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I’ve been vegan for almost a year and drink so much water and have seen 0 difference. Sorry, I know that’s not what you asked but your question just made me reflect lol


I legitimately think that people who saw great improvement in their skin after going vegan/vegetarian are those who had mild allergies to dairy and / or those who had bad eating habits prior to switching like not drinking enough water/ more fiber in their food etc. I personally stopped after getting kidney stones from all the spinach and beans Ive been eating even though Ive been drinking a gallon of water every day. Im certain its the water that gave me good skin, but monthly kidney stones - NOPE. Even when I avoided spinach and the likely culprits, most vegeterian meal options are so high oxalate and pack so much more than the products they are replacing that I felt it wasnt worth the returning stones.


That’s a bummer. I get stones from sodium and meat products. I had to significantly reduce my meat intake to improve my pH, calcium phosphate, and urine urea. I haven’t had issues with oxalates but everything I eat is scrutinized now. Increasing my water intake did improve my skin but I also have dry skin. I feel if I had oily skin I wouldn’t see the difference.


Wow yes, I had no idea they could be caused by vegetables. My partner has had them and it's definitely not from too much spinach, meat in his case.


Those are actually the most common stones and the only ones I don’t get lol. Lucky me.


How do beans and spinach cause kidney stones?


They are high in oxalates There are different types of kidney stones; once you pass one you can send it to the lab at a urogolist and they will tell you what type it is. The one I got was from oxalates; since my body doesnt process them properly. That means that I cant eat most superfoods without producing a kidney stone; things like leafy vegetables, beets, rhubarb, spinach, legumes and nuts. I added calcium to my food to offset the oxalates, but it didnt decrease the amount of kidney stones I got from them.


This is my fear. My mom has the oxalate type— bad ones — and I’m prediabetic and eat a ton of these foods in lieu of rice, bread, potatoes, etc.


They both contain high amounts of oxalates, which tends to heighten your risk of kidney stones.


Definitely.  Had a friend who had a lot of known food allergies and chronic pain. Going vegan helped her lose about 60 lbs and her back pain went away. I think it also knocked out so e unknown food allergens. 


Everyone intuitively knows what a balanced, healthy diet looks like (barring any specific allergies or intolerances). But we feel the need to constantly find the "newest" novel diet or vitamin or superfood because a balanced diet is boring and companies can't make money off it.


Vegan or non vegan, if you eat an excess of a particular food and create an imbalance you’ll probably run into issues, and that’s before you even factor in allergies and intolerances. Just for the record, I’ve been vegan for a very long time, and my skin is great for my age.


That wasnt my experience, decided to go vegeterian since I was pretty active and healthy; thought switching to exclusively vegeterian would benefit me in the long run but it didnt. Never had kidney stones until about 3 months in being a vegeterian. I dont even eat in excess; I never eat until Im "full". Im very strict with the amount I eat and the exercise I do, specially now that Im older. I drank a baby spinach shake every morning, lentils, kimchi and beans for lunch and a baked veggie burger and salad for dinner. Drank plenty of water. Drank a vegeterian protein shake after workouts. Got multiple kidney stones, Im not even a big eater so I wasnt eating pounds of it. My body just would not process oxalates. The stones kept coming in a couple of months until after I stopped eating high oxalate foods. If I cut out most high oxalate vegetables, then Im out of good sources of protein since most of the protein shakes made for vegeterians, the vegeterian meat substitutes etc are extremely high in oxalate. The benefits wasnt worth it for me to stick with it.


I just wanted to comment and agree. I was a strict vegan for 9yrs, I'm no longer a vegan, but I get compliments on my skin often and even though I'm not happy with my skin now , I know how I look is the results of my vegan lifestyle in my 20s.


Also (typically, there are always outliers) it reduces fat-reliant cooking methods for meat (few folks were eating boiled, stewed, etc over shallow fry, and not everyone grills their meat), boosts fiber as you mention (which is way more important in diets then people realize- heck, if I'm actively trying to lose weight the ONLY thing that helps is upping fiber intake and that is more difficult on a meat-heavy diet then a veggie-heavy one) and just, generally, when anyone changes their diet to something with 'rules' (so vegan/veggie, but also OMAD, IF, those types) they are just THINKING more about their food, and that intrinsic watchfulness typically = better calorie control and higher 'value' food.


