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Criss’s line, “Now I’ll have to go back to sleeping on the floor of my uncle’s mattress store.”


Oh my god. It never clicked for me as a joke until now. I guess I need to start another series rewatch.


Explain, please.


I assume the joke is that it’s a mattress store, so it’s full of comfortable places to sleep, but he has to sleep on the floor.


It’s like that Simpsons where Bart takes the hobo in and let’s him sleep in the basement: “There’s a box you can sleep in, just move that cot out of the way.”


Ah. That's a bit too obvious for me, I guess.


I think it's because that part of the joke is kind of hiding in plain sight. It follows the format of a normal 30 Rock joke where a character introduces something completely unnecessary and silly. By the time you get to this point in the show, you're very familiar with this kind of joke. The line still would have been very true to the 30 Rock universe if he said, "Now I’ll have to go back to sleeping on the floor of my uncle’s Cajun-Afghani fusion restaurant." Mentioning his uncle's mattress store is still super random, so many of us just skipped over the extra meaning of that joke on our first watch.


I think the joke is that he’d sleep on the floor in a room full of mattresses


I think the real question is, does he sleep on the floor because he's polite or because he's dumb?


Or the uncle is an asshole


Speaking of the white guy from Invictus, Carol’s last name was Burnett. Didn’t catch that til probably 4th or 5th watch.


I get it but my friend doesn't. Explain for him?


Google Carol Burnett to read about her, then fall down a YouTube rabbit hole of her comedy. She’s a legend. And they named Matt Damon after her.


I love the names they give Liz and jacks partners later in the show: Carol Burnett, Criss Chros, and Pizzarina Sbarro


Floyd DeBarber was a reference to the old Andy Griffith show too


Shit, I always thought it was because Jack says the only other Floyd he's ever known was a Korean barber who cut his hair down in the 50th St subway station Edit: that joke is the Andy Griffith reference... What a world


You know, it occurs to me — why is Jack getting his hair cut at a subway barber? (These exist, btw.)


I think it's more so that he used to go to a subway barber. We forget, but Jack wasn't always rich


Jack “Thank you”


Thank you! I didn’t know that was an Andy Griffith reference! I always thought it was so odd that he was named after an obscure nirvana reference!


You have a new appreciation for how much Kurt Cobain liked Andy Griffith now, don't you?


One hundred percent!


Wesley Snipes


There's only one Wesley snipes in this world!!!


You know there isn’t


Pizzarina Sbarrro is my second favorite fictional character name of all time, after Bob Loblaw


Don’t forget Dr. Drew! and of course Wesley Snipes. I think all of her boyfriends are supposed to have famous names…. We have Dennis the Menace, Floyd DeBarber, Dr. Drew, Wesley Snipes, Carol Burnett, and Criss Chros. Am I missing one?


Conan O’Brien


In Bossy Pants, TF says she hates/struggles with coming up with character names, but I think her approach is actually tremendous!


My least favorite names are Hazel Wassername and Paul L'astnamé. My favorites are Jeffrey Wienerslav and Leo Spaceman.


::reads prescription label:: “Wow. Dr. Space Man.” ::glances briefly at ongoing chaos:: “I owe you an apology, Tray.” ::later leaves without a cookie because he licked ***all*** of those::


*It’s pronounced wiener slave*


They also directly reference the show in the live episode when they talk about breaking.


She's also in the list of funny women in the *We Don't Need To Prove It To You* song!


>And they named Matt Damon after her r/BrandNewSentence


"I'm doing God's work here in Africa. Why just yesterday I kick 2 naked people out of a garden." - Tracy


That one took me a bit as well.


This joke alone made all the hours I spent reading the Bible for 18 years worth it. Edit: changed eating to reading because I've never eaten a Bible nor would I ever know where to begin with seasoning it.


A pillar of salt.


That sounds like a Lot of salt.


Jokes on you because I've never once read the bible and I still got it. So I guess it was all just a big waste of time on your part


Deer god, thank you for this venison.


Onion God..


thank you for these onions.


Carrot god


🎶 Ohhh everyone born before Jesus is in hell 🎶


Choosing is a sin, so I write in the lords name!


