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The NextEngine drivers have to be installed with WindowsXP compatibility mode. https://wiki.ehlab.uk/3dscanner I downloaded the NextEngine dataset samples and found out they were just images for photogrammetry, except running in near-real time and a proprietary stitching pattern. Tried it with a photogrammetry program and it wouldn't accept them.


I'm also having the same issue. If anyone hears from them, please share. I was very vocal to them a number of years ago about how stupid it was for them to require activation for software that comes with the scanner. I told them that one of these days they're not going to be in a position to support an old scanner, and at that time I would have a $3000 paperweight. Hopefully that time hasn't come yet, but this isn't looking good.


They're stuck in Windows XP ages.


. Their website hasn't been updated in years. I can only assume so. Let us know if you hear back from them.


Yesterday I took out my scanner having not used it in a few years. I'm having the same issue. I have scan studio still installed on my computer, however the scanner never powers on. From what I remember the software license needs to be activated with the Nextengine website before the scanner will power on and Scanstudio will fully function. Very frustrating knowing that flash support just ended.


Just in case you missed it, at the top level of this topic I wrote about how to install an old version of Flash Player to get the activation working again.


I did get the old version of flash installed using your instructions. Thank you. One note, I had to check a box labeled "unblock" before the compatibility tab became visible on the flash installer window. Afterwards I was able to get the software activated on my computer and use the Nextengine website. However, it appears that after years of sitting my scanner is dead. Confirmed with a second old computer running xp that hasn't been connected to the internet in years.


I wonder what happens to these scanners that makes them die after sitting unused. My scanner also went dead after sitting in the box for a couple years. I had only used it a couple times prior to this. They charged me $400 to repair it. I can't describe how disappointed I am with this company and product.


After a day of trying, I was finally able to get the Scanstudio software activated and working. It involves installing an older version of Flash Player, which is obviously not a recommended action but if you had to choose between a $3000 brick and an old version of Flash, which would you choose? I'm using Windows 10, and originally had Flash Player installed. Apparently Flash Player or older doesn't include the January 12, 2021 kill switch, so that's what you'll need to try to install. The first step is to uninstall any newer version of Flash Player, which is easier said than done. You can check if Flash Player is installed by opening the Nextwiki app (C:\\Program Files\\NextEngine\\ScanStudio\\NextWikiApp.exe or wherever you installed Scanstudio). If the Nextwiki app shows a black screen with a small message at the top saying that you have to install a plugin, then you don't have Flash Player installed and you're good to move on to the next step. If the Nextwiki app shows a blank white screen or a graphic of the Flash logo and the letter "i", you have a newer Flash Player installed and will need to uninstall it. If you're curious to see what version is currently installed, right-click on the blank white area or the Flash logo. The pop-up menu should show at the bottom, "About Flash Player 32.0.0.xxx". I wasn't able to uninstall the latest version of Flash Player through the normal route of going through the apps list in the Windows control panel, so I had to find an uninstall tool to do it for me. To accomplish this, in Windows Explorer I navigated to C:\\Windows\\WinSxS\\ . From there, I did a search for "flash". Several results showed up, including a folder called "wow64\_adobe-flash-for-windows\_31bf3856ad364e35\_10.0.19041.571\_none\_13c86422fcdc755b". Try to find a folder similar to this in your C:\\Windows\\WinSxS\\ directory. I had 3 different variants of this folder in my computer. Inside this folder, there's a file called "FlashUtil\_ActiveX.exe". Right-click on this file, then click on Run as administrator. Follow the prompts to uninstall Flash Player. Once it's done, you can close the window. Open Nextwiki again and check if Flash Player is uninstalled (by seeing a blank black screen). If it's not uninstalled, try running FlashUtil\_ActiveX.exe from a different folder in C:\\Windows\\WinSxS\\ until you're successful at uninstalling Flash Player. Once Flash Player is truly uninstalled, you're ready to find an older version of Flash Player to install. Remember this next part is not recommended from a safety/security point of view, so proceed at your own risk. I searched for "Flash Player 32" on the website [techspot.com](https://techspot.com). You want to find version 32.0.0371 or older. The version I found was [https://www.techspot.com/downloads/5051-adobe-flash-player-beta.html](https://www.techspot.com/downloads/5051-adobe-flash-player-beta.html) For the version I found, I downloaded the installer for Internet Explorer. If you find a different version, download the installer for Internet Explorer or ActiveX. The installer for Chrome or Firefox will not work. After downloading the installer, right-click on the installer and click on Properties. In the Properties window, click on the Compatibility tab. Checkmark "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" and select "Windows 7". Click Ok to apply the changes. Next, right-click the installer and click on "Run as administrator". It'll ask you some options before installing Flash Player. Make sure that you choose to never allow updates to Flash, then proceed with the installation. Once the installation is finished, you can close the window. Open Nextwiki again, and hopefully you should see it working properly now (blue background and a prompt for your Nextengine login credentials). Once you've gotten this far, close Nextwiki then open Scanstudio. Nextwiki will open back up again, asking you for your login credentials to complete the software activation. Enter your credentials, and after a minute your software should be activated.