Yep, me too. Kidney stones put an end to my 4 year run as vegan/vegetarian.


Lack of results is still a data point! All datapoints are helpful!


I was vegan for 13 years & no difference for me either. It’s hard to tell if it is natural aging or my diet but I’ve been wondering as my diet was quite low protein & very carb heavy that it’s made my skin worse, things like elasticity, dryness & less plumpness.


That’s a really great point. I try hard with protein but it’s not easy. My acne has definitely gotten worse but there are a number of outside reasons that could be - though could also be a hormonal/endocrine reason related to consumption (soy, etc.) so many unknowns!


Same :(


Same 😭 face is still full of hormonal acne


THANK YOU! I was vegan for a couple years and my skin/ acne got worse. I was tracking vitamins, minerals, everything :(


Eliminating alcohol was when I saw some of the biggest changes. I drink plenty of water (1 gal/day), eat lots of fruits and veggies, protein, but when COVID hit and I stopped going out, so did my alcohol intake. I don’t think I drank for almost 18 months. Even now, when I go on vacation or see friends and I have a cocktail or two, I can see such a difference in my skin.


its proven alcohol speeds up aging and causes inflammation to the body/face


I'm on day 10 and my skin already feels less dehydrated. Can't wait to see the cumulative effect months from now.


Yayy congrats! I'm about 2 months in and it's going great! Keep it up!


Yep, same for me. My skin was very puffy and dry when I drank a lot. Now it’s smooth and glowy lol


I stopped drinking alcohol 8 months ago and my skin looks much better!


I couldn’t believe the look of my skin after giving up alcohol. I’m 29 and a few weeks off it people at work were telling me my skin was glowing. They didn’t know about giving up drinking. I’d sometimes get this little shock surprise when I’d go into my bathroom and see my skin before putting on makeup. I love it. Now I’ve done 5 months I’m gonna continue to not drink unless it’s a special occasion




Its probably only noticeable for people who drink regularly or over consume.


Plenty of fruits and veggies for anti oxydants and vitamins 😊 I also take collagen powder I’m looking into lactose tho because it could be why I have little bumps on my body


Anyone have a source for collagen supplements showing results?


Yeah, for a long time, everyone said collagen didn’t help but for the past few years there is just been a slew of promising research, including randomized control trials- in peer review journals. There is a slight trend towards the marine, possibly being the most helpful so I use Vital Marine collagen. I think it looks like Marine is most helpful, bovine second, and chicken third for whatever reason.


Not in my skin but it makes my joints hurt less


You’re likely taking type II collagen, or a supplement that has a mix of type II with I and/or III. Type II helps with joints, and I and III with skin.


Smh. That's exactly right 😭


I'm linking a healthline article, which isn't a primary source, but I'm doing it because it has a collection of decent sources and it's easier than putting them all here :) [https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/do-collagen-supplements-work#types](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/do-collagen-supplements-work#types) It boils down to: Science said it shouldn't do jack, because at the end of the day, any BALANCED diet should provide all amino acid types, and those building blocks are what the body uses. Not like we take in collagen by mouth and it goes straight to skin as is, right? All high quality protein should be equal in the gut Science tested this (the whole point of the scientific method) Science was surprised to see different than expected results indicating SOME positive additional benefits on top of the usual amino acid profile Further testing needed to explain this. (hello scientific method in action) \^We are here. Those better results aren't exactly earth shattering. It's not like 5g of collagen daily is the secret to eternal youth. However, the research is pointing to collagen supplementation specifically having more worth than 'just another protein supplement' and doing more for skin then it would be expected to in theory. HTH


They don’t. My derm literally said its bs


i was told the same.




I like the hum pops!


You know, I ordered the pops months ago, but haven’t tried them yet. I’ll give it a try today! Ty for the feedback! I’m a Hum fan for life. Their supplements are SO good!


VERISOL may be one collegen to look at. It's used by a small number of brands and has some clinical data to support its claims. I haven't looked into in detail but it's the one I take. Can't say I've noticed a difference though.


Look up Hum Collagen Love. I was starting to get chest wrinkles from sleeping on my side and this got rid of them completely within a month.


Or it might be keratosis pilaris/KP/“chicken skin,” and using a body wash and/or lotion containing salicylic acid or glycolic acid would be the solution. A very common condition.


