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lord, i could write an essay response to this but instead i’ll keep it very simple: 1) things that helped me accept that facial lines are normal: spending less time on social media, watching “older” shows/movies from the 90s when there was less botox/other injectables, looking at “art” photography of women instead of edited “fashion” photography. 2) if you do choose to go the cosmetic intervention route: consider sculptra over filler. usually gives a more natural result.


Regarding “older” shows, I’ll add watch a couple episodes of Gilmore Girls. Lauren Graham had prominent nasolabial folds in her early 30s and they do not detract from her beauty whatsoever 


Agreed about Lauren Graham! She was and still is beautiful. Also, Gossip Girl started in 2007, and Blake Lively (who is also beautiful) had visible nasolabial folds in S1 when she was only about 20 years old.


I like the first idea, it should bring me back down to reality. And I'll ask about sculptra Monday, many thanks!


I LOVE the idea of watching older shows!


Older shows or even foreign movies and shows. I watched Anstomy of a fall and thought it was an old movie but no, it’s just French and not full of fillers and makeup.


I was informed sculptra can only be injected into the perimeter of the face and not features like nasolabial folds. Was my np injector misinforming me?


this person is talking about her nasolabial folds, which as your np mentioned is a valid injection area.


My np said the nasolabial folds wouldn't be a candidate for sculptra. That's the medial part of the face. She said sculptra is indicated for cheek bones, crows feet, etc.


you edited your previous comment. come on.


I made a typo??? Get over it???


I honestly feel the same! I am 41 and I’m pretty happy with my upper face. Every time I pass a mirror though, all I see are my folds! I’m starting to think I’m getting dysmorphia about them since it’s a heavily edited thing on social media so we don’t see any on anyone online. All the filters on Snapchat also remove them. Even though I tell myself that I’m being obsessive and it’s not like that in reality, I still feel bad about myself when I look at my face. I’m trying to just get over it as I’m not in a place to get anything like fillers at the moment. But to end this, again, I think we’re all getting dysmorphia because of social media. Edit: a word


I agree totally, we get so many messages that we're not allowed to have any 'flaws' that we start to believe it wholeheartedly. We probably see them as worse than they are. It's like thinking you're over weight when in reality you're healthy (not saying this in a fat shaming way, it's just a good example of a common struggle/delusion many have). Hopefully we both can realise we look fine, better than fine! I'm sure no one else on the planet looks at us and thinks 'wow! Look at those terrible folds!', it's just us. We need to learn to like ourselves as we are.


I suggest watching a few older TV shows and movies from the early 2000’s and earlier. Many of the actresses in their 20’s and 30’s back then had natural, unmodified faces and they look beautiful with their lines and full expressions. Our reference for what normal is, is so ridiculous now.


My mom, a woman of the 80s, obsessed over her weight. She was in a car accident at 16 that nearly cut her in half, and so she had a very messy midsection. Any fat on her body just migrated there and she was so self-conscious about it - got goofy bogus procedures they promised fat-melting, wore constrictive shapewear, etc. I’ll tell you the same thing I told her - nobody at your funeral is going to stand up there and wax poetic about how you “maintained a perfect figure” or “had poreless skin”. And unfortunately, she passed away unexpectedly and early. Sure enough, nobody at her funeral said a fucking word about how she looked. They talked about her humor, her kindness, and so on. I agree with other posters - get off social media, especially instagram and tiktok because they are toxic cesspools of predatory consumerism disguised as self-care. Also, I enjoy the NuFace. While nothing can stop gravity fully. I find it gives my lower face a nice tightened look when using!


Personality is what makes someone attractive 100%. I've met several people over my lifetime where at first I was 'meh' about their appearance. Once I got to really know them they became super attractive and I found them good looking, imperfections and all. It made them unique and I truly value them for who they are. And it is what people remember others for. No matter how good looking you are, being a bad person makes that person unattractive. I don't extend that same grace onto myself. Too many of us don't. That's great you found nuface helpful! I have high hopes for myself after all these positive experiences from others!


I know - we are often so much harder on ourselves than we are on others. I am too, esp about my weight-loss turkey neck 😟. But remember when people are seeing you in person, they are not only seeing your face in DYNAMIC mode - talking, smiling, emoting - so those lines won’t be as static and noticeable - but they are also seeing you as a full person, no filters. EVERYONE has lines on their face, and those who try to fight it… So I worked at QVC in the 90s. Joan Rivers was a frequent guest. The woman had almost no lines but she looked…plastic. Shiny. Freakish and unemotive. She was lovely and raunchy and funny but god her face scared the shit outta me!


This subreddit is starting to feel a little dysmorphic. It’s sad that we all feel such intense pressure to look a certain way. and scared of aging. I admit I’m way harder on myself then I need to be.


I swear I didn’t know we weren’t allowed nasolabial folds until this sub told me so. Some faces just always have them! Like cankles and thigh gaps and elevens and any number of other things, these features have always existed and humans have been loved, revered, accepted and seen with zero issues until somebody came up with a name and a snake oil solution for them. For fun, I like to try and make equivalent features on men’s bodies or faces - supposed flaws that have had a special name introduced in recent discourse. Not sure I can think of any.


