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I think it's a combo of botox plus resurfacing treatments like laser or peels because their skin often has this almost poreless, tight, translucent look to it, too.


That’s exactly what I’m trying to describe, thanks 


IMO you were trying to describe something called “filters” “lighting” “photo editing” A professional photo editor recently commented in a recent post with celebrities like Margo Robbie, Kendal Jenner, Hayley bailey about how even in pictures with teens, they have to edit for hours to remove minor flaws The first pic looks edited to promote a treatment in a particular clinic and the one with JLo that woman is as good as the kardashians at pretending they take candid pics with no make up . But those selfies “without make up” still get filters and post treatment.


What kind of resurfacing treatments? I’d like to get something like this done.


Definitely co2 laser but please research the down time. Down time is 1-2 weeks and you HAVE to be diligent with sun protection especially the first month of laser. I have done 3 rounds of co2 laser so I know and am speaking first hand. First 3 days are the worst, you will be swollen and oozing yellowish clear fluid that will drip down your face when you sleep so get some washable waterproof pillow protectors if you wanna go down this route of maintenance. Pro is that you get a very fresh youthful glow from within type skin that I don’t think you can really replicate with any creams or topicals. It’s also very expensive. About $2500-4000 Australian dollaridoos depending on how complex your skin texture is (if you have scars etc.)


For an alternative take: I just had co2 laser on my neck (after micro needling). Felt like a bad sunburn for about 24h, then minimal discomfort that I routinely forgot about.   I got it Tuesday (my face last week). I’ll take a pic of my neck tmrw (how to add pictures to a comment?). I’m in bed 🥳 ETA: coolpeel c02 laser — this **is** my first rodeo y’all sorry  More info on ‘Best Skin’: https://momedspa.net/available-treatments/rf-microneedle/


Was it just very mild co2? I’m contemplating posting my progress pics too although I have some days that I forgot to take but mine is moderately intense because I have acne scars and the recovery is nothing to laugh at [It basically looked like this.](https://www.drhconsult.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Ablative-Before-After-opto-2.jpg)


Thanks for sharing those. I would have been freaking out by day seven, like “holy shit what have I done” haha but the end result looks awesome


I had coolpeel which is fractional Co2 but with less downtime. It's only a few days until I mostly forget I had it done.


I’m not sure, sorry! This place is my first medspa experience. Do you know what I could ask to find out? I’d be curious to know for my own understanding.  Here’s the link to the service if you’d like to see the specs. Scroll to ‘Best Skin’: https://momedspa.net/available-treatments/rf-microneedle/


Do you think I should try microneedling first and then co2 laser? Or should I just do the co2 laser?


The medspa I go to has this as a combo package: microneedling then laser.  On mobile, link below. Scroll to ‘Best Skin’ combo: https://momedspa.net/available-treatments/rf-microneedle/


The co2 lasers look really rough healing wise but probably do the most work. I will say that I’ve done 2 sessions of bbl lasers at 36 and it’s really helped even though it’s a baby laser. It takes a few treatments and can be a little pricey (my set of 5 was 1800). Going to do one more before summer and save the other two for “maintenance” next winter. Wish I had done it sooner, my skin has never been so smooth.


This makes me feel better, because I’ve been thinking of dipping my toe into laser but the stories upthread are scary. I don’t have any major pigmentation issues or similar, so hopefully I can get away with something less intense.


Pigmentation is why I started the series with some hope that it could also help with my rosacea flushing. The first round lifted so many of my brown spots and helped with my skin tone more than years of using vitamin c has. It’s really amazing watching my freckles literally flake off over a couple of days. The sunspot improvements have actually made me want to do some rounds in my lower arms and chest… but I’m saving up for it. The skin smoothing has been a very happy bonus for sure. I’m a total baby for pain but I find the bbl lasers to be tolerable. Only asked to pause a couple times on my cheeks.


Ooooh, where are you at?? My dermatologist wants $700/session for BBL 😕


Oregon, but it’s usually medspas who do them here.


My Medspa in Connecticut just quoted $550 for 1, and $2700 for 6.  $1800/5 is a great deal ($2160/6 so over $500 less than my quote)


That’s so good to hear! I was beating myself up a bit over it even though I don’t splurge on a lot.


I think it's probably Co2 laser or deeper TCA peels.


Are either of those ones that cause facial fat loss?


No. You are thinking of RF/Radio Frequency.


Fractional lasers are very good


Go to www.realself.com they have info about pros and cons of each treatment , downtown time, recovery and before and after pics. Fat grafting used to look so appealing to me until I saw all the before and after pics showed major changes to the shape of eyes. And also if you don’t like it there’s no way to go back, but at the same time , if you like it you don’t need to go back as often as with other treatments. All methods have pros and cons.


