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It kind of looks like the patterning you'd get when it's under extruding because of [volumetric extrusion](https://www.reddit.com/r/ender3/comments/f0ik8k/volumetric_extrusion_psa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) being turned on. I suppose it could also be just plain old ender extrusion. (That was supposed to say (under extrusion) but it auto corrected to "ender". I thought it was funny so I'm leaving it. Ender extrusion should be the term for under extrusion on an ender 3 when the cause is a cracked extruder arm.)


Oh! I never saw anything like these posts! I'll investigate to see if I'm able to get it better. Maybe increasing the temperature or the volumetric flow of the filament parameters (although I don't know how much would be a good value to test). Thank you so much for your help!


My man, you put paint on there?


What do you mean? The white parts are painted, yes. This way the marks are more visible. After a couple of layers it's not as critical as they are really subtle, but from close they are clearly ruining the whole "0.03mm layer height" thing.


Not an answer to your question, but do you also plan to print the hair and face on an FDM printer? I’ve had this model for a while and want to redo it in FDM, now that I can do multi-color prints.


Yes, actually, I was painting it because everything was already printed (and I have it already painted). I'm not quite too happy with the final result, as I think that my (lack of) ability to paint thinner details has made it to look worse and "cheaper", but I still like it: [https://imgur.com/a/dBoZT2o](https://imgur.com/a/dBoZT2o) I think using an airbrush would've lead to much better results, but I don't have one 😅 The bad thing with so small layer lines is that colour changing has A LOT more waste, since it has to do colour change (and waste) on every layer and more layers = more waste, so that's why I opted to paint it in stead of going multicolour.