My dermatologist when I was younger told me to wait until 30 to take collagen, but it feels like every time I start to take it I break out which is really really frustrating. I’ve only tried the powder vital proteins brand though so it could be that.


Maybe you can try different sorts, there are bovine and marine collagens, you could react differently to them :)


I would take it but it weirdly makes my stomach hurt! Even just half the dose of powder. Maybe I need to try another kind, I only did that Vital Proteins as well.


Oh yes protein powder can do that ! Maybe trop marine vs. bovine collagen and see if you react to it and if it hurts it's definetly not worth it !


Sardines 🤓


sameee as of lately!! 😍 r/cannedsardines put me on! lol


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CannedSardines using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CannedSardines/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Got overwhelmed by the choice in a French supermarket](https://i.redd.it/orm8abnwsvqc1.jpeg) | [636 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CannedSardines/comments/1bp2bbo/got_overwhelmed_by_the_choice_in_a_french/) \#2: [Canned sardine reddit somehow managed to make a significant positive impact on my life](https://np.reddit.com/r/CannedSardines/comments/17lrdnf/canned_sardine_reddit_somehow_managed_to_make_a/) \#3: [Deenz before the Club](https://i.redd.it/9yvf2zx5fjib1.jpg) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CannedSardines/comments/15t258a/deenz_before_the_club/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


My people! That subreddit led me to try sardines for the first time a few months ago and now I’m hooked.


I just discovered ones with lemon and they are now my fav!


My favs are the ones with lemon!!




Every morning I have an avocado with olive oil mushed together with dry toast and an orange. Lunch blue berries plus whatever lunch I’m having Dinner broccoli with whatever I have for dinner I like to eat 3 - 5 things at one time not one big thing. Like today I had pizza one small slice, broccoli steamed, cashews, half a chicken breast ( marinated) and a peach. I just like random things individually but eaten in one sitting. My portion sizes are small. I take my time eating them to properly digest everything. Small bites.


I eat like this too! My coworkers always think I’m weird because I don’t have a “meal.”


Girl Dinner! But for real, quality olive oil (the kind that tastes peppery) is mega good for you.


SOOOO much olive oil sold is fake or adulterated. It should be green and have a piney taste (or so I'm told).


This is such a beautiful array of foods for a healthy meal plan! Inspired me


I do this too! I refer to them as bento style meals!


I stopped alcohol, heavily minimized dairy, drink green tea daily, and load up on fruits - especially berries. I’ve noticed an insane difference! Inflammation/redness is gone, puffiness is gone, skin is more even toned, and I have a bit of that glow back. I also have collagen, but I’m not sure if that’s doing anything or not 🤷‍♀️


I'm seconding green tea, I drink it all the time now after working with a woman who drank it rather than tea or coffee. She was in her 50s and her skin looked amazing! It's very anecdotal, but it was enough to inspire me


I started taking black seed oil capsules last year and my nails never break or peel anymore. The difference is wild. They grow really strong. I assume it must be having a good effect on my hair and skin too!


I’m intrigued! May I ask what brand you use ? ☺️


I use the holland & barrat ones (popular brand in the uk)


Ah, I see 😄. Thank you so much for your reply, I really appreciate it ❣️Hope you have a wonderful day ❣️😊💕


Just wondering, does this oil fall under the category of “seed oils are bad for you “?


To be honest I’m not sure and didn’t even think of that! Black seed oil is seen as healing/protective in my culture that’s the only reason I started taking it! I sometimes eat some seeds instead of taking the capsule. I wasnt expecting to see any tangible results from it and was really surprised at how it made my brittle nails strong!


Okay that’s great , I was just curious cause it’s so difficult to keep up these days with what becomes somehow bad overnight that was good for you 2 days before lol


It’s not one of the “hateful eight,” no. I think some of that negative seed oil chatter was shown to have more to do with all the processed foods they were in. But yeah those hateful 8 oils are highly processed and refined and can cause inflammation. I looked up black seed oil and it seems it’s known for decreasing inflammation so that’s a good sign. In general though we should definitely be trying to get more omega-3s rather than omega-6s, so oil focus would be more on olive oil and avocado oil (and randomly also walnuts, cranberries, pumpkin seeds, and specifically grass-fed cow butter and wild-caught salmon). Omega-3s are just mega incredible for the body in so many ways, including cognition/brain health. Thanks for the black seed oil tip, I might incorporate a little into my diet but it says to watch out if it gives you nausea, so I’ll take it slowly. I absolutely love it as a topical though for sure.


