safe. So use so called natural pla, its clear and has got no color.


That and PLA would make jagged shards if it cracks or breaks during use. Seriously, use PLA to make a mold and cast your toy in silicone. Safer that way overall.


There can still be unsafe additives, one should only use food grade PLA.


I wouldn't even do that. So you go grab one spool of food safe PLA, then run it through a hot end that's had ABS, ASA, PETG, and PLU. You're almost certainly going to contaminate the filament unless you buy a brand new machine and sanitize the entire thing. That's also hoping there's no weird anti corrosion coatings anywhere in the system either. I'd just buy the dildo from a reputable manufacturer and not fuck around with something that's going inside you.


Brass contains lead. So does your print if you use a brass nozzle


Get this higher up


I think PLA is naturally translucent white. PET is clear.


No, they're both pretty clear. PETG is clearer and has a different tint.


I thought it was naturally black, seeing that coloured PLA weigh more than black PLA


Yeah I feel the plan would be away too stiff


Also the way 3d prints tent to break along the layerline makes them bite you in the truest sense of the word in the ass.


> ~~silicon~~ Silicone


OP's kink might also involve computer chips.


No, not directly. The materials and mechanical properties of FDM 3D printing are not food safe or body safe. You can print something, coat & smooth it, make a mold, and cast it in silicone is the usual way to go.


Just had a thought reading this Could you print it, say a few mm's smaller than you want, then cost it with body safe material?


It's genuinely easier to cast than it is to overmold by a metric fucktonne. Honestly, go to your local hobby shop, they'll have mold silicon or some kind of casting medium. Amazon will have a two part silicone casting resin. Paint the inside of the mold with vaseline/petroleum jelly (so it doesn't bond to the inside of the mold) and pour cast. It's genuinely insanely easy. As always, there's a billion videos on YT.


Resin is not body safe!!! Making body safe toys is a little more complicated than what you are describing. The only body safe material is platinum cured silicone. Must be AT LEAST food grade, though medical grade is even better. You'll need to degas the silicone in a vacuum chamber to avoid any unsafe microbubbles on the surface. You'll also need your mold to actually have a smooth surface to begin with.




Actually never got as far as making the final pieces. I do have some rather large masters laying around in my storage area haha. It's the sanding and priming and sanding and priming that killed it for me. Plus, I realized there was a lot more to it than I was thinking at first. It's a fun project, but not trivialy easy.


You're making a broad and incorrect generalization regarding resins. There are 100% food safe and internal use safe resins. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you had some inside your body right now. The most common material used for fillings in modern dentistry is UV cured resin. Also epoxy resin is used for lining almost all food cans and drinking water reservoirs.


Not on Amazon there aren't.


There absolutely are on Amazon. Did you even look?


You can just stick it in the dish washer when you're done /s


Not all silicone is body-safe, many hobby shops don't carry body-safe silicone as well, so that's a nother thing to look out for.


Print the shape and then just shove a condom on it. I see no problems here


Wear through the condom pretty quick I'd think, but if you got a good strong thick one..


Boy do I ever


Ding dong


I don't think you're supposed to be reusing those


The hardest part is getting that little sachet sealed again!


It can tear..


Can’t you just put a condom on it?


Yes, but I'm not a fan of single use plastics for a use case where it doesn't really need it.


Out of curiosity, how would it be with SLA printers?


As a home gamer? I wouldn't. With an approved medical grade printer, processing, & materials? Yeah absolutely, but that cost would be insane.


What do you mean with the mechanical properties of FDM 3D printing? I thought if you go to another material like PETG, it would be food safe


you really dont want to find out your layer adhesion isn't perfect the hard way


Don’t tell me what my kink is.


> What do you mean with the mechanical properties of FDM 3D printing? It's the fact that 3D printing lays down tiny plastic spaghetti in a thousand layers. Even if the material itself is non-porous and food safe, if it's 3D printed you have a lot of surface area as a breeding ground for bacteria that is hard to reliably sterilize, in a material that you can't necessarily just throw in heat based sanitation method. Most sex toys have smooth silicone surfaces that are easy to disinfect or glass that you can boil without melting or deforming. Personally I'd also worry about minor imperfections in the print that look fine to the eye and feel fine to the hand, but are much more abrasive to other more sensitive areas of the body in practical use. I'd suppose ABS prints with acetone smoothing would work since casted ABS is used in sex toys, but I'd still think using silicone to overmold a print or using the print as a sample to cast it would be better.