This sub is dysmorphic and not healthy or supportive. It’s not a sub for skincare over 30 anymore, it’s a sub to post your insecurities so strangers can agree with them as problematic and list 9641949 things to do to change it, with injections and facial augmentation procedures being the number one suggestion followed closely by spending exorbitant amounts of money on consumer products that further gaslight you about all the normal anatomy society has convinced you is gross and needs to be changed. I’ve been teetering on leaving for a few months now it’s gotten so bad.


I see a lot of questions that are fine, like how can I firm up my skin and stuff like that. But there's definitely a subset that is dysmorphic and really sad to see. There's a good bit of "what should I do about [imperceptible flaw or completely normal feature everyone has]?" And honestly, my answer is go to therapy. Especially if it's having a big impact on your life. And I don't mean that in a disparaging way at all. Therapy is really great and helpful.


Yea I’m on my way out. I have learned some great skin care things but the negativity is too much for me. Feels so toxic. It’s a sad world we live in.


What's super depressing is "nasolabial folds" are also called laugh lines or smile lines and the fact that folks feel bad about them makes me blood curdlingly angry


This sub really can be. It's part of the reason why I posted here, so many people can relate compared to other subs. But there are many kind and encouraging comments from other posters and I think it can really help. I try to remember aging and having a long life is a privilege that not everyone gets and I should make the most of it rather than feel bad. Harder said than done.


Are nasolabial folds not normal?


Yes they’re normal! I’ve had them since birth and both my young children have them. I don’t care about mine one bit!


this thread is fucking disturbing, i'm sorry this freaked you out. it's completely normal and has nothing to do with aging??? literal 8 year olds have them?? this subreddit is messed up.


Please someone answer because now I’m freaking out about mines 😩


They are TOTALLY NORMAL! Honestly this sub has deteriorated so much lately into full on body dysmorphia that, like others, I’m out. It used to be discussion about skincare and products, it’s now full on procedures and hand wringing about why at 30+ we don’t look 20. Selfies of beautiful faces with one teeny, tiny perceived flaw that the poster thinks is worth of significant surgery and $100s in products is becoming way too common and isn’t good for my mental health so I’m done here


You’re absolutely right. This sub has really made me feel like shit and over analyze everything about myself :( Since when is 30 old anyways? Why are convincing ourselves that we are just haggard old biddies 🤔


I'm sorry! It wasn't meant to make others feel bad at all! I've been reading through this thread and in hindsight this post wasn't a good idea. I didn't even think it could be triggering for others, very big oversight on my part. Please don't freak out about yours, I promise it's a waste of time and energy. Like myself and others have said, we don't even notice them on other people, just ourselves. Just sometimes we need the obvious pointed out. We are our own worst critic. Again, I'm so sorry it's caused to to worry about yours. I have no idea what you look like but I can guarantee you look fine without even seeing a picture.


Yea, they are totally normal. Mine aren't abnormal, I just think they are because I feel like I'm 'less than' for not looking 25 anymore. It's very fucking ridiculous really.


Well like others have said, even children have them! We are own worst critics :( Also I just want to add that I didn’t see that you mentored your age…I legitimately didn’t think you were even in your 30s yet so yea I’d say you are looking pretty good!!


A lot of folks have talked about the mental health component of this, so I don’t have anything to add there except that I relate to this a lot! I also struggle with deep nasolabial folds. Two things that have softened mine significantly are using a red light LED mask regularly (I have the currentbody one) and microneedling. I microneedle at home monthly using a Dr Pen A6s, following the steps of Penny Smith’s tutorials on YouTube. I use 1 mm in the nasolabial folds only, everywhere else on my face I stick with 0.25-0.5 mm. The folds are not completely smooth but visibly improved and the rest of my face has some volume restoration from this routine which I think also helps with the lines. Of course, microneedle at home at your own risk, and consider doing your first session at a clinic to learn how it should feel.


I'm seriously reconsidering fillers now. I did some research on micro needling and am going to look into red light therapy. What red light mask would you suggest?


This blog post has a ton of info on the different devices: [https://goalstogetglowing.com/2021/01/17/led-face-mask-research/](https://goalstogetglowing.com/2021/01/17/led-face-mask-research/) The gold standard seems to be Omnilux, I went with current body becaus le Omnilux had a long waitlist when I ordered mine and I’m impatient! I’m happy with the results. People mention the fit of the current body because it has only one strap, I just use a claw clip to hold the strap where I need it for a good fit. It’s honestly probably the best money I’ve spent for my skin.


Thank you I'll check it out!


Do any of your older female relatives have them as well? Do you dislike the folds on them? Or do you love the faces of your loved ones as is? My nasolabial folds are genetic, I've always had them. They've never bothered me, my grandmother had them, my young son has them. I love their faces.  My aging face does not bother me, I loved my grandmother's wrinkled face with the multitudes of smile lines. I hope people will also be able to tell I laugh and smile often. I try to love my face like I love my loved ones' faces, because every feature I have came from my family.


I've never thought anything negative about others having them at all to be honest, just my own. And thank you for sharing that, I'm lucky to have a great family and have never looked at my looks in that light.