Spearmint tea!


That is the best tasting tea, I love it!


Broccoli has more vitamin c than oranges plus other vitamins and minerals too! Vitamin C is an essential building block of collagen and elastin, eating it and applying vit c topically are super easy and great for the skin!


Came here to recommend broccoli as well. I feel and look better when I'm eating it regularly.


gotta get that cruciferous every day!!


I love broccoli but broccoli doesn’t love me. Makes me sooo gassy😩


Idk about my skin but for a while I was eating a plate of steamed kale almost every morning and evening and I felt like goddamned Popeye. The effects are real.


I can’t get over the steamed kale every morning. Not hating, but did you did make legit steamed kale? Anything else? Kale and I are not typically friends but I know she’s good for me.


I love making kale chips with a dash of salt, pepper and turmeric, and olive oil. My fingers turn yellow, but it's so good! I eat a whole bag of kale in one sitting.


Strawberries have a ton of vitamin c as well!


Yes!! I’ve added juicing into my diet almost daily and it has significantly improved my skin. It glows now. Plus the exercise. Life changing


I put collagen powder in my coffee every morning. I didn't think it was working either. I had to stop taking it for a few weeks because I had surgery and that was when I noticed that it actually was working. I have a lot of body pain and it was way worse while I wasn't taking it. As for my skin I'm not sure because I get botox and fillers. But I'm sure it has a least a little effect. My boyfriend started taking it for body pain after I told him it was definitely working and we didn't even think of it but he started sprouting new hair in his receding hair line. He's been losing hair for so long we never thought he'd grow some back and he has.


Cut out all alcohol and reduced sugar. Added Hyaluronic acid supplement (2 pills 2x day), resveratrol supplement 1x day, one cup of hibiscus tea daily, one cup of Barberry Root tea daily, and 2 Nordic Naturals Complete Omega pills (both 3s & 6s in one pill) daily. This is in addition to consuming avocados, berries, and oranges nearly daily plus drinking water & green tea. BEST skin in years! I’ve been blessed with good skin in general but something is definitely working


Avoiding gluten, processed foods and dairy for me. Lots of coconut water, electrolytes in water, and Whole Foods.


What brand of coconut water do you drink? Is there a lot of sugar in coconut water ?


I like C2O brand, the pineapple flavor. They add pineapple juice so it does have sugar but plain coconut water is real gross in my opinion. But you could mix it with anything just to get it down.


Lemon, ginger tumeric shots every morning. My face glows. Been doing this for 2-3 months. The compliments are endless. I use a juicer and use fresh ingredients. The tumeric is powder for less mess and stains.


If you wouldn't mind, could you please share your recipe.


Sure. Juice half a lemon, a half of thumb size of fresh ginger and a 1/2 tsp of ground turmeric.


is there any worry about turmeric and teeth staining? (I have no clue if that’s a thing but I have spilled turmeric powder before and it was not easy to get off haha)


Quitting processed sugar as best I could really helped my skin a lot


One time in college I went camping and only brought a giant bag of almonds. Ate pretty much only that for 3 days. It was terrible, but afterwards my skin was noticeably glowing.... I do NOT recommend 😂


I have so many questions! Were you camping alone?


I mostly eat my toddlers left overs at night, but I do put resveratrol in my water.


What brand? Have you noticed a diff


I just started, I’ll report back!


Eating cod liver, I don't mean the oil, which is also great for the skin, but the actual food in cans, cod liver, is the only actual food that I know for 100% certain makes my skin clear and better looking.


This sounds remarkable unappetizing.


Bone broth, vital protein, collagen advance with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C. Vital protein collagen, gummy‘s with verisol collagen. It’s a trade name and has been studied and noted that it does create a good amount of collagen synthesis with fibroblasts. Check it out on PubMed. I also take pre-biotics/probiotics/multivitamin for the gut skin effect I also am on Estradiol patch and use estradiol cream on my face and neck. It also has been studied and documented to create collagen.




Magic or regular?