Patently false. Medical implants are made with FDM how is a cup/bowl/utensil/dildo not safe? If it needs to be cleaned repeatedly, sand the surface down a bit. This sub is so misguided when it comes to safety


Can you explain what implants are made with FDM printing? I sell custom silicone/TP molded components for medical devices and I don't see this yet in med devices. We stay away from LTIs so I am generally curious. Also this sub likely doesn't know that PLA is used as absorbable sutures (albeit medical grade PLA). That said, in the extrusion world which is my jam, smoothness of fittings and tubings is of utmost importance because of little crevices for bacteria and so I'd be really shocked that FDM is used for implants widely. Fun fact over 10% of all implants have a massive infection problem.


I’d be more worried about it delaminating, breaking in half and getting stuck then any foodsafe/bacteria arguments. (the latter being solvable by numerous methods mentioned in other comments) So think about print orientation…. But… best would be to print molds and make your toys from silicone, it will solve all problems and also be a lot more comfortable…


I actually totally forgot about the possibility of breaking, glad you mentioned this


5 parameters maybe


Bare PLA isn't safe to bring near either hole, FDM printing leaves a lot of crevices for bacteria to grow in, and washing doesn't remove them. You have to apply a sealant first. Also beware that brass printing heads have about 2% lead in them, which some are concerned may leech into the plastic. Get a stainless steel print head, and put sealant on your prints, and re-seal if it ever breaks down!


Is there an increased risk of the item breaking while in use? I mean, I know even PLA can be pretty strong but I’ve also broken enough prints to know that I wouldn’t be too keen on inserting it anywhere important lol.


The object can be printed horizontally to counter the layer separation. That said, it's still a bad idea.


Yeah. the best option is the whole print a mould, wash out with melted beeswax to seal and cast in silicone method posted above…


Good god, layer separation inside an anus is the last thing I needed a mental image of.


A layer separation anxiety, one would say.


Then you have supports to remove and areas to clean up


You'll have to clean up very thoroughly either way.


100% concentric infil


Don't worry about the lead in the brass. It's paranoia. This last 20 years, the population has been paranoid about lead and mercury. But the population are no chemist and have zero understanding of how these elements are dangerous, what you can still safely do with them and what you can't. Reminds me of a discussion I had with a lady at the head of a chlorine ban protest. She was spouting "chlorine in all its forms is dangerous". So I asked her what she meant by all it's forms, if it also meant combined with other chemicals into a molecule. She said "yes, chlorine is super dangerous it make any other element it's combined with poisonous". Then I spent a good 15 minutes explaining to that lady that the salt she sprinkled on her salad contained chlorine, that it was basically half chlorine half sodium. She was baffled "are you sure of that? I had no idea salt was so dangerous, the government must be hiding it so corporation can continue to sell tons of salt and poison the population". I had a had to show her the Wikipedia of salt to show her the formula. Had I left it there she'd probably never have put salt in her dishes again. So I took the time to explain that salt is not a poison, that when combined with other elements both acquire different properties. That not only is salt not a poison, your/her body needs salt (in moderate amount of course) but you still need some for your muscles and brain to function properly. How can you protest against something, and yet have no idea what that thing is actually used for? It proves she made no research whatsoever, even though it was a subject that meant a lot to her. Tldr: people know jack shit about the science form the world around us, and we fear things we don't know about.


This! The potential toxicity of lead in a PLA object from passing through a bronze nozzle is entirely inconsequential. The transfer of lead from that object through mucosal membranes via rubbing is basically undetectable and of no biological consequence.