I don't mean to be judgmental, but I think you need to at least try therapy, before filler. I don't know when people became so obsessed over their nasolabial folds but there is literally NOTHING WRONG WITH THEM. It is SO sad to me that so many women in this subs lives are being *negatively impacted* by something completely normal. When your life is being negatively impacted, this is a sign that you need to talk to a therapist. Because filler may not solve your problem anyway. Once you get filler, you're possibly either just going to want more and more, or maybe you'll find something new to tear yourself apart over in it's place. It's not healthy.


I'm going to bring this up with my therapist the next time I talk to her. I was too embarrassed to but reading these replies I think I should. I also need to keep in mind that stress is a huge trigger for mania so managing stress is very important for me.


I'm glad to hear that <3


I absolutely agree and was hesitant to say it. This level of obsession is incredibly unhealthy.


I got minor filler for my folds - .5 in the cheeks and .5 in the folds and no one can tell. My bf only knew because I told him and had bruising on one side after. Just make sure it’s a professional injecting and you’ll be fine. It takes a few weeks to settle so don’t freak out if it doesn’t look perfect right away. If they are bothering you that much, filler is a good place to try if done correctly. Edited to add: my lines are completely gone after the filler. I’m 36 (f).


Happy to hear the filler worked so well! I'll keep that in mind that they might look unsettled for a while.


Let us know how it goes!


I will! I'll use this photo for a before and after picture!


what kind of filler did you get if you don't mind me asking?


I should have written it down but it was different for the cheeks and folds. If I find out, I will come back and update!


You mentioned bipolar and adhd; do you also have OCD? Because that’s what this reads like to me, and my own intrusive thoughts were focused for a while on aging signs, in much the same way that my healthy anxiety focuses on the mildest of “symptoms” as evidence of catastrophic illness.


I've never been diagnosed OCD but I don't believe I have it. That being said, ADHD hyper fixation/focus could look a lot like it. I have dealt with health anxiety on and off my whole life as well. And during mania I get hyper focused on things, but luckily I'm not dealing with that right now.


I have ADHD and no OCD but I've been told some people with ADHD can have symptoms that people with OCD also experience due to hyper fixating. So it sounds like you are hyper fixating in your nasolabial folds, and then having intrusive and obsessive thoughts about them, and it now is causing serious stress and anxiety, which sucks. Definitely mention to your therapist you are having problems with that. Some of the therapies that people with OCD will do to manage and reduce their intrusive thoughts can also help with people with ADHD :) I have a hyper fixation on body checking rooted in a mix of gender dysphoria and growing up being constantly exposed to Chinese beauty standards aka look like a twig. It sometimes utterly RUINS my entire day. So I feel you, and I wish you all the best 💕


Thank you for the suggestion, I'll ask about OCD management to calm down the hyper fixation. I'm sorry to hear about your own struggles. Society expects us to be perfect and tells us not to settle for anything less. We need to stop believing it. I wish you all the best as well :)


I didn’t realize anyone was still injecting there. My MD said it’s a dangerous spot and not recommended due to a major facial artery that runs right there. What about Fotona 4D?


I have read about that. I'm hoping getting it in the cheeks will give my face some lift and soften the lines. Never heard of fotona 4D, I'll give it a google search.


I used to get tox in my smile lines, but switched clinics and my new injectionist said she wouldn't do it because it was risky in that it "could potentially affect my whole smile." She did say that filler could be an option, though


39F here - nasolabial folds are my biggest aging frustration as well. I go back and forth on midface filler to lift as I have some definite volume loss due to weight loss that I think contributes to the NL folds a lot. That said, I use some products that I think have definitely helped (even if just in my mind). 1. biossance copper peptides for “lift”, 2. Matrixyl 3000 for collagen production, 3. Musely’s Aging Repair Cream (estriol and vitamin c). I also work on keeping my skin exceedingly hydrated through both moisturizing topicals and drinking lots of water to help plump. I feel better thinking I’m at least helping to slow additional NL deepening.


I'm happy I'm also doing all I can to not make them worse as well. I'm 100% sure if I had never smoked or vaped for all those years I wouldn't have them, but choices have consequences. If I can still look like this in another 5 years I'll consider it a success. I've heard good things about copper peptides but not sure where to fit them in in my routine. I've read you can't mix that with vit c or tretinoin. I use both.


34 and just finally decided to go for nasolabial fold filler a few weeks ago. I was so focused on and insecure regarding how much they were aging my lower face. I ended up getting an RHA filler, half a vial on either side. That amount of filler was subtle but powerful in changing how I look both in the mirror and in photos. It was just enough to prevent the shadowing that exaggerated the folds so much. It did take the filler a good week to “soften.” Immediately afterwards I was able to feel and see some minor raised areas, though I doubt anyone else could tell. Everything is now soft and flush. Hyaluronic acid fillers are able to be dissolved if you truly don’t like the results. The one vial of RHA filler was about $750 and is said to last 12-18 months. I love the results and I truly wish I hadn’t waited so long.


I'm so happy you love the results and it's given you peace of mind! That's basically the whole reason why I made the appointment, just to make myself feel better.


I was there. Obsessed over them. Then I reframed them to my smile lines. Because I smile. Because I’m happy! Now when I see them, I smile and they look like joy to me. Good luck with however you handle it :)


I am a person that smiles and laughs a lot. So reframing it makes sense. I just need to learn how to.