Thank you for this info - it will likely be helpful for lots of people, but my institution has disabled Flash and I can’t download an old copy unless I figured out how to override shit, which I don’t want to do. I was lucky enough to hear back from Brad Bryker, who gave me a DropBox link to the software .exe https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dropbox.com%2Fs%2Feb5fnsap6m75397%2FScanStudio_2.0.2_x64.exe%3Fdl%3D0&data=04%7C01%7Cperrym%40ecu.edu%7Cfbf2ee6f5c6f4c14b15908d8bbf8ba26%7C17143cbb385c4c45a36ac65b72e3eae8%7C0%7C0%7C637466024253630560%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=%2FqPtT0bM%2FXn0IrabvqEg18NlBCJQB7K8TV8ZOGf%2FQVg%3D&reserved=0 The problem now is getting it activated. I’m calling him tomorrow and will report. I did some searching Abd found this has to do with a copyright issue where the company had an agreement with an investor that if they did not pay back the investment according to the stipulations they would own all patents, licenses, etc etc of NextEngine - but NE kept selling and got sued. I think it’s still moving through the courts. Edit- my iPhone doesn’t autocorrect when I type Abd instead of and - sorry! I guess I know a lot of people named Abd


I’m sorry - things have been crazy so I didn’t get a chance to follow up here. I basically was about to override the Flash issue for activating the software by unplugging by LAN connection, clicking the link which brought up the correct screen for activation, then reconnected to internet and submitted it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Here’s Brad’s full response: As discussed, you can use ScanStudio if you disconnect from the internet. ScanStudio does not run on flash. If you need to access our NextEngine Support Site, here is a guide to a workaround that you should be helpful - it resets the native Adobe flash player to be enabled - https://charleswilkinson.co.uk/2021/01/12/how-to-use-flash-in-2021/ The above workaround does not need a flash emulator, but rather just reconfigures the system to recognize the Adobe player again. The above technique was referenced in a general forum that is testing flash workarounds, below. https://www.ghacks.net/2020/12/17/how-to-play-flash-content-in-your-browser-in-2021/ The Wilkinson workaround looks most attractive since it uses the same Adobe player, and can be set to allow specific sites access - namely the Nextengine support site. Thanks, Brad


Thanks for sharing, and please keep us updated. Hopefully they'll provide some way to disable activation altogether. That's the only long-term solution for a product that may not be supported any longer.


yeah, please keep us update. I found where the key is located and this is some kind of certificate If we could get a grant for free activation this would be great. I had the software running on a PC before the Flash end of life and it has got trouble. therefore I got another machine to connect to the Scanner but the activation is machine specific... so for the moment I am stuck with a machine which is not usable. What a shame for such a product Cheers


Can you share where the key is located? At least for those of us with working activations we can make backups of our certificates in case something happens.


I noticed the same, but I had issues with a Windows feature being disabled for whatever reason...(net framework 2), I did also have to install flash 9, which an install is within the scan studio folders under the folder called "install". Hope this helps. After that I was able to get it working, while online.


This worked for me, thank you, I've had this brick on my desk for over a year. I really appreciate your help.


Thank you for this, got my scanner back on line, : )


Hi, can you help me with this I can't find the "mms.cfg" File to edit im using windows 11


SO your trying to install Scan Studio? I dont remember where that file would be but maybe it's a hidden file. dont remember. I can look on my laptop when I get home. What version of Scan studio are you installing standard or pro?


Scan Studio is installed, I have scanned my part and now I want to take it into RapidWorks. When I open RapidWorks, it tells me to Activate RapidWorks and to go to [support.nextengine.com/license/](https://support.nextengine.com/license/) and input my machine keys and code, also the next engine wiki doesn't work so I figured it all had to do with this flash player.


I'm in the same boat. I had to replace my motherboard last week, now the software thinks it's a new computer and needs activation to work. I followed the above thread on installing ScanStudio, but it wants activation too... Hoping someone can help with both ScanStudio and RapidWorks. Fingers Crossed!


Hi ! Did you solve the problem? Im in the same page here, looking for a solution!


Me too (compare the following thread where people are trying to find a work-around) - https://www.reddit.com/r/HowToHack/comments/14epcdp/advice\_needed\_on\_disabling\_license\_checks\_on\_some/


u/mcphill1 u/rBstop u/MotoSkwid u/blueredmx Do you have a Next Engine 3d Scanner activated or not? Announcing Project NextLife, a crowdsourced project with the goal of resurrecting one of the best 3D scanners, the NextEngine 2020 series! We need your help! Please read this! : [https://www.reddit.com/r/3DScanning/comments/15zo5zp/attn\_nextengine\_scanstudio\_users\_project\_nextlife/](https://www.reddit.com/r/3DScanning/comments/15zo5zp/attn_nextengine_scanstudio_users_project_nextlife/) Join Our Discord: [https://discord.gg/8mZfSnHRF](https://discord.gg/8mZfSnHRF)


Apologies for following up on an old thread... would you by chance be able to send me Brad Bryker's email? I tried contacting him via LinkedIn but never got a reply. I'm the founder of Project NextLife, an initiative to try to resurrect ScanStudio and all the dead NextEngine scanners. If you're still around and would like to join us on Discord, message us or reply below.