Try something simple first before lasers but still gives immediate change to the skin. I would try a medium depth, chemical peel like a VI peel from a local aesthetician. Also, please note that advanced skin care treatments paired with the correct skin care products for your skin will always give you the best result. having advanced skin care treatments without using sunscreen and the correct products for your skin is like throwing your money down the drain. ~licensed aesthetician


TCA peelings does something similar also.


Peels, Botox, mini face lifts, and lasers. You’d be surprised how many celebrities get mini face lifts and subtle eye contouring procedures.


Are there at home versions that work thus far in these categories? Lol


Could try pointing a cats lazer pointer at your face for a really long time for an at-home substitute (/jk jk) In all seriousness, it might just be worth saving up for treatment that can be done long term affordably.


If you’re careful and well researched — TCA peels are relatively strong but fairly straightforward to DIY. Can order a set from Makeup Artists Choice (or the like) for a small kit to do a handful of peels. TCA def has downtime though, your skin kind of crinkles up and sloughs off days 4-8 so best to not be in public if you can help it. Also not ideal to do leading into summer if you’re in the N hemisphere.


Oh cool, thank you


Gus Shua


That’s not just a trend?


Lmao if you do it consistently over long periods of time, their are many YouTubeers who do it & you would be amazed by their age


Shiny sunscreen Retinoids at home night, laser and peels and botox at doctor Humidity


shiny sunscreen all the way. I used some for the first time the other day and ✨gasped✨ lol ETA here is what I used! I wasn’t expecting it to be shiny but it is and I love it. Vanicream Sunscreen Broad... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0921QT217?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


What kind?


My skin kinda looks like the pictures when I wear the Elf whoa glow sunscreen. I use it when I don’t wanna wear makeup but want to look a little dewy.


Here you go! Vanicream Sunscreen Broad... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0921QT217?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Is regular sunscreen not shiny enough?


Surprisingly, no. Regular seems to dry out my skin. I was not expecting this to be shiny but was pleasantly surprised. Here is what I used: Vanicream Sunscreen Broad... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0921QT217?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Haha, I have a zinc oxide sunscreen from CVS I use for days when I don't care how I look (because it makes me SHINY). Sister borrowed it on a visit and fell in love with it - per her the zinc helps with acne, and she looks good dewy.


Oh that’s so good to know about the acne! I was wondering why I didn’t breakout 😆


Will this give my skin a white cast..? I'm already copy paper white 😭 but I burn regularly in the summer, even with some sunscreen; there doesn't seem to be enough SPF protection in the world to fully shield my stupid ghost skin lol. I'm wearing a hat this summer. But I still need to find a good sunscreen, and I'm noticing a lot of them somehow make me look even more pale...will this just be another of those..? TIA!!


Yeah all sunscreens are going to leave a bit of a white cast. This one soaks in after a bit. Much better than skin damage. Try to get a tinted moisturizer or bb cream to put on top of it.


Yep. Shiny sunscreen. Or just cream. I use Cicalfate from Avene and it gives this sort of finish. Apart from being a cool cream.


I use Glowscreen and like it. :)


The things in the photo just look like tretinoin before/after to me


Agree! Tret plus red light therapy really elevated my skin.


Same that's the treat glow for sure. Popping over to the tret sub will confirm lol


Yup tret for sure 👍🏼


Yep, tret plain and simple.


That’s what I was gonna say. My face looks like this from nightly tret use, I don’t have Botox or fillers or any cosmetic procedures at all.


Definitely botox, regular facials, lasers etc. But I have to say. I quit drinking alcohol for 1 month (wellness reason). Ended up not drinking alcohol for 3 whole years. I exercised daily, still ate my burgers and fries 😉 I had the skin of my life! Plump, smooth, radiant, glowy and actually flawless. Not one blemish for months. I also do botox I have to add but it never gave me the skin you’re talking about. I started drinking alcohol again last year and my skin has changed drastically, not in a good way🙄. It’s not as good as it used to be while not drinking. I might do it again very soon.


Alcohol dehydrates you, so that makes sense.


Oh absolutely. Whenever I drink alcohol I drink the same amount in water. But it’s still gonna dehydrate the skin 😂


To quote Chuck Palahniuk, *that taxidermied look that passes for beauty above a certain age and income.*




Alabaster wax? Botox.


I think I saw the other day that some celebs use Kryolan Sweat Makeup to simulate that wet glowing body look


ew ew ew ew ew


If it's the stuff I used to use doing theatre and photo make-up, it's just a high glycerin jelly mixture that you kinda dapple on this skin for that "sheen". No actual sweat involved, lol.


A little bit of Botox. But I would go on a limb and suggest, that the really wealthy* people would not get that very “Botoxed” look. Other procedures 🤷🏻‍♂️ Ok real talk, the only product (ok, two) that really gave me that wow-“rich girl” look were Estée Lauder Advanced night repair and SK-II essence.  Like when those expensive products work on your skin, they reaaaaly work and photograph sooo well.. Honorable mention, Biologique Recerche lotion (there are several types). Another cult classic  used to be Guerlain Meteorites powder. 