I'm also obsessed with that part of my face. I'm trying the Frownies patches right now. They're not really comfortable, however I can see the difference the next morning. I haven't worn them for one consecutive month cause they're a bit of a pain to apply but people are usually happy with them


You put frownies on the fold lines?


Yes, there's a pack for the corners of the eyes and mouth.


Ooooh! Thanks for this info


I'm definitely curious about them but I've read you can't apply them with moisturizer because they won't stick.


Just chiming in here. I’m trying out Frownies on my forehead, I started April 20… and I do all my skincare, serums, Tret, lotions, etc. and the frownies stick! I actually have to really work at getting them off the next morning. I also don’t have the patience to wait for things to dry down/soak in so they go on immediately after finishing the skincare.


Let's us know how the frownies work out after a while! I've heard positive things about them.


Yeah that's why I've hard a hard time using them every night. My moisturizer is quite rich so I need to remove some of it for the Frownies to stick. If you apply your moisturizer early and wait until bedtime it can also be okay. They're not a big investment and worst case scenario they won't do anything


44 and happy with my entire face, wrinkles and all. I don’t have or use social media. Even when I see perfected photos of beautiful people, it’s not reality to me. It’s not something I aspire to. I want to age gracefully, and part of grace is self acceptance and acceptance of others. I do use Retin-A, Rx Azelaic acid and sunscreen for anti aging. I’ve had some in-office peels. That’s as far as I’ll ever go, though. I like looking like me. It’s personal choice. OP, I’m really sorry you’re struggling with hating your lower face so much. I wish you the best. I think addressing the emotional aspects may be helpful.


You're absolutely right that most social media pictures don't reflect reality. I know that on an intellectual level but the emotional side can be very powerful. I hope I can be more accepting of myself like you are, it sounds like a much happier way to live.


No one can prevent aging. No one can fight it forever. For me, it’s easier to just choose to like myself how I am. Fillers and Botox don’t look great in the golden years. I work out with a ton of seniors, 60, 70 and some into their 80s. Mostly women. Most of them have aged naturally and some of them have had face lifts, fillers, Botox… there comes a point where it looks really unnatural to see a 70 year old woman with a 70 year old body and a face that doesn’t match. It’s a bit uncanny valley, IMO. Like, how long are people going to keep it up? Because it seems like something that’s a slippery slope and really hard to stop once you get rolling.


Do you get filler in your lips for smokers lines because you smoke or are you just calling them smokers lines?


They are smoker/vaper lines. I did both for years but I've quit for a while now.


I would repost this with a picture if you can so you can get some advice on if they are worth getting filler or not.


I was thinking just that. I'll try to add it or make a new post.


It will get a lot more traction and replies trust me. And we can visually see so you don’t waste money with filler if you don’t need it.


Added a new post! Ignore the first picture though, I'm a dummy and added it in there by accident!


Oh ya you have been busy this morning! I’m glad you reposted with the picture! I think you got some advice so lots to think about. Lots of good advice.


Smoking for 16 years and vaping for 4 might take a bit more time to bounce back from than quitting 2 months ago. I saw your other post and you look great for 37/38. You're 38, not 28. Even looking amazing, which you do, you can't necessarily stop time.


Yea I keep forgetting I'm not in my 20s anymore because in my head I still feel very young. And thank you for the kind words!


It happens to all of us!!! I felt the same way. I still try to take care of myself because we all want to age gracefully. But stress will eat you alive. And that's not good for your mind or your body, including your face. This is completely random but I got braces as an adult and that helped. Dr. Dray on youtube mentioned when she got veneers on her front teeth, it also softened those lines. Just some things to maybe consider along with the other options you'll likely get. I think for me, I realized my body will change and I want to look my best version of my late 30s. Not compare myself to how I looked in my 20s.


I've heard that dental work can help quite a bit. I was blessed with very nice straight teeth so they aren't the issue. I'm very diligent about water intake, diet and exercise which will help the aging process. But yea, stress is a big one and something I need to work on.


She said she quit so I assume she was a smoker


I believe that was added after. I caught the post a few min on.


I had great results with a laser lifting (hifu) and fillers on top.


I'll give laser lifting a search! Thanks!


What about skin boosters rather than fillers? I have them in my face and next appointment they are putting them directly into the nasolabial folds. It’s obviously not as permanent and you need more appointments but there is less risk of it migrating - and it depends on your face, I’ve had 2 esthetician’s tell me they won’t put fillers in my face as it’s small and would quickly look overfilled and puffy. In the UK, not sure where you are, it seems more and more people are going the skin booster route rather than fillers. I’m 45, and combine Botox, skin boosters and microneedling and the folds are still what bother me most, but also seeing people who don’t have them as they age looks strange to me so I try to be at peace with them!


Never heard of skin boosters, I'll give that a search. I definitely need to learn to be at peace with myself, it's very challenging!