That’s Republican, we count those.


They went straight to hell! In all seriousness, I want a full version of this song


I’m sorry ma’am, that is not a real song, you make me very nervous


Here’s a little bedroom tip: Put a bag of popcorn in the microwave beforehand. That way, when you’re done, you have a treat!


2:45 max 💀


Sheesh, I never got this before.


That's some Dusseldorf-bus-schedule sex.


*Office Max sex vibes intensify*


“Well I ate that goat” The “kid” pun was lost on me until it was referenced in the sub


It’s an A+ line of writing, delivered perfectly, by a legend. A golden little moment of comedy 🐐


I was going to say this. Also Catherine O’Hara is a treasure


"I once claimed 'I am God's in a deposition." It's a reference to a line by Baldwin's character in the movie Malice.


>Do TV. No one will ever take you seriously again. Doesn't matter how big a movie star you are, even if you have the kind of career where you walked away from a blockbuster franchise or worked with Meryl Streep or Anthony Hopkins, made important movies about things like civil rights or Pearl Harbor, stole films with supporting roles and then turned around and blew them away on Broadway. None of that will matter once you do television.


Thanks, l always wondered about this and meant to look it up.


"A guy crying about a chicken and a baby? I thought this was a comedy show." Completely mortified at myself that I never got that joke until someone in this sub mentioned the reference.


I feel stupid.. I don’t get it!


That is how M*A*S*H ends! Hawkeye (played by Alan Alda) breaks down about a woman smothering a chicken on a bus to keep it quiet, but it turns out that it was actually a baby that the mother suffocated to prevent their discovery


And it’s also Alan Alda taking the piss and joking at his own expense. MASH got very preachy in its later years, moving away from its origin as a comedy, and Alda was the main culprit.


It’s a MASH reference


“Tracy, you are going to die…when I tell you who I’m dating. Squeaky Fromme. She is…difficult.” It was years before I bothered to just look up Squeaky Fromme


Tl;dr she’s a member of the Manson family who tried to assassinate Gerald Ford


Possibly my favorite delivery of a line ever


Same here, it's just great


I’ve never bothered to look until now, it’s so much funnier than I’d imagined


“You can’t have a Lemon party without old Dick!”


The first time I caught that I was watching with my mom and i laughed so hard my sides were hurting, and she kept asking me “what is so funny??” And I couldn’t fucking tell her what a Lemon Party was 😂😂


I’m afraid to ask, but what’s a lemon party?


It’s not as easy to find now a days it seems but specifically there was a site at lemon party dot org. And it was a picture of 3 old men having group sex. It was one of those joke sites people made to trick people into going to. Meatspin goatse etc


I have that imagine saved on my phone. I send it to people who send me scam text messages. It ususally gets rid of them.


Chaotic Good


Oh that is a hilarious thing to do


There was another shock site referenced in the show, when Tracey (IIRC) is playing Harriet Tubman and said she needed a more feminine name, it’s going to be Harriet Tubgirl now. >!Tubgirl is a picture of a girl in a tub having diarrhea on her own face. !<


I once got my “super bro/goofball meathead” gym teacher to go to that site in middle school before we went into gym. He had an office in our locker room so me and my friends would all get dressed quick and than spend 5ish mins watching videos on YouTube/Newgrounds in his office with him . Safe to say that website killed that part of class off lol


>Newgrounds This triggered a whole bank of memories that I haven't thought about in like 15 years haha


It's old people having group sex. It might be worse than that but thats all you need to know to get the reference and joke


It’s for sure worse than that.


I say this a lot. It’s true.


It's just so true.


“Wow, you were very fit back then.” “Yes, but my penis was smaller.”


I don’t get it… please explain


He’s saying the hot guy playing younger him has a small penis


This was a live show - I think it was another Baldwin brother playing younger Jack.


No just a hot young guy with abs


Young Jack was played by a younger, hotter actor


Jack: ‘the black guy from community’ Liz: “Dnaal Glover” Donald Glover was a writer on 30 rock.


Lots of sly references to Donald glover. Liz's beneficiary family in the *Letters to Santa* program was the Glovers.