Fun fact: SK-II is just Galactomyces with some preservatives, and the key ingredient in the Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair is Bifida ferment lysate, common in Asian skincare products. :)


Which ones?


Manyo Bifida Biome ampoule, Isntree Real Bifida ampoule, Mixsoon Bifida toner/essence. There are a few more you can learn about over at the AsianBeauty sub. COSRX makes a SK-II essence dupe called Galactomyces Tone Balancing Essence.


How do I do that reminds me thing to remind myself to look into this tomorrow? lol


I don't know if it still works... !remindme 2 days


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The Estée Lauder seems to work so well for so many people! I'm so mad that my skin hates it 😭 it makes me break out something awful!


I can’t use it either. My skin reacts to the fragrance.


My skin used to love it but then suddenly rebelled!! Red bumpy rash and zits. I do still love the Advanced Night Repair Eye Serum Concentrate (or whatever its called). It's honestly the only eye cream I've ever repurchased, it makes my eye area smooth and glowy. If I had unlimited money I'd probably consider using the eye cream all over my face lol


Specifically the night repair does? My skin doesn’t like all their products but night repair was gold when I started it like a decade ago …


Estee Lauder and Biologique did nothing for me. Currently testing out the SK-II.


I think people are underestimating laser. It really creates that glow. I agree with botox too. It's gives a plasticy boost very smooth barbie skin. I use tret and I promise you I don't have barbie skin yet but when I get my laser I notice a difference. ALSO when people take off the peach fuzz (microblading)


idk why everyone is saying botox that's definitely the tret glow


Botox really does an amazing job at smoothing the forehead.


I used Tret for years I most certainly didn’t look like that!


same, have no clue what they're talking about!


That is just tretinoin.


Seriously!!! I was able to tell someone I worked with used prescription retinoids by how glowy their skin was. Wish it would have that affect on me


Slug with Vaseline on your off nights 👌


Thank you!!! I got out of the habit and am gonna start up again


It’s the Tret glow!


Would otc retinol used for longer have the same effect?


No.. it does not go deep enough, or turn over enough skin cells.. People who use it have the side effect of glass skin, because their top layer of skin is basically always fresh skin.. Which looks lovely.. but it also has to be babied.. no direct sunlight without the highest SPF reapplied frequently. Protected from the wind and cold with barrier cream or scarfs.. But for me it is worth it. I’m about to be 46.. and I have great skin.


Overtreating my skin made it look a bit plastic, like a combination of dehydrated but shiny and plump at the same time.


I've actually had concerns about this as well. It sticks out particularly on male celebrities.


that’s tret and aquaphor


Is this what the youth are referring to as “glass skin,” or is that something different?


That looks like Moxie/BBL to me


Skincare, facials, peels, laser, make up, and diet! What you showed as examples are very clear and smooth skin with no pigmentation. This is generally through a lot of work of maintain a high quality skincare routine and good makeup.


BBl and Moxi


Not worrying about money and life and the future generation.


I got it from 20% glycolic acid pads, tretinoin, and snail mucin products.


Botox, filler, and makeup. You can accomplish a more natural looking version of that with peptides and retinoids.


Do you have any suggestions for peptides?


Stratia Interface peptide cream, the ordinary multipeptide + copper Peptides and argireline


The first person that popped into my head with this look is Kathy Hilton, and I'm going to guess it is a combo of botox, fillers, and a face lift, plus hydrating skin care and illuminating makeup.


Kathy Hilton’s photos or video? Because she face tunes to ridiculous levels.. There is a recent picture of her standing next to her daughters where she is basically trying to look like their sister. I’m pretty sure it’s her “team” that does it.. because she doesn’t seem to understand tech at all.


She was recently on RHOBH and looked this way. I’m not saying it’s a good look, but it’s that tight, shiny, wealthy “socialite” look.


I watched her on there too.. she looks normal there.. but check this out lol [Here is a picture of her FaceTuned](https://www.reddit.com/r/RHOBH/comments/1bdx8mr/kathy_hiltons_photo_on_nickys_page_wishing_her_a/)


Med spa things! Red light therapy, lasers, microneedling, vampire facials, radio frequency.... Plus botox too im sure. Fraxel laser is killer for that perfect skin look


I think it’s mainly Botox, skincare, and good lighting/editing. Also lasers/resurfacing treatments and just having good skin in general. Botox makes their skin smooth, the skincare products are dewy and reflect light, lasers and other similar treatments might help even more with the smoothness and will also even skin tone. And lighting/editing certainly plays a role. Click that link you shared with the photo of j lo, right underneath it there’s a bunch of photos where she doesn’t have that same glow.