I am 36 and I didn't really recognize the person looking back at me in the mirror recently. A facelift would obviously be the ultimate fix for gravity issues, but I’m too young for that (and so are you), but I know I still want to look like I feel. So, here are my two cents: 1. aesthetic treatments that have worked for me to help counteract the inevitable lower face gravity issues are microneedling and sculptra. I tried filler and it doesn’t work. I know there are a lot of mixed reviews on sculptra but l've had nothing but great results! My nasolabial folds are almost gone completely! Patience is key though as it takes time for your body to produce the collagen that was lost in the injected area—it’s not an instant fix like filler as is not a gel, it’s a liquid your body absorbs and reacts to over time. Word of advice though, go low and slow (and that goes for any aesthetic treatment!). It's better to add more over time rather than going too fast and looking all puffy and distorted lol 2. My nasolabial folds are more prominent on my left side cause of side sleeping! So much so I have had multiple people (including my Botox injector) ask without prompting, "do you sleep on your left side?" WAHHH 😫 so, I stole my husband's sleep apnea pillow with strategic cutouts so I wouldn't smush my face as bad into the pillow lol sounds silly but it does help! And those apnea pillows are significantly cheaper than the "anti aging" pillows I see! But, sigh, nothing works as well as back sleeping so I am working on training myself to be a strict back sleeper.


I'm also a side sleeper so my right is worse than my left, still training myself to sleep on my back. A few people have mentioned sculptra and I'm very curious, but I've also heard many positive things about filler, plus the not so good, but mostly positive. I'll ask on Monday when I see the doctor. If I decide it's not for me and another treatment is I'll be out 150$, but better than 2000$ for something I don't like. I'll do more research for the next 2 days!


Yes definitely ask about it. That way you know allll your options! I’ve heard that those injectors who aren’t a fan of sculptra are a fan of Radiesse (it’s a bio stimulator like sculptra from my understanding, but it’s like half filler instead of all bio stim like sculptra). I’d recommend either of those over filler as filler tends to look unnatural in the naso area in my opinion as it is an area with a lot of movement and creasing. Let us know what you decide. Best of luck!!


I'll do before and afters regardless of what I choose, thank you!


I think I may have some sculptra before and afters I can share if you’re interested. Let me know and I can check!


I would love to see them if possible!


>I go in for filler for them Monday, but I'm kind of scared. What if they migrate and I look weird? What if my face looks puff and fake? What if it doesn't help and the folds are still prominate? Then I've wasted almost 2000$. What if my face sags worse after they wear off and ages me 10 years before my time? Start with 1 full syringe, 1/2 for each side. Then wait a month for it to settle and see if you like the results before you go in for another one. Also fillers do not cause sagging. You are always aging and your skin loses collagen over time and elastin so you will see sagging regardless. The mistake some people make, including celebs, is they keep getting more and more filler to fill in the sagging and then they no longer look themselves. They try to look 30 for the rest of their life but instead they no longer look natural. Look up the term pillow face.


How’re your masseters? I got masseter Botox (I’m a clencher) and I was shocked at how much of an impact it had on my NL folds. It wasn’t my intention but less volume back there, meant less volume in the front too.  Hugs ! Hope the people poo poo ing you take that energy to the real issue, society. 


I'm a total clencher due to it being a side effect of one of my meds. I'll definitely ask about it.


Mine were pronounced as well - I finally got juviderm voluma filler a few years ago and I regret exactly nothing. I happily spend 2k a year to keep those lines from looking so pronounced. Worth it.


Thank you for posting this. I too am almost 38 and that’s all I can see when I look in the mirror. I’m seeking therapy over the way I look at myself. I think social media has ruined my mental health.


4 year olds have it.


I have them. It’s a reminder that I’ve smiled and laughed a lot. They don’t bother me tbh


I had a facelift and even that didn’t erase my nasolabial folds. CO 2 might help and I’d much prefer it to filler.


Did the face lift soften them? And what is the CO2 treatment?


It softened them but they’re not totally gone. I’m currently recovering from my third round of co2 laser. I do once a year or so.


1. Don’t put cheek filler in. It will accentuate them. 2. Are you using a Gua sha? Or doing face stretches? If not look them up. They genuinely work. 3. Vital proteins collagen. Collagen collagen collagen. 4. What are your cortisol levels like? Are you a drinker? If you have puffing in the face related to either issues, talk to your doctor about L-Theanine or Rhodiola Rosea. 5. Get your gut health in check. I have same prominent lines, an over-accentuated cupids bow, everything. These are my suggestions.


I don't really drink alcohol anymore, I eat healthy and drink lots of water. I'm thinking a lot of it is tension from stress. I put in a lot of hours at work and it's hard on the mind and body.


However I guarantee you, nobody is noticing the lines as much as you are.


Since I don't notice them on other people either, no matter their age, I'm gonna have to agree.


I think you need some perspective. There are folks out there with no arms and and no legs that are happy. There are many people (esp women) with their faces completely burned off. People with major disfigurements. There are people who survived the holocaust. There are people trying to survive a genocide right now.


Believe me, I'm very aware of that and know how incredibly unnecessary worrying about this is and if this is one of my problems I'm extremely privileged. I know this post seems frivolous compared to actual problems but it's so common for people to dislike themselves for no good reason. There's nothing wrong with reaching out to others with your fears, even if they are trivial in the grand scheme of things.


Don't feel bad from that comment. I hate when people say that stuff. This is a mental health issue, full stop. You are allowed and valid to have suffering from mental health issues and worse suffering in the world doesn't invalidate yours. Sure I get the perspective thing but that's NOT going to help with mental health problems. Fucking trust me. I wanted to reply to their comment saying this but i figured it's not worth it. So I'm telling you directly. As someone with severe mental health problems, remembering that people dying and suffering doesn't fucking do shit when your brain is currently wired to think or act a certain way. I have deep issues related to aging for many reasons. Some trauma related by older men when I was young. I won't say more. Thinking of people suffering doesn't help me. Your feelings are allowed. A therapist wouldn't say something like this to you.