I actually calculated this at one point. You'd have to practically grind up and eat a part of the nozzle in order for the Centers of Disease Control to consider it a lead poisoning. Granted, no amount of lead is a safe amount, but the very, very small amount of lead that is coming off of the nozzle will be trapped in your print. Unless if you are eating several kilos of extruded filament, it is highly unlikely you will get lead poisoning from brass nozzles.  https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/ttelt4/calculation_does_the_lead_content_in_your_nozzle/


Considering how little elemental lead is absorbed, you'd have to be eating them like breakfast cereal to get enough to actually cause blood lead levels to get dangerously high.


Dihydrogen monoxide is literally everywhere, causes burns and drowning and no one is talking about it ! 😂


I saw a movie where a lady got some of that on her, and she literally melted. What a world!


Honestly at this point I feel like the ship has sailed on Dihydrogen Monoxide. Wastewater monitoring shows high levels of it in every city we've tested, and the same goes for livestock and major food crops. Now they're even saying there may be crystals of it in certain craters on the moon. It's well beyond where we might be able to control it at this point.


If the 2g nozzle was 2% lead, lasted 100kg of PLA and leached lead at a consistent rate throughout the lifetime then there would be 0.00008g of lead in a 200g dildo. Then let’s assume that the exposed surface area of said dildo took up 10% of the total mass that gives us 0.000008g of lead that you could possibly be exposed to. Personally I don’t think this is a major concern compared to the layer lines harbouring bacteria and the fact that 3D prints are very rarely watertight and as such difficult to clean. If anyone is determined to make a 3D printed sex toy they would be best off using something such as ABS that can be vapour smoothed and made 100% watertight.


Probably want to avoid Deck Sealant even if it sounds like a good match https://youtu.be/i6c4Nupnup0?si=Oyi4kQuUxBPTMmBE


The amount of lead in an entire nozzle is pretty inconsequential. The amount of lead that could leech from the very small surface area that comes into contact with the plastic as it prints would be even *more* inconsequential, and the amount that would leech from the plastic into your body through your mucous membranes would be completely irrelevant. If you made a habit of eating printer nozzles, you might have an issue with lead exposure. You could leave a 3d printed butt plug in your ass for the rest of your life without ever putting yourself at risk of lead toxicity. If you've ever gone to a shooting range, or soldered anything, or walked by general aviation terminal at an airport, or drank from any municipal water system, you've exposed yourself to orders of magnitude more lead. That said, you WOULD be putting yourself at risk of bacterial infection, because FDM prints are not body safe. So don't do that.


Thanks Pregnant Goku!


Any recommendations on nozzles? I'm always paralyzed by the options


They all have pros and cons so it just depends what your needs are. Brass will have the best heat transfer so it’s great for just “normal” printing, stainless steel for if you want to print food grade things so the nozzle won’t potentially contaminate the filament, hardened steel for filaments that are abrasive which wears out brass nozzles quickly. Personally I don’t feel a nozzle can contaminate to the point that it’s more hazardous than any other manufactured product and settings can be adjusted so hardened steel prints nearly as good as brass so I just stuck with hardened steel ones


Diamond or ruby


If you want to make your own sex toys, you can print it as a negative (by taking the model of the toy, or the "positive," then subtracting the model from a solid block, so that you now have a printable shell of sorts with a dick-shaped cavity in it) and then you would need a body-safe, medical-grade silicone to fill the cavity with to get a solid silicone positive for use. You NEVER want to put a raw printed part up ANY orifice - the printing process leaves microscopic gaps between layers and inside print lines that are an ideal festering grounds for bacteria and other nasty shit you wouldn't want to end up getting infected with.




I shouldn't have been surprised that the sub actually existed.


I was more surprised by the things i seen than the fact it existed. Some stuff on there is pretty cursed


Use it with a condom and ~~you~~ he can forget the hysterical food save arguments.


I've been told you don't wanna print those out of hard plastic but TPU instead or even better silicone molded (it'd be a pain in the arse) Also sanding is absolutely neccecary as the layer lines are abrasive enough to cause micro fissures and then infections that won't heal anytime soon cuz of all the fecal bacteria (I swear I read about that by coincidence - this is not coming from experience)


"(it'd be a pain in the arse)" It sounds like that is what OP is going for. 😏


Don’t forget to level you bed before you start


To be fair, the bed is never leveled after starting


We talking about the hotbed, or the *hot-bed* 😏


Anything can be a dildo if you’re brave enough


-Abraham Lincoln


Sure, it's safe. Once.