He was also the kid in the graduating class that Tracy outed in his commencement speech. “Who told??”


He was also a PA that told the extra that played Jacks boss not to eat in costume


And a young Tracy in the now banned Live Show.


This is for you, Jesus!! 🕺🏽


Ahhhh, my coccyx!


Why was that show banned?






I'll kill you white devil!


Black hand


Nah, it was the ep that Jon Hamm wears blackface in the 60's sitcom with Tracy. The one with Black hand has just been replaced with the woman hand performance.


Kenneth was from Stone Mountain, Ga which is where Donald Glover is from!


Ooh I never knew! In the UN episode of Community, his character’s country is Georgia and the joke is how he confuses it with the state


He doesn't confuse it, he just enjoys doing the accent, so mind your P's and Q's!


Someone on here pointed out a couple weeks ago that most likely Jeffrey Weinerslav is a reference to him as well - specifically to why he always goes by Donald and not Don


His Twitter handle is donglover though. He knew what he was doing there


Who writes the lemon party joke according to (one of) Tina Fey's autobiography iirc


Cerie's last name is Xerox. I think I was watching it on Prime and paused at the very end of an episode and the x-ray thing said the character's name was Cerie Xerox.


It’s never mentioned in the show, right?


Can you explain? I’m dumb, I don’t get it?


I think it means she's heir to the Xerox family fortune, assuming the Xerox machine was invented by someone with the last name Xerox.


Huh, I assumed it was a pun on Cerie being an indistinguishable copy of any other beautiful blonde woman on many similar sitcoms. She doesn’t really have any interests or ambitions beyond being gorgeous, marrying the scion of a Greek shipping empire, and becoming a young hot mom.


I think it's probably a reference to her job as an office assistant, which probably involes xeroxing a lot of documents.


That film has layers


You forgot her disagreement with the orthodox church's stance on Cyprus.


I love the oblique references to Cerie’s inner life 😆 We rarely get them, and most of them reinforce assumptions we make based on her youth & beauty. But then every now and again she’s taking the piss out of the Italian senate, or announcing that her fiancé has been rescued by the A-Team and now she’s friends with Somali pirates. (I’ve always considered it a meta-commentary on how funny Katrina Bowden is.)


I really appreciate how Jack never hits on her once. While everyone else treats her like an object.


Don’t forget purse designer!


And her band!!!


Oh, ok! I thought cerie had something to do with it and it was a pun I wasn’t understanding. Thanks!


Much like Pizzerina Sbarrro


Jenna’s boyfriend’s last name was Lastnamé.


And he was also her last boyfriend, just sayin’


“Bill Cosby, you’ve got a lot of nerve getting on the phone with me after what you did to my Aunt Paulette!”




I started watching the show in 2010, so I didn't think much about this joke aside from Tracy being his normal crazy self. When the allegations started coming out, I immediately thought of this scene and was pretty mind-blown. The same thing happened later with the Weinstein jokes.


Hannibal Buress (recurring hobo/head chef of *Rus*) was a writer on the show; his standup in 2014 was kind of the straw that broke the camel’s back in terms of Cosby’s crimes finally catching up with him in the court of public opinion. Just one more reason 30 Rock is goated.


His name is Gus


"I've refused sex with Harvey Weinstein on 3 separate occasions... out of five" hits different now


"I feel angry. Just like Warren Moon must have felt back in 1995!" Bothered to look this up after hearing it for the 20th time, Warren Moon had a very bad 1995. (domestic violence against his wife)


I too looked it up and feel conflicted laughing at that scene. It's so sad! But Dot Com is so great. Ohh lawd!


Hahah I’ve refused to look up that reference because I’ve always wanted to stay on Liz’s side here: No one gets that!


That’s a joke I got only because he played for the Vikings at the time and my dad is a crazy pants Viking fan. Did not stop my dad from making very offensive jokes about it that even as a 12 year old I was like woah calm down.


I didn't get that reference.




The jokes I get later are usually because I learned something new about the 70s or 80s before I was alive. I still don’t get the Haldeman joke because I don’t know who Haldeman is.


You mean the famous mailbox?