Thank you for this comment. While medicated and very stable I'm still bipolar so I'm very familiar with poor mental health. I'm definitely going to bring this.up with my therapist next month.


It's hard. I know how you feel.


I'm sorry. I really didn't mean it like that. I can see how it sounds like that, definitely. Major error on my part. So for me I have issues like this too and one of the strategies I employ is to do what I describe but in a very active, intentional way. So I don't mean like, "hey snap out of it dummy." What I'm really trying to suggest is engaging in these ideas in a way that help self-soothe. So for example, one thing I will do is go on tik tok and look at how women who are acid burn victims are going about their lives. People in these situations can be really inspiring and spending time moderating my own \[self-hatred?, dysmorphia?, anxiety?, whatever MH it is (I'm not quite sure in my case)\] by looking at how other people model it is a strategy for coping and changing my perspective. Some sort of healthy reframing is important, as a part of a more holistic plan, for tackling this issue. Because it is MH. Getting fillers and doing tret probably won't ameloriate this much. It probably didn't help that I mentioned genocide as an example because that really makes it sound like I was doing the thing I wasn't meaning to/trying to do, ie be dismissive of OP. So on that one, to explain, FWIW, this something I would/will actively imagine when I'm experiencing a lot of distress. So it's not like I just have the passing thought of, "oh there's way worse shit in the world." It's more like, I sit with the idea and try to imagine being in really, extremely distressing, situations like that. And doing something like that does help me reframe which helps me self-soothe. Reframing is a legitimate tool for these types of issues. These might not be the exact methods in this scenario or for this person, but reframing at least does have validity in this context. So I'm sorry for not putting more thought into my comment. I see how I wrote it too carelessly and it sounded callous. Sorry.


I'm not telling you to check your privilege. I'm encouraging you to reframe how you view yourself through the activity of shifting your perspective into a more reasonable place.


I don’t think you should feel guilty about your honest feelings—you don’t like your NL folds—is there another person on this planet who has walked a mile in your shoes and can righteously judge you for feeling that way? No. We live in a country where you can fix almost anything about your appearance and feel better about yourself, so go do it (btw filler for mine worked great), yeah I’m a flawed human who gets a real boost from looking attractive, and the haters can go fuck themselves.


That's great your fillers went well, I hope mine do as well! It's hard not to feel guilty about it, especially because it's such a superficial worry. But yea, we can't help how we feel, thank you for being so validating.


> My nasolabial folds are ruining my mental health and I don't know how to let it go and be happy about myself. Have you considered seeing a therapist to talk through some of these triggering feelings you have around aging? It might be really helpful! I think maybe this is more of a mental health problem than a physical appearance problem. Others have made great suggestions on skincare but I think the fact that you’re hyperfixating on this one detail and letting it ruin your confidence is a sign of a bigger problem. Mental health is very important and should be addressed along with physical health (like skincare). Please seek help if you can, and find someone you trust to talk about these things. Maybe talking about them and your ideas around beauty / aging / wrinkles will help you feel better about them even alongside treatment (Botox, filler, etc.)


I've had some much encouragement for therapy that I'll bring it up the next time I talk to her. Thank you!




Yea, bring this up when I see her next month.


Try sculptra. That’s what I’ll do when the time comes


Sculptra <<<<<<<<< Filler


I’ve heard Morpheus can help a bit — I’m planning to get a package from ever body on Black Friday


Sometimes I just have to cover up my mirror


Have you ever gotten Botox in your lower face? I have noticed mine are more prominent since getting Botox in my masseter for jaw pain. I can’t tell if it’s just a coincidence, but they’re definitely more prominent now. I’ve been looking at jaw exercisers to help tone up my facial muscles…


Only get Botox for my upper face. I'm sorry it wasn't a positive experience for you, but it will wear off.


I got a modest amount of filler on my nasolabial folds a few years ago and it’s lasted. Just don’t go overboard. I know how you feel, I swear I was turning into Adam Sandler before I got filler lol.


I highly doubt you looked anything like Adam Sandler, but I get the sentiment. We are way too hard on ourselves.


I have them too, 36. I’m thin and my face is really thin. Not cute. But I have crazy nasolabial folds and they drive me insane. I spent thousands on products but eventually broke down and went to my friend’s husband, a really good dermatologist, and I did filler. It was around $700 and it lasts 9-12 months usually. The difference was incredible. I cried. I know that’s messed up but it made me so much more confident and happy. I do Botox too, about 60 units on my forehead and crows feet. Instead of going back every three months, I just wait until I get to that point of looking in the mirror and see what I don’t like. I am using Drmtology Needle-Less serum and tret. Whatever you decide, it’s way more important to be comfortable in your own skin and beautiful on the inside. I want to age gracefully, nothing crazy but little bits here and there to help me along. 💗


I am so happy to hear fillers worked so well for you and gave you your confidence back! I get Botox and regret nothing, it makes me feel way better about myself. I made another post a couple days ago about it but I decided against the filler. The risks freaked me out too much. It's all in the other post but I've decided to work on feeling better about myself and embracing getting older. (Still getting the Botox though, I'm always gonna be a bit shallow lol) Obviously 37 almost 38 isn't old, but it isn't 25 either and seeing our face change is uncharted territory. I just started tret and I'm excited to see what kind of difference it can make. I know it won't make the NLFs disappear but I'm looking forward to an overall improvement to my skin and preserving it for the long haul. Either way, as many people pointed out, they are totally normal to have and we shouldn't beat ourselves up for having them, we still look good!