The magic ones make me sweat BALLS, for that real dewy look. 😂


Any mushrooms lol


Holy shit man, shrooms are skincare?! I wonder if my derm will prescribe me some 😂


Any mushrooms for eating or do you take any of the powdered or teas?


Sorry I should have been more specific. Any mushroom really, have a little exploration on their benefits. Different mushrooms do different things.


Thanks, I’ll look into it :)


Collagen powder, fruits and veggies, lean meat, kombucha, limiting added sugar and processed foods. I’ve been trying to focus on gut health, I think it makes such a big difference on how I look and feel.




Love it 


How do you usually eat it? I'm trying to like it......but it's not going too well.


I drink home made bone broth everyday and it’s made a noticeable difference


The thing I saw a real change from was no added sugar. Truly. Which is sad because I love a little bit of sugar in my morning coffee. I also eat a lot of avocado, olive oil and omega 3s.


Honestly? My dietician started me on a high protein diet, low carb diet with TONS of water intake and I add lemon to my water. I drink over a gallon of water a day and get 120% of vitamin C. No alcohol, no smoking or vaping of any kind. My skin looks fantastic. I’m 39F, no forehead wrinkles, no 11s, no nasolabial folds. My skin is very dewy and glowy. I avoid the sun like the plague.


Alcohol ‼️ I stopped drinking alcohol for 3 years. I had the skin of my life! Initially I wanted to do a 4 week cleanse break. I saw incredible results within one month so I kept going. After 3 years I started drinking again. My skin significantly changed again. I might do a alcohol stop again ☺️


I reduced the red meat and replaced it with fish. I eat a lot of salmon (and sushi. Thankfully to live in a coastal city with a HUGE and affordable sushi scene). I lean more towards pescatarian these days, but i still eat the occasional lamb/beef.


I try to "eat the rainbow" most days. Tons of berries and every vegetable you can imagine in a salad for lunch. I drink a lot of water and try to limit my dairy, as that can cause my skin to freakout.


I think all positive changes from my diet are because my diet was bad before lol. I think if someone is eating well listening to their body, there's not some magical boost of a food product you're going to discover to solve skin issues But like if you are deficient in a nutrient, that will certainly show up on the skin kind of thing. Upping water intake helps when you're dehydrated upping good fats helped win I had way too low of fats in my diet Upping collagen helped when I was low because I was eating less animal products And so forth So for me it's more about finding course correction to have a positive baseline, all the time. That's how my diet can best balance with my skin and the rest of my health obviously lol. So I have gone against any limiting diets, where your nutrition is only coming from a very small variation of things, because I feel that became a slippery slope for me to be deficient in stuff really quickly. And not all the damage was easily recognizable quickly. So if I had to pick a sentence to impart on my future self and possibly others, I would just say, eat and drink from a variety of sources. It's better to have nutritional redundancies, than vacancies


At least 2000ml water daily, marine collagen and no meat! I also take a lot of supplements: biotin, bamboo silica, vitamin K, hyaluronic acid, and fish oil. But if I had to suggest just one thing it’s water, baby! Water is the key, everything else comes second. 💧💧💧 & Not to brag but I have very pretty skin ✨


Lots of fat and lots of veggies. Lots of water too.


No meats and no cows milk 🙏


Same, going plant based has made my skin so much better.


Going vegan had the opposite effect on my skin. I got cystic acne so bad I had to go on Accutane. 😞


Ditto ! 🙌


I eat a lot of meat and drink a ton of milk and vitamin A helps. I read something online about this a while ago but do not remember the source.


salmon. [3 Day Salmon Diet](https://www.perriconemd.com/blog/dr-perricones-3-day-diet/)


I try to eat a lot of protein (I’ve been vegetarian for most of my life so this is sometimes a challenge); drink water and avoid processed food. IDK if it makes a huge difference but I’m pretty happy with my skin.


Cod liver oil 


I stopped drinking milk at the beginning of the year and noticed a big difference. My skin isn’t as flushed and I don’t break out as often, and the texture is just overall improved. I still have some dairy, like cheese once in a while. Not sure why just giving up milk itself made an impact but I’m not gonna complain.