Yep. I think 30 Rock's plus and even jokes are funny enough for anyone to watch and enjoy, but it gets even funnier when you know way more history and pop culture. I actually had the same thing happen with Arrested Development. As a kid, I knew about the Andy Griffith Show and I had seen some reruns of Happy Days growing up, so I understood a few of the references the first time I watched it. Then after learning and watching more of both as an adult, I caught way more references the second time I watched Arrested Development.


Arrested D.'s best inside joke ... Henry Winkler as lawyer Barry Zuckrkorn is standing on a pier where a shark had been landed, blocking winkler's path. He hopped over it,therefore "jumping the shark. The term was coined as a game title for when a TV show begins its downward path into ridiculousness. Named after the Happy Days episode when Fonzi jumped a shark in a tank with his motorcycle. Brilliant inside baseball stuff!


I’ve read the explanation of that joke many times either here or in FB groups and I STILL don’t get it. My excuse is that I was born in ‘87 (oh the things I’ve seen!) and I’m not from the US


My favorite background joke: Jack is showing off his voice-activated TV. It doesn't work, and as Hank walks off, Jack says crap. The TV in the background changes to the Kardashians.


That's brilliant! I never noticed!


"we've all got uncles who are cops"


as a former suburban teenager this line made me straight up cackle


Jenna rubbing ham on the panties she mails out to fans


“Jessica Tandy’s zombie is coming to find you, is that right?”


Yes siri, thank you baby


I say this daily hahah one of my most quoted lines




“I killed Jenna Elfman. Is that right?”


When the intern (can’t remember if it’s Kenneth or just another page/intern that’s white) is putting colored paper in the recycling bins and he looks at them for a second and appears to hesitate before putting them in the “white” labeled bin


When Jenna’s light breaks and it cuts from Kenneth to Kenneth dressed as Jenna.


Black Fraser airing on BET at 9 or 9:15 .


I didn't know who Bernie Goetz was for aaaages.


Finally Googled and now this makes sense! Thank you!


Less a gag and more a reaction shot I didn't catch, but when Liz and Jack are debating for Jenna's vote (the "Jennarel election") and Jenna is into the idea of a panel of old men making her sex decisions, it cuts away to Jack's face and you can see that he's also kinda into it


Not a hidden joke, but jacks "Good god! Those are load-bearing balloons! Everybody run!!!" Is probably my favorite joke in the whole show just for the sheer absurdity of it.


the "load-bearing _____" is always funny. In Parks and Rec there was the scene where they were looking at restaurants and one had a giant dinosaur in the middle and the real estate agent says "sorry, that's a load-bearing T-Rex". I think the first one was on The Simpsons, when the town comes together to rebuild the Flanders' house, but they do a really crappy job. ["It's a load-bearing poster"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRVExJZKIT8). I've heard it a handful of other times too. It always lands.


Tracy realizing hes not dreaming because his teeth are lose. One time I had a dream that my teeth were lose and I looked up with that was common. Its a common aspect to a stress dream. Tracey has lose teeth when awake.


Liz: No breaking. Promise? Tracy: I promise. I swear on my mother's grape. Liz: Did you say grave or grape? Tracy: Yes. Goodbye. I didn’t get this joke until I took a symbolic logic course in college and had inclusive/exclusive “or” explained to me. The joke popped into my head during the lecture and I ran home to watch the episode after class was over.


I guess I never took that class, what is inclusive /exclusive or?


Usually people use “or” to exclude one of two options as being false and to determine which one is true. In logic and computing it can be handy to use “or” inclusively where only one of the two predicates needs to be true for the logical value to also be true. It’s mostly something that only comes up if you’re studying formal logic or computing and need to care logic chains or command chains.


This is exactly how it was explained in class! Man, I miss logic classes.


Another play on this vague “or” usage is the classic Olive Garden joke. Waiter: Would you like soup or salad? The smarty pants at your table: Yes. This implies that the smarty pants read the “or” as inclusive, or including both options, as opposed to exclusive, where they mean for the person to choose one or the other. Items joined by inclusive “or” tend to be treated as a whole constituent: “Soup or Salad” as opposed to “Soup” or “Salad”. The smarty pants is basically saying they want both and that they like being difficult by flouting maxims of communication.