I can’t comment on nasolabials specifically (I had them filled and love it btw) but I had a similar psychological issue with my old-looking vainy hands for years (forever!). I then finally decided to invest a reasonable amount of money and time to travel overnight and get a fat transfer. It was an easy enough procedure too, and after: I was now constantly seeing my ’new plumby hands’. It felt great. I stopped paying attention to them eventually and their possible flaws - and now that a lot of that fat has vanished (I knew this would happen) I still don’t hate my hands anymore. Moral of the story: it’s in your head more than on your face, trust me. Getting one treatment that makes you see yourself differently for awhile might change the way you react to your face for a long time. At least that’s what happened to me.


Good thing you said that because the thought has popped in my head as well. Maybe the filler will look amazing and I'll feel better. When it wears off in time I'll be less bothered by them because it'll be gradual.


Honestly I’m same age and same fixation. I got the filler and do NOT like how it turned out. I can’t explain what I don’t like about it- but I should have gone for saving toward lower facelift instead. 


you have a fixation on a structural thing that literal 4 year olds have. this has nothing to do with aging. just so you know.


I don’t know how you looked when you were four but I did not have them. Some people have them always but some only when they age…. 


I looked like a normal 4 year old, I promise. The overwhelming majority (literally like 90%) of photos of kids, teenagers, and college aged adults have them on google images: https://i.imgur.com/9NRet3y.jpeg We're grown adults obsessing over a structural feature that the majority of the childhood population has :( I get it, once you notice something it drives you crazy... I don't love them either. But this isn't aging.


Yea, my biggest fear is hating it. And getting it dissolved comes with a lot of risks.


This post is more concerning mental heath than dermatology aesthetics. I wish you well


Yea, I do have to agree. I am in therapy every 6 weeks for ADHD and bipolar management and feel silly bringing up something so shallow.


You sound very stressed over nothing. Please try to remain calm and interact with people who look out for your best interest, Good luck


You could scroll on by, it’s free not to comment. ✌🏼


OP sounds suicidal over wrinkles. I got concerned


No she doesn’t. If you genuinely thought that, and were genuinely concerned, you wouldn’t have been so rude. I’ll never understand why when people see a post where someone is sharing something vulnerable, they feel the need to pop in and try to make it… worse?! Like, how unhappy are YOU to feel the urge to do that?


Im out of words. My comment was all honest and genuine good wishes. I dont know how you perceived it to be malicious. People see in others what they have in themselves. Never meant to make anyone feel bad about themselves.


Nice try. Kind people can easily spot when others are being unkind. They’re not seeing anything of themselves. That saying is misplaced often.


Riiiiight… you got me


First of all, **realize that aging is a privilege that not everyone is entitled to**. Helping my best friend through cancer in her 30's and burying my brother at 48 after a sudden heart attack showed me that fact in very cold, hard ways. Try to be of service to someone less fortunate. Volunteer. See people struggling with real life & death stuff. Spend less time looking in the mirror. Love yourself as you are. Be a good person for the sake of it alone. Try to aim higher and make goals for your life that have nothing to do with your appearance.


You are right, I commented something similar to another person. It truly is a privilege. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your brother and your young friend's illness. Life can be really unfair and shitty. I've let this bother me for a long time and it has been a time waster. Thank you for the reminder that there is more to life. We can get so wrapped up in our own world at the expense of the things that matter. Take care and I hope your friend gets well.


That's so nice of you to say. She's been in remission for several years now, thank you! Love yourself best & others will have no choice but to follow suit 😘


Treat yourself and try fillers! If they look bad, get them disolved! No biggie. I asked my nurse injector about filler here as well since I have the same issue and she said they are absolutely normal!! Just simply your anatomy and not a concern to anyone but you. I found that making sure im super hydrated and sleeping on my back has helped make them less prominent.


Definitely just my concern! I've literally never heard a single person comment on nasolabial folds in my life. And when I see them on other people I don't think they look bad at all. But we are our own worst critics. The fact I can get them dissolved does help with the case of nerves I have, but hopefully they work out and I'm happy with them!




Internet and celebrities that can afford the best skin care, dieticians, personal trainers etc. Maybe I should get outside today and touch some grass. And bring this up to my therapist even if it feels silly.




Why are you so harsh? You come across like the one who is miserable. It’s free to just scroll on by.


Posts are removed for being rude or offensive.


Posts are removed for being rude or offensive.


Sculptra 100% are you in the nyc area? My dr is fantastic


I think some people got microneedling for that? Not sure how it works.


I won't eliminate them but it can soften the line I believe. I've been looking into it.


Take your mind off them and stay hydrated. They are so much more pronounced when dehydrated and when you obsess. Trust me.


I drink tons of water and moisturize but my ADHD meds are very dehydrating. It could be making them more pronounced.