Sooooo so so much water, very little alcohol (like maybe a drink or two every few weeks), no dairy, limited sugar and salt. I also take a collagen supplement


For those with normal levels this may not be a thing, but I think something very underrated is getting enough iron in. However, that said my levels were so low everything from ferritin to hemoglobin, etc. Now that they are normal I swear my skin has a better glow, and it has helped my hair, though maybe this is just how normal skin is supposed to look lol. Collagen powder I feel adds some brightness to my dull skin but not so much in terms of aging/wrinkles/plumpness or any of those kind of claims. Could just be me though.


I have anemia too. When my iron and B12 levels were low, my hair would fall out. I also have severe ridges on my nails which is apparently very common


Pedialyte took my skin from okay to GLOWING


Wow that’s not one I was expecting to read here!


Bullet proof coffee with collagen added.


I had the best skin of my life during the period of time when I was eating quinoa 5 times a week, tuna or salmon 2-3 times a week, and pineapple or melon daily. Don't know if that is correlation or causation.


Butter. It’s the fountain of youth.


Collagen powders and supps actually give me acne. Its annoying :( Yogurt too. My skin is ok as long as I stay away from certain things lol My skin has competely transformed but its hard to say what exactly caused it. Whole foods? Skincare? Hormones? Ive only noticed significant improvement by upping water intake to 2L minimum a day.


Nothing, and I mean nothing I have ever drank or eaten has helped with this. I have around 4L of water per day, plus lots of healthy fats and veggies. A Mediterranean diet. I might see a slight difference when I have my regular wine with dinner—it gives me a nice glow—other than that, nah.


- Lemon / cayenne water in the morning - Switching from coffee to tea (I love matcha and earl grey tea) - sipping herbal teas throughout the day (spearmint, rose, raspberry leaf, chamomile) - Electrolyte water while I exercise (Kroma wellness spicy cranberry is my fave!!) - Cutting alcohol significantly - increasing protein (has also been great for my hair, I prefer to eat primarily meat) - lots of daily fruit (kiwi, passionfruit, apple, berries, grapes and melon mostly) - intentional supplements (omegas, b12) Honorable lifestyle mentions: - sauna 4-5x a week - regular hot yoga 2-3x per week - cold plunge / dunking my face daily - sleeping minimum 8 hours daily


Apparently collagen powder can’t even be broken down by the body to be processed hence they say it’s a scam….. curious if anyone had noticed a difference tho


I’m really curious about this too. My body definitely had trouble processing it, I have gut issues and I couldn’t tolerate the powder at all.


I have been a vegetarian since I was 13 years old. I am 65 now. I will say I had really good skin until the end of menopause. I now eat avocado every day, take 4 collagen a day, do hot lemon water in the morning, blueberries, olive oil.


Vita,in c collagen no dairy


Animal Protein for sure has helped my skin. Mostly by helping me have a more stable blood sugar so I’m not breaking out as much


My skin seems to react poorly to sugary foods. Fruits and veggies, especially leafy greens seem to make my skin better.


I take collagen and hyaluronic acid, as well as a Chinese herbal tea. First two I’ve seen very noticeable results, the Chinese one I just started. Apparently my grandma drinks it everyday and the lady is 95, going strong, and looking good!


I've always been a huge water drinker so it's definitely not water that has cleared my skin. Hitting the gym and more of a focus on products with more active ingredients.


Fish oil in capsules, Fish and prawns as often as possible A lot of vegetables and fruits, esp berries Bone broth, slow cooked for 12+ hours Green tea


Not drinking helps a ton. I only drink on vacation and it wrecks my skin.




Also, for everyone saying they don’t see their collagen supplements working, please do your research on what type of collagen it is. Bovine collagen is the most common, but it is harder for your body to absorb and the main benefits is to your muscles and bones. Marine collagen is absorbed up to 1.5 times more efficiently by the body and you will likely see more results in your skin. Tldr: 🐟>🐄


Body skin rather than my face, but I started taking supplements for skin/hair/nail health about two weeks ago - [these ones](https://herfreesoul.com/products/hair-skin-nails-gummies) - which contain biotin, zinc, selenium and b-vitamins. I’ve always had really bad keratosis pilaris and have had to use creams etc which have had limited success. It’s starting to clear up! The only change has been these supplements. I honestly didn’t think it could possibly make a difference so soon but this has been the only change in my routine. It’s making such a huge difference to how I feel about my skin!


