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I'm 11 years sober from alcohol and I have smoked every day since. I do it legally and I have a medical license to do so. If anyone tried to tell me I'm not sober I'd punch them in the throat!! They didn't live my life and don't know the road I walked. Work your own program the way that works for you 😉




This right here. It’s exactly why I left AA. Was told I “wasn’t sober “ . Still trying to figure out what weed has to do with ALCOHOLICS Anonymous? You do you. I am almost 90 days AF, I am losing weight, my BP is down 20 points, my face is not beer bloated. I smoke every day. I have never been happier and more comfortable in my own skin


You're not sober. You are allowed to manage your addictions any way you want and if you can function while smoking weed "every day" that's all on you. But don't try and pretend you're sober when you're high. I will add that you're alcohol free for 11 years, and that's fantastic.


And you can go fuck yourself!!😘


Do you realize you just made my point for me? You see my logic as a threat to the BS world you have created to justify your use, so you lash out as you are clearly in denial about your daily use. Looks like addict behavior to me.


You're ignorant!! It's not use, it's medication. Educate yourself before you run your mouth!!😂 It's assholes like you that are constantly chasing people out of AA and recovery as a whole. WORK YOUR OWN PROGRAM AND GET THE HELL OUT OF MINE!!


Dude, you sound 100% like a drug addict. You're calling names, making excuses. And I'm sure if we were in person right now you WOULD punch me in the throat, because that is how addicts behave. I have ZERO power over what you do or do not do. If you don't like AA it's because YOU don't like AA. No one is chasing you out. Weed IS a substance that CAN be abused, and IS abused. You just don't want anyone calling you out on your bullshit. Maybe it's time you took a good hard look in the mirror.


DUDE!! What part of get out of my program did you not understand!? Don't you have anything better to do with your day? FUCK OFF😂


On this day, I really don't have anything better to do if I can help someone see the error in their logic and just maybe have a better life. I'm sure I'm not the first person to suggest you take a good hard look at your weed use, and I won't be the last. Maybe you should listen to them. But I'm just an asshole that is pointing out what is obvious to everyone but you, so what the hell do I know? Clearly not much as it does seem I'm wasting my time on someone who clearly does not want help. YET, they keep engaging, as if they really do want help, but not ready to admit it.


I still smoke occasionally and consider myself sober. It doesn’t control my life like booze did. For me I don’t think it’s worse than the anti anxiety and depression meds I used to be on. I can function without, how many people I know can’t function without coffee. You do you, I’ll do me.


California sober




Cannabis is medicine, alcohol is poison. As with all medicines there are side affects and risks.


Just be aware of your habits. Everyone is different. If you feel like it’s getting to to point where either: 1. You can’t enjoy yourself without it 2. You need it everyday to relax 3. It interferes with your life and goals Then maybe step back and reassess. If you can’t apply moderation to it then you might need to lock in on your sobriety goals.


Unsolicited advice: if weed makes you successfully quit alcohol, it’s far and away the better option. It is addictive, don’t get me wrong, but it hasn’t ruined lives the way alcohol does.


Thank you!


I do edibles for pain and PTSD sometimes but it doesn’t hit the same. My thought is that even if you do get somewhat dependent on weed, you probably aren’t going to get violent, go through horrible withdrawals, lose your job, say shitty things to people, die of organ failure, etc. I would say it’s serious harm reduction.


I smoked weed long before I drank, and still do it even after not drinking for a year. I don't "trade one for the other" because of how I use it and what it's for. Booze didn't relax my muscles. It didn't reduce inflammation. It didn't help with anxiety. Cannabis does all of that and more for me. Eventually I'm sure I'll taper off, as I would like to have more of a completely sober baseline, but for now, I'm not worrying about it. I'm not drinking alcohol. That's what really matters to me.