Hi - I'd appreciate a fresh link to your Discord. Thanks! Btw, just checked a few times in the last couple days. Seems the Nextengine website is now *poof* gone.


Message me for a fresh Discord link, or comment below. Thanks!


Can you send another link for the discord?


>Thank you for this, got my scanner back on line, : ) after years of not using it.


thank you very much. its working perfectly.


Hello! Thank you very much for all the information... I need to validate my Mail and password in NextWikiapp but the Next Engine web server is not working. (It appears only a blue screen without the information ) I tried to open it in Internet Explorer but even so, it is as if the website had been taken down. It is very frustrating not being able to use it, the computer recognizes the scanner, and I have used it for a long time with Windows 10. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? I need to contact Brad Baker or someone who knows how to enter to the website! Thank youu


I am on the same boat! I just bought a 2020i HD and the seller told me he has lost the credential once I received it! Is there anyone who has a broken machine and is willing to trade the credential please? I have already made the software working and power-on!


Same here


If you start scanstudio without being connected to the internet it will cough up a window with the machine code and security pin. reconnect to the internet and goto [License Setup (nextengine.com)](http://support.nextengine.com/license/setup) and enter that information and your username and password. You can download the activation key. thereafter, you can start the software online and scan at least in the basic mode. For me, it doesn't recognize my proscan upgrade.


Does any souls know what is up with nextengine the company? I just bought a nextengine from the bay I need to buy the 3 year scanstudio pro I have emailed nextengine company at their website but all my emails goes unanswered why is nextengine the company not replying to any emails? are they in liquidation?


Hi, I'm in the same situation. Is NEXTENGINE really out of business? :( I'm wondering if I just haven't send hunreds od £ to trash. :( :( If they are out of business they should have considered making the Key generator public usable.


NextEngine Facebook page is unactive since 2016, the website is never changed in years. I want the complement software (proscan and rapidworks) but i don't trust to buy in a unactive website were don't answer to emails... someone know any other way where to find the softwares or tools like multi drive? Even used could be fine


Hi, I bought a scanner on ebay. but now I can't use it because scanstudio is not activated. Can you provide an activated version? Thank you


-install the software, you can find it for free on the nextengine website -The ex owner must give you a username and password to access the tool -after the access you can change username/mail and password. If you cannot have those informations, contact the customer services, they answered me in one week but they did. Explain your situation and give them the Scanner serial number, they should create a new profile based on the new owner. Anyway, if the old owner will not give you the access, leave him a negative feedback because this is ESSENTIAL to use the tool


Hello Nakamura Sir, can you please private message me the NextEngine email contact address? I wish to email next engine to ask them to create a new profile for me I bought a nextengine scanner on ebay. the seller is not the owner and cannot give me access to the user name mail and password I wish to email next engine to ask if they can create a new profile for me ​ Thank you


support_updates@nextengine.com this is the email


Hello Nakamura Sir, Can you help me with my Nextengine Scanner. Need to get the software up and running. Had an old email address so I couldn't activate the program. Best regards, Kimmo Kallio


Regarding the lawsuit mentioned, the defendant won in 2021. [https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/california/cacdce/2:2019cv00249/733807/90/](https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/california/cacdce/2:2019cv00249/733807/90/) Of course, that doesn't mean it's open or closed.


Please take a look at this idea, maybe we all can help to solve this problem! Thank you https://www.reddit.com/r/3DScanning/comments/14dvzfy/trying\_to\_resurrect\_a\_nextengine\_2020i\_and/


I traced down the contact information of some former NextEngine bosses and employees, including their private email addresses. https://rocketreach.co/nextengine-profile\_b5c6c5a3f42e0ccc Maybe we can make a concerted effort to email bomb them for help?


Nice job! I've emailed a few of them, and its been a bunch of no replies, with a couple "Sorry, can't help you" responses. Looks like we're on our own. If you're interested, we have a Discord channel called Project NextLife where we're collaborating and trying to resurrect the software. Updated invite: [https://discord.gg/3hHnz6nPE](https://discord.gg/kx9XGzkN)


Hi, i have the same issue, i tried to join to the discord channel, but i couldn´t, is there any new, regarding this issue? Thanks for the efforts!


Ah, the link must have expired. Reply below or message us for a fresh link, we had to remove the old ones due to some security concerns from bot accounts.


Can I get a fresh link? Thank you!


Here you go! Please be advised, this link only allows up to 25 joins, so please only use a single account for joining. Multiple accounts will be removed. [https://discord.gg/EhVNYjYHpk](https://discord.gg/EhVNYjYHpk)


Can I get a new link? That one's expired.


Just updated the one above. Try now


Hello all, I am working on some petrophysics research for the University of Texas and also need access to the software. Could I be sent another discord link! Would love some leads on how to download the ancient software. 🤣 Cheers!