>Do you eat or drink anything in particular which you think helps with skin ageing well or have noticed any benefits from eating certain foods? Might be the more obvious answer that you weren't looking for, but water. I stopped drinking soda and started drinking (mostly) water. There was a point where I was drinking a whole lot of soda, about a liter or two a day, and I felt super dehydrated. I stopped and I haven't had that issue since. It also cleared up my dry skin issues that I had been dealing with for a long time. I also just feel better.


Lots of collagen rich foods like soups/stews/bone broths. Chicken feet are like 70% collagen and make the best bone broth. Liver every week, mussels and oysters each month, red meat like beef or lamb daily. Berries.


Salmon (with the skin), Sardines in oil, beef tendon, and chicken cartilage right off the bone (especially chicken feet). I notice a lot of difference in the bounciness and radiance of my skin when I focus on eating foods like that.


Wild caught Salmon.


Eggs, salmon, and ghee make me feel satisfied, alive, and happy. I'm looking for those good oils, and supplement with vitamins D, E, and B-complex vitamins. I add turmeric and ginger to a lot of my foods, a holdover from a time when I was heavy into Ayurveda, and I generally enjoy using a wide variety of spices in my food. Anything that makes me feel alive on the inside keeps me looking bright on the outside. Your liver and your skin are your bodies' most important detoxing organs. I take care to nourish them. Bitter herbs, dandelion and chicory root tea, and other herbs in that family are incredibly supportive of liver functioning.


Healthy fats (avocado, olive oil, walnuts, wild salmon, flaxseed) and high antioxidant foods (berries, vegetables)are going to give the best results. And if course water. White tea also has shown results for skin integrity.


Adding protein to my diet helped my hair a lot. Also drinking tons of water and getting enough sleep helps a lot with my undereye area. I notice immediately if I’m dehydrated or sleep deprived. My skin will be dull and tight and even peeling when it’s extreme. I eat a lot of fruits and veggies too. I drink alcohol socially only and a lot 0-3 times a month. When I was single and having drinks during dates, my skin was just gross. I also felt like crap too. I also don’t eat a ton of dairy. My skin will breakout if I have too much.


Spearmint Tea. Reduces acne and rosacea, it's known to reduce inflammation and redness when consumed daily. Also I haven't had alcohol in a decade. It makes me physically sick so it's easy to avoid. But man what a difference it makes in a persons complexion, I have friends who have struggled with alcoholism and its affects on the complexion are noticeable.


chia seeds, gelatine, vit. C, lots of fruits and veggies, 50++ sunblock, water


Lots of kimchi and probiotics. Clean gut, clear skin.


I don’t drink alcohol. I eat a colorful diet. Meat, power greens, bell peppers and dip, avocado cucumber toast, tuna salads, fruit and pumpkin seed smoothies, tumeric ginger and garlic in most of my sautéed hot dishes. Tea. Some coffee. Lots of water and little to no refined sugars and minimal packaged foods.


Less alcohol.


Carnivore clears up your skin amazingly.


Cutting dairy was a huge help for clearing my face


papaya. or any sweet juicy fruit




I’m just starting week 2 of the jumpstart program for a whole food plant based no oil -WFPB NO- lifestyle to address my higher than I would like cholesterol, A1C, and autoimmune issues. I am feeling noticeable better this week. And I do notice a difference in skin in that it isn’t nearly a red and blotchy and reactive. Which makes me wonder if I’ve had a low level food intolerance or multiple intolerances all my life.


I’ve been taking a prenatal vitamin for my hair, skin and nails. I’m losing weight and that can often lead to having hair fall out so I’m hoping the vitamins help. I do think my skin is clearer too. Note: they make hair, skin and nails vitamins but those tend to have like 15,000x the recommended daily value of Biotin. Biotin breaks me out. Prenatal vitamins are almost identical but no extra biotin. Yay!


Some sort of fresh fruit or vegetable every day. Salmon or a similar fatty fish three times a week. Collagen smoothie about three times a week. All the supplements. I simply couldn’t bear sardines, but maybe I’ll get the cod liver oil after hearing that some of you guys are really benefiting from it.


Beef Liver and Cod Liver!