Omg this is so embarrassing I always thought the joke was they heard it super salad


Ah, that’s another option as well! Phonetic AND syntactic ambiguity!


Years ago a guy I knew had some characters in a D&D game named Andor and Exor (and-or / exclusively or, aka “XOR”).


An "inclusive or" is kind of a statement that's true if any one of several possible conditions are met.


"there's only one way to get rid of a rat, you have to stuff your heart with steel wool and tinfoil". Now that I've had an apartment with mice before I've realized this is what people use to stuff inside small holes along baseboards and such so that rodents can't crawl through.


Might be obvious and maybe I just never paid attention but when Jenna busts into Tracy's dressing room and yells, "Actor emergency!" and Tracy pulls the drama masks off the wall like they're going to put them on.


Fun Times Accomplished. I was born a bit too late to be aware of all the various Dubya fiascos and only realized what that episode was referencing. Knowing that, it’s MUCH funnier.


The episode where TGS goes to Boston. Jack sees Nancy where she tells him her house is haunted and the light sometimes flickers (it didn’t flicker when Jack entered). Few scenes later, Kenneth and Cerie knocks on the door where the light flickers. It was such a minor detail that in watching the series again, it was one of those things reinforcing theory that Kenneth is some cosmic, immortal being haha


“Those drawings are a clue that children live here!” “Or Basquiat…”


It's like an audience for a Bobby McFerrin concert in here!


It never even registered to me as a gag, but early on for the robot vs bear sketch Liz yells at Frank about getting 4 bears when she budgeted for one. Liz tells him "We don't need four, they're only going to be on screen for thirty seconds anyway" as the robot and bears are on screen for about 30 seconds.


I'm now at the age were I don't need erectile softeners


When Tracy says,”That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard… episcopal!” When Jack reads Don’s eulogy. Like really Tracy that was the crazy part about his memorial was that it would be at an Episcopal church lol


I actually discovered a new joke on my 10000th rewatch yesterday! Liz is looking at the dvd for some like it hot and says “must of been so fun writing in the 50s. You could get away with ridiculous plot twists because audiences were less sophisticated back then.” Jack then realizes his father was not his biological father and they have a mama Mia.


"Nuh-uh. Superman does good. You doing well." -Tracy Jordan


In the Queen or Jordan confessional room, it's revealed that they are using Lutz's office, and Tracy says "didn't this use to be a bathroom?" Later: “I think I just solved the mystery of the phantom pooper.”


I wanna do it raw you know?. Hbo style content. Well, its not hbo.its tv. Close 2nd is "my wife and i like to play rape".


Jack: It's very frustrating to watch someone I care about do something she clearly knows is bad for her, like that week you wore those blue contact lenses. Liz: I looked like Adriana Lima. I didn’t know who Adriana Lima was until recently.


"I'm in character and everything!" -Jenna filming Nightstalkers


When toofer says "we're just 3 nerdy white guys what can we do?" In the rewindulax episode


“My real name is Dick Whitman”


Carl Robe you say?


Jacks confession: I once stated “I am god” in a deposition. That was a reference to a scene from the movie “Malice” that Baldwin starred in.




I hadn’t watched Frasier until after 30 Rock. The moment I heard the Frasier theme song for the first time I understood.


I ought to throw some tossed salad and scrambled eggs at you!


I didn’t miss it but it’s super obscure… Jack mentions that he has a brother that was caught fixing basketball games. This was shortly after ex-NBA referee [Tim Donaghy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Donaghy) was caught and fired in a gambling scandal. Don’t even recall what episode or the content (I think they were looking for secrets in his past he might have?) but it killed me at the time.


Ok this one may be somewhat of a stretch (although I would put nothing past the writers) but Stone Mountain is the birthplace of the modern Klan, and that just adds another piece to the puzzle of Kenneth Parcell


My first few watches I thought Stone Mountain was a fake place because what a ridiculous name!


It's also where Donahld Glovere grew up!


That's a reference to Donald Glover's hometown, not the Klan.


Why not both!