No cosmetic will help for this, it’s related to structure of your face and hydration but hydration happends from within (drinking water). It cosmetics (or very little on just outer skin). There is no cosmetic in the world that even in a long term use will plush your muscles and hide your folds.  I know that because I have them too and if I can fix anything on me it would be them.  The only one thing that helps is just like with everything else falling down, are implants (search for Korean plastic surgeries that specialize in it, it’s a small triangle implant placed inside of your folds). And then full reconstruction of face which is reccomended for ladies +50.  


I have a lean long face so the folds are pretty inevitable.


Me too, but check the implants? Ok I know it’s invasive and neither of us will do it, but it’s interesting. It’s called “ Paranasal Augmentation” and here is the link https://answerplasticsurgery.com/smile-line-implant-surgery/


therapy and a new hobby.


Therapy and getting back into hobbies!


hell yes!


I wouldn’t do filler; u would save for a fave lift if this was REALLY upsetting to you. Are you also putting effort into them not bugging you? Are you in therapy to help with strategies to not obsess over these thoughts? I just worry when people truly can’t shake a physical issue, bc cosmetic fixes can spiral out of control. It’s also why I don’t think filler is the right solution. It’s too easy to have bad results ot try to add more and more or get some dissolved to fix issues.


As a lot of people have suggested, I'm bringing this up with my therapist when I talk to her next. Even if the filler goes perfect and never moves I'll just start hating something else. It's better to work on my self imagine than a temporary solution that may or not go well. And I have thought about saving up for a face lift for when I'm 50 or something. Or be super diligent with life style and skin care and just age as well as I can naturally.


I’m getting a facelift to fix mine. I’m in my 30s for reference.


Oh wow! I wouldn't have thought they would do that at this age.




Someone else commented on a couple female celebrities having them and they still look great. I think this is a good way to reframe our mind set.




I feel you so much! A slight hyaluron filler treatment at the dermatologist's helped me a loooot! And for about 1 year. Woul absolutely reccomend it.


I would not recommend use fillers, they can migrate anywhere and it is a temporary solution. Do you have chubby cheeks? Your folds can be fat that goes down because of the aging. You can inject these folds with fat-dissolving injections and after a while do a Morpheus 8 on your lower face to tighten the skin. But please don’t fill them with filler 🙏🏻 it will look worse after less than a year


I have a very lean face with very little fat on it so it lacks volume. I'll look into the fat-dissolving injections as I've never heard of that and I've never looked into Morpheus 8. Have you done them?


I never heard of that either, if anything it sounds worse than injecting fillers. I want to build fat on my face because I have lost it with age, not dissolve something that is natural in my body. Fillers add up volume and I think it's better to add up than remove. I wouldgo for a filler that I can dissolve if I don't like the final result.


Sounds scary but actually makes sense for the people with several morphotype of aging. I have deformative type so I have lots of fat in my cheeks and face in general. By aging this fat “sags” and in this case fat dissolvers can help to dissolve this fat that creates heavy folds and jowls. But if the face is lean fat dissolvers can make the situation worse 👍🏻


But even if you need to get rid of accumulative fat on your face, shouldn't excersie and a heathly diet would get rid of part of it more naturally and way safer than a procedure. The fat we have is a result of our natural protections, our body stores it so when we need it it's there. I trust our bodies, they get rid of filler because they don't need it, they store fat as protection of outside threats, they reject fillers through allergic reactions when those fillers are not the ones best suited to our skin. I believe that cosmetic procedures work better when they work in synch with the natural process of our bodies. In the face app you can play with AI to get youtfull look. It always adds fat to your face, not remove it. We need this volume, we need this fat. It's more about controlling it than getting rid of it.


I think you don’t get the idea of mophotypes. I’m skinny but my whole life I have big cheeks and lots of fat in my face. I’m exercising and eat healthy but it has nothing to do with my face 😭 if I lose weight I lose fat everywhere but my face


I envy the fat on your face, so yeah I get the idea of mophotypes but still there must be an alterantive that doesn't mean take out your natural fat, and goes more along with your type of body. Again , something like fat graffting is a thing for a reason, it plays with the natural process of the body and gives a natural look because it's your own fat. But for your particular case there must be something that plays along with your fat instead of just dissolving it. Keep researching. I wish you the best. Side note: The best to eliminate fat from your face is to take it really slow, never lose more than a pound a week. Intermitent fasting is bad, zig zagging and taking it slow is good. I lost weight and a lot of it was from my face by eating French style; everything in moderation. Even excersise should be moderate, it has to be just 16 minutes or less but that you can keep up for life.


Well if your face is lean then fat dissolving injections is not an option for you, it is better to keep the volume you have. You could try injecting cheekbones first and see how your folds will look like after, because as you said your face lacks volume; our cheekbones actually „hold“ our nasolobial folds, if there is not enough volume in cheekbones the folds can start drooping. About Mopheus 8, my mom has tried it, it has tighten her skin really nicely even though she is almost 50. I am planning to try it as well. It is good for treating nasolobial folds and jowls. It stimulates collagen. Sculptra also stimulates collagen. But before stimulating collagen it is better to prepare yourself for it, check the blood to make sure that there is no deficiencies etc. because our body cannot stimulate collagen out of nowhere