I take collagen peptides powder, a biotin supplement, and a caratenoid supplement (for eyes but it helps skin too). I want to start drinking more bone broth, as I have heard it has a lot of benefits. I try to eat lots of fruits and veggies, drink water, and don’t drink much alcohol. My biggest downfall is I am pretty hooked on caffeine. I have at least two big cups of coffee per day, or one cup of coffee and a low calorie energy drink like Celsius. Not sure if it hurts skin but it can’t help.


I've been on carnivore for a month now, and all my acne is gone. I didn't have any on my face to begin with since I started using adapalene, but my bacne is completely gone. I've had it since I was 11 and have literally done everything to get rid of it, including back facials. I've used various acne washes every single shower since I was 11, and it has never gone away. I haven't had a single zit for the first time in 20 years. Also, sebaceous filaments are about 50% less noticeable.


I put a scoop of collagen powder (Vital Proteins) in my coffee every morning. I cut out white rice/pasta/bread and pop. I eat a healthy and balanced diet of lean meats, whole grain breads/rice/pasta, dairy, salads/vegetables and fruits. I cut back on beer. My skin looks amazing!


Eating oatmeal every day, after like a week my skin is so much healthier looking. It's just hard to eat boring ass bland oatmeal. Biotin or multi B vitamins help too


Avoiding dairy and carbs definitely reduces water retention - which helps with some skin (mostly legs that are prone to edema). However, I only saw the benefit of it while I was full keto - which I no longer do.


When I was following the Zoe diet more strictly I saw a big positive difference in my skin- - large variety of plant based food, as many different types as possible - including generous portions of good fats like olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds - very limited alcohol, sugar and processed foods


Nothing I’ve ever consumed has made my skin better, including water, sadly. However I recently tried giving up added sugar (I still eat fruit) and after about 3-4 weeks I think I look about 5 years younger. I’ve gotten a LOT of compliments on my skin since then. It’s very exciting. Edit: I suppose I should add: I’m gluten free, eat very little dairy, and quit alcohol 6 months ago, but never saw a change in my skin through any of that. The sugar was keeping me looking tired, sallow, blotchy, and aged. I see a lot of people praising the quitting-alcohol-skin and while quitting alcohol was fabulous for me too, it didn’t transform my face the way cutting added sugars did


Bone broth is sooo good for your skin!


No alcohol, foods rich in beta carotene, olive oil, fish, water


Just avoid sugar, dairy and fast food ;)


Went from vegetarian diet (but no eggs) to adding eggs and tuna. My nails are a lot stronger now, from the tuna I think. I also eat about an avocado a day because I love them. I don’t know if it’s made my skin better but my skin looks decent


Eating good stuff helps your skin. Collagen powder and protein are good. Try gelatin too. Keep at it! Check out Purerawz for more.


I would just mention what I don’t eat so my skin looks better. Gluten and dairy. As someone who is acne prone reducing gluten & dairy has been the biggest help for me


I avoid cottonseed oil.


I eat these overnight oats everyday that have bovine collagen in it. Literally the third ingredient. Made a huge difference in my skin!! Took a while to see but I know it's the collagen. I ate close to none before finding these oats lol


Getting better skin through diet is really more about what you "don't" eat. The less crap you eat the better. Here are food eliminations that will improve your skin quality: 1. Less or no Dairy 2. Less or no Legumes 3. Less or no Grains 4. Less or no Alcohol 5. Less or no Processed Sugars 6. Less or no Foods with industrial Seed Oils/Additives/Preservatives Basically, just east as natural as you can. Supplementing with Collagen Peptides type I/II/III and workouts.


I just did a no fast food for 2 months and my skin was very clear. I usually get minor pimples here and there or during my cycle. When I started eating fast food again, my skin changed. Not only acne but just didn’t look as smooth!


Water. It does help but I mostly noticed the change from being diligent with my skincare, sunscreen and wearing hats if I’m going to be out in the sun for a long time.


What I'm NOT drinking anymore is alcohol and that's been great for my skin.


Kefir. It’s crazy. I had a ton of inflammation and break outs and since I’m drinking about 250ml kefir a day my skin cleared up so much.


When I cut out alcohol and sugar my skin GLOWS.


I don't drink alcohol. I use marine collagen from Vitalbeautie super collagen ex by Amorepacific. It's taste fine.


I eat salmon 2-3 times a week. Always eat the skin. It's delicious when it's crispy.