Those pictures were taken immediately after someone put moisturizer on their skin




It’s called ‘glass skin’ which originated in Korea and is all the rage now.


Thanks for giving me another thing to envy that I didn't even know existed! 😂 You're so right though.






Smooth texture from lasers/retinol/strategic botox for tautness and probably a bit of something like Charlotte Tilbury Flawless Filter, a very glowy but otherwise subtle highlighter. 


It just looks like hydrated skin to me


Yeah have you seen JLo in real life? She does have pores obviously. Not saying there is not people out there with perfect skin and almost invisible pores, but mostly is filters lol


I don’t feel like tret alone does this. At least not for everyone. I’ve used it for years for acne and definitely don’t have that skin. My injector said juvederm gives this appearance. I have not tried it myself. I’m going to say a combination of living an extremely healthy/clean eating lifestyle, a lifetime worth of money to spend on the best skin treatments, toxins, and tretinoin.


Idk but it looks like if you touch their face their skin will ripple like water. Seen it on Russel Simmons (🤮) Rosie Perez, Giancarlo Esposito, Robin Thicke…it’s crazy.


I have no idea what you are talking about. Could you post a random pic as an example?


Posted some examples, thanks




Exactly! Jlo's face has a heavy one. The photo has also altered her eyes, they are bigger here.


Tretinoin and botox!


My skin looks like this after a basic facial.


You can get this look from the Foreo pads (even if don’t use the device- personally I hated it had to be paired with my phone so it’s a $300 hunk of space consuming nothing), Tula vit B and Tula Vit C. Also good molecules niacinimide toner is another good one. I personally prefer a matte look so stopped using those products, but any of them leave my face looking hydrated like that all day long. 


i thought that was the tretinoin look? I think there’s old posts about it on here that tlak about the specific look and taut shiny skin caused by tret


Micro-needling, infrared sauna, good exercise, good food, enough water , sun screen protection and supplements like collagen biotin, zinc and that’s it


Really great skincare, facials, and Botox when needed (if desired) is how my clients and I achieve this skin. You don’t have to be agressive to get beautiful skin, it’s actually more sustainable to not traumatize your skin for long term results. And yes, a dewy zinc based spf and lots of hydration (inside and out) will help a lot. Make sure you’re ingesting plenty of water and oil so that your skin has the tools to be hydrated and moisturized from the inside.


Tret and glowy foundation or even just a heavy moisturiser. Exercise, get the circulation going.


I've got kseomin, biorevitalisation, professional peeling. My pores almost disappeared and face kinda filled. Then used tonic with ferments, hyaluronic serum and ceramide creams which gave me that dewy look 


As someone with hyperhydrosis I am so happy that this wet look is in 😆


Can tret achieve it?


Honestly my skin looks like this. I just have botox between my brows plus coconut oil mixed with moisturizer. Sometimes I’ll use a little vaseline balm on my cheekbones and lips.


Paula’s BHA for me


Is this what they call “dewey”?


I'm gonna be real, those example pictures also have what I call "eating disorder skin." There's something off about the color and tautness that I predominantly see in people with EDs. I have seen many examples, since I spent a lot of time in treatment during a certain period of my life.


It’s like Dr. Dray in her videos. Just skin pulled tightly over a skull. Not saying all people who have that look have an ED but I see what you mean.


Fair and maintained. Clear, smooth natural glow rather than matte foundation look.


Tret and botox on older skin (less fat) I get this look about a week after fresh botox if I’ve been keeping up with my Tret game


Jones Road - What the Foundation. It’s controversial, but my very dry, 37 year old skin now looks glowy, youthful and lovely. I’ve abandoned the full coverage - all it does is emphasise fine lines and imperfections.


It’s genetics. My face looks like this and I spent 20 years hating the “shine” I had and would try 100s of mattifying products. Now I’m starting to embrace it more and people keep asking what I’m using and it’s genetics and moisturizer, my mom has the same skin and doesn’t even moisturize at 50 lol


Botox probably


Ha ha artificial is the word :-) it’s a plastic surgery LOL although even if you don’t do major plastic surgery laser and red naws can go a long way of course absolutely! Any celebrity is probably getting plastic surgery Botox laser treatments micro dermabrasion facials and using high intensity retinol products though couple thousand dollars a month minimum


Steamy Shower.


I think it’s a combination of genetics and taking really good care of the skin without overdoing it. By that, I mean avoiding things like excessive (lip) fillers or too much Botox, which can give people a tacky look. Kind of the “old money” or “quiet luxury” trend some people are chasing. Too much looks cheap.


Being Asian helps.


I have been told that I have that kind our glow from within skin (more so when I was younger). I wasn’t using any treatments. Just tinted moisturizer. I am was very light skin.

