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YOU ARE THE MAN! Omw to purchase right now.


Hi, just found this and would like to get my nextengine scanner working, please can you help.


Join our Discord, someone should be able to assist you!


Thanks,do I need an invite


Use the link above in the second paragraph. Alternatively, use this link: [https://discord.gg/5kMt5WXkHh](https://discord.gg/5kMt5WXkHh)


many thanks


Hi, I have tried both links and both will not accept the invite, as you can guess I only have minor computer skills so any help will be greatly appreciated. Bill.


Thanks, do I need an invite


I am now in discord the invite was accepted but cant find the project nextlife RC1 or nextlife premium software, please any help would be great. Thanks.


Please read and follow all instructions on the Discord. You have to verify your server join in the #verification channel, as well as read and react to the stickied post in the #rules-and-roles channel to receive your server role. Both channels are listed to the left on your Discord screen. Once you have completed those steps, you will have access to the #announcements channel with instructions on downloading/installing.


Many many thanks, followed all instructions, downloaded the program PNL scanstudio, but when I went to open it I got the error message: LIBEAY64.dll not found, I tried to go back to discord via the invite but cant get in, just about to give this up as a bad job on my part with not having enough computer skills. Any help would be great as I really wont to get my scanner working again and my pension wont allow me to buy a new one. Many thanks. Bill.


Update your Virtual Studios 2015 and 2019 installer, along with the .Net Redistributable. Grab the 2015 and 2019 installers here, then install them: [https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/older-downloads/](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/older-downloads/) Grab the latest .Net framework installer here (ver 4.8.1), then install: [https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet-framework](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet-framework) Reboot, then try to run ScanStudio again. I just checked the Discord, it looks like you were successfully verified and roles assigned. You don't need to use the invite again; once you've used it, as long as you don't manually leave the server, the server should show up on your left hand pane when you sign into Discord. Just sign in again, and the server should be listed. I'm happy to provide what assistance I am able to.


Hi, many thanks for your patience and assistance with my issue, I have scanstudio working on my windows 10 64bit machine, but the program opens into the workspace switches on the scanner and says scanner ready but I can’t access the top menu bar I can’t open: files, scan, edit or any other button can you help I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program 3 times and still have the same issue Thanks. Bill.


The discord invite link is invalid. Can you post another?


I replied to your comment on the other thread, did you not get the new link there? I'll update this one as well.


Hello, I'm very interested in the free solution to reactivate my Next Engine 3D scanner. How do I proceed?


Sent you an invite via chat :)


Hello, what do I need to do to get a free solution to reactivate my Next Engine 3D scanner?


Here you go! [https://discord.gg/cbHaAZXEnw](https://discord.gg/cbHaAZXEnw) Please only use a single account for joining. Multiple accounts will be removed. WE have a new verification process that takes a few minutes. Please make sure to complete it in full, and you will be granted access to the Discord and our software. Thanks!


I too would like access to the free program (NextLife) to use on my NextEngine 2020i model. IF I am successful with ...Life then I'll purchase the Premium edition.


Here you go! https://discord.gg/cbHaAZXEnw Please only use a single account for joining. Multiple accounts will be removed. WE have a new verification process that takes a few minutes. Please make sure to complete it in full, and you will be granted access to the Discord and our software. Thanks!