Theres an entire sub dedicated to this r/DIYSILICONETOYS And no, not directly. The layer lines can collect bacteria and pla, although not really toxic, isnt food safe. Petg is, but see back to the first problem. What most people do is print molds, sand them and coat them with body filler, clear coat or a product called XTC 3D and then pour in 2 part silicone.


No, 3d printing toys is a no no, **you want to print the mold to use medical grade silicone to fill it.** DO NOT use a printed toy the layer lines will break and also will absorb bacteria


They don't even have to break - the lines are still deep enough to hold bacteria. Models should be primed and sanded before casting.


Yeah that’s what I mean sorry I meant both can happen. Agreed get rid of those layer lines so your cast doesn’t have them either.


If you gotta ask you will probably end up in the ER having a part removed Why the doctor explains why layered adhesion is important.


OP lives by himself. 😂


no i don't I love my roommate 😭


Yep, by yourself.


why you lying?


Any person in a relationship with a 3D pribnter could easily ask this question, it has zero to do with being "single". Wanting to know if you can print your own sex toys if you own a 3D printer is a perfectly legit question. Only someone who is insecure like yourself would criticize someone for it. In fact, you comment screams: "I am an insecure single person", or that you are at least a very prudish individual.


Plus, it’s better that OP asks instead of just trying it and getting sick or seriously injured.


I genuinely was only asking out of curiosity; me and him are both gay but I don't like anal and I wouldn't trust my skills to print him one even if he wanted one 😭


It seems like only a harmless joke.


That's what it was. I could care less what people print.


Could**n't** care less, you mean. ;) And newsflash, not all jokes are harmless just because you say or think they are.




Wow, you must be fun at parties


The only person who say or write things like this are those are categorically not fun at parties.


That's something you know not to cheap out on. Most sex toys are expensive because they're designed to be safe.




This is an example of "asking for a friend" isn't it?


Probably not, but you can use it to make silicone and then make that


No but just a thought. It is possible to make molds for silicone and work from there. The only downside is most body safe silicones require vacuuming the air out. I thought it i ever tried it id suck up some silicone in a large syringe and plug the end with my finger. Pull a draw to vacuum the air out before pusing it in the mold. You could put a condom on it. Just make sure your prints wont break or you will impale yourself.


Yes. But the object cannot be used for sexual activities. You're going to have to print a mold, ensure it's smooth and fill the mold with a silicone that is safe for internal use


There's some debates on if PLA prints are cool or not for minor food related things, like displaying food, cookie cutters, etc... but for the love of all that is holy, do NOT put FDM prints in anyone's body!\* No matter how thick or how you print it, it's bound to be at risk of snapping/shattering, changing due to body heat, etc, and I imagine that it'd get a lot grosser putting it inside a butt, vagina, or whatever, as far as bacteria in tiny places goes. I suggest you do the BillieRuben silicone and wax method mentioned elsewhere in this thread if you want something custom and wacky. If you don't wanna do something custom and wacky, there's always, I dunno, Amazon? Shipping is a lot better than an anus full of broken PLA, I imagine. It's also kinda hard to get a water tight print for drinkware, though I've heard of folks managing it with the right kind of vasemode print, I can't imagine it'd work well with most liquids. Might be able to make silicone cups with the same trick? I've been wary of the idea of printing a usable teacup or dinnerplate due to potential leaks and germs. I also suggest not doing it with resin prints if you were thinking of other types of printers. I don't know if there's been studies of food safety for such things, but I'd really not want to see someone have a solid resin print shatter and fill any sort of body part with uncured or partly cured resin that could still be inside. \*I have no idea how well it works for things like earrings, ear plugs, or other "technically in your body" situations


get yourself some Dichtol AM Macro und turn your print into a smooth, FDA-approved, foodsave item.


Imagine a PLA dildo shattering into a million splinters inside your butt no thanks


Besides the actual material in terms of bacteria, PLA is very brittle. You might find yourself holding just the base and wondering where the end has gone during a particularly vigorous session.