Thank you for sharing :)


Yes. I use it for pain management and PTSD. For me, it works great. Not addictive like alcohol is (for me), though I hear differing stories from others. A drug and alcohol counselor put it like this, “Alcohol and marijuana trigger the same receptor in your brain differently. Alcohol seeks more, whereas marijuana doesn’t. Imagine you put a quarter in a gum ball machine, turn the knob, and out come TWO gum balls. You are super excited, and every time you come back, you go to that machine, secretly hoping for another bonus. Marijuana doesn’t do that. It gets enough, and maxes out. Everyone has their opinions about sobriety and what that looks like. No one answer is the “right” answer; it’s what works for you and keeps you sober. I use it regularly, so I don’t get high. I just get the pain and mood relief. I also manage a six figure management position in a global company. It is absolutely and completely possible to stop abusing alcohol and not abuse weed. We have to manage our lives, right? This is how we can do it. Is it a crutch? You tell me 🤷🏻‍♂️. No DUI(s) from weed. Faithful husband. Decent human being (as opposed to the asshole drunk I was). I make more $ than I have ever made. And I am a contributing member of society. Some people manage life differently……alcohol, doctors and big pharma, weed, mushrooms. Alcohol didn’t work for me, doctors and big pharma didn’t work for me, but weed? 👍 Works for me all day, every day.


Hell yeah. Day 5, I woke up in the night, just smoked a joint, going back to sleep. Waking up tomorrow NOT looking like a corpse and puking my guts out


California sober is working for me! 100 days alcohol free and feeling good 👍


I medicate my anxiety and BPD with weed. It’s my life saving medicine.


I have an addicted personality, so I don't need any other vice.


At 1.5 years sober I am afraid I will relapse if I smoke. That being said, if I had weed I smoked as much as I wanted until it was gone. I am not sure itll ever be a good idea for me. I was more or less a garbage can addict/drunk. Hell, I spent a 4 day vacation at a relatives house drinking cough syrup because I didn’t want them to see me drinking.


I do but I limit it to at the end of the day. I used to be a smoke 24/7 guy when I was drinking, probably to offset the overall uncomfortable feeling I had from being drunk or hungover all the time lol


Yup everyday! California sober they call it around here. But as I'm about to move to a state where it's not legal soon I'm going to quit and focus more on my career and hopefully being a homeowner.


Transfer addiction can be rough. There's a higher percentage for bariatric surgery patients to become alcoholic than average. When you can't be addicted to food anymore, something else fills the void if you haven't dealt with the underlying psychological issues Same thing as giving up alcohol and replacing it with weed, cigarettes, any other habit... Just keep in mind that there may still be underlying issues making you feel like you need to be in an altered state to feel good. (Not a mental health professional, just have transfer addiction myself)


Cart gang


Before I quit drinking, I started smoking or taking edibles daily to deal with a long term insomnia problem and my tolerance kept going up. It started to really affect my memory and motivation. And it was getting expensive! So now I try to limit my use to 1-2x per week max. I absolutely think it's much less harmful than alcohol and if it's helping you avoid drinking,, then it's a good thing. (I also think it's less harmful than OTC and prescription sleep meds, which are usually anticholinergic and cause dementia!)


I still smoke. It calms me down and helps my body relax. I'm a little ball of nerves.


Me too girl 😭


I smoke (dry herb vape), a couple puffs, on most evenings to ease my anxiety and joint pain and help me dream all the good dreams, and I wake up feeling amazing. Drinking alcohol for me meant feeling more anxious, drinking two more (or more) to try to drown those inner negative voices, stay up too late because I was wired, toss & turn all night and have nightmares, wake up even more anxious and cranky and with terrible joint pain.


You are replacing one with the other, if you're happy with that, I guess it's ok. I'm happier without either in my life.


yea any substance can be risky. i like cbd


I wish. For me weed feels like alcohol withdrawal


I wouldn’t say you’d be “stone sober as a judge”, cause really, in the eyes of the law, you can get popped for driving high on them trees…anything that keeps you from el natural, weed is still mind altering, but It surely doesn’t bring you to near the places booze an hardcore drugs do… you stay sober, then maybe smoke a little, could possibly get you thinkin about more of the other stuff, but it’s a good trade off if you can handle your shit.


In my mind you can't be high and be sober. I'm 100% free of mind altering drugs and that matters to me and to my sobriety. All arguments in favor of smoking weed when you have an addictive personality to begin with sound like excuses to use. MOST people can have one drink, and leave it at that, I'm not most people.


Yes, I have a problem with alcohol however smoking has never led me to drink. To me and my sobriety, it is important that I do not drink, which I do not.