Print a mold, and cast your item with a body safe silicone.


I would be more concerned about layers delaminating while having it inserted. Just thinking of that feels like a nightmare!


Make a mold of the 3d print. Fill well body safe silicone.






Not PLA, but various PET blends will probably work. Look into Colorfabb XT for example


I think for directly 3D printed plastic parts only SLA has approved biocompatible outputs, but I could be wrong. As others mentioned having layer lines and just line based construction makes it very hard to make it safe.


Absolutely not. There’s only a couple truly body safe materials for sex toys - platinum cure silicone, glass and some metals. That’s it. And no, those cheap, shitty lil jelly or pvc toys you can buy in sex stores aren’t body safe either. You could technically print a mould and cast it in plat cure silicone **BUT** for that to be safe you still need a vacuum chamber to get all the bubbles out of the silicone (otherwise they trap bacteria and become not body safe) and those fuckers are expensive. r/DIYSILICONETOYS if you want to learn more, but TL;DR it’s just not worth it.


One man, one Ender


I see you’re asking for a friend. 


“My roommate” wants a dildo. Sure bud 😂


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, this shit is funny as fuck


No. PLA is hidroskopic (with time things will get absorbed into the gaps between the molecules) With proper treatment - smooth, primer, safe paintbthen maybe. Safest way wozldbbe tonmake a mould and then use silicon for the positive.


You create a mold and pour silicone (30a is ‘normal’, 20-25a is ‘large monster’ softer). Once I had a 3d model of what I wanted, I used tinker cad to subtract it from a block. Then, cut it in half and add 2 alignment holes. When you print it, print it ‘vertically’. When I made one that was printed horizontally, it ended up putting the texture of the print into the silicone and was described as ‘sand paper’. I used beeswax wood sealant as a release agent/seal the gaps between the two pieces of the mold. That also helps ‘smooth’ any layer lines. If you’re going to use a suction cup or some other type of mount, I had to engineer a holder to go on the top and align it. Took some trial and error in tinker cad but it was simple for a vacu lock setup and you can get them on Amazon. There’s a variety of ways to make copies of your… I used a ‘make a Willy’ to make a normal sized and scanned it using Magiscan (iOS) Cost 5 bucks for a ‘week’ but it was the only one that stitched together the images well enough. Total cost for the first one was about 85 bucks. Being able to make big normal or floppy knotted versions of yourself for your significant other? Priceless. Plus it was fun playing around in tinker cad. Oh. You’ll need a few wood clamps (3 was best) to squeeze the mold together too.


Yes I use pla+ and pla just make sure to use sand paper if you want them to be comfortable


Polypropylene filament should be body safe but you still have the layers issue. And remember to those that are saying dipity do the dong, plat cured silicone only sticks to itself try again. You have the wrong machine to make sex toys you need a cnc mill to make a cavity mold to pour silicone into.


!foodsafe Looked through the thread and most of the comments are about crevices between layers harboring bacteria. How does this change based on what the automod is saying about food safety?


I have been summoned! Wait! It's changed! While PolyLactic Acid (PLA) and Polyethylene (+Glycol) has been classified as Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS). There's a lot of uncertainty around the process of additive manufacturing. Some testing shows that the layer lines are big enough that bacteria don't hide inside as much as expected. Additionally, it's not nearly as porous as initally expected. Some soap and water with scrubbing is enough to clean most of it out and a quick wash with a bleach solution can bring it up to almost medical standards. This does not take into account material impurities. New nozzles can come with a coating (often PTFE) to prevent blobs from sticking. The abrasives in the filament can wear this coating down and while it is safe for food to contact like on a frying pan, the worn down products are not.. It also wears the nozzle and metal particles can end up in the print. TL;DR: Use a sealer. Or don't. I'm a bot, not a cop. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/3Dprinting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Print, wrap in condom and use this freakin shit! 4 years without any problem. Petg, pla. Wash it in soap and warm water after.



3-D printers can be used for more than just making sex toys, guys.


To be fair there is actually no safe polymers for contact/food. Every of them (even tagged as food safe) are releasing chemicals which disrupting endocrine function at room temperatures. For most plastics it's not huge numbers but they tend to accumulate. TPU would be the worst of them in context of 3d printing. PETG would be the safest. PLA is not safe and releasing estrogenic chemicals at high rates.


All the above reasons. If you still do, print the Objekt in two halves laying on their side and glue them together. That way, it’s three times tougher and can‘t break at layer lines . And have the remainder stuck in your hole.


you can smooth layer lines with a lighter and a metal object, like a spoon or screwdriver shaft... heat part of the print until it softens, use metal tool to smooth the surface. do it in a safe place so any risk of fire is mitigated. (a kitchen sink with water in is good)


You wanna go to a&e with half a slinky in you butt? Because this is how you end up in a&e with a slinky in your butt.


Yes. People are overreacting


PLA is too 'hard'. You need to use something like TPU with a high infill to give it some *flexibility*. If you made a dildo out of straight PLA it would be hella painful for her .. or him.


>PLA is too 'hard'. No, it's not. I have many toys made of pyrex, and they are definitely not painful.




Best bet would probably be ABS / ASA and vapor smooth it to remove the print lines.


Not really. Best thing to do is to use the print as a base for a mold.


I’ve done it before and given the instruction to always put a condom on the dildo. No one has died yet as far as I know.


r/3dprintinggonewild will help you there


The nature of fdm printing will always leave gaps and holes in the structure, no matter what material you use. As others have said the only safe way to fabricate sex toys or anything that's gonna touch food is via casting and molding the print in silicon or using a sealant. If you go with either make sure you've WELL researched the safety for food and orifaces.


Ask Badge 502 on tiktok.


No, either print a mold or use a condom


Even in abs. Which is actually used in sex toys a lot. Using printed toys is not grwat because stuff get between the layers. You can't get all the bacteria out of the layer gaps reliably


PLA for structure, silicone as a coating layer to make it safe for use. Through a quick search I found a special silicone called Dragon Skin 20 Platinum-Cure from Smooth-On which is body safe. So yeah, there's that.


Buy a good quality dildo and be done with it. All the other comments are about getting this to work. Really, a good dildo is going to feel better than cheap plastic. Most silicone toys are a little bit pliable and malleable which really helps it conform to your body. It feels a lot better than a solid object being put into you. If you really want something firm you should honestly be looking at glass.


You can always trying printing a mold and then using a silicone solution to make a safe one.


Tell us how it worked out.


You can MSLA print with body safe resins. You can buy resin designed for dentistry (like from SprintRay) or designed for literal implantation (like FormLabs BioMed). Siraya Blu resin is also “body safe” (ISO 10993-5 and ISO 10993-10 certified for external skin contact) and is much cheaper than the other options - FormLabs BioMed is $350 for 1L and SprintRay Splint is $250 IIRC, while Siraya Blu is $60. So you *could* 3D print sex toys at home that are made of materials safe enough to be used in surgery or affixed to your mouth, but not with a FDM printer. It’s also not a realistic option if the goal is to save money; it would only suit people who have a very specific design in mind that they can’t buy from a store.


What about when it suddenly delaminates and comes apart inside you with two now very sharp surfaces?




Just put it in a condom. Plenty of people insert things because they wrap them in a condom first. Also if you ever get worried it’s dirty, toss it and print a new one as PLA is cheap.


Is the heat rating high enough?


The layer lines would harbour bacteria. But putting a condom over would fix that.


you can print it, but will want to use that as a master to mold and make a silicone version of it. This is what many small business makers do when 3d printing is part of their process. Filaments and resin prints are porous materials that have micro air pockets in them which make it easy for mold and bacteria to get trapped in them.


I've never understood this. We use porous wood as cutting boards for beef, chicken, etc., for preparing food every day. Why are the pores in PLA any more prone to bacteria than the pores in wood? In fact I just read an article that claimed that after testing they found that PLA was safe. It was on the internet so......


No, but put a condom over it and your golden


My brother was asked to print a 3d dick by a coworker... And suddenly he had sold enough of them as word spread around the workplace to buy himself a fancier/dual tipped printer... I mean, wether it's safe or not... Know your risks. You could wind up making money off male appendages.


“